• PMV: Winny the Pooh Mare / Step Ponies Trailer / Hakuna Matata

    Classic Cartoons and some Movie Trailer stuff! It's PMV time!

    1.) The New Adventures of Whinny the Pooh Mare
    2.) Step Ponies Trailer
    3.) My Little Pony: Hakuna Matata

    19 kommentaari:

    1. 1st video so nostalgic.
      I loved Winny the Poo growing up and still watch the Halloween movie from time to time.

    2. I saw the first video earlier today. Needless to say, I OD'd on nostalgia. :)

    3. Sir Peppermint Jam1. juuli 2011, kell 19:11

      Okay...since everypony else shares their opinions, I should too.
      1.) Nice bit of nostalgia there. Good view, but not enough to favorite. =/
      2.) Really? No, just....no. This is a fail in my book. (Not like that matters.)
      3.) Again, nostalgia. It's there. But there really is nothing more. I feel like there could have been more done with this one. That's just me though.
      Okay, so not the best set of videos today. Oh well.

    4. Oh god the nostalgia ... QuQ it's happy kinda sad.

    5. Man, do I love me some pony trailers.

    6. 2 needs better editing, but as an idea I like it.

    7. little know fact: that Winnie the Pooh song always makes me tear up when I hear it, and I don't know why.

    8. did anyone else think "Friday" after the first two sentences of the Winnie the Pooh song?

    9. okay, you ponies are all oatmeal. 2 was awesome, at least 20% cooler. great movie trailer

    10. 2 was fucking hilarious, I don't know what you guys are talking about.......

    11. WARNING:
      Constant replays of the first video may result in Nostalgia poisoning. Watch at your own risk.

    12. 2 Should have been ponies in the first place. 20% cooler now

      Somehow, I find R rate movies just don't work for Will Farrel. His characters in those movies are just hard to like, for me. He's Brilliant in Megamind and Elf. I dunno, just my two bits.

    13. #1 was worth the watch. Nostalgic and the editing made me chuckle a few times.

    14. 1) NOSTALGIA BOMB!
      2) Entertaining, I guess.
      3) I couldn't really watch. Just listened to it.

    15. one star for lazy content

    16. I liked these,
      and whats up with all the mean anonymous comments recently?
      Are there really someone who dislike ponies so much they would go and make degrading comments and poor rating?
