TheSunAndTheRainfall on ponychan has sent me these two images straight from Mexico City.

It looks like the local transportation system has been ponified! I really hope this is a sign of things to come for us in the states. I wouldn't mind seeing a Twilight Sparkle 747. Cutie marks are perfect for that right?
Have some translations too!
Discover a world of adventures, fun and great friends!
Only the magic of friendship will make the sun shine again.
Now about those vectors...
It's only a sign of things to come if your local bus system sells ad space on the sides/rear of the bus.
ReplyDeleteAdvertisement for the show keeps on Winning
ReplyDeletePretty soon, ponies will comprise every surface on the planet.
ReplyDeleteWell, the merchandise isn't the best, but...
ReplyDeleteDamn, can these guys advertise.
Why can't this happen in the states?
ReplyDeleteWhats next? International airplanes started showing off their new rainbow and butterfly decals? Wait a minute...
ReplyDeleteWell, on a completely different note, I'm off to go find someone to design new airplane decals for aircraft.
This was the first thing I saw when I checked the front page.
LOL...I think ponies are taking over the world!!
(...and that's not a bad thing either....)
Quiero la magia de la amistad por favor.
ReplyDelete... I'm sorry, I had to.
new to Southwest airlines the Great and powerful Trixie plane! With Trixie's Cutie mark on the tail of the plane! Also the plane has Wifi! jk
ReplyDeleteThat is 8 million people exposed to pony goodness! Can you believe that?
ReplyDeleteEs muy BUENOOOOOOOOOO!!
ReplyDeleteThey actually don't look that bad. Its got that "someone spilled acid on Twilight's" profile shot on the back, but otherwise it looks pretty cool.
ReplyDeleteMe Gusta!
ReplyDeleteWhen you ride this bus you become 20% manlier.
ReplyDeleteWhat is happening? Out of nowhere, this pops up.
ReplyDeletePonies certainly seem to make their appearance in the most surprising places, though.
Why can't they have cool ads like this on the buses in my city?
ReplyDeleteNothing better then magical ponies to blunt the realities of rampant crime/murder/beheadings and crushing poverty.
ReplyDeleteI like the Twilight on the side, but the twilight on the back is uncanny valley worthy
ReplyDeleteOh, that is simply awesome. Love'em! We indeed need those in the States now. Derpy commands to make it so!
ReplyDeleteSomepony needs to show this to the cartel, maybe they will change their evil ways!
ReplyDelete...lo mas probable es que tengamos pésimos actores de doblaje que trataran de volver la serie a'un mas afeminada.
ReplyDeleteahora, adivinando los nombres:
RD = Arcoiris, le daran una voz mas femenina.
Rare= Rareza, con acento de"niña fresa" (think valley girl)
Pinkie= Rosita, la misma voz que burbuja de PPG
AJ= falso acento norteño, se llamara manzanela
fluttershy= mimosa, probablemente confundan timidez con retazo mental.
TS = chispita? I've got nothing.
ReplyDeletewhich of the 7 cartels? 'cause Zetas migth think youre mocking them, given one of their symbols is the stallion. and people who mock the Zetas wake up as Pozole stew.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Fluttershy would tell them a thing or two.
fucking vectors
ReplyDeleteanyway I hope this means that MLP FIM will be translated
Not that I want to hear the translated version, I heard the translated Intro and sounds weird (I got used to the English version that of course is way better) but this means moar merchandising
ReplyDeleteDude, check the website out that's on the bus:
It has Some Pony story in Spanish and has the Theme song of MLP (EN ESPANOL)
How can this not be known yet?
ReplyDeleteJust take a look at Twil's poor face...
WHOA! Could this mean that the show will soon air in México? I hope so!
ReplyDeletei dont want it to air in Mexico, they'll dumb it down to Winx Club standards. on the other hand they may give it a hammy crack translation like they've done to most CN toons.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous That... would be horrible. I must find out who is doing the voices too. Although it happens more in Spain-dubs. The Mexican dub will probably just have the same names only... minced when said aloud.
ReplyDeleteLooks like those buses got PONED!
ReplyDeleteIt was a joke, of course they wouldn't.
!!!Que buena noticia ya quieto que salga aquí en mexico!!! No puedo esperar!!!
ReplyDeleteAny news on the channel?
ReplyDeleteI would kill for a TS 747.
ReplyDeleteI just entered the official page, remember that "fan" opening? Yeah, it's official now.
ReplyDeleteDamn Hasbro.
ReplyDeleteEven if you have done a poor job with the toys, you sure know how to promote your franchises.
More please!
My country ( Mexico) really needs the magic of friendship.
ReplyDeleteYESSSSS I AM NOT ALONE!! I'm so chasing those buses once i go back to school.
ReplyDeleteI agree, i fear the dubbing it will get. Even though some are AMAZING (Take pokemon james' for example), I hope it doesn't air in CN or open TV.
If they fill it with their own personal touch like they did with pokemon, then we will know this was made only for bronies
Those who go on this bus probably go: "I go on this bus for the plot!"
ReplyDeleteI just heard the voices from the intro at the page... RD = OK, Ry = Not OK, TS= OK, FS= OK, PP= OMG KILL ME SHE GET A HORRIBLE VOICE ACTRESS
ReplyDeleteThe official page left the English names! YES! That means they'll only butcher them when talking, but I am afraid Anonymous might be right and they'll give Rarity a "fresa" voice... which is annoying annoying annoying.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, here's what Twilight's description says:
Meet Twilight Sparkle! She loves to read and study. Princess Celestia of Equestreaia has charged her with a new mission: the meaning of friendhsip! She posseses the powerful gift of magic and uses it to guide her new friends* through new adventures in Ponyville. There is no problem that Twilight Sparkle cannot solve, especially with the help of the other ponies, a bit of magic and the advice from Princess Celestia.
*(interestingly enough, they use the male word for friends)
Holy Luna! That is my bus route! How come I haven't seen this around town?
ReplyDelete¿Que tan nuevos son?
Claro ahorita eston en Valarta pero me espera algo bueno cuando llege a casa! :D
Ah... pardon the typos. I got excited.
ReplyDeleteMaybe this means we will be getting the McDonalds toys soon :D
ReplyDeleteIm from Mexico City, Im so gonna ride in one of those buses :3 This is awesome.
ReplyDelete@SigilGood thing I'm visiting next month then :D
ReplyDeleteI just got word that the bus passes through reforma!! GO TO REFORMA AND GRAB THAT BUS AND LET IT TAKE YOU TO A WORLD OF FRIENDSHIP!!
ReplyDeleteSeria el colmo que atracaran en ese camion ahora que lo pienso ¬¬
Wow, I didn't think it would make it past a Nightly Roundup.
ReplyDeleteTo all the DF bronies, if you're interested, the pic was taken at Insurgentes Sur, close to the Cuernavaca exit. I don't really know if any other buses in other routes have been ponified, but I'll keep an eye out next time I go to Mexico City.
I'm sure this means the series will start airing over here soon. I can only hope that brings along some McD toys along as well, or something. :D
Levanten la Mano Los que son bronies Mexicanos!!!
ReplyDelete@Anonymous Lamentable comentario que denota total ignorancia. Hasbro tiene reglas MUY estrictas acerca del uso de sus personajes, y entre esas reglas están los nombres de ellos. Ni siquiera los personajes de la G1 tuvieron sus nombres cambiados o alterados, y de hecho en el sitio web oficial aparecen en inglés, tal y como debe de ser. ¿Cómo vas a vender los ponies que saldrán en la TV si les cambias los nombres?
ReplyDeleteFor english speakers: I'm talking about Hasbro's strict licensing terms, in which you aren't allowed alter any of their character's names (like translating them into spanish).
I hope it gets dubbed like CN's Adventure Time/Chowder (not too Chowder tough).
ReplyDeleteit would be a blast.
Already can imagune Applejack's "Huerquillos", Rarity's "No manches! Guey" or RD's "LLegale caón!"
The fuck? Why does Pinkie have Fluttershy's shy eye?
ReplyDelete@Luna No seria la palabra "pezuña"? Eh. Pezuña! Yo!
ReplyDeleteJust a footnote for all mexican (and non-mexican bronies): Hasbro is promoting the line of toys, NOT the animated series. It will be eventually premiered on Discovery Kids Latino (they didn't change to the "Hub" format, and many of their programs are focused to toddlers and little kids) but that will be until early october.
ReplyDeleteSo yeah: Hasbro is selling ponies using city buses as mobile billboards. And that ROCKS!
P.S. Send some of those to Guadalahoofra, please =0
Auque no me guste el termino (hoove es mas pun-worty).
ReplyDeleteLevanto mi pezuña! (tambien llamada casco. pero sigo sin ver potencial)
DAAAAMN IIIIT! Im from north mexico (below texas) and Ive been waiting for the series. One friend told me about this and I quickly rushed to this site to know bout it. ONLY THE TOYS?!!?! DAMN
ReplyDeleteWhy did they use the G3 song???
"Rainbow Dash always dresses in style"
Desde Chile, sólo quiero comentar dos cosas:
ReplyDelete- ¿Por qué mier... siguen usando ese horrible vector de Twilight?
- Espero que este tipo de publicidad se extienda a los demás países.
aunque lo pasen aqui en México, jamas me separare de la version en ingles ya que simplemente es perfecta, y dudo que el doblaje supere mis espectativas.
ReplyDelete@Ihaveanamebecause? Because racecar- OH WAIT, wrong blog XD
ReplyDeleteWell, I don't know... Maybe they got lazy.
Any chance of opening a ED branch south of the border?
ReplyDelete@Seth- Maybe a pegasus 747? Although I don't think I'd get on a Derped out plane. =D
ReplyDeleteDudo que esto sea solo de los juguetes, ya que dice la trama del pilot, pero espero que este tipo de promocion llegue pronto a Chile.
ReplyDeleteaawwwwwwwww, que bonito el 9U7@ vector que me dio la pagina de mexico
..ojala vea esos buses aqui en venezuela
para trolear a mis amigos MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA
forget my first car, if this happened here i would buy tickets to NYC and back for no reason.
ReplyDelete¡Muy bien! ¡Los ponys están dominando al mundo! ¿Por qué no anuncian acá en Monterrey también?
ReplyDeleteI've never compared translations for children's shows with their English counterparts, so I don't know what to expect from this. Can't wait, though!
Don't you worry guys, I don't think they will "Mexicanize" this one too much, it's a kid's show after all (for expansion and international advertising purposes, at least).
No sé, por alguna razón no siento que el doblaje será inevitablemente malo. Habrá que ver.
ReplyDeleteI will still stick with the un-dubbed version, of course.
Wow.. Mexico of all places? Where's my "My Little Pony" Buses!? I want to see them here in the US =\
ReplyDeleteHey! Bronies! Quien se anima a organizar un meet-up en la Ciudad de Mexico a mediados de Agosto? Puedo organizar bastantes cosas desde aqui y ya estando ahi en Mex, mas facil aun. Como ven?
ReplyDeleteEspero que para el momento que lleguen a las micros de acá, tengan algo mejor que estos mismo vectores de siempre!
@Wanderer D The same, but with Guadalahoofra bronies
ReplyDelete¿Y quién se anima a un brony meet-up aquí en Guadalajara? =0
*tears of joy*
ReplyDeleteNo para que reuniones, :/ es mejor que sea algo hip y desconocido para los seres inferiores XDDD
ese camion ahora es 20% mas Chido
ReplyDelete@Rytarou Better right now than later, when animated series hits the TV and ponies are considered again "girly stuff". Remember we're mexicans, fellow cabrony D=
ReplyDeleteMejor ahorita, antes de que se estrene la serie y todos anden diciendo que los ponies son cosa de niñas; acuérdate dónde vivimos (y es peor en Guadalajara D= ).
ReplyDeletepoessss, si son cosa de niñas viteh...
la cosa es que a nosotros nos gustan por ser tan geniales hmmm
ojala y no se arme como contra los emos AH YA POES NO HAGAMOS COMO LOS EMOS xD
yo voto no reuniones ni manifiestos bronys o_o
@Bunnyfriend un meet up en GDL? huuuuu me encantaria ir, digan y vere si puedo verlos :D
ReplyDeleteAnd the code sign for this Cabrony meet-up: the little Wu-Tang Ponies vid on our smartphones. I know I have it (makes me smile everytime i see it)
ReplyDeleteCuz we're not jist Bronies, we're Cabronies!!!
ReplyDelete@Wanderer D yo me animo a una en el D.F. Hasta te ayudo haha :D
ReplyDeleteGood gracious Lord, I've never seen that bus but I'll be sure to hunt it DOWN. Whenever my hands touch that machine, it will be mine...MINEEE!! *flutterrage*
Fearful of the performance of the actors, hopeful someone will realize how important is to preserve the quality.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck to the all the bronies in Mexico. Hope that version is as good as the English one.
lol that damn vector of melting twilight
ReplyDeleteCabronies ? Quirk sevle icurrio ESA mamada?..., me gusta!
ReplyDeleteCabronies? Quien se ke ocurrió esa mamada?. Me gusta!!
ReplyDeleteNo creas wn, hay que ser realista eso no ocurrira.
Seguramente quizas usaran algunas voces de Chowder y demas, pero es dificil saberlo, ya que se transmitira en discovery kids.
Ponies will be the replacement for the Frontrange Airlines animals! (If I recall, that no longer exists, but there ARE other airlines to take up the call!)
ReplyDeleteEsto es lo mas genial que le puede pasar a mi pais... PONIES!!!
ReplyDeleteNo somos bronies, somos CABRONIES!!! Me gusta!
Sres narcotraficantes, preparense a ser desplazados por lo mas poderoso y apabullante de este mundo... larga vida a Celestia!!!
Fuck yeah!
Bronie sinaloense aqui, ESTO ESTA DE POCA MADRE!!!
Ahora si, los ignorantes sabran el verdadero poder de la amistad, respeto y tolerancia!
Unete a la manada, la resistencia es inutil!
Cabrony? las palmas se las lleva my Amigoconejo AKA Bunnyfriend, I just boomboxed it!
ReplyDelete@Dixketl Abre un post en los foros para ver quién se anima (sé que no voy mucho para allá, pero trataré) =)
ReplyDeleteEnglish translation: I'm just discussing about opening a thread in a spanish-talking FiM board for the Guadalahoofra Brony Meet-Up =)
@Anonymous Well, actually "cabrony" was coined by Polo Jasso (of Cerdotado's fame) to identify himself as a brony... Sort of XD
ReplyDeleteEn realidad lo de "cabrony" lo inventó Polo Jasso (creador del Cerdotado) para identificarse como brony... Más o menos XD
the vectors might be silly looking, but chances are anybody without experience to the show, which is the people the ad is targeting, isn't going to notice the difference.
ReplyDeletewell now I can finally say it..........
ReplyDeleteTO THE PONY MOBILE!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, yeah! I remember that Cerdotado comic entry on EqD!
The seed has been planted, just let it grow....
Si, me acuerdo del post del Cerdotado en EqD!
Plantamos la semilla, solo dejenla crecer.....
@Rocket to Insanity
ReplyDeleteAnd the good part is that u can take all ur friens with u!
^We need more buses!
ReplyDeleteDamn I can't believe the large amount of people commenting on this!! haahah now i DON'T feel alone as a Bronie in Mexico xD
ReplyDeleteIf I see one of those buses here I'll will steal it from the driver and park it in front of my house, remove the tires, and leave it there to watch it every time I leave my house! =D!!!
And I HOPE! they don't mess up with this one ¬¬ but TBH I don't even want to watch it in spanish. I hope they offer SAP to hear the english version =D
At least in Chile, MLP Friendship is Magic will start on October in Discovery Kids.
ReplyDeleteI think that maybe if not start soon on other channel, that can be for Mexico too.
My reaction: /)*3*(\
ReplyDeleteMy brother's reaction: Oh god, it begins.
That is not my route but it is close to my university! I don't know about the second pic, it could be Insurgentes Sur avenue, as it is close to the place, but in the first picture you see the Radisson Paraiso Hotel (which is in front of Perisur mall) and from the view it was taken at Blvd. Adolfo Ruiz Cortinez (Anillo Periférico). South part of the city (the nice one IMO :V) and next to Cuernavaca exit, like TheSunAndTheRainfall said. I have no idea what is the route of this bus as you can't see the front of it and there are like a dozen of routes that go on that boulevard!
It's amazing how soon the advertise is starting. Now, some confirmed facts.
*Official name is "My Little Pony: La magia de la amistad".
*Show is still in process of being dubbed. It will be aired on Discovery Kids starting this October.
*The premiere will also spring a promotional DVD with two chapters, to be sold at departmental stores.
*Confirmed Voice Actress are, as long as the intro is concerned, Maggie Vera as Rainbow Dash, Elsa Covián as Pinkie Pie and Mariana Ortiz as Applejack. This lineup is not definitive but they are very likely to be in the list. The actual list is undisclosed, as it is the studio in charge of the project.
Speculation is as follow:
*Discovery Kids Mexico will change into Hub in September/October
*The adaptation will be hard to do as puns are abound but it is being handled by professionals. It will see some changes still, to fit the market as Hasbro Mexico sees convenient (Plz don't let us down!)
*Because of the channel, slang will be minimum. Let's save the friendship too~
*Musical adaptation department probably have Maggie Vera on board. She has worked with Disney and The Simpsons and THAT'S GOOD NEWS PEOPLE!
*Fluttershy, Rarity, Twilight and Spike's VA haven't speak up. There are two possibilities for the intro. It's temporal and their voices are semi-pro stand-ins or one/some/all of the actress did more than one voice. It's not very likely to see one VA doing multiple voices in a dub work, you see that scarcely.
And that is all :D
The dubbers have made gems like DBZ and phineas and ferb and crappy stuff like the Simpsons newest seasons.
ReplyDeleteDesearia que pasara en otros canales...
ReplyDeleteDesearia que llegaran buses asi aqui...
Desearia una brony-con en Ensenada...
De a perdis los juguetes del McDonalds~
Emmmmm, no hay nadie que viva en Baja California o en Tijuana?
ReplyDeleteQue chingon de ellos que tengan los camiones asi, Mexico y otros lugares del mundo empiezan con lo más vergas y luego los E.E.U.U. haha!
@LunaWelcome to the dub show D:
ReplyDeleteI'm 27 and I saw both old and new Simpsons voices and like them both. People just say the newest is crap because of nostalgia. I know Humberto Vélez is the perfect and only Homer, but he and lots had it coming with the strike of 2005. Victor has been doing a good homage to Vélez and I admire his job. Gabriel Chavez vs. Miguel Botello as Mr. Burns... I honestly can't tell the difference!
It's funny, because mexico city is heavily polluted and it's hard to see the sun!
ReplyDeleteBut the pollution gives a beautiful orange glow on sunsets!
ReplyDeleteEntonces ya va ha haber mas juguetes? Por que casi no se encuentran.
Quisiera que hubieran rutas así en mi ciudad ;__;
ReplyDeleteIt is important for you to know that "cabronie" was first used by an user in canterlot's FiM Board
Debes saber que la palabra cabronie la uso por primera vez un usuario del foro
I'm neighbors with the Mexicans. It wouldn't hurt to check the local toy store for pony figures...
ReplyDeletejajajaja cabrony me gusta (y no soy un gringo usando el meme si me gusta)
ReplyDeleteAca por mi casa hay una de ponies.... Ayer me compre el mio por 90 varos en el chedraui.
ReplyDeleteYo apoyo que si se arme una brony-con por aca en el distro, va a faltar organizacion eso si. Pero la idea es buena.
A mi me gustaria ver que el doblaje lo hicieran los que hicieron el de pokemon, la voz de james, meowth y brock eran una soberana soplada de pene. Estaria genial.
Pero espero no lo hagan basura como destrozaron naruto o yu-gi-oh... Haber si no decepciona, esperemos que la musica, al menos, sea de calidad si Maggie Vera trabaja con ellos.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous Since you're asking for the specific moment the word "cabrony" was first used by Polo Jasso, I kindly request the same.
ReplyDeleteBesides, actually it doesn't matter who coined the term "cabrony" first, so take it easy =)
Mira, la verdad te voy a pedir lo mismo: que me confirmes lo que estás afirmando, pero de cualquier manera no importa quién haya inventado lo de "cabrony": lo importante es que lo estamos usando para denominarnos a nosotros los bronies mexicanos =)
I want these to be in the US. I need to see these in person.
ReplyDeleteBienbenidas a México Mis Pequeñas Ponys!!!!!!
Nice ^^
Buena manera para llamarnos a nosotros los bronies mexicanos, "cabrony" me perece perfecto.
ReplyDeletePolo-Jasso's "Soy Cabrony", buscalo en los comentarios:
Saludos a los usuarios de Atomix, que ni aquí me dejan de stalkear =0
ReplyDeleteGreetings to all Atomix message boards users, since they're even stalking me on this blog =0
yay!! asta que finalemente ya se esta viendo cosas de esas en mexico, mmm pregunto cuando iran a sacar la serie aquí en mexico
ReplyDeleteclaro que pongo el meet up en el foro avia pensado calarle el dia de la expo comic, Comictlan. del 5-7 de agosto en expo guadalajara
quiero la canción de la pagina del parachoques XD
ReplyDelete RL34 lol
cabrony?...mmmm bueno, por que no? XD
ReplyDeleteJust te let you know, they are not going to translate the ponies name to Spanish.In the mexican pony website you can find a commercial spot that soon will be on tv, in spanish of course, and they mention all the main six ponies name in English
ReplyDeletelet me guess thats the capital???? geez, so many comments and so little time xD anyway, i hope they air it soon tho i hope they get it right =D
Ah chingá....yo vivo a unos tres kilómetros de donde tomaron esa foto O_O
Oh shit....I live a couple of miles away of the place when they took the photo O_O
Viva Marexico, cabronies (?)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete¿Porqué acá no hay de esos? T_T
I live on other state, and we don't have pony busses here u.u
Eh. Ehhh.
ReplyDelete@DragonInside hola amigo XD aqui reportando desde tijuana para responder a tu pregunta con un SI, asi es no estamos solos XD ojala nos podamos reunir alguna ves para platicar y/o (si te gusta el cafe) tomarnos un caga =D
ReplyDeleteTambien soy de tijuana, y como dises no tamos solos, mira, conosco x ahora 2 ke somos de tijuana, asi ke pues podemos hacer alguna reunion algun dia, mi face es Abimael saralegui, mi nombre es unico xd, facil de encontrarme, espero respuestas