• PMV: Folsom Pony Blues / Rainbow Dash is Gay (or European) / Ponyville 5

    1.) Folsom Pony Blues
    2.) Rainbow Dash is Gay (or European) (No Embed, New version)
    3.) Ponyville 5 (babylon 5)

    [PMV] Folsom Pony Blues from John Laughlin on Vimeo.

    no embed

    30 kommentaari:

    1. Rainbow Dash is neither gay nor European.

    2. @Anonymous Curse you posting before me!! CUUURRRSSSEE YOU! FORREVVEERR

    3. Lol, that image...
      Apple Bloom: Rainbow Dash is WHAAAT?

    4. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    5. Dash is gay and I can prove it. The video said Dash was either gay or European. If putting Equestria on real world earth, Ponyville and Canterlot would be in East Coast USA. Not only is Canterlot near Manehattan and Filydelphia, which are both east coast cities, but there are mostly deciduous trees. This almost certainly eliminates the region to either East coast US or Europe. Now, given that they took a train to Appleloosa (American Mid-West), they are on the East Coast (unless you can take trains over water). Also, you can't say they flew because only two of them have wings and one can teleport.

      Using logical reasoning, I have proven that Rainbow Dash is gay.


    6. Ponyville 5. Made Babylon 5 20% cooler!

    7. @Anonymous Jelly? This has nothing to do with jelly!

    8. Babylon 5 and MLP have been fused.

      So. Awesome.

    9. Folsom Pony Blues! :D I love this with all my might.

    10. Pony and Babylon 5? Holy... I didn't think that was possible.

      Yes Calbek, Zecora is TOTALLY Kosh. Nopony else fits.

    11. what? baabylon 5? the best show on earth! and somehow, ponies made it even better!! I. AM. HAPPY!!

    12. #1 and #2 Awsome work, especially the 2nd one, that was just priceless and really well done.

      #3) Woohoo! my vid made it to ED! Enjoy everypony :)

    13. @Narwhals' Bend
      That's assuming either or.
      But I'M not assuming the premise of the video.

    14. I never did watch Babylon 5, but the third video is quite well done nonetheless. I'll check out and comment on the second one on Youtube another time.

      I'm the creator of the first video and I'm incredibly excited to have something show up here. I hope to do more videos in the future, though I think my next attempt at contribution will be through fanfiction. Writing is much more my strong suit. ^_^

    15. Never heard the #2 song before, but I cracked up.
      As for #3, I dunno, it just sounds like the Tale of Two Cities intro to me, =P

    16. Babylon 5 and MLP:FIM are both AWESOME! I loved B5 when I was growing up, it was more realistic than any of the Star Trek series, and focused on issues that are also prevealant today; Coups, war, xenophobia (with both race and ethnicity in relatable terms, such as the "Humans are better than every other race terrorist orginzation known as the "Homeguard")
      Also the video is very well done, I like how the pasted scenes actually match up in the way that B5's 4th and 5th season intros did.

    17. B5 and Ponies!?!?! MY LIFE IS COMPLETE!

    18. Somepony has uploaded the Johnny Cash PMV to YouTube.

      Is this OK or something, he did give a link to the Vimeo channel and credited him, so wha?

    19. Doesn't matter, Youtube blocked the video when I tried to post it there originally. That's why I put it on Vimeo. I just tried the link above and sure enough, it comes up blocked.

    20. I love the Gay or European PMV. I saw another one the other day. It's a fun song. :D

    21. Johnny Cash as a pony would shatter reality. No universe can hold that level of cool. Think about the equation:

      Johnny Cash x 20% cooler = ________

    22. Johnny Cash + Ponies is awesomeness, it is. But now I want more! Though I'm not sure how well 'Cocaine Blues' would go with Ponies. Hmmmm.

      That second one was pretty awesome, though. I figured it was pretty straightforward...until Pinkie Pie showed up, and that's when it crossed into Epic. Hah.

    23. It should be Foalsom Pony Blues, of course.

    24. European is Gay !
      (just kidding , i'm european and not gay)

    25. Starring
      Twilight Sparkle as Captain John Sheridan
      Rainbow Dash as Commander Susan Ivanova
      Applejack as Security Chief Michael Garibaldi
      Rarity as Ambassador Delenn

      Also Starring
      Pinkie Pie as Dr. Stephen Franklin
      Sweetie Belle as Lennier
      Scootaloo as Marcus Cole
      Fluttershy as Vir Cotto
      Apple Bloom as Zack Allan
      Zecora as Lyta Alexander

      Gilda as G'Kar
      The Great and Powerful Trixie as Londo Mollari

      Created by Lauren Faust
