• Plushie Compilation #4

    Source: Brainbread
    The amount of smug ass unicorn in this plushie compilation is reaching critical levels!  I'm afraid it can't take much more! One of them is actually up for grabs on Ebay.  You can find that here!

    Source: Brainbread
    Source: IrashiRyu
    And for those of you who dislike the Greatest and most Powerful Unicorn in all of Equestria, Twilight and Spike also make an appearance. 

    Confound these talented bronies!

    28 kommentaari:

    1. Why? Do they drive you to insomnia, Seth?

    2. So many Trixies in one place...

    3. I love you Seth.

    4. So much better than the official Hasbro Twilight Sparkle plushie that was recently posted... *shudders*

    5. I hope hasbro uses these as models for the upcoming brony line of merch

    6. ....Its like 60 $, no way...

    7. Spike plushie?
      Want for uncommonness.

      Spike plushie with tux?
      Want for awesomeness.

    8. Never underestimate the G & P Trixie. NEVER.

      I like all the alternate outfits, especially the blue one. Awesome job on the Twilight plush as well.

      Finally some Spike love! Which reminds me, I gotta get back to work on my Spike plush/crochet doll. I've been putting it off forever. Confound my laziness! (Happy 22 mil views :3)

    9. Gah, that price.

    10. Sounds like this guy understands supply and demand

    11. WHAT ARE YOU HIDING SETH?!?!?!?!?

    12. @Anonymous Agreed. His behavior is most suspicious.

      I may have to put my Fanon Extraction devices to use again...

      *starts filling waterboard pool and plugs in electric torture chair*

      Now, shall we begin, Seth, or will you tell us why you're acting particularly smug today?

    13. During your group Q&Neigh podcast, you were asked what your pony-based fear is. I think I just found mine: Opening my door to find multiple Trixies standing there, waiting to show me just how feeble and weak I really am.

      Also, some great work on that Spike plushie, and that Twilight one is the one out of this batch I want the most; it's the one that triggers my 'hug' reflexes.

    14. Now why can't Hasbro make plushies that are this awesome--and great and powerful?

    15. @Anonymous

      Actually, I find the Hydra far more scary then the G&PT (as Snips and Snails called her). If Trixie showed up on my doorstep, I'd slam it in her face. But if a Hydra showed up, I'd run for my darn life!

      P.S.Here's a question for ya all: what would you do if showed up on your doorstep?

    16. The maker of the Trixie plushie also is selling something for all the Cupcakes fans out there.

    17. Who? Trixie or the Hydra showing up on my doorstep? Invite her in, or run for my dear and sweet life.

    18. That Twilight is MINE. :D

      Actually, I think that's the larger one that he made, but still.

    19. I meant to say "What would you do if (insert FIM monster here) showed up on your doorstep?". Sorry for the confusion.

    20. @XTUX345 Probably the same thing I'd do if a singing telegram showed up on my doorstep. Ever seen the movie version of Clue?

    21. DO WANT!! But for $45 plus shipping, I'll be happy with a Great and Powerful papercraft for now.

      @XTUX345 I'm guessing you tried to use angle brackets in that first post. I've made that mistake before. EqD interprets them as HTML tags.

      And if Trixie showed up on my doorstep, it would be the best day of my life. A bit awkward to explain to my parents why there's a pony in the garden, but still worth it.


    22. Why is a plushie 45 dollars -,-. I wanted it, now i don't.

    23. Stop complaining about the price of those handmade plushies. I'm making an Applejack and were I to make another, I'd charge similarly. Ten to twenty bucks would only cover materials, were you to use quality stuff. The hard work and time consumed must be taken into consideration.

    24. The first Luna I put up for Auction sold for $167 USD. So starting at $45 is pretty reasonable in my mind.

    25. In regards to the Trixie plushies.


    26. @Jennifer The issue isn't that it's unfair, it's that some of the bronies here don't have that kind of money sitting around for a plushie. I don't want to undervalue your time or work, but I want one so badly and just don't have that much money. If I could budget $100 for ponies and still afford my other things, I'd pay it happily, but college has me on a shoestring. For now it looks like I'll either have to learn how to make my own (I can hardly sew a button, so that might not end well), or wait.

    27. Spike and twilight? YUSSS. someone should put up patterns for these, I'm a decent sewer and I want to make an army of ponies, dammit.

    28. D'awww, God. HOW YOU DO?
