• PMV: Samurai Applejack and PMV Discussion!

    This one is just... awesome

    Which brings me to a new topic. 

    I get a TON of pmv's.  A lot of them are just clips of the show that match the music.  That was neat a while ago.. but now days it's a little old considering we don't really have anything new to work with.  I don't really have much quality control over them.  I cut a good amount of the really pointless ones, but its difficult to "judge". 

    I honestly don't know if you guys actually watch them.  I try to have a really good one +2 average ones per post, but It's sometimes difficult. 

    Stuff like Samurai Applejack here is what I really want to post, and give spotlight to.  A normal pmv matching up parts of the show is time consuming to build, but this goes above and beyond the call of duty. 

    What do you guys think? Are you cool with me dropping 3 per post?  Or is it obnoxious having to sift through stuff?

    Anyway, check out Samurai Applejack after the break!

    118 kommentaari:

    1. I like it how it is at the moment.

    2. I like things how it is... 'cept needs moar Applejack pmv

    3. I check out every single post on this site, but I skip over PMV's. which is bad, because I'm sure I miss a lot of the gems, but I really dont have the time to see the hundreds you post :|

    4. personally i like the 3 per post more

    5. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    6. i'm fin with the way it already is but i have to say that yeah i don't watch all of them except when others say it's awesome or when you say it in the post like this one

    7. I know that it turned me away from my PMV-making ambitions, because everything here gets immediately buried under an overwhelming mass of media. D:

      I understand the dilemma though. I don't want to muffle anyone in this amazing community.

    8. Maybe a star-rating system like the fanfifction has for PMVs? I guess that wouldn't work with the three per post system though. Can't really watch them all and it's hard to know which are good, especially if the title is Ponytized (Mareway to Heaven or whatever it is) so you can't tell what song is being used at a glance.

    9. Honestly, I never watch the PMVs.

    10. I never even watch PMVs so I am indifferent.

    11. I would like to not have to wade through the meh ones to find the stuff worth watching. Whatever works for you though, I wouldn't mind either way.

    12. lol wow that was a great pmv.

      But in all seriousness, please don't drop 3 per post. they are awesome the way they are.

    13. Just want to say that I do not envy you for having to sort through all the submissions that you get on a daily basis. I know it is difficult to determine what gets posted and doesn't.

      I do like the current format of having three PMVs per post. I find it works.

      Thanks again Seth for posting my video.

    14. 3 per post works but 1 per post would let us star rate individual PMV's. What we really need is a list and rating system like AMV.org uses but that may be beyond the scope of this blog.

    15. I usually watch at least two of them, and occasionally all three if they are all interesting to me.

    16. I like having three a day. I would, however, support some sort of screening process for PMVs, because a lot of them aren't all that great and I don't like my time being wasted.

    17. Three per post is fine. We can make our own judgements.

    18. I'd rather see quality than an arbitrary number per post.

    19. I like the way things are and I also agree with Brian above that you shouldn't just post the extraordinary ones. Not everybody has fancy editing programs and I'd hate to be turned away just because I can't do fancy effects.

    20. I'm fine with the occasional spotlight, but I'm kinda offended at even the notion of losing the synch-up-to-the-episode PMVs. I put tons of work into mine and I like people being able to see them. I watch every video (except the podcasts, just due to time constraints) that gets posted on this blog. I don't read most of the fanfics that get posted here (I'm a slow reader so I don't get through them very quickly), so the PMVs are a very major part of what I see on the site.

      I think a good idea would be a small group of pre-screeners who can try to isolate the best brony videos and give feedback on what can be improved to the people making more mediocre ones.

    21. To be honest I'm kinda getting sick of PMVs, not that the quality is worse but like you say the lack of new material is making them kinda old.

      I'ld vote to keep the 3 in a single post, and upload singles for awesome samurai-applejacktion tier PMVs.

    22. I'd actually prefer one per post, but only because there seems to be a chrome/youtube/linux bug that means when there's three on a page often one or two of them won't work until a refresh. :-)

      OTOH I'd also like one per post on the basis of you being more selective. I agree with other posters about feeling conflicted about this and wanting to encourage more, but if you post them all then perhaps a little note saying, as you did with this one (which I haven't watched yet as my bandwidth is being hosed by something else - all right all right it's downloading the 1080p versions found because of your link to the youtube collection earlier this evening!), when one comes along that's particularly original and/or brilliant. (not sure that 'or' should be there...) :-)

    23. Ehh...

      Three per post was good, but I have to admit I only watched the coolest one or the one that drew the attention the most. Keeping variety per post is one of the charms, while some people might dissaprove a nicely done montage fitting MLP with GTA S.A, other would rather see parts of a show fitting a song or viceversa.

      I say keep variety, but a good one

    24. I've stopped watching PMV's myself (cause ya know, re seeing the same clips over and over by this point) but I'm ok with how it is now, it only takes two scrolls of a mouse wheel to skip them and I'm sure other people still enjoy them.

    25. i like the 3 per post. but i dont mind if its one or two if its something amazing^^

    26. I don't think the three-per-post format is bad at all. I can usually gauge within the first ten or twenty seconds whether or not I'm interested in the video, and if I'm not, I just skip it. I'd much prefer being able to make that decision myself than never seeing a video that I might have loved had it gone up.

      Plus, I think another consideration is that one of my favorite parts in all of MLPdom is the community. One of the reasons I initially got into movie making, in fact, was seeing videos that I thought were on the level that I could do, which inspired me. If only a select few jaw-dropping videos were posted, I'd probably have never bothered. I imagine that I may not be alone in this, and I think it'd be a big loss for the community if that changed.

    27. I'm voting to keep the setup where it is right now.

      If you want to give the very good videos their own post, then that's fine, but it'd be sorry to see other videos dropped because they're not "Epic."

      Of course, if you don't want to accept a submission because it's poorly done, then it's understandable, but with most of the videos posted, you can see that the person at least tried to put effort into it, And coming from someone who's made a few pony videos, it'd be very disheartening to know that all the hours of work you put in were disregarded.

      And if you're thinking of doing this with videos, the question of extending it to fan fiction could also arise since a ton of those are posted but not every one of them is exactly "Awesome." Just a thought.

    28. As long as you're tracking them on the youtube channel, a single post to highlight the best makes sense.

    29. I tend to just watch 30 seconds and go to the next one if it doesn't catch my interest. Like you said, it's getting old.

    30. I'm with the people who only watch when someone says that a particular one stands out. They are getting old for the most part though

    31. I should say, though, that I would be completely OK with special one-video posts that spotlight the real gems. I just don't think that they should *replace* the three-video posts.

    32. I think the current 3-per-post system works just fine. It's not like you don't use page breaks, so it's usually easy to skip past the post if I'm not interested, and otherwise I can just check out the comments to see if there's anything worthwhile. You're pretty good about posting stuff that has some value, even if not all of it is Celestia-tier. As long as you keep that level of quality control up, I'm pretty much good with whatever you decide.

    33. I really was interested when I saw some creative titles or an attractive thumbnail, but I am getting a tad bored of em. I haven't looked at one for probably a month or so.

    34. 3 per post is fine in general, but I like the idea of doing special posts for particular gems. I can speak only for myself but I do watch almost every PMV that gets posts, and spend quite a bit of time on Youtube watching PMVs in general.

    35. I also like it the way it is. Not much I'd change in the format here. You already said there's some kind of quality control going on, so I guess it's cool.

      Perhaps you could hire some of the most famous PMV makers to act as pre-watchers like you did with the fanfics :)

    36. I would prefer quality control over posting a lot of pmvs.

    37. I don't always watch them, but if I'm out of emergency pony supplement I will.

    38. Noooo, if you are going to drop anything, drop the fanfics, not the PMV's!

    39. I think the current quality control is fine, I rarely, if ever, see a poorly made Pony video posted here.

    40. I really like how it is right now, the pmvs are something I often look forward to.

    41. Dropping fanfiction? Not happening dude Fanfics have been posted ever since the site started.

    42. I only say
      quality over quantity
      if you think the three you peak are good well post them if you don´t only post what U got

    43. Or why not just post only 2 per update if there's not too much from to choose from at the time of the post?

    44. I never watch all of them so I'm indifferent.

      This was was pretty damn good.

    45. If it's unedited clips timed to music, I won't waste my time.

    46. 3 per post isn't bad.

      God this just makes me smile

    47. 3 is a little much. 2 would be more tolerable, and I realise 1 per post would spam the blog.

      I found "My Angry Ponies" to be very amusing; is that what you mean by clips matching the music? If yes then let it continue by all means.

    48. I can not in words convey how much this video is making me squirm and squeaking. Samurai jack is my favourite cartoon ever... and now some-one's made this.
      I love life.

      Also, I'd rather see more videos like this than different clips simply set to music.
      (that being said though, I still need to see a "Requiem for a tower makes everything epic" video for MLP.)

      Lastly, don't remove fanfics.

    49. This is the kind of video I wish I could make.

    50. I really have yet to see what I'd call a really "bad" pmv and i'm happy with that fact. This video sums up my feelings. its hilarious and awesome and creative and smart and excellent all wrapped into an apple scented package.

      I vote keep it this way but if you're getting so many awesome videos one a day isn't cutting it I personally wouldn't have a problem with more. or maybe do a highlight reel from the youtube channel?

    51. I at least check out all PMVs that get posted to see if they are worth watching. I watch all trailer mashups if I'm familiar with the original trailer. I occasionally watch Trigger videos if I know the game soundtrack being reproduced. I also appreciate a good lip-sync. I never watch YTPs, pony or otherwise.

      Typically what I want to see in a PMV is a clever, unexpected, or nostalgic juxtaposition. Seth's "it's a little old considering we don't really have anything new to work with" sentiment strikes me as misguided: the primary goal of mashups is the recontextualization of familiar material, not the showcasing of new material.

    52. HAH i like it how it has been, 3 per post, sometimes what some may not like, others prolly do. I myself like the pony vids that are set to cool music, or the goofy stuff like Rainbow Dash Tylenol, Twilights Story, Corridor of Cupcakes. But I love too see the stuff like this, which was pretty well done, might i add. Specifically the Cupcakes Movie trailer. I show that to ALOT of pony around me. LOL

      I found some new awesome musics through these, specially the fanmade stuffs. I really enjoy these vids, sometimes its not the content, even if its stupid or goofy. Sometimes its the work some of these otherpony put into them. I know it cant be easy to do vocal arragnments to music like Scrap Mane Zone, and

      Night of Pony <-- absolute fav!

    53. I'm pretty happy what your showing now. Although I gatta say some more YTPMVs would be nice.

    54. @AirplaneRandy

      Every PMV artist wishes they could make videos like this. Sadly we don't all have the time, resources or skills to do it. Which is why it would be wrong to limiting PMVs to the extraordinary videos. If were going to limit PMVs to professional looking videos, how about we limit fan fiction to professionally written stories or fanart to professionally drawn art?

    55. I watch some of the PMVs that get posted here. I check just about all the posts, especially if it's something I recognize or am curious about. If I watch a PMV, I watch at least the first minute or so and if it hasn't caught me in that time, I move on. There are a LOT of them and there aren't as many amazing ones, but there are a lot of middle of the line ones.

      This one was good. I watched SJ, but never really got into it but I think i'm going to in the very near future. This was well done and edited, imo.

      I think that three videos per post is ok. Two would just make 50% more posts for people to skip over if they aren't into them.

      As far as fic goes...this is the only place I see it. I don't search for it as it's not a huge part of the fandom for me. I've read some good ones (The Pony Psychology ones) and i've read some popular ones (::shudder:: Cupcakes) but in general I don't really care. I'd hit No Fanfic mode, but sometimes there's a gem or two in there. :)


    56. 3 per post is good because we all don't like the same types of PMV's.

    57. I watch probably 90% of the videos posted here (whether PMV, trailers, music, or some other shenanigans). I do tend to avoid the presentation and video game posts, though.

      It would be nice to see maybe a tad more quality control. I'm someone who could care less about genre of music and more about what the music is. I can tell if I like a video easily enough. Sometimes - heck, probably most of the time - it's just not my style, but other times a video is just plain old not good.

      It is a conflict, though. I'd hate to see the number of PMV's dropping off, but I also find it tiresome to have to si(f)t through poor PMV's to find the shiny, original, refreshing, epic, or just above average ones.

      I'd say keep the old way (I'll manage :P) but don't be afraid to put some projects on a pedestal.

      Samurai Applejack was amazing!

      P.S. This is the longest thing I've ever said on the internet.

    58. I always watch all 3 videos when you post them. Also, Samurai Applejack owns.

    59. The current system works just fine. I think most people are able to tell by the video title, or the first few seconds of footage whether its something they are interested in.

      As for the idea of PMV's getting stagnant, I don't think it is any different than fanfics or art. The source material for fanfics and art is the same for PMV's, and while it is a little easier to expand on that material through writing or drawing than video editing, its still the same source. I especially love game and movie trailer PMV's, some of the ones that get featured are absolutely brilliant. A good PMV maker can take that content and display it in a way you would have never imagined. Everyone has different tastes; some people dislike fanfiction, some PMV's, some art. But to deny one group of artists exsposure just because their source content isn't new goes against the spirit of the blog, and indeed the show itself.
      I do like the idea of screeners for the PMV's, provided they are fair.
      Finally, in regards to whether people actually watch the PMV's, each of my videos that have been featured on the site get roughly 1300 views just from the embed, so they are definitely watched.

    60. Samurai Applejack was epic.

      As to the 3 per post, I think it's fine. I'll check out the videos maybe 50% of the time. Everyone has different ideas of what's good and what's not, so we can decide for ourselves on the quality control issue.

    61. Stay the horse.

    62. As it stands this is really the only pony fansite where PMV authors can post their material and get it watched by the greater fandom. I would really hate to see them go from here; especially since I did a trailer one and plan to make more when I have the chance.

      Fan fiction and drawn art gets alot of attention on every fansite but the PMV stuff really only gets it's moment of face time here.

      If you need some quality control I know that I would be more than happy to volunteer my time assisting in some form of pre-screening process for video submissions.

    63. three per post is what ive come to know and love.

      also, that was epic

    64. I say leave the "current system" as is. The video medium is very different from the written, and it's a lot harder to define what's good and bad compared to words. Some vids that have been posted I've only thought were meh, but others loved, and vice-versa. So yeah, there should be a LITTLE quality control, but not as strict as it is for the fanfiction.

      Basically what you're already doing? Keep doin' that. :)

    65. ....I have no words that can tell how epic this is...

    66. The problem with having 3 per post is that more often than not at least 1 of them, more usually 2, are either boring, stupid, or just totally crappy. This makes it hard to properly rate the update, star-wise, because the quality is all over the place. I think PMVs that have any sort of talent associated with them at all should get their own post, and all those worthless Youtube Poop style time-wasters should be bunched together into a single post for the easily-entertained simpletons who like them.

    67. Just be as selective with the PMVs selection as you guys recently said you are with the Fics

    68. I think that it would be best to have a spotlight video every day, to award those who might go the extra mile (or lightyear). I'm pretty sure a lot more people pay attention to a PMV in it's own post. At the same time I think that the 3 pack of vids should be kept, so that editors have the ability to get seen and share in some of the views.

      Perhaps some bare minimums should be set like the clips have to at least match the beat or the audio decently. Also a pre-viewer system might help as has been suggested.

    69. @Anonymous
      >implying all Youtube Poops are worthless
      Dikekike (Krobo) has created some of the most entertaining pony videos of all time, and they are YTP's.

    70. Seth hates me.
      That's why he won't use mine.
      Oh well.
      They seem to be doing fine without it.
      Anyways keep up the good work Seth.

    71. @Anonymous

    72. I think 3 per post is just dandy

    73. I like two or three per post, and a separate post for the ones that are too good.

    74. i'm a fan of 3 per post, sometimes even if the clips are not the best i still manage to find a song i've never heard and fall in love with it :)

    75. I could live without the frequent PMV posts, but I would like them to stay. Sure, depending on your criteria, they may tend to be pretty similar. But there are at least four videos that I currently watch - or at least leave playing in the background - on a daily basis that I doubt I would have found without ED's PMV posts. Two of them have songs I had never previously heard. Sure, there's stuff I don't especially enjoy, but I know of at least three different ways to stop an embedded Youtube video from continuing to play.

      So, not to insist on extra effort and stress on your part, but the status quo is appreciated.

    76. I also skip over PMVs on this site, but read all other articles. It would help a lot if you just posted a few A++ ones instead of many B or B+ ones

    77. Most of what I'd say has already been covered, so I'll just say this:

      1> 3 per is good for me
      2> If you ever have questions about editing, ask the people making the PMVs. Most of us are friendly and willing to help / give advice.

    78. I like the system the way it is now, however, an idea came to me that might work. I'm not sure how much it would add to your workload, I don't know if would even add anything.

      Categorize the PMVs. Rather than everyday, maybe limit the PMV posts to once a week, placing all of the music based ones, trailers, and so forth in their own category, and each category gets a post put up on Saturday or Sunday. The ones that are truly spectacular or show some serious originality via animation or editing can be put up individually during the week, but it prevents an overload of the average.
      Then again, that could create problems with people's feelings, and again, it may give you guys more work, which we certainly don't need.

      Any thoughts on that?

    79. I've seen every and single youtube video you have posted up to now, I say 3 per post btw, it's much better.

    80. Really good, but my favourite still pony bebop.

    81. Meh, I like 3 per post, but whatever's easiest for you Seth. Also, great vid.

    82. There are so many PMVs - most aren't that good. I always have to scroll down to the comments to find out which ones are good and only watch them. I say only the good stuff should be posted.

      Either that or a PMV rating system like the fanfics.

    83. there already is some quality control going on with the videos. i mean, some vids are great, some not so, but nothing you post is plain bad. and if you find something to be especially good, you can give it a little spotlight, like in this case.

      all in all, keep doing whatcha doing.

    84. I like the quality control already in place, but if you want to show fewer that's fine by me.

      I've messed around with video editors and even posted some quick "pmv" to youtube. But if I saw what I did here on EqD I would be very sad.


    85. Oh I'd love to be a tree!

    86. I've reached AMV overload, so I'd like if you could highlight the best ones or include a rating.

    87. The quality of content is fine, though given the problems with "quantities" of material - a fair solution would be to:

      - Continue to spotlight really impressive stuff
      - Post/Like the remaining videos via the bloggs new you tube channel.

      Fewer PMV posts, and the ability to share more "average videos"

      Given that you-tube is a fairly popular site those interested in PMV's have probably already subscribed to your account!

    88. As much as I love PMVs and similar video mashups (and have also ran and judged AMV contests at conventions before) I really think there's too many to sift through here. At the same time, I think all should be given time in the limelight. So I'm kinda torn, but I rarely watch one anymore unless the title interests me.

    89. I see that the challenge was accepted. Nice work.

    90. Actually, I love PMV's. When they're done well. I wish there were more of them! I don't find them to get boring, either. But this one really was amazing and deserves a post of it's own :) I also like 3 per post. Not to much, not to little.

    91. Wow, there is more apathy and aversion in these comments than I would expect from this fandom. Making a video is as Seth said time consuming to build, so unless you're on the world's most bandwidth restrictive ISP you should give each video at least half a chance. I'm of the (biased) opinion that this site should show more PMVs than it does right now, so I'm disappointed to see you want to cut back. Perhaps someone should start a separate site only for videos.

    92. That was awesome.

      Also, since Craign McCracken (Lauren Faust's husband) and Genndy Tarkovsky (Creator of Samurai Jack) are good friends and have actually collaborated with each other on a few occasions, maybe, if we all hope hard enough...

    93. not only that, but Rob Renzetti (story editor for FiM) is also friends with Tarkovsky, I think we might have a winner.

    94. @Gaarathedancingpanda
      Didn't they make Dexter's Lab together?

      Also, back on the discussion, I consider the Youtube thing to be an archive, not a place for newly-submitted ones to be showcased. I like seeing them on the blog, and if these vanish, then Fanfics take over 80% of the blog's posts, and I only very rarely actually read those. I'd like to get my PMV fix right in here with the rest of the blog. A well-done "sync the show to music" PMV takes no less effort than a masterful fanfic or a beautiful piece of pony fanart, so it's disgraceful to suggest

      As for the video, I never watched Samurai Jack so I'm unacquainted with the intro (I could look it up if I wanted, no need to link) so most of what I saw was some stuff done in photoshop timed to a spoken intro, then a more musical part with some clips.

    95. I'm totally fine with the 3 per post thing. I always have the option of just not watching them, but they're around if i want to.

      Considering i dont scout youtube much, the PMVs here are largely the only ones I see. Keep posting away.

    96. Kind of a late response but yeah I agree, I usually watch a pmv about 30+ seconds in and then determine if its worth watching all the way through or not. If not I'll just move onto the next video.

    97. @BronyMike
      McCracken and Tartakovsky made Dexter's Lab together, and Renzetti and Tartakovsky knew each other before college, then chose to go to college together. And all three worked together on 2 stupid dogs.

    98. Why not have PMV pre-viewers like the pre-readers for the fanfics? That way you don't have to watch that many yourself, they can help get the best ones displayed and perhaps provide feedback to the people who make them. Or you could start to divide the PMVs into subcatagories like: Footage set to music, Ponyfied Movie Trailers and so on and so forth.


    100. I solely rely on this place for PMV recommendations. Without your posts, Seth, I'd be completely lost and would miss out on many potentially awesome videos. I don't mind looking through the 3+ posts for something I like. Sure, the scenes form the episodes + random pop song mashups get old quick but I usually press the pause button after a few seconds if I don't like a video and then move on. I say keep it the way things are.

    101. Have your "best" one as a embed and have the other 2 as regular links describing what they are. I think this really shows who did the most work but still recognizes those who didnt quite go FAR past the call of duty.

    102. A little more detail: This will be great for people like me, who dont have time for 3 videos like that in a row, and great for people who may have run into a lucky span of free time and really want to see some great pony magic.

    103. @Wing0002 Dude easy there on the Caps Lock, buddy...

      I don't mind how things are. I simply watch all 3. If the PMV doesn't hook me after the first 20-30 seconds or show, I skip it. Simple as that.

      I both agree and disagree about the lack of new footage being a problem. On one hand, yes, reusing the same footage for the same kind of lyrics can get pretty old hat. But, being creative enough can make old footage feel like something fresh and new.

      Since PMVs are a good part of the fanbase and fan content, I think a little more quality control would be nice. A few "pre-watching critics" that can pick some highlights and offer critiques for some the more lower quality ones done by less experienced makers.

    104. I honestly skip a lot of them, but I do look to see if you made a comment like, "This one is just... awesome." As you did with this one. In which case I watch them :)

    105. I normally ignore PMV's. They just ain't my thing. But I do love Samurai Jack so I gave it a look. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

      I also realized about midway through the video: Samurai JACK and Apple JACK. The world makes sense again.

    106. I like the 3 per post. There always seems to be at least 1 that I like that made the post worth it, even if it wasnt the supposedly awesome one(this one is truely awesome by the way)

      As for PMVs I have found tons of awesome ones on this site that have phenomenal syncing or a new perspective or twist on the old clips or have led me to discover some new music that I never would of heard otherwise. So keep PMVs, just add a quality control like with the fanfics because a bunch seem to slip through that are mediocre or basically repeating the same ideas with some slightly different (sometimes the same)music as seen in other PMVs posted on here.

    107. Ditch the "lazy" cut and paste clips with a music score in the back. If there is any room for pre-watchers I would offer my services.

    108. If you have three good ones, post 'em.

      --but don't feel like you have to present something that you don't think is up to snuff.

      I think the quality of some of those early videos has led us to go easy on some of the more recent stuff, that seems to be objectively less good.

    109. Mmmmm, PMVs, they're -okay-. I'll often give at least a short watch+listen, sometimes it's great music I've never heard, or the video is creative. If the video is just "totally random pictures set to music" I swiftly lose interest, unless I look up the song elsewhere.

    110. I think three per post is fine!! I love PMV's, I watch a lot of them. Even if we don't have new clips to work with, if the person who made the video did a fantastic job matching the clips to music and used an awesome song or was creative and used a bunch of effects than the video is worth watching!! To be honest I really don't look up PMV's on my own, so this is the only place where I get to see them!! Keep posting them? People could scroll like they do with fanfiction!

    111. To be honest i'd rather see moving edited images than just un-edited clips which try to fit with the song's lyrics which most people don't even pay attention to

      To all you Pony Music Video makers...Lip Syncing is what usually people are looking for...but be careful to get the song to actually fit, like Weird Al, don't just do it because you feel like no one's gonna do it, i'd rather see you giving the idea to more people till one actually makes a quality one

      I'd rather watch Trailers, like Ponycraft, or series which got ponified like Luna the Lonely Astronaut or the Hitler series

    112. OH yet another elaborated idea brought on by "Friendship is lotza spaghetti"? But it's actually great!!!!!
