• PMV: Awesome Rainbow Dash Spray Paint / Phineas and Ferb Medley -MLP Edition / Fluttershys Genocide

    Mix time.

    First off is a really cool awesomeface rainbow dash spray paint thing!

    Second is 8 and a half minutes of PMV nonsense!

    And third is youtube poop, for those of you who are into that stuff!

    Sadly, no followup to Rainbow Sponge. Sorry guys. 

    1.) Rainbow Dash awesome face spray painting
    2.) Phineas and Ferb Medley - My Little Pony Edition
    3.) Youtube Poop (Fluttershys Genocide)

    37 kommentaari:

    1. Vandalizing, pony style. I wouldn't mind seeing these on the sides of moving trucks.

    2. That spray painting is sweet!

      And this Phineas and Ferb video is pretty funny so far. :P

    3. Did anyone else think of Nyx from Past Sins when they saw the chibi-Nightmare Moon?

    4. 1. impressive
      2. gross, disney shit
      3. mostly a sentence mix poop here, fair quality. definitely not Dikekike quality though

    5. That Phineas & Ferb one was amazing. I lost it completely at Zecora's house with the Doofenschmirtz jingle.

    6. That is a true brony, he is willing to vandalize a wall to spread this pony infection, then he takes a picture of it with his parents.

    7. @Anonymous

      Don't be so quick to judge Phineas & Ferb. It stands with MLP as one of the few good cartoons left on television, and as far as I'm concerned is the last, best hope for Disney Channel cartoons in general.

    8. My little Pony: FiM, and Phineas and Ferb. Two of the greatest cartoons OF ALL TIME!

      together at last. Thank you.

    9. I watched the p&f one, being a fan of both shows, with high expectations. I have to say, they spent too much time on the lamer songs and not as much on the ones i like. Plus, Apple Bloom yelling "Mom!" every five seconds was kind of annoying. Nice concept, but the execution was lacking.

    10. #1 was sweet awesome!
      #3. What. The. Frolic.
      I laughed. I cried. I stared in befuddlement.

    11. That Phineas and Ferb video was amazing. XD

      I really need to start watching that again. xP

    12. The Shoop da Woop was freaking fantastic! Bwahahaha!!!

    13. oh god that 3rd one.

    14. Hmm... Phineas and Ferb, the only thing left on television that is watchable?
      Other than FiM of course.

    15. @EonMaster If Nyx isn't the official fan nickname for filly Nightmare Moon by now, it should be!

    16. #3: Ah yes, another "The fuck did I just watch?" moment...

    17. Love the first video.

      The third is typical youtube poop. Altered words that becomes profanity, photoshop tricks for blood and skewered eyes, etc etc. They take a lot of work but its not entertainment for me.

    18. @C. Theron Vulpin
      How dare you say that Nyx is Nightmare Moon! she is not! I know that Twilight will find a way to get her daughter back to the sweet filly she was.

      You clearly need to read the fanfic called "Past Sins" It is hands down the greatest piece of literature on the entire site, and has the best OC pony to ever need to become canon.

    19. Honestly, out of all the youtube poops I've seen,
      (about four or five total =P ) this one is the least poopy. (Lord that's a terrible pun) Then again, it probably should be called something else. (much like the distinction between the word "fan" and "brony") ...How about Youtube Poonies? (OW, MY BRAIN!) ...I just had the painful realization of how horribly corny that term was. Ignore me! No good can come from my words right now!

    20. -and I accidentally hit the enter key. Fudge.

    21. Before FiM, Phineas and Ferb was the only show I found to actually be GOOD. Now, both FiM and P&H work together to provide hope for quality television in the future.

      Also, I just KNOW Gummy is a secret agent, he is much like Agent P in that he appears to do nothing or seem be aware of what's going on around him.

      "Curse yooouuuuu Gummy the Gatorrrrrr!!!!!"

    22. #1 was very well done. At least the wall seemed as if it wasn't really attached to a building anymore so I'd hope that it's not in use.

      #2 was also well done. I rarely watch Phineas and Ferb, but when I do, it has the same old school cartoon feel to it that I haven't seen in a long time. Besides ponies, that is. It was well synched and the choices were spot on especially since most songs were made using only one episode (except the section from the opening theme and the last song If I remember correctly)

      Looking back, I almost made that alcohol commercial parody joke unintentionally. That was close.

    23. Phines and Ferb started out as a show that I didn't want to like, but ended up watching when it came on out of lack of better things to do. Over time, the more-catchy-than-they-should-be songs (sound familiar?) and plots that, although they almost all follow the same basic format ("I know what we're gonna do today!", proceed to do it, fortuitously cleaned away by Perry and Doofenshmirtz), are each so outlandish and nostalgic of childhood imagination, grew on me to the point where, though I am not a huge fan, I will gladly watch it when a serendipitous opportunity presents itself. It won me over through charm and unabashed ridiculosity, to the point where I consider it one of the saddeningly few quality animated shows on TV.

      Point of unnecessary rant: I like to think P&F helped to condition me to be able to be more willing to try programs that would otherwise be incredibly off-putting at first glance, AKA My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

      tl;dr 2nd video is great for so many reasons.

    24. Interestingly, I didn't start watching Phineas and Ferb until AFTER I started watching Friendship is Magic (even though it's been on for a few years). And they're probably my favorite two "children's cartoons" on TV right now.

    25. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

    26. @C. Theron Vulpin

      Nyx is Nyx, Nightmare Moon is Nightmare Moon! :(

    27. Agent G? Gummt The alligator?

    28. WOW! I didn't even know this place existed, until an hour ago someone on youtube commented saying I was featured in Equestria Daily. I thought it was a joke, that he was making something up... But I'm so happy it's real! You can not imagine the joy I've had reading these comments. Thank you everypony for your love, tolerance and friendship, as always! I'm proud to be one of you.

      ...also, can I sign up here?

    29. And headed by Nyx, in costume for the school play in "Past Sins"!

    30. Did anyone else notice that Derpy appears to be invincible at the end of the last video? All she got was little black marks on her where she got hit.

    31. Phineas and Ferb is my second-fave TV toon, so I loved that mashup. (And the P & F song "Busted" is that show's "Winter Wrapup". It's so awwwweeeesssoommmmmee)


      Phineas and Ferb are making a PMV!!

    33. Fluttershy: What a shitty compliment
