• Pony Interviews Buttersc0tch Sundae, gets posted to Equestria Daily

    Recently, a pony by the name of Doctordapples composed a small essay on clopfiction, and to a certain extent mature content in general. Now, there are a lot of opinions flying around the ponynet about this particular topic, and for the record Equestria Daily's official position on the subject is that it exists. However! As part of that piece, he also interviewed one Buttersc0tchSundae, author of... well, a lot of very highly rated pony fiction, including the likes of The Party Hasn't Ended.

    It's a very fascinating chance to get a look inside the mind of a talented and prolific author (a rarer combination there was never). If you've been wanting to get a better understanding of even part of the community, to get to know one of its faces on a more detailed level, I highly recommend checking it out. I don't think you'll be disappointed, no matter where you fall in the discussion.

    Buttersc0tchSundae Interview

    Docs Version


    1. Inb4 first. and this is really interesting.

    2. This is really interesting, but I need a DeviantArt account to read it?

    3. Should this...actually concern us this time? that one of these days...the furry part of the fandom will ruin our reputation with rule 34 and shipping? Still good that face is being kept behind the scenes

    4. Err. Okay?


      (And isn't the part of the title "Gets posted to Equestria Daily" kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy?)


    5. I support this and everything it stands for.

    6. It is a bit weird how people project their sexual selfs onto what, at least for me, seems like completely non-sexual ponies. I presume they do it for the escapism from the mundane. I like ponies for the escapism it provides from the complications of human life, which for me includes escape from sexuality.

    7. I would really like to read this, but unfortunately I have no DeviantArt Account, could somepony upload it somewhere else?

      I have a really really negative view on clopfic and everypony who's involved, but I've always tried to tolerate them. Reading about their point of view could probably help me to understand that part of our community a bit bitter. I don't like it, but that doesn't mean I can't accept it.

    8. Mature Content Filter is On
      (Contains: Sexual themes)


    9. @Anonymous

      And for that reason, yes, you do need a DArt account.

    10. Not sure how I feel about butterscotch. A competent writer for sure but at the end of "Party Never Ended" went to the absurd excesses of shipping and now I'm ambivalent.

      I think he/she crossed the line in fanfic between exploring the canon and blatant, excessive wish fulfillment a long time ago.

    11. Wait, ButterscotchSundae is female? O_o

      Either way, I love her clopfics, or at least the ones I've read so far. One of them she mentioned in the interview (Here's to You, Miss Pinkamena Pie!) is probably one of my favorite clopfics.

    12. @LuLz Quit being a dick, please?..

      @Anonymous All there in the interview.

      Myself, I do not think sex or romance are in any way "dirty". I think we should have left that outlook back in the dark ages.

    13. To me clopfics are, as spike would say it
      "Ok whatever"

    14. Very well thought out responses in the interview. She is a bit more liberal than I'd go, but I'm not one to bash opinions.

      My veiw on "clopfics" or the sexual aspect on ponies is, dare I say, liberal itself. Bluntly, I don't like that kinda stuff. The farthest I'd go is shipping, but any more than that I won't set foot on. That doesn't mean I despise of such aspects though - it's just the flavour of pizza I don't like.

      I can say that my "acceptance" of the subject comes from the fact that such aspects can be found almost in anything such as fanbases. Even if I were to completely despise of the subject, it wouldn't go away. Therefore I'd have to accept it.

    15. I love her work, and getting to see just a little into her head was enlightening. I was very impressed with the sex-positive attitude as well.

    16. I've always been amazed just how much range she has as an author. I've read her fluffy stories, and I've read her... less so ones. They all have a similar style to them, and they are all well-written, but other than that they can be so different in actual content that it can be hard to tell that they are written by the same person.

      Finally sitting down and reading The Party Never Ended only increased those feelings.

    17. That was extremely unsettling to read and I am very disappointed that it was posted.

    18. It is my opinion that clopfics are against the spirit of the show and for that reason have no place in the fandom.

    19. Tears of a valedictorianJuly 4, 2011 at 3:31 PM

      That was really interesting, even if I did have to jump some parts when it talked about Twilight and Trixie messing around in oil and OH GOD WTF.

      But yeah, the propensity for all fandoms to end up writing slashfics and... the rest... is really interesting, and this was a nice insight.

      I'm all for people writing or drawing whatever they want. It's not for me, and even shipping type pictures make me want to scrub my eyeballs a bit, but that doesn't mean other people shouldn't be able to look at it. But I'm also totally down with it not being on Equestria Daily, because it's a mainstream site, and people know where to go if they want to see that stuff.

      Would love to read more stuff like this though. I mean interviews! Not the fiction. Oh god.

    20. Can we have one website about this show that has nothing to do with porn?


      Racy humor and open sexuality is one thing but this is flat-out discussing, as they put it, "mastubatory aid." Leave that to the chans. I thought this site was supposed to be worksafe.

    21. I find it ironic that something getting posted to EqD is considered news in itself.

    22. I'm of two minds. On one hoof, what a pony does in the comforts of their own home is their business. Reading clop doesn't hurt any pony so really what is the big deal.

      On the other hoof... sigh... on the other hoof I don't like it because in general I see MLP as good and wholesome. I don't want to see it sexualized and turned into an orgasm aid. There is a depressingly vast ocean of smut out there. Does MLP have to be added to it as well?

      So while I acknowledge that clop is itself harmless, I'd rather it didn't end up on EQD. What really teases my horn is when I think about some of the grimmer or gory stories out there. If clop is banned, what about Cupcakes? If Cupcakes is banned, what about Fallout: Equestria? There's not a cut and dry line. I think blatantly sexualized stories can be identified and posted elsewhere where people who seek it can enjoy it. Personally, I'm glad for clop's absence.

    23. I completely agree with butterscotch here. I personally enjoy a good clopfiction from time to time, so long as the ponies are true to themselves in a sence. If love was how they arrived at such a scene, I'm all for it; if it's just a perverted author wanting people to jerk to ponies, it loses all appeal for me instantly.

      I feel the dame about our own saucy images, the ones that are suggestive for the sake of a suggestive pony I find disinteresting, but I love a good ship scene!

      I know I'm in the minority here, but as I've come to expect from this community, I hope the good people here can at least tolerate a brony with my rather unique interests.

    24. I'm okay with clopfiction. Good interview.

    25. While I find the idea of clopfics disgusting...some people like them. People I most likely wouldn't want ot meet in a dark alley, but people we have to tolerate inevitably.

      I'm glad EDaily has it's anti-clopfic status. Let's be honest, we bronies get enough stick for being "horse-fuckers" without actually promoting stories of...well...horses fucking.

      I still find some shipping unnerving. Although sadly some very well written stuff - mainly Twixie - has swayed me on that.

      I'll read this interview. Maybe she has a good reason for said equine, sexual prose.

    26. @Brian

      Obviously you didn't read the interview, as Butterscotch provided several examples of ways it is in the spirit of the show.


      This site is worksafe. And questionable images, and some that aren't, are linked for safety, and this interview wasn't pornographic at all. It was about pornography, but not explicit in the slightest, as well as linked offsite on website you have to be a member of and choose to see it.

      Please, stop complaining about things that aren't true.

    27. Tears of a valedictorianJuly 4, 2011 at 3:40 PM


      Discussion of something is not the same as displaying something. It's an interesting topic, and you don't even have to look at anything soul-destroying to get an insight.

    28. @Somber
      The blatantly sexual stories are NOT posted here, and just because Seth posts one news post about a delve into that part of the fandom doesn't mean it's overtaking EqD or the parts of the fandom that are NOT considered sexual. BSS has written a FEW things that have simply not been posted on EqD due to their content, so I can't see what all the complaining is about.

      I find it humorous that some people think the fandom is going to devolve to furries when the fandom damn well started on /co/ and /b/. Neither give a flying shit about furries.

    29. I don't think you understand, I FUCKING LOVE Butterscotch Sundae.

    30. There's masturbatory aids and there's romance. We're adults. Romance is going to incorporate sex and sexuality, and that's not a bad thing. It's an expression of passion and love.

      Frankly, I'm disappointed that so many people here aren't able to distinguish between the two. I haven't read any of Buttersc0tch Sundae's work, but from the interview it's clearly romance, not stuff made for fapping.

    31. I have the same stance as Equestria Daily (blogs have opinions as well as the people who run them do I guess!). It exists. It's there. We won't show you it, but it is there if you want to go looking.

      Now, as for the interview itself: I read all of it, and I very much like how she responded to the questions. The answers were very thought out, and it was interesting to hear her talk about it. Not so interesting to hear her describe a scene in one of her fics, but hey, the scroll bar is there for a reason.

      I never read The Party Hasn't Ended, mostly because Dashiepie gets in the way of Flutterpie and Twidash, but to each their own. I did read a few of her other not-so clopriffic stories, and I dare say they were nice.

      Also, I love how no one is noticing that it was Phoe who posted this. The same Phoe who wants a wing bondage kit for "experimentation". This is the kind of thing I would expect her to post about after the "What should we post about" thing the other day, no offense to her because she's really awesome.

      But yeah, good article, great read, blah blah blah.

    32. NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! THERE IS NO WAY YOU CAN DEFEND CLOPFICTION! It goes against the established rules of society! I'm pissed right now! How can you defend it by saying "It's fluffy and cute"? TWO PONIES SCREWING EACH OTHER ISN'T CUTE! I think all logical Bronies should separate themselves from these people as quick as possible before our fandom gets a worse name.

    33. @Nick

      Since I've never seen a single episode with the ponies having sex, I respectfully disagree. Can you direct me to this elusive XXX episode? Perhaps you can get Lauren Faust on here to chime on how it's in the spirit of show?

    34. There's a line that exists. And that line is anything that isn't sex = okay. It's a stupid line, but it's one that has been set by western society, and one that is easier to follow for the sake of convenience.

      I hate the idea of sex shaming, like we should be ashamed of something that is completely natural and is a main source of drive in life. The idea that sex is wrong is completely alien to me; however, I understand that you do have to jive by the rules, and it's better to keep a website that has underage users away from smut, because that's an important more of western culture.

      Sex exists in every fandom. It just does. And there's nothing wrong with it. So all of you people bitching about it can just STFU.

    35. I'm wondering if some of these responses saw the word "clopfiction" in the first sentence and reacted/responded to that sentence rather than reading anything else.

    36. Sex is good. Projecting your sexual desires onto animals...it crosses a line for me, I'm afraid.

    37. @Brian

      Really? So all shipping stories are OOC because no shipping happens in the show? Or any story with violence? How about crossovers? Man, and I really liked that Alan Wake one; it's such a shame to hear the characters are OOC.

    38. ... I think Tenchi is on the right track, considering lots of these responses...

    39. never really understood the appeal of clopfics or R34.

      now, don't get me wrong i'm not going "they should all burn in a fire ghya!" the whole concept of it just makes me go "meh" and move on.

      i can understand us bronies loving this show, it's neat, fun and cute but i think that sexualising it totally negates the appeal of the show, OR the fic.
      take "the party never ended" for example, i thought it was an awesome piece of work but the ending felt like it came out of the left field, that took away from the experience as a whole, even if it wasn't explicit.

      i can enjoy a good shipping fic,but in the end, sexualisation or superviolent scenes stray too far away from the show for me to find them enjoyable anymore.

    40. I'd like to point out that a large portion of college-aged males are a part of this fandom, and according to SNL (obviously subject to skepticism), the average college-aged male thinks about sex roughly 17 times a day.

      Like it or not, clopfiction is going to appear in our fandom. Read it or ignore it. Complaining about it (coughanon2:43pmcough) will cause much inner-turmoil.

      As long as it doesn't appear straight-up on EqD, people will be happy.

    41. I know we're going to have a bunch of people going like "Why shouldn't I be allowed to read Clopfics man? Western society's trying to stamp out sex! Alright, I'm not going to take it, it's my body and I'll do what I want!"
      1, they're ponies. GET SOME HELP! If you find animals sexuality attractive, there's probably some psychological trauma that's causing it.
      2, we've set up certain rules in this society. And one of those rules is "Animals aren't sexy". And it's a good rule. Remember that guy who died from having sex with a horse?

    42. @Anonymous
      No offense, but I think that you're missing the point. I think it's completely safe to assume that no one here is looking to have sex with a horse.

    43. @ Anon

      I think you forget society has set up some fucked up rules.

      Sex and sexuality are normal things. Everyone has (trying to be vague here) weird things that they like. As long as fantasy stays fantasy, it's fine.

      After all, I don't very much like the thought of thoughtcrime. 1984-esque thought does not need to come into this fandom, TYVM.

    44. @Anonymous

      Who said anything about shipping? I'm talking about clopfics. But since we're on the subject, since no character has shown a romantic interest with another character on the show. Yes I consider it OOC, just because you can rationalize in your head, doesn't make it accurate.

    45. @Anonymous
      So, is it okay if somebody fantasizes about having sex with a child as long as he doesn't do it? Fantasizes about rape as long as he doesn't do it? Look, just because somebody isn't going to, doesn't mean we should let them be.

    46. Part of the reason there's a taboo against sex with animals (PART, I say, I know there's other reasons) is the lack of sapience. Animals cannot consent.

      When the 'animals' in question exhibit more intelligence, wit, and personality than many humans I know, the line blurs.

      Remember, humans are animals too.

    47. @Brian

      Alright, it's reeeaally hard for me to keep my cool right now, since you're putting words in my mouth and I've been getting really agitated with some guy on a forum I go to doing the same thing, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and just explain how clopfiction can be in the SPIRIT of the show.

      First, I'd like to say I agree with the points the anon above me provided. The point of fanfiction of any kind, clop or not, is to put characters in situations that didn't hapen in the show. Sex in itself isn't the reason Butterscotch, for example, writes clop. She writes it to try and create believable scenarios that would lead to the characters having sex. It's an intellectual exercise to try and make sure you don't veer too far away from the spirit of the show.

    48. @LuLz

      I wouldn't worry about it too much. This kind of stuff happens in every fandom that has a fairly sizeable fanbase, and more often than not it never grows beyond a small but vocal group. It's been far worse in other circles where that small group gains a lot of influence though.

      From what I've been seeing so far the amount of hardcore clop-works are pretty small next to the giant mountain of harmless non-romantic and kissy-kissy shipping fics and artwork, and it's not like the cloppers are trying to start a war to prove they're better or more important than the rest of the pony fandom.

      Let 'em do their thing so long as they stay civil about it, don't draw attention to it if you don't care for it, do draw attention to the things you do like and everyone's happy.

    49. And it should be pointed out that we're only talking about pony/pony shipping here, not pony/human. We're not even at that line yet.

    50. @Anonymous
      I love having sex with horses. I brought this mare to my room last night. Damn was she fine. (DAT FLANK, amiright?)

    51. @ anonymous 2:54

      People like you scare me.

    52. Who doesn't love horsing around? Time to pony up people!

    53. I'd like to say bronies are predominantly smart, open-minded and mature people, but I don't know if I can do that right now.

      See, there's a big difference between "Not really my thing" and "Stop liking what I don't like". You know, hypocrisy and all that.

      @Anonymous Well. That's offensive both to zoophiles AND bronies (AND furries AND psychologists). Well-done.

      I can see why this stuff is always posted anonymously, at least.

    54. @NinesTempest Some people don't even read the other comments before commenting about stuff! Granted, that's little to nothing compared to the amount of people who aren't actually reading the thing and are still complaining, but still.

      For anyone who actually is reading these, I'd like to restate some things. Now, please show me a fandom that does not have stories that are their version of clopfiction. If there's a single story, no matter how badly written, then you failed the test.

      Done looking? Or did you not look because there /are none/? Yeah, every fandom has this stuff. It's part of humanity to do this sort of thing. What anyone who discouraging this is doing is discouraging a natural part of human life. You are the same people who attack movies and tv shows for being "too violent" when there was a single scene where a guy cuts himself trying to chop an apple.

      Again, my stance is that it's there. You can like it if you want. It's only human to have people who do. But to people mindlessly attacking it without giving a second thought because of social stigmata, open your mind. LOOK at the world around you. And if you don't like it, all you have to do is ignore it like any normal person would. Someone clopping to a fic? Good for them, move on and ignore it.

      -S.Aura Knight, who should have spent their time doing something more worthwhile than attempting to talk sense into people who will hear none of this.

    55. @Bosstone
      However, it's people lusting over animals. That should be considered as bad.

    56. @Brian and @Brian and @Brian

      Look through the Star-6 list sometimes. I have to imagine there wouldn't be that many left at all if you started pruning ones that aren't "in the spirit of the show."

      No The Night That Never Ended. No Frigid Winds and Burning Hearts. Definitely no The Ballad of Twilight Sparkle. No Progress. Certainly no Fallout: Equestria. No Pony Psychological Series. No Simply Rarity. No Silent Ponyville. No Dinky Doo's Father Revealed.
      Those are all from the first page of the Star-6 category (plus TNTNE off the top of my head).

      By very nature of the average age/gender of this fanbase, 90% of the stories (and fan creations in general for that matter) won't be "in the spirit of the show."

    57. @Brian
      I say that under this argument, you undermine any written fanfiction that takes the ponies out of any city or location given in the show, simply because we don't know how they'd respond to it.

    58. The point is that characters exist beyond the show. They have distinct personalities. Keeping someone in character doesn't mean staying true to the show, but to the character. It's about keeping the character true to themselves in strange situations.

      That's why you can have Twilight Sparkle hitting a ghost with an axe and have it be in character.

      That's why you can have Pinkie Pie be addicted to special mints.

      The show has no bearing on the characters except for putting them in situations that develop them. What's fanfiction but doing the same thing, but with situations that wouldn't be in the show?

    59. @Fire.Esper
      If you can explain why it's okay to lust over animals, I'll apologize.

    60. @Nick

      All right I see where your coming from. Now the question is, is it a good idea? Furries have a horrifically bad rep because of this sort of thing even though it's only a minor part of the fandom and we're already starting to see the same thing happen to us. To even mention clopfics on this blog is a bad idea, it could take a potential fan and have him walk away in disgust. Bronies are also a more vocal than furries are and we are getting alot of media attention because it. I hardly think this is the kind of attention we need.

    61. This comment has been removed by the author.

    62. Great, once again I'm left with nothing to say because TenchiFreak5 said it all.

    63. @TenchiFreak5 I wub woo.

      @Nick Almost forgot about SpikeBloom, too.

      "But they're little kids, ew!"

      @Anonymous If you can explain where I said that anywhere in my post, I won't call you a dick for putting words in my mouth.

      @Brian It's called "insecurity". If you're worried about your reputation and e-peen, you've already lost. Didn't work back in high-school, won't work here, remember?

      Insultingly enough, at least furries take it with dignity. Well, most of the time.

    64. Furries have had a stupid reputation that isn't even based on the stuff they do. They get a rep for fucking in things as heavy as couches. I don't even think that's POSSIBLE.

      We are in a fandom that will get you bad rap just for being in it. Why would you want to police the content within it? The media doesn't need to, nor will it, usually, bring up that material. All they have to say is that there's a group of grown males who like My Little Pony, and then connect it to LBGT and pedophila.

    65. @Brian

      Thanks for being cool about it :D As for my response, let's see...

      Being good friends with several furries myself, I can safely say that one of the main reasons they have a bad rep is that they're collectively a bunch of whiny dramahorse. At least, the vocal majority of them are. The 'sex with animals' part contributes for sure, but it's not the only reason.

      Will we get a bad rep if we come to be associated with porn? Yeah, probably. But then there's the other side of the coin, where people acknowledge that there is porn of it (the only true rule of the Internet) and it's not what the fandom is about, as well as having our most prominent clopauthors being able to defend their work as well as Butterscotch did.

      So personally, I think we can easily work through any attempt to brand the show with sexual stigma, and that trying to squash it out will be pretty much against the whole 'love and tolerance' ideal that makes bronies worth something more in the first place.

    66. @Fire.Esper
      You said I offended Zoophiliacs, why is it wrong to offend them?

    67. What is this anon on here that is accussing clopfic lovers as people who want to do our real life and not human-smart wildlife?

      Clopfic lovers love the characters, not the species they are.

    68. @Anonymous

      He said you offended a plethora of people. Why did you only pick out zoophiles?

    69. @Brian
      ... I think we're sidestepping the discussion a bit.

      I think Seth's post is being too abstract; we aren't talking about "masturbatory aids" right now, at least, I don't think we are. If we are, then "ignore them" is all we have to say. Live and let live, etc.

      We're discussing the fanfiction where two ponies are shipped, and then they have sex, right?

      It's closer to what BSS said then; just like any other story, it's a mental exercise, to understand the character well enough to present them in a believable way given their personalities we see in the source material. The only difference is the subject matter. If you don't like the subject matter, you should STILL ignore it actually. But to say that it's AGAINST the spirit of the show when the show is literally "friendship is magic," then... ehh. Lost cause or something.

      But I understand where you're coming from; Furries destroy fandoms pretty quickly, or at least leave a shitty reputation when a wild one gets loose (Sonic and Pokemon fan here, and gosh... some people in these fandoms scare me). But the vast majority of the fandom, will be regular, sane people. The only ones who don't know this are idiots you shouldn't pay attention to; NOT TO MENTION that this fandom, Ponies, MLP:FiM, started on 4chan. 4chan! You honestly think they'll get absorbed by furries?

    70. @Anonymous

      If the girls were human instead of ponies, not a damned thing would be different.

      For chrissakes, they're cartoon characters. Whether they're ponies or human surely takes a backseat to that.

    71. @Anonymous


      I cannot believe @Fire.Esper is attempting to justify beastiality (because that would just be, well, not good).

      Clopfics will exist regardless of anyone's attempts to censor, protest, or wish them away. I think the powers that be (EqD, ponychan, etc) have been exquisite in their handling of such content, though. The no-fanfiction filter, for example, was a stroke of genius. If you are so easily offended by the obscenities of the internet, then don't go looking for them (and why are you even online, anyway). It's as simple as that.

    72. @Fire.Esper

      I am not worried about my reputation, I'm worried about the growth and future of the fandom. What do you think Hasbro (which has been surprisingly good to us) will do if they find the general public thinks of us as "horse fuckers". They'll want to do everything they can to distance themselves from us starting with the show.

    73. @Nick
      Because I can understand why it's bad to have offended those groups, but not the zoophiles.

    74. @Bashfluff You. Are a cool guy.

      I think I predicted this fandom will get more and more insulting stereotypes associated with it as it grows - primarily because that's exactly what happened to furries, trekkies, gamers, rock n' roll fans... - I'd like to be proven wrong, of course.

      The best we can do is not panic, I think. "Meh" is a powerful expression.

    75. @Anonymous

      So then, considering that by your own admission 75% of his post was legit, I'd say your argument against it doesn't hold much water. Just saying.

    76. I agree with Sundae's view on clopfiction. It is fine if you don't like it because it doesn't appeal to you but it disappoints me when people hate it for the sake of what it is (a piece of smutty fiction) or what they think it symbolises (degeneration of the FiM fanbase into a bunch furry lovers).

      It's a joke that so many bronies (relative or not) brag about how watching My Little Pony is the manliest thing ever (which is true in a way when you consider the appeal of glam metal) yet they degenerate back into children at the sight of a piece of clopfiction or a piece which is very borderline. While a lot of clopfics are pretty smutty, some on the other hand build upon the romance of a ship between two characters.

      Other than that, good interview. We need more interviews with authors, maybe on other topics on top on views on clopfiction.

    77. @Mute Amazing. Good job reading an anonymous strawman of my post and not my actual post! Bravo!.. Unless you're another less intelligent person who thinks cartoon ponies are: a)real; b)animals.

      @Brian I think, reading your post, you'll find it's the same thing. When you're worried about reputation, you're never worried about it just for the sake of it, aren't you?.. Rather, you're worried you'll loose friends..

      @Anonymous What the hell is wrong with you, Anon? Stop being a dick.

    78. @Fire.Esper Right back atcha.

      @Brian People are not stupid, especially people who wrote a show as genius as this. They know. They also know that a small segment of the fandom does not define it.

      @NinesTempest I was with you until you started talking about furries destroying fandoms.

    79. @Nick
      Look, instead of avoiding the question, answer it
      Why do you think it's okay that people get aroused from horses.

    80. I personally have no problem with zoophiles.

    81. This was a great interview of a great writer. I'm not into clopfics in general, I tend to keep things I like away from things I lust for, but she''s a brilliant writer who just happens to write clopfic. I read the stuff posted on the site, AND STAY THE HECK AWAY from stuff that was too racy for the site.

      To the people bashing clopfic because of social norms, before becoming a brony I was in a self-imposed "bubble". I only watched, listened to, or read things I liked, and that DEFINATELY did not include clopfics or fanfics in general. After becoming a brony? I opened my mind to new ideas. I listened to different kinds of music via PMVs), watched new videos (Via AMVs), and actually read some of the best liturature I've ever read. I'm serious, I look at Hemingway with disgust (He makes GREAT stories, but his writing is TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!) and I look at people like Somber, Saddlesoap, NinesTempest, and even ButterscotchSundae with awe. I TRIED to read a clopfic once (well, it was accedental... It was that CelestiaxLuna one that was put up here on accedent. I couldn't finish it... Itwas too frightening... T.T) and just because I didn't like it doesn't mean it isn't a viable story for someone else. We act like animals when we bash things that we don't understand just because society says it's bad, we act like humans when we look at it and say in a respectful voice "I don't agree with it, but I respect it."

    82. It's okay to be sexually aroused by anything. You rape anyone or thing, and that's when we start to have problems.

    83. I don't read clopfics and very rarely read shipfics it's just not something I like. But, as long as I don't have to deal with it, I don't really care that it exits. After all, rule 34 applies to everything; that's just a fact.
      As far as the spirit of the show is concerned, I feel that a romantic relationship between any two of the main six would risk ruining the friendship they all have, but that's just me. I don't think it's impossible to have such things whule remaining true to the show however. One of the things I find so amazing about Fallout: Equestria is that it manages to hold true in many ways to the spirit of the show, despite having, sex, brutal violence, and the end of Equestria as we know it. It still is primarly a story about the magic of friendship.

    84. >To the anon responding to Fire.Esper in regards to Zoophilia

      Fetishes exist yo. Doesn't need to be caused by trauma, and THAT is what is insulting.

      Actually, I'm most offended/scared by whoever said this:

      "So, is it okay if somebody fantasizes about having sex with a child as long as he doesn't do it? Fantasizes about rape as long as he doesn't do it? Look, just because somebody isn't going to, doesn't mean we should let them be."

    85. @Nines

      Ah, so you caught that too, eh? That was the scariest thing I've read in a while, and I just finished Kujo.

      I think that sex can actually show things about the characters' relationships that aren't conveyed otherwise. Not to bring up furries again, but Kyell Gold does this with his books. He even has a lot to say on the subject of sex and character development and conflict.

    86. @NinesTempest
      Me again! I was saying that in regards about people saying "They're not actually gonna fuck horses"
      I've gotten into similar arguments about people who like Lolicon and Shotacon. They use the same arguments of "We're not actually pedophiles" and "If you don't like it, don't read it." But people who say that that just don't like getting into arguments. They think they can end it by saying "DIFFERENT STROKES" but no, I think it should continue. Cause there is an interesting psychological and ethical debate here.

    87. Pony porn is just gross. They're friggin ponies. o.O Whatever floats your boat I guess xD

    88. @Asgard >We act like animals when we bash things that we don't understand just because society says it's bad, we act like humans when we look at it and say in a respectful voice "I don't agree with it, but I respect it."

      Quoted for justice.

      @Anonymous Anon, please shut up. No one is talking about zoophilia here but you.

      Cartoon ponies aren't even animals, the discussion is nowhere even NEAR the subject. Are you going to accuse everyone of being pedophiles for watching a show about little girls next? Quit it.

    89. I didn't state this explicitly (I figured it was common sense) but don't have sex with horses, you guys.

    90. My opinion is simple: Tolerate it unless it hurts someone (and i don't mean butthurt).
      And i don't see any fanfic, as strange as some might be, doing this.

    91. I can understand the concern about the more explicit part of the fandom. Remember, a lot of our spread is allowed due to the good graces of Hasbro, a children's toy company. We can say all we want about not giving a damn about what others think of us, but we should be concerned about what Hasbro thinks.

      If a stigma starts to develop that has a chance of hurting business overall for them they will crack down on us. They will pull the episodes from Youtube and start cracking down on fan works. I personally am not bugged by the explicit content, I've learned to ignore it, but can Hasbro ignore it? It may be a paranoid fear, but I can imagine it happening and crushing us.

      All I'm saying is be careful. We might be popular but we are a fragile fanbase. Hasbro tolerates us because they see potential in us to make money and spread the word of their show to others.

    92. @Anonymous

      Well, seeing as the question wasn't posed towards me, I have no reason to answer it. I'll give it a shot though, if it means so much to you.

      The question you asked to begin with, the one we're debating over, is why it's wrong or right to offend Zoophiles. You say it's okay to offend them because they lust after animals. Well guess what? Society says it's okay to offend you because you like MLP.

      But don't worry, folks. I'm not going to equate bronies to zoophiles, and I'm not going to defend zoophilia. Zoophiles, on the other hand, are people. Yes, they like something society does not approve of, but they are people nonetheless. If you are going to justify offending them because they like animals, I am going to justify calling you a blithering cunt for being an anon.

      Doesn't work, see? There are plenty of cool anons, despite the fact that I dislike anonymity. Offending zoophiles because of what they like is shallow and stupid. Disliking zoophiles because of what they like could be argued as such as well, but it's a much more easily defended action so long as you tolerate them.

    93. @Fire.Esper
      Oh, your all misunderstanding me. I'm not calling all bronies Zoophiles, I'm calling people who enjoy Clopfics and write them zoophiles

    94. Hashbro could care less about the fandom except for the toys we're willing to buy. If there is eve none competent person there, they'll know that stuff like this exists. They won't acknowledge it, but rather, ignore it in favor of recognizing the fandom as a whole.

    95. Let me go a step further. Don't have sex with horses, but if you find a cartoon pony who talks and has complex human emotions, and expresses an interest in having sexual intercourse with you, I say go for it.

    96. @Anonymous

      OOOOOH. I see. So you're making baseless accusations and hating people because of them?

      Phew. That's so much better. I was beginning to be afraid that you might be an asshole.

    97. All I can say that this is a very interesting read! I might have to think about this critically, and carefully. But right now, I have other things to worry about at this time.

    98. Tears of a valedictorianJuly 4, 2011 at 4:34 PM

      @doctor dapples

      You know what, dude? You're alright.

    99. @Nick

      You are now my new favorite person ever.

    100. @Nick
      Oh you made a turn around, very clever.

      And I never said Zoophiles weren't people. They're people with problems. We shouldn't just accept people for what they are, when there's something wrong with them. Zoophilia is a serious psychological problem, that should be treated.

    101. @Anonymous
      If one is sexually aroused by any thing you listed (I'm far too lazy to look up what shotacon is), then I don't care, actually; I also don't care is someone is turned on by feral, which is as close to bestiality as visual-aids get. I don't think it should be discussed simply because fetishes are not something scinece has tracked down to an exact cause and the discussion of such is pointless simply because it's a fetish.

      If they bring those into real life, THEN there are issues. If someone ACTS on such disturbing or illegal acts, that's BAD. Rape and pedophilia especially. But in their mind? What, do you want to have mind control or something? Sorry, that's not how society naturally progresses.

    102. What a great interview- in regard to her hetero/homo comments all people, and ponies for that matter, are bi as far as I'm concerned, all it needs is someone attractive enough to turn you on.

      Reading a lot of these comments reminds of the Open Letter to the Brony Community guy- leave the furries alone, what the hell is your problem? Clearly more love and tolerance is called for. I've found that every "humanized" version of Rainbow Dash I;ve seen has been amazingly appealing, and i've realized this. The personality and mannerisms of Rainbow Dash are attractive to me, plain and simple. She's a sentient creature, and since most people don't have a problem with,s ay, humans and Vulcans hooking up, then it's really no different. BEcause lets be honest- Rainbow Dash has wings. She can fly. She can talk. They can all talk. They're not really Equus ferus caballus.

      And even if they were, how is that harming you? Long live the clopfic and people who know Tom Lehrer quotes! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pva35TFiBfI

    103. @NinesTempest

      Sadly, I think many of the posters in this thread would approve of MC. And not just in the kinky way.

      Fetishes exist. They are not inherently wrong, nor are they an indicator of mental instability, regardless of the fetish.

    104. @Bashfluff

      Why thank you! Although I really think Lauren Faust deserves it more.


      Zoophilia is a serious psychological problem that needs professional attention? And yet earlier you were running around spouting that it's totally okay to offend them for the sake of offending them?

      Yeah, kinda contradictory viewpoints there.

    105. That was a big ye opener. Awesome interview!

    106. It's already hard enough to get people to take "seriously" that you, as an adult, like this show without some ulterior motive. But then they see stuff like the plethora of shipping pics, clopfics, and pony fursuits at anthrocons, and their judgment meter moves right past creepy and pegs on pedobear.

    107. @Anonymous

      Take that statement to its logical conclusion.
      Are people who write tragedy fics about the Mane Six sadists? Are people who write any kind of fan fic about this show furries?

      Because its exactly the same sentiment as what you just said.

    108. @NinesTempest
      Thoughts can lead to actions. I'm not trying to say everybody who reads clopfics is going to rape a horse, but maybe one person does have the urge to. Maybe somebody has psychological problems to begin with, and maybe this person likes MLP. Maybe they start reading clopfics. Maybe they get allusions. Maybe they get arrested. Maybe his bronyism is reported on the news. Maybe we get a bad rap. I'm concerned with the fandom more than anything else. You know what I change my mind, you can read clopfics. But don't call yourself a brony.

    109. @NinesTempest
      I think the real quandary here is expression and how far should it be allowed to go. Pedophiles, zoophiles, and other such fetishists don't hurt anyone by looking at or (to the extreme) masturbating to content involving their sexual interests. However, there is worry that allowing fetishes to be expressed openly will encourage certain elements within those groups to take things to the extreme, into real life. While that, I believe, is a legitimate concern and one that requires intense study, it has no bearing on the brony fandom so long as the objects of their affections remain purely fantastical.

    110. @Anon

      This is the stupidest argument I've ever heard, bar none.

      BTW, I also hope you have the opinion that playing violent video games may lead to violence, so they should be outlawed. Be consistent in your crazy.

    111. @doctor dapples WHAT? Why didn't you tell me earlier!?

      @Anonymous >
      If a stigma starts to develop that has a chance of hurting business overall for them they will crack down on us. They will pull the episodes from Youtube and start cracking down on fan works.

      Which is why the Transformers franchise is dead. Don't be so paranoid, no need for witch-hunts just yet...

      @Anonymous I can't even begin to describe what kind of stupid this equation is.

      @Nick >So you're making baseless accusations and hating people because of them?

      I think this just might be the answer to every Internet argument I ever had.

    112. @the nuge It's called "The Internet".

      @Anonymous >Thoughts can lead to actions.

      What the fuck am I reading. This is patently incomprehensible. Just... Stop. Just stop.

    113. @Anonymous
      I read clopfics and I do not wish to have my brony-status challenged by people like you.

      I mean both kinds of clopfics as well.

      The fact that you are going to ascribe a mental disorder to a huge group of people with one thing in common (having a favorable view of a show about magical candy-colored ponies) and make such sweeping generalizations about people because ONE PERSON might do something stupid is insulting. Why don't we go arrest all rapists? Arrest all muslims who have heard about suicide bombers? Put every teenager who had one violent-thought in their head to themselves or another person into some kind of facility?

      I'm sorry, but your logic is... I can't think of a strong enough word without breaking my virtual thesaurus. I'll just say you're a dick.

    114. @ doctor dapples: a pansexualist, this is my feelings on just about everything. If it's sentient, loves you, and you love it, then why the he'll not?

      Actual bestiality I'm against, but I tolerate them.

    115. @Fire.Esper
      Ultimately, all thoughts do lead to action, or rather a choice which is expressed via action or omission.

      Unless you don't count yourself among the cognitively impaired.

    116. All "clopfics" do is make the rest of the fandom look bad to the general public. Who the hell needs that? If some people want to write the junk, they should send it to each other via email and not clutter up this site or even DA with it.

      Remember - they are writing stories with questionable content ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE'S CHARACTERS. How about respecting the work in its proper context and the desires of the people who created it? "Fair use" my hindquarters!

    117. @Anonymous

      Actually, clopfics do a good deal more than that. Just saying.

    118. @doctor dapples Now that's just unbelievable and unrealistic.

      Personal apologies for the drama, hopefully from most of us collectively, Apples. Internet calls.

      @Anonymous >all thoughts do lead to action

      Go away and quit trolling.

    119. @Anonymous

      See my comment above about why "proper context" doesn't apply whatsoever when the primary fanbase is made up of people absolutely nothing like the intended target demographic for the show.

    120. You know what, you've out debated me. And it was really well done. You are superior in arguing. However, I'll leave with one final comment of: our fandom needs to grow a pair. Seriously, we're too damn accepting. Sometimes, we have to draw the line at somepoint. I think clopfics and furries are something we should say no two. I want us Bronies to thrive, and on the internet, a place where there is always arguments and anger, our fandom needs to drop the "LOVE AND TOLERANCE" crap. When anonymous hacked that website and used Rainbow Dash in the hacked banner, I was happy. Happy that maybe another Brony agrees with me.

    121. @Anonymous

      And you're fooling yourself if you think this is either new to the MLP:FiM fandom or somehow harmful at all.

    122. 124 comments....all over whether or not people should be aloud to write about fictional characters sharing fictional body fluids.

    123. @Anonymous

      This fandom looks bad to the general public regardless of what people choose to jerk it to. We're adults who like My Little Pony. Anyone looking at us from the outside assumes a sort of sexual angle because, hey, that's how the world works.

      People who read/write clopfics aren't doing any more damage to the community than the people who comment "first" on posts or whine when their story gets rejected from EqD.

      Live and let live. I don't care what gets you off, so please show others the same courtesy.

    124. @Anonymous

      Wait, I don't get you. Are you saying that because there's arguments and anger on the internet, this fandom needs to man up and be angry and argue too?

    125. @Anonymous
      Er,130, my bad.
      Or 131 now.

    126. @Anonymous That's called "Bigotry" or, as 4Chan wisely put it, "Stop liking what I don't like!"

      It's usually posted anonymously because, IRL, no one likes a bigot. Please don't do it. Moral guardianship is just not what anyone needs, ever.

    127. @Fire.Esper

      I qualified it by saying it leads to a choice, actions or inact-oh forget it.

      >Personal apologies for the drama

      that made me lol on so many levels

    128. Or we could continue being accepting instead of being a piece of shit troll community like so many others.

      (different anon here)

    129. @Anonymous
      Blargh, "allowed", sorry.

    130. @Anonymous

      Hey that's an idea! Maybe we could all agree toAHMAHGAWDQUITTROLLING!!11

    131. @Anonymous I do not think there is such a thing as "Too kind" and I refuse to be any less, so I respectfully disagree. I think this little kid's show should have taught us all better. You know, morals and all that junk.

      @Anonymous That's why I love Internet.

    132. @Anonymous

      Oh? And being exclusive dicks because we don't agree with some peoples' ideals is a good idea? People like this show because it teaches love and tolerance, which is why our fandom is based on those ideals.

      In the same sense a sadomasochistic Twilight Sparkle in a fanfic is very much NOT Twilight Sparkle, a brony who rejects love and tolerance is a brony in name only. At least, as far as I'm concerned.

    133. @Anonymous

      I'd like to think that intelligent mass-debaters such as many of you fine gentlemen would be more forgiving of typos. I can see by your comment that they are not.

    134. @Bosstone
      How are we going to fight the inevitable raids? How are we going to fight the inevitable hacking? Love and tolerance can only take you so far. Sure, maybe it will work against Joe Blow on the internet who calls us a fag, but how will it work against a major news show? How will it work against a bunch of angry rednecks? Think about it

    135. @Anonymous >Or we could continue being accepting instead of being a piece of shit troll community like so many others.

      This. This, this, this.

      You know what *really* ruins fandoms (or everything else, really)? Not doing this.

    136. You know, I haven't read the article yet (oh, I love BSS and will in about two seconds) and decided to read the comments first.

      As someone who has done that, I've seen a lot of crazy Anonymous. And the point was brought up that many seem to have just read as far as the first mention of clopfiction and commented from there.

      So, I'm gonna say it, seeing as I think that's what's happening:

      Stop feeding the parasprites everyone.

    137. @Anonymous A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.

    138. @TenchiFreak5

      The problem with your argument is that people don't base their perceptions on reason or logic. A person's perception as to what is acceptable reduces down to his or her gut feeling upon thinking about a subject.

      You're right that disgust over gore and porn are merely two manifestations with different particulars of the same underlying process. But while the sentiment may look like the same thing to you, it looks different to others, because they have different feelings about the subjects.

      Everyone discussing this topic here is talking past each other. Nothing's going to be resolved here. The only way the internal struggle can reach resolution is for everyone to discuss specific triggers and aspects of the discomfort. And getting people to confront what makes them uncomfortable is hard enough to do with one person, never mind a whole community.

      And that still doesn't affect the external perception. Changing an entire society is just out of the question on the kind of timescale which matters to us.

    139. Man, do we actually have like 8 year old girls on this site? An anon saying clopping is ok isn't all that convincing but I'll do it anyways.

    140. @Anonymous
      Lol. I can't agree or like your opinion but thanks for being really cool about it. Discussion is discussion, and I like discussion.

      To some other anon now saying that All clopfics do is make us look bad, you probably don't realize people actually use them for their intended purpose!

      Also, none of it is here or on dA, and if it's on dA it requires an account and to be over 18 anyway!

    141. @Anonymous
      Uh,no, I AM that Anon, I was correcting myself before someone else did.

    142. @Anonymous

      I can say from personal experience that one loving and tolerating person can reverse the negative stigma of many people. I apologized to Dave and Chuck for my and other peoples' actions in 'raiding' their FB page with ponies, and they were cool about it all afterwards.

      They're a minor news thing, but we were a minor group. Scale it up, we get bronies as a community vs. major news shows' opinions of us. I think as long as we keep loving and tolerating, we can quite easily reverse any negative stigma others have towards us.

    143. Tears of a valedictorianJuly 4, 2011 at 5:03 PM


      Gangs of angry rednecks log on to internet forums? Sipping some delicious cappuccinos, perhaps?

    144. Alright, I know I'm fucked at this point. So, I'll be a smart guy and stop arguing. Your all smarter than me.

    145. To that one anon

      Do you really think people are going to hack and raid us specifically because of some clopfics? That they won't come for any other reason like the fact that we are grown men liking My Little Pony and whatever reasons they can make up BASED ON THAT FACT?

      Haters are going to hate regardless of our stance.

    146. @Anonymous

      No, I got that. I was just commenting on your need for self-editing. And being snarky.

    147. It's the "Or we could continue being accepting instead of being a piece of shit troll community like so many others" anon here, the sheer number of anonymous posters was getting confusing.

      At the "how will we defend ourselves from news networks/hackers/raids" dude: So taking up arms against them will work any better?

    148. Alright guys, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being a complete a complete douchebag. But I'm still not going to change my views. I'm sticking by my guns. And I'm not a troll, I just suck at debating.

    149. Think of a show from your childhood that you enjoy.

      Lets say Captain Planet. I liked Captain Planet as a kid.

      I'm sure there is a community out there for Captain Planet fandom. As a smaller subset of that fandom, there is Captain Planet fapfics.

      Do you feel enraged? Do you want to go out of your way to find them and raid their site? DDOS them and make sure they know what the "right" thing to masturbate to is?

      No? Good.

      Calm the fuck down and realize that no one is going to 'raid' us because of a damn clopfic.

    150. @Anonymous 3:16

      Zoophelia is a topic that falls on a thin line. It doesn't infringe on the right of a person so that makes it okay in that sense. The question is do animals have a right to their body as humans do and is a topic that has not established. It's like someone who eats meat arguing with a vegan. It's not going to get anywhere.

      I kind of agree with fire esper but personally I think that instead of just saying "meh" to blatent lies about the fandom I think that we shoould enfore the TRUTH that a bronie is just a person who enjoys the show and how someone chooses to enjoy it is their own business as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of another person.

    151. aside from a few isolated outbursts this community has been incredibly resilient to haters. its truly inspiring the way bronies can take hate and turn it into loving, tolerant gratitude and affection as fast as the haters can spew it out. well done, everyone - if we keep that up we're golden.

    152. I like how people are still arguing even though I've given.

    153. @Filiecs
      And then someone said it a lot more eloquently than me or, I think, most people here.

    154. @Anonymous

      It's because you didn't fail.

    155. @Anonymous

      Replies take time to write out, they probably said that before your comment showed up.

      As for your caving and apologizing: s'ok.

    156. Sorry for arguing after you said sorry Anon, I am posting from my phone so it took a while to post.

    157. @Anonymous
      I forgot to put "given up" cause I'm a lazy a-hole.

    158. @Filiecs

      I think you'll find there are many different versions of the truth floating around out there, depending on which sub-community you talk to. And that's why people should stop being so self-important and butthurt and realize that for the community to survive as a whole, people need to stop stepping on each others toes. We're all human, after all.

    159. Good interview, glad to get an insight to viewpoints I don't quite understand. Personally, I find actual clopfics to be a bit overboard, but I'll read shipping fics and enjoy them. Mostly because a lot of them are very well written, and they express a part of a character that undoubtedly exists, even if it's not (and never will be, hopefully) canon.

      As for the debate that's in the comments, I can't really understand what you're trying to accomplish. Clopfics exist in every fandom with different names, and they will never have a major impact on this fandom unless we give them attention, and rage over their existence (and I might add that raging about the existence of bronies were how a lot of us were added to the cause).

    160. Anybody who likes clopfics, okay. You can still read them. I wont be able to stop you, but I'm allowed to reserve my dislike of you doing so.

    161. The fact that people apologize after an internet argument is amazing on its own. I love this community.

    162. @Condor
      There are some people implying that if one reads clopfiction and like it, that they're less of people than the other people who don't read them.

      Thereby people are becoming very offended.

    163. @NinesTempest
      I recall apologizing for this.

    164. @Anonymous
      I am merely recounting the discussion!

      I do not mean to imply that any opinions are still held or any-more valid.

    165. @AnonymousZoophilia is a serious psychological problem, that should be treated.

      This is factually incorrect: The important part of any paraphilia definition[1] is not the sexual focus, but that the attraction either causes severe mental distress or prevents the person from functioning in society.

      I actually know a couple zoophiles who have talked to psychologists about their attraction. The only psychological issue either had was described very well by his pshrink as "lost a lover, but can only mourn a pet."

      As for the morality of acting on zoophilic desires, that is a debate which is far too large and complex to really get into here.

      [1] Zoophilia is only in DSM IV as part of "Paraphilia, not otherwise specified", along with retifism, (shoes), hematolagnia, (blood), dacryphilia (tears), and trichophilia, (hair).

    166. "Thoughts can lead to actions. I'm not trying to say everybody who reads clopfics is going to rape a horse, but maybe one person does have the urge to. Maybe somebody has psychological problems to begin with, and maybe this person likes MLP, etc"

      And maybe someone will read Cupcakes and then grind up their neighbors and make cupcakes with their remains and all bronies will be arrested and sent to the glue factory!!

      But probably not.

    167. Okay guys we can stop

      arguing that stuff

      now okay

    168. C'mon, guys. Let's just have a big brony hug and move on, mmkay?

      That includes you, debate-sparking anon.

    169. I like when somebody brings up something sexual the immediate reaction is "FURFAGS RUINING MY FANDOM ZOMG!!!!111"

      Really guys? I thought we were better than this.

    170. Actually I worded that poorly.

      I meant to include you in the imaginary hug, not to..damn you terrible speech skills.

    171. @Oleetar
      I already apologized

    172. I am reminded
      by stupid arguments that
      I am on the 'net

      But all the bronies
      show me something that's awesome
      love and tolerance

    173. @NinesTempest This thread is now about Rainbow Dash.


      I think she might be a lesbian. But that's her personal business and I'd like her regardless of her preference. However that would be neat. But otherwise it's cool too.

    174. Now that the debates are being declared over, I've got popcorn! Everyone want popcorn?

    175. @Fire.Esper
      She's my favorite character to write about

      I like shipping

      there are no developed male characters

      therefore gay!!1!

    176. @Fire.Esper
      Didn't Lauren say she was a Tomboy? But what does SHE know? She's just the creator!

      Anyways, you think somebody should ask Lauren how she feels about Clopfics?

    177. @Anonymous

      Yes, I know. See: terrible wording post.

      I meant that as one of us you should be loved and forgiven as well..or something. I need to stop talking.


      Have there ever actually been any hetero dash stories?

    178. Oh for the love of... Hey that one Anon, people may still be arguing because you're not using a name, and so who knows, maybe we're arguing with fifteen "Anonymous" people, there's no way of knowing!

      Anyways we could implement names being mandatory? It would bring a halt to Anon rebutting the points made by Anon, as backed up by Anon and Anon. And so on

    179. @Oleetar One that's paired her with Soarin', one that's... no, I think that's pretty much it that I've seen!

    180. I'll take a soda, please.

      @NinesTempest I actually thought she was a boy throughout the first two episodes. Hm, I wonder... But yes, she's - well - Rainbow Dash! YAY!

      @Anonymous You can be both, can't you? Besides, tomboys are awesome.

      And I think Lauren is cool with it. I mean, she's a grown adult and all that.

    181. Dave Mustang (AKA the clophater)July 4, 2011 at 5:37 PM

      Alright, I have a name now. Bonus to whoever figures out who my name Parody's

    182. @Oleetar Surprisingly, plenty. DeviantArt should have a lot in one of their MLP groups.

      Straight Pinkie shipping, now that I haven't seen. (So I had to write one.)

    183. Dave Mustang (AKA the clophater)July 4, 2011 at 5:38 PM

      I don't know, I'd feel a little weird if people where writing erotic stories about my characters.

    184. @Dave Mustang (AKA the clophater) I would be flattered as all hell. I mean, you have to like something A LOT to do that, wouldn't you?..

      Weird, sure, but "weird" isn't "bad".

    185. @Dave Mustang (AKA the clophater)

      Pfft, that just means you've made it as a creator on the internet. It's like you're not a real artist until Weird Al parodies you.

    186. @Fire.Esper
      Well, we're all different people. I can't even stand shipping, mainly because it ruined the Avatar: The Last Airbender fandom.

    187. OK, now I am really grossed out by you people. Even /b/ is less disturbing then this comment section. You guys are projecting you sexual need on fictional ponies. I don't even have to make a comment on that. It speaks for what it is. I am beeing serious. Just a tiny bit more and I am out.


    188. I just came here to say that, while I personally don't do clopfics and cannot morally support some of the things said in the interview (about pornography, etc.), I am glad the brony community is fostering creativity. I'm not going to judge anyone for their tastes in brony literature; it's not up to me.

    189. @Anonymous

      It did?

      Hrmmm.... *feels around, thinks*

      Nope, I still enjoy Last Airbender, I guess being an Airbender fan hasn't been ruined.

    190. Dave Mustang (AKA the clophater)July 4, 2011 at 5:44 PM

      Dude, DON'T DO IT
