• Ponychan Shipping Collection Volume 5

    Ponychan releases these compilations every once in a while, filled with second person pony shipping stories for those of you who are interested in that sort of thing!

    You can find it, and the Ponychan thread below! 

    Ponychan Shipping Collection Volume 5
    Sensual Fiction General

    And for those of you who just CANT GET ENOUGH pony, you can find the last few collections below!

    Ponychan Shipping Collection #1
    Ponychan Shipping Collection #2
    Ponychan Shipping Collection #3
    Ponychan Shipping Collection #4

    61 kommentaari:

    1. Same person as first

    2. Shipping in the second-person? That's different.

    3. No comments besides mine?

    4. Commented to soon

    5. So...much...SHIPPING!!!

      I think I've only ever read one shipping story, and I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be allowed on this site. It is pretty good though. Maybe I'll check some of these out, but for now I gotta get through Fallout: Equestria.

    6. Oh god what.

      There are quite a few bronies who would fuck a real pony.

    7. Seth, I swear, if I had a quarter for every time you post Twixie... e_e

    8. Been a LONG ASS TIME since the last one.

      I'm not even gonna bother downloading it this time. Way too much good content lately.

    9. When are the bestiality reports going to start coming in?

    10. Wow these comments are pretty slow moving. Where's the obligatory shit storm EqD? I am disappoint.

    11. phew! i thought they ahd stopped doing this.
      no sleep tonight it seems.

    12. Is there any rating system in place for these fics? Or any recommendations? I don't have the time to sift through and find the worth-while ones, as it seems anyone can submit their fics to the collection.

    13. I'm sort of surprised that there were THIS many stories written in the second person that have to so with shipping. It just seems to be a really awkward way to write anything, since you are basically dictating to the reader what he/she is doing and why. I don't even KNOW the reader in most cases, so how am I going to try to convince them that they are willing or able to do what I want to write them as doing?

      But that's just me. ... you know, if you're into this sort of thing, more power to you.

    14. I always imagined that "you" was someone's name.

      It makes reading it a LOT easier, just thinking it's an OC.

      And, honestly, the ONLY reason to read these (besides the obvious) is to get used to writing make-out scenes or emotional distress. Otherwise, they're... pretty bland. Though the unique ways unicorns can make out is pretty comical sometimes.

    15. @Anonymous

      Ugh. No matter what fandom I join I swear to fuck it follows me.

    16. Are these the second POV shipping stories?

      I don't mean to offend anyone, but they kind of creep me out a little.

    17. Grats on 23 million hits, EqD.

      As for 2nd person shipfics... uh... -.o

    18. @NinesTempest

      Good to see that our efforts are appreciated.

    19. It's been almost two months since the last volume while the first four were less than a month between releases, I've been kind of getting worried about the fate of these collections.

    20. Oh, the shipping. So much shipping.

    21. @Anon 6.59PM

      Most of the writers have been working on other things, as has the Brony responsible for putting the collections together. If you're looking for more regular updates, I'd suggest either visiting the Sensual Fiction General thread on Ponychan, or the IRC channel that we frequent.

      The server is irc.caffie.net
      The channel is #equestria

    22. Second person? I know Cereal has experience with that kind of garbage. This is disgusting

    23. The Gentleman Creeper31. juuli 2011, kell 20:27

      Hello all. I'm seriously trying to figure out where all this hate is coming from. I'm going to reply to each and everyone of you and see if I can pick this apart...

      @ Anonymous 1
      Good for you.
      @ Anonymous 1
      Do you want a cookie?
      @ Vyuun
      You must be new here. There are 5 volumes of the Collection, which means over 500 pages and we've been doing this for quite a while.
      @ Basharoonskis
      I hope you enjoy the collection. I for one couldn't go any further in Fallout Equestria... Too depressing. V.V
      @ NotAGoodUsername360
      You could probably buy your own island. :P
      @ NinesTempest - 1
      What's stopping you from downloading it and enjoying it later?
      @ Anonymous 2
      Probably never.
      @ Anonymous 3
      I hope you enjoy it. ^.^
      @ Anonymous 4
      The Collection has its own rating in-depth rating system created by Crowley.
      @ Anonymous 5
      You seem like the kind of person who has played a dating sim at one point or another. What's so wrong with second person? You sound like a writer yourself. A second person story is simply a way to put the reader in another role and increase immersion. Some people like that.
      @ NinesTempest
      In my stories, I tend to give the main character some background, while remaining a usable role. As for bland, I'm wondering what stories you've been reading. I'm not going to name any names, but I know of some people who have read some second person stories and have been emotionally moved or even cried a bit. But I can't help but feel your giving us a backhanded compliment.
      >the ONLY reason to read these (besides the obvious)
      >Otherwise, they're... pretty bland.
      Slightly confused. o.0
      @ Benschachar
      Creepy? How so?
      @ DSNesmith
      Once again, what's wrong with second person? We're getting odd reactions here, but no explanations.
      @ Anonymous 6
      Sorry about that. We planned on releasing a 200 page collection, but then things sort of slowed down and things just happened. You should check out the ponychan thread for updates and what not.
      @ Anonymous 7
      Dear Princess Celestia,

      My friends and I all learned an important lesson this week: Never judge a book by its cover. Someone may look unusual, or funny, or scary. But you have to look past that and learn who they are inside. Real friends don't care what your "cover" is; It's the "contents" of a pony that count. And a good friend, like a good book, is something that will last forever.

      I like constructive critcisim. This is just bashing.

      Now, for my two cents:

      I've been writing for eight years now. I first started out with science fiction, moved onto fantasy, and sort of stayed there for a while. I wrote a 300 page novel that I have yet to have published and a 500 page novel that I believe is not even half way done. I tell you this so you know where I'm coming from. I stopped writing for one year. I couldn't find the incentive anymore. I was hardly getting any feedback and couldn't take it anymore. Then one day, after discovering the show and the SFG, I took up pen again and wrote. And you know what? I had fun. I enjoyed myself. And everyone there enjoyed themselves to. They had fun. If this kind of stuff isn't your cup of tea, then that's fine. I don't rightly care. Your business is your business. But honestly, if you're bashing this just for the sake of bashing, then please stop. There are people out there that thoroughly enjoy this. And that's business. Who gives you the write to label something? That's how prejudice starts. I thought this show was supposed to be about love, understanding, and friendship. Way to show those characteristics, guys. Feel free to rip this argument apart.

    24. @The Gentleman Creeper

      Lol at you response to anon #7. So basically we shouldn't judge people who are into bestiality? That raping animals is only the "cover" of someones personality?

      Your fucking sick dude

    25. 2nd person ANYTHING

      do not want

    26. @Coffeebean

      Oh I realize that, I've been watching/lurking the sensual threads since they began.

    27. @ Anon 7:35
      Who told you they were into beastiality? The ponies are ANTHROPOMORPHIC. Google that for a second. Look at these ponies more in-depth. Soft fur, PERFECT curves, they TALK, and they actually seem to share more qualities with people than they do with animals. People interested in MLP sex are, in no-way, people interested in bestiality. And they are not rapists either. Who says Rainbow Dash can't consent to sex? If its mutual consent, its not rape.

      @The Gentleman Creeper Thank you for responding to me, I was the Anon looking for the rating system. Would you mind linking me to a place where I can find this rating system, an archive perhaps? And thank you for being able to politely tolerate all this unnecessary and uncivil bashing.

    28. @Anonymous

      The SFG is about what it is. Sensual Fiction. In this case it is with ponies.

      The show itself is about friendship mostly. Many writers, not just these writers, like to expand upon that and bring in romance.

      You see, the fact here is that these are written because they can express something sensual. Not necessarily because they are with ponies. It's because they enjoy the show and can relate to the characters. If the show at hand were the same characters but they were human it would be the same case for the authors at SFG.

      These are endearing stories about a simple act of affection and love. I can assure most to all of these authors would not want to have anything to do with bestiality. It's the same as a shipping story. Or any other romance story about this show. If you can't look past the fact that it is with cartoonized animals that isn't really anyone's problem but yours. I'm sorry for you.

    29. So just because of the style of writing you hate these stories? Is there anything wrong with them besides the fact that the writers chose to use second-person perspective, a perfectly legitimate form?

      @Anon 6:07PM & @Anon 6:15PM
      Our very first furry-ish comments, I guess we're official on the Internet now.

      @Anon 6:59PM
      Fear not for the future of The Collection.
      The increased wait for this volume was a combination of RL issues, other ventures, and most of the recent stories being multi-chapter. I try and keep the published volumes to include only completed works. I've already made some headway on Volume 6 and will soon have some free time to really knock out most if not all of it. We will continue and we will thrive!

      I might even dare to say that there may be enough material so far to supply not only Volume 6, but a 7th as well.

    30. In one of these stories, a unicorn receives a horn blowjob from Spitfire. I almost fell out of my chair laughing.

    31. Hmm. Odd. I commented, but it disappeared. Any who! Anon 7:44, if you want the rating system, go to the Sensual Fiction Blog. Sandman and I run it and we're basically trying to archive the SFG fics. If you scroll down and hit More, it should show up. It's the second post I ever did.

    32. @Anonymous

      As one of the writers of the stories, I can safely that I would never consider performing bestiality in real life.

      Also, what Creeper (and by extension the anon in the comment section of the first collection) is right. These people put a lot of their time and effort into making these fics, and the least you all could do is respond better than just dropping backhanded "2nd-person sux" comments. It accomplishes nothing; the author doesn't learn how to improve him/herself*, and the people who like the perspective will continue liking it.

      *Don't say "they learn not to use 2nd-person", I mean actual criticisms about the quality of the writing itself, regardless of perspective.

    33. @ The Gentleman Creeper
      Ah, sorry, I suppose I should have been clearer. I was looking for a rating system like the one on Equestria daily, one that denotes quality, or at least one that denotes popularity. Also, do you have anything in this format (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/01/story-archive.html)? Sorry for being a hassle, but I can't bear to scroll through large PDFs trying to find out which stories are interesting when they are all written in the same place. A list is all I ask. One more thing.

      Please, don't fall victim to the denouncement from these judgemental jerks. Most hatred is bred by ignorance. I would be willing to bet quite a sum that most of these 'haters' have no idea about what they are bashing.

    34. @Anon 8.05PM

      That was one of mine, glad you found it amusing!

    35. Humanized...second person.


    36. 8.15pm

      Where is the humanised story? I wasn't aware of any in this volume?

    37. @Anonymous
      Somebody made a sortable list over on the Ponychan threads, but I can't remember where exactly they were. I'm sure one of the other guys can help you out there. Also, this is just me speaking, but I think that just being on the collection should denote a story's quality. ;)

    38. @Anonymous
      As an author in this group, I would very much like to say
      Humanized what?
      Also, look people, second person is second person. If you wanna go whine about it, at least stop clogging up the comments with that crap so we the authors can actually see constructive criticism, not, as described, "HURR DURR SECOND PERSON BAD"

    39. @ Anonymous 8:14

      I like you. Level and clear headed. Hit us up at the Sensual Fiction Blog's Chatterbox. It's on the right hand side where it says "The Chatterbox!" Just click on my name and follow the link.

      As for THAT rating system, I'm sorry but the SFG doesn't have something like that, but now that you mention it, I may have to ask the others and see if they want something like that. Normally, we just read each others work and if we like it, we like it, and if we don't, we make suggestions. If you do want good fics, stop on by The Chatterbox and we could recommend a few.

    40. @TimeBomb0 The Anon you were responding to here, just realized I could do this :D I have been rummaging through the internet for the past 20 minutes, and I can't find a thing. And, while I do realize every story is probably worth reading, there are SURELY some that are more renowned than others. I for one, am interested in that strange 'horn blowjob' story....lol.

    41. @Anon 8:15PM
      Humanized? Requesting that you please clarify where the humanization is.

    42. @Luka10z20Hmm, I know it's there. Try checking some of more recent SFG threads on Ponychan. Also, you're gonna have to be more specific on the "horn blowjob" story, because I can think of at least three fics that include a scene like that.

    43. The Gentleman Creeper31. juuli 2011, kell 21:28

      @ Anonymous 8:15

      Wait a minute! Now I remember. mogu's work had humanized characters, but we haven't seen him in a while... Most of this stuff has been ponified. Now, while I like mogu's work, I know what you mean, I'm not a fan of humanized stories, but I still sort of like mogu's work. Cheater is one of my favorites.

    44. @TimeBomb0

      I believe he's talking about "Maximum Relaxation", by me :P

    45. @TimeBomb0
      This thread just got a whole lot more awkward with that title. XD

    46. @TimeBomb0
      I just read your fic and i must say, well done. Most of the anon posts are just bashing the prospective and i doubt any of them have read the fics. Anyway, dont let some trolls stop you from writing.

    47. Ooh, we have to download them...


    48. This comment section gave me worse cancer than the 2nd person perspective.


    50. Hmm, a death threat for Seth rather than the SFG writers? That's a new one... might even have to have that as a whole new category for the Positive v Negative comment numbers xD

    51. I only have one thing to say to these writers!

      ...why u no like Applejack? She hasn't had a solo fic since the first volume!
      All this lack of love for her in fan works is making me sad.

    52. With all the hate the SFG writers are receiving I believe it is only fair to tell them that they are doing a wonderful job. I don't mind the second person perspective, though I do find it difficult to imagine myself in a pony's shoes.

      That last fic, the love triangle one, was absolutely amazing. I loved every bit of it. I hope you do a follow up story on it, The Gentleman Creeper.

    53. @ WhiteHawke

      Applejack is my next planned fic. And since a lot of people were complaining that a lot of these fics are from a male perspective, I decided to do it from a female point of view.

      @ Anonymous 2:29

      Hmm... No idea how I would do a follow up fic. I'll get back to you on that. But I'm glad you liked it. Hopefully, I'll have some of my other work featured in the next collection. Speaking of which, I'll get a hold of Sandman and see what we can do about getting Volume 6 out ASAP.


    54. @Anonymous
      Thanks, glad to hear you liked it. It was actually my first attempt at a fanfic in general, let alone a sensual fic starring an MLP character. I've been very pleasantly surprised at the positive reception it's gotten on other places I've posted it.

      Don't worry about me getting discouraged, either. I've already begun work on a new fic, and while I won't say who it stars, I will divulge that it's based on a scene in an earlier episode where I felt particularly sympathetic towards that character.

    55. what is this i dont even...

    56. @The Gentleman Creeper

      I'd suggest having the main pony of the story wanting to return to Clydesdale after his father's boat was recovered, maybe spice it up by saying that he can only take one of the three with him. Of course, this should take place when they are all older.

      Another way to do it might involve the three getting tired of sharing him all the time. They begin to seek out someone they can have to themselves, and so the main pony has to choose someone, and fast.

      Simply suggestions that came to mind, and I do hope you get some of your other work featured in the next collection, you're a fantastic writer!

    57. I tried to hide it during those Saucy stories and it just started to get intense and well.....something leaked out (Dirty Mind Synchronized)

    58. For those who want to keep up with our thread on Ponychan - http://www.ponychan.net/chan/fic/res/35163.html
