meet the brony man i remember the original comic the second one was pretty good and hell what a coincidence right now i'm waiting to watch invader zim nick at nite is good
@Anonymous what?? you don't know it?? just one great game a first person shooter really fun one of the greatest ames of the last few years and the hats¡¡¡ oh the hats¡¡¡
Video one and three made me laugh. Trixie + Zim = Awesome. "I will prepare food with my iron hoof, then I will work my way up to ruling you all with my hoof. You! Obey the hoof!"
The second video I liked at first. Then I didn't like it. Then I liked it again simply because it was kinda funny too.
The "Meet the Brony" video was nice. I was kind of hoping that there was some variation of the Sniper's "Professionals have standards" line. There is a pony joke to be made there, I just can't think of one.
I loved the second and third ones. The first was okay, I'm just kind of sick of TF2 parodies at this point. There's no way to improve upon the original "Meet the" videos.
1. HahahaHAHAHAHAH 2. Very well made. Also, hahahaHAHAHAHAH 3. Usually videos this short don't make it onto EqD...oh wait, this has Trixie. That explains it.
Meet the Bronie was beyond funny, and correct. EXACTLY what most bronys go through lol A round of appluase for that, and the rest of the amazing vids *clop clop clop*
The VA of Meet The Brony here. I admit, I saw a comic of it, and I thought "might give it a voice over, since I got nothing better to do" That's not even the original video, but I won't say anything since it's mixed better. For those who didn't like my VO, I would love to hear critiques.
In actuality, I'm not even a brony, and I thought the mini-comic had some satirical value.
@Anonymous Man, I'd love another go at the Voice Acting for the longer one and credit you for it (credited you on the "original video" BTW), but a shitstorm was created, so I better move on haha
67 kommentaari:
meet the brony = win
VastaKustuta"I'm not a horse-wanker, I'm a brony!"
VastaKustutaSo much win.
Liked them all.
VastaKustutaMeet the brony is good, I just wish they got a better VA.
VastaKustutaThis is a group of winners. Loved them all.
VastaKustutaThat's rare, 3/3 perfection! I'd seen the DVX one a couple days ago, great sync. And Trixie=Zim, perfect fit.
VastaKustuta"I will prepare food with my iron fist- then I will work my way up to ruling you ALL WITH MY FIST!! You! Obey the fist!"
VastaKustutaLol, Invader Zim...
Meet the Brony is stolen from a comic. Literally, word for word.
VastaKustutaMeet the brony referenced cupcakes....
Meet the Brony, Awesome !!
VastaKustutaI suppose number one would have made more sense if I'd ever played Team Fortress. Still, it wasn't the worst voice acting I've ever heard.
VastaKustutaYeah, a bit better voice acting quality on Meet the Brony would be nice. The premise and the lines though, amazingly well done.
VastaKustutaplayed # 1 while downloading steam and TF2.
VastaKustutathe second one.....confound these ponies, they make me like a music genre i could realy care less about.
What is this team fortress two and why the hell is it so popular?
VastaKustutaWhoo, three for three!
VastaKustutameet the brony man i remember the original comic
VastaKustutathe second one was pretty good
and hell what a coincidence right now i'm waiting to watch invader zim nick at nite is good
Meet the Brony would have been a lot better if it were sentenced mixed, but that's just me.
VastaKustuta@Anonymous what?? you don't know it?? just one great game a first person shooter
VastaKustutareally fun one of the greatest ames of the last few years and the hats¡¡¡ oh the hats¡¡¡
First, good but VA. Could have been a bit better.
VastaKustutaSecond, I hate rap but I'll check it later.
Be Kind. Be Tolerant. Have a plan to Bronify everypony you meet.
VastaKustutaMeet the Brony is gold. GOLD I SAY!
VastaKustutaAnd for those wishing for a better VA, I believe the original Meet the Sniper video had a similar sounding VA, ie. butchered Aussie accent.
Wait, people aren't liking the VA for Meet The Brony? I thought he was fantastic.
VastaKustutaOh Celestia, #2 was beautiful. Pinkie Pie as Santana? Applejack saying "Aaaaw shit!"?
VastaKustutaME GUSTA.
VastaKustutaYeah, the VA for #1 seemed pretty spot-on to me too. I don't know where all of these people are coming from.
VastaKustutaOBEY THE FIST!
Video one and three made me laugh. Trixie + Zim = Awesome. "I will prepare food with my iron hoof, then I will work my way up to ruling you all with my hoof. You! Obey the hoof!"
VastaKustutaThe second video I liked at first. Then I didn't like it. Then I liked it again simply because it was kinda funny too.
AJ's "AWW SHIT!" was awesome in video 2. Heck all three were good.
VastaKustutaOh man, the VA to Meet the Brony is just about perfect. XD I could almost swear it was Sniper's real VA.
VastaKustutaAlso the Zim one is absolutely hilarious. Trixie being Zim is the best thing. :D
The sad thing is, with no fingers Trixie lacks a fist. :(
VastaKustutaI see I suck at fps games, so thats why i could care less.
I have a mental sickness? That's news.
VastaKustutaAll amazing! Finally, a PMV I'm glad I watched!
VastaKustutaThe first one was great other than the fact that it was the worst Sniper impersonation ever. Still great tho.
VastaKustutaAll hail The Great and Powerful Trixie's iron hoof!
VastaKustutaInvader zim was always a win...
VastaKustutaNow that is has mixed with ponies...
Three awesome videos!
VastaKustuta"I'm not a horse-wanker, I'm a brony!" = new response to haters. So awesome.
VastaKustutaI find it really weird that TF2 and MLP seem to be so entwined though... especially as I got into both about the same time... :?
VastaKustutaThere's one for the soldier too
"YOU!Obey the fist!" Priceless!
VastaKustutaOh gods, why isn't this included? THIS MUST BE INCLUDED.
I'm not a horse wanker dad! I'm a brony! Haha so very laughed at that.
VastaKustutaLiked #2 for the facial expression syncing. Funny times. I love this place.
@Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony
VastaKustutaOr, you know, that's what the video was based off of.
I hear the Lord of the Rings movies were stolen off some books, too. Like, even the names are the same. So blatant.
Vid three had me laughing. Trixie goes great with Zim.
VastaKustuta3 for 3 freaking awesome! and anything Trixie+Zim is epic as that last video proved
VastaKustutasoo much win
VastaKustutaInvader Zim one just... fits perfectly.
VastaKustutaThe first one is the best ever
VastaKustutaOh, Obey the Iron Fist! Lovre IZ, it works pretty well with the ponies!
VastaKustutaBut I'm kinda confused - the first video (nice one) uses my artwork, but I'm not mentioned while everyone is. :\ Unfair.
There is a mistake in the first one. Being a brony is not a hobby; it's a lifestyle.
VastaKustutaPerhaps. But trying to explain that to a hater usually doesn't blow over so well.
The "Meet the Brony" video was nice. I was kind of hoping that there was some variation of the Sniper's "Professionals have standards" line. There is a pony joke to be made there, I just can't think of one.
VastaKustutaI like the Meet the Brony video. There should be a picture of Zecora as a Medic saying "Now we practice medicine."
VastaKustutaOh no, It's the attack of the parodies!
VastaKustuta1st video:
Pinkie Pyro
I loved the second and third ones. The first was okay, I'm just kind of sick of TF2 parodies at this point. There's no way to improve upon the original "Meet the" videos.
VastaKustutaMeet the brony FTW. The Sniper always DID seem like the type...
VastaKustuta1. HahahaHAHAHAHAH
VastaKustuta2. Very well made. Also, hahahaHAHAHAHAH
3. Usually videos this short don't make it onto EqD...oh wait, this has Trixie. That explains it.
#1 : WIN
VastaKustuta#2 : WIN
#3 : WIN
Anyone else ?...
Meet the Bronie was beyond funny, and correct. EXACTLY what most bronys go through lol A round of appluase for that, and the rest of the amazing vids *clop clop clop*
VastaKustuta1) ohmigosh that's awesome! they did a great job and very hilarious.
VastaKustuta2) Whatisthisidonteven win.
3) Fist! awesomely done!
VastaKustutaFunnily enough, it wouldn't have. It would, however, if you watched Valve's "Meet the Sniper".
Original editor of "Meet the Brony" here. I didn't submit the link to EqD, but I just want to thank all of you guys for enjoying it! :)
VastaKustutaThe VA of Meet The Brony here. I admit, I saw a comic of it, and I thought "might give it a voice over, since I got nothing better to do" That's not even the original video, but I won't say anything since it's mixed better. For those who didn't like my VO, I would love to hear critiques.
VastaKustutaIn actuality, I'm not even a brony, and I thought the mini-comic had some satirical value.
I actually did the orignal comic and placed it on KNow Your Meme for #1. I also made a far longer extended version of the comic here:
@Anonymous Man, I'd love another go at the Voice Acting for the longer one and credit you for it (credited you on the "original video" BTW), but a shitstorm was created, so I better move on haha
VastaKustutaMAN the guys at bronystate are gonna love this! I think I'll go tell them now