Yes! I like events! I've also lost my mind a bit today. I'm sure any of the 20 people that keep talking to me on gtalk can attest to that!
This one is simple. Take a comedy skit of at least 50 seconds, and make a PMV out of it.
Yes, that's it.
Send an email to [email protected] in this exact format:
Email Subject Line- COMEDY PMV
Video Title: Pony Card Table Dating
Highlight that, copy it, paste it, and replace the link/video title with your link/video title.
Deadline will be Thursday at 11:59 PM!
Also now that I have everyone's attention. The queues for pretty much everything are huge right now! So be patient! Now back to burying myself in the greatest most powerful playlist ever.
Example video from DJRBDash after the break!
51 kommentaari:
inb4 first
VastaKustutainb4 Monty Python parrot skit
VastaKustutasomepony better do Who's On First. that'd be sweet
VastaKustutaOoooooooh, this event has some potential!
VastaKustuta@ActionScripter9109 CURSES!!!
VastaKustutaMonty Python cheese shop sketch but with Pinkie Pie and cakes?
VastaKustutaYOU KNOW BOSCO!?!?!
VastaKustutaParrot skit and Who's on first have huge potential.
VastaKustutaSomething with Mitch Hedburg.
VastaKustutaOr Dane Cook, that one about the creepy guy in the workplace, but with Pinkie Pie. Or the one about heists. Heists and MONKEYS.
20 bits says someone does Eddie Izzard's Cake or Death sketch. Any takers?
VastaKustuta*doesnt give two shits about what the blogger has to day about himself and so stops reading*
VastaKustutaSomeone better do the 'who's on first base' routine.
VastaKustuta"im neurotic i have to see other people"
VastaKustuta"im schizophrinic I AM OTHER PEOPLE"
ho shit i died twice when i heard that
>parrot sketch 2 times
VastaKustuta>Who's on first at least 3 times
I think everypony's reached a consensus about what sketches we should ponify.
Personally, if we go for monty python, I think we can't forget the kilomanjaro expedition scene. That scene's priceless.
Oh, I can't wait.
VastaKustuta^a continuation of my above rambling:
VastaKustutain the expedition scene,
'rainbow crash' could be their lead mountain climber.
*Sigh* I wish I could take part in this.
VastaKustutaSadly, my computer's in for a virus now and won't be back until Friday. :(
Lol Lyra's face in static pic.
VastaKustutaLet's just say none can beat this:
VastaKustutaHow does one make a PMV? I can't seem to do it with windows movie maker?
VastaKustuta@Desert Rose
VastaKustutaI recommend Sony Vegas, don't know how to get it though.
If anything needs to be done, it's this.
VastaKustutaIt must. IT MUST. IT MUST!
I mean, get the video material.. I can't seem to do it. And, Sony Vegas costs money.
VastaKustutaDo vocal reels count?
VastaKustutaI need Eddie Izzard with pony. Like, now.
VastaKustutaCrazy, I just shelved a Pony Video I was working on that did this with a Dave Chappelle bit. Guess that's my signal to dust it off and work out the kinks.
VastaKustutaI have a question!
VastaKustutaDoes it have to be comedy, or can it be so short & random (while still fitting and entertaining) that seeing it pop up in the middle of an anthology would be kinda hilarious? (kinda like how the PONIES anthology had actual songs in it, but they were short)
If there isn't at least a dozen George Carlin sketches, I will lose all hope previously held in the fandom.
VastaKustutaI am reluctant to make any of the skits posted here. Because, you know, I'm guessing there's at least three people working on the Dead Parrot sketch now!
VastaKustuta@Desert Rose
VastaKustutaEye can help you get Sony Vegas *wink wink*
Heck yeah, I am so doing an entry for this.
VastaKustutaI still can't figure out what Pinkie Pie is doing in that picture.
VastaKustuta@DJ RBDash
VastaKustutaYeah but good luck having them download the clips and teaching them how to use the program in a matter of three days.
I am definitely looking forward to some George Carlin skits. Maybe Baseball V. Football? Just putting that out there.
VastaKustutaI'd do an entry if i knew how. of the first half of this video
VastaKustutaOh, if only I had the attention span to make a PMV before the deadline...
VastaKustutaThe Dead Parrot sketch has been done.
I'm already halfway done with mine!
VastaKustutaTwilight gonna get a hurt real bad...
Aww, this sucks. I just sat here and made a video here for this contest in one sitting, and as soon as I get it to Youtube the audio is blocked because of the claimed copyright. How do I resolve this issue? It's 3 in the morning and I'm frustrated that I can't upload the reason I've been up for 2 hours. xD
VastaKustutaFor the purpose of the contest you could try an alternative video hosting website?
GODDAMMIT! I am on vacation away from my computer, so I can't work on PMVs!
VastaKustutaPerhaps I'll do that. I hope that won't be an issue... I wish I could just keep it on Youtube.
@Anonymous if you look up on YouTube how to get audio copyright resolved, you will find videos talking about how using fair use will 99% of the time will bring back your audio. It is not just typing in fair use, it's a whole code.
VastaKustutaJust entered my video. Check it out:
VastaKustutaThe Whitest Ponies U' Know: Grapist
How do u get the my little pony video on WMM? I don't know where to get it, and I can't make a PMV without it! Please help!
VastaKustuta@Desert Rose if what you mean WMM to be windows movie maker, you have to record a clip from the show you want using video recording software, you can use hyper cam (cam studio would be much better because there is no water mark) or a video recorder, once you record, save it to my documents (assuming you have a windows due to my assumption of wmm standing for windows movie maker), the just import it into windows movie maker by clicking file, then import ( may be insert or something similar but you get the point).
VastaKustutaHey, quick question, is there any rule about sending in multiple videos? If I can upload 2 more to my youtube account I have a couple of skits I want to put in along with the one I just sent.
VastaKustutaYou can't make a PMV out of a comedy skit.. o_O Doesn't PMV stand for Pony Music Video? Last time I checked, comedy isn't music.. XD
VastaKustutaMy entry is just about done. I decided to use Dane Cook's skit on the Kool-Aid Man.
VastaKustutaIt's now Friday! Can't wait for the event to be done. I want to see what everpony created.
VastaKustuta:< I managed to fall asleep just as I was finalizing the video. Woke up right after the dead line.