• Plushies and Statues!

    Source: Jackiekie
    You know.. Applejack doesn't get a lot of credit.  Sure, she's stubborn as a mule and doesn't have any cool abilities like the rest of he mane 6, but at least shes reliable! I think...

    Source+More Images: Saiyamewome
    Source: Jberg18
    Now Pinkie Pie! That's an earth pony with skills! Not only is every single aspect of her personality enough to make even the most hardened criminal smile, but she's also a renaissance mare!  Her mastery over just about everything is truly something to look up to.  The girl built a helicopter faster than Rainbow Dash can clear the sky!

    But plushies aren't the only things popping up at a crazy rate lately. This Sonic Rainboom Dash, complete with blown back lips representing the crazy speeds shes traveling, is just another example of how talented bronies everywhere are.

    Keep up the great work! Season Two will be here in no time!


    1. Well these are cool. And Pinkie looks so fuzzy!

    2. She has something the others don't.

      A cool accent.

    3. why are that pinkie's ears halfway down her face?

    4. I really want a plushie / statue of MLP.
      If only my parents were more understanding T_T .

    5. That statue is amazing!

    6. @Anonymous This is not relevant it's his business

    7. ;_;

    8. >Applejack doesn't have cool abilities

      Give her her lasso and THEN say that. I dare you.

    9. Applejack is the strongest, she could beat up all the other ponies if she so desired.

    10. @Anonymous
      And for the million dollar question:
      Who cares?

      Cereal can do as well as he damn pleases.
      Who are we to judge other ponies?
      What gives you the right to spread things in order to hurt other ponies?

      Love and tolerance, bro.
      Love and Tolerance.

    11. Applejack is a damn cowgirl with legs powerful enough to kick a bell at the top of a strength test game into low orbit. How is that not awesome?

    12. AppleJack is the Chuck Norris of Ponies! She can roundhouse buck a tree so hard the trees around it will drop their apples!

    13. @krypqe

      Any asshole like me who wants to take 2 seconds to look into him will find that. It endangers us when he's dumb enough to favorite something under his own name. People will find it

    14. Applejack's the best. No fancy magics or wings are needed for this pony to be awesome. And she is. As well as Jackiekie's plushie up there, instant awesomeness. Now I want an apple.

    15. @Anonymous
      Unless you used that name and fav'd things just so you could cause a ruckus.

    16. AJ is best pony, your argument is invalid.

      1. She has the leg power to shatter a concrete slab with one buck.
      2. She has a bad ass accent.
      3. Sha has a hat.
      4. ???
      5. PROFIT!

    17. That looks more like Phoe than Pinkie Pie

    18. @crazyredemu

      Nah if you check all his favorite you can tell he's into that kind of stuff. Thats some bad news right there

    19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    20. @Anonymous

      "Oh noes, someone likes something I don't like, that's bad news!"

      Who cares what other people do? Nosey assholes who actually get offended by something like that and form an opinion on someone based on that are people who should be disallowed access to internet. And life.

    21. Well, at least Applejack has a hat. :)

      That Sonic Rainboom RD statue is really awesome though. Quite nicely done. Take my money!

    22. Somepony finally gave AJ a proper hat? WANT

    23. @Anonymous
      Bad news for who? If hating media want to look for ways to demonize us, trust me, it's not going to make a difference whether or not one of EDs editors has some favorited clopfics. They won't need any evidence of anything to speak down on us, as has been seen previously.

      Besides, who the fuck cares what Faux and their like say?

    24. The money I would give Hasbro if they started producing statues like that.
      It's a figure somewhere in the ballpark of "all of my."

    25. @Acedis

      Its apathy like this that will give them things to find.

    26. @crazyredemu

      Theres a difference between Porn. and human on cartoon pony porn. Are people really that dumb?

    27. @Anonymous

      Also no. I'm here to save us from those that would actually troll. Kind of like a vaccine

    28. This comment has been removed by the author.

    29. "You know.. Applejack doesn't get a lot of credit. Sure, she's stubborn as a mule and doesn't have any cool abilities like the rest of he mane 6, but at least shes reliable! I think..."

      Awr, Applejack's awesome. esh bucks apples and doesn't afraid of anything. She's less crazy than most ponies, too. And for all her stereotyping she's not flat or boring. (Plus I know people who are as stereotypically cowboy as that.) <3s for AJ
      PLUS she's got an awesome hat.

    30. @crazyredemu

      Then tell me, what is worse, a video of 2 real people having sex, or a comic of a 10 year old girl being raped?

    31. AJ has no special abilities? Fool, AJ doesn't NEED special abilities. She's the best farmer and the hardest worker in town. She's the pony least likely to act like an idiot.

      Who saved Ponyville from a stampede while the wimpy unicorns with their fancy magic and their fancy mathematics just stood there, helpless and cowering? AJ. Who keeps the entire town fed? AJ. Who has never lost to her rival in a fair competition, despite the fact that her rival can freaking FLY? AJ.

      So...no powers, yet on equal footing with someone who can fly, and continuously shows up and is admired by others who DO have powers?

      That's right. Applejack is BATMAN.

    32. This comment has been removed by the author.

    33. @crazyredemu

      You never mentioned levels. you just generalized real porn and drawn porn. Now if I were to choose between a video of a man having sex with a pony or having to read a comic of a man having sex with fluttershy i would choose the video anyday.

    34. (deleted shitty opinion which spawns too many subjects and only left...)

      I'M Gonna Love and Tolerate The SHIT Outta YOU!

    35. Can we please leave this discussion about porn somewhere else and stay on topic about the plushies? This is ridiculous.

    36. I'm Gonna Love and Tolerate the SHIT Out of you all!@!


    37. .....sorry other anonymous person my bad

    38. and sorry to all the others as well. Also I really want that RD figure

    39. No worries. And yes, that RD figure looks great. I'd love to have that sit on my desk in my office.

    40. Why are we talking about porn instead of those sweet creations. Seems kind of silly if you ask me.

    41. Wait, are you guys really trying to pick on him again just for that?

    42. Well, I come back through the ages of EqD history to find this argument. For shame, bronies, for shame. Who gives a buck what other people look at, it doesn't affect you at all.
