Another official comic has popped up with more of those vectors they keep using!
Applejack just looks so naked without a hat.
Apparently these were found in the "Sparkle World" magazine in the UK. Thanks to Diamond Dog for the images, and thanks to Scraleos for reminding me to post them!
Anyway page One and Two are above, and 3/4 can be found below the break.

>same vectors
Oh god Twilight's face!
ReplyDeleteI feel stupid for asking, but what do you all mean when you keep referring to vectors?
ReplyDeleteNeed to swap pages 3 & 4 around, Seth.
ReplyDeleteVectors are images without backgrounds. Hasbro uses the same pony vectors, or pony images, in every printed instance.
ReplyDeleteOn a side note, I want that workbook and sticker set next issue :)
Dat Twilight.
ReplyDeleteWhy must you insist on using her so much, Hasbro?
(AJ's actually kinda cute hat-less, imo, but she just doesn't really look like herself without the hat...)
witht the leftover apples applejack can make 43 pies yay i now maths
ReplyDeletei hate those vectors especially that twilight from panel 2 in the first page it's so goddamn awful
Twilight's face looks like it is melted every time they show a side-profile.
ReplyDelete*gag* If the show itself was like this, none of us would be here right now.
ReplyDeleteI swear they just keep re-cycling the exact same story line!
ReplyDeleteOh well, maybe little girls won't notice.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. Good thing the writers of this has no influence on the show whatsoever.
Hmm, their noses seem awfully pointy in this.
ReplyDeletetwilights face us a monstrosityyyy
ReplyDeleteWhoa wait, Stickers with next weeks issue!?
ReplyDeleteThat eighth panel, Twilight Pie.
ReplyDeleteLast page:
oh god, what the fuck am I looking at...
ReplyDeleteRainbow Dash makes it Rain.....Does anyone else think that sounds dirty, or is it just me?
ReplyDeleteWhat am I reading!
ReplyDelete"She makes it rain,
she makes it rain,
she makes it rain on them hoes,"
Oh what fresh hell is this?
ReplyDeleteWhat terrible writing.
ReplyDeleterarity: "I love shopping!"
ReplyDeletestopped reading there. way to miss the entire point of her character, guys.
Oh snap, I thought the point of the mane cast was that they were never mean't to be portrayed as consumerist, but "i like shopping"? This is worse wait not that bad, okay then i mean *ahem* this is just as bad as most of the fanfics on here.
ReplyDeleteOk, what the sugar-coated hell is up with Twilight's face in this comic? Especially in the last panel of the fourth page.
ReplyDeleteArtist, I am disappoint.
Obviously not written by someone in the UK though, unless they were just epic trolling.
ReplyDeleteBAHA. Twilights face. Oh clone.
ReplyDeleteoh be nice. the fanfics on here are usually just fine.
....Rarity would love to go shopping...she is the type to love doing that, but she would also be buying things for her shop and maybe stuff for the others (being generous and all that)
ReplyDeleteThis is like the G1 comic the UK had in the 80's. All we need is one of them in the famous laying pose.
ReplyDelete"Rarity: I love shopping!"
ReplyDeleteWhy people keep saying she doesn't look right without a hat I will never fucking know. She looks just fine, I've seen all there is to see from episodes to art, and no hat is just as good.
ReplyDelete8. 9. 10... what comes after 10? How many apples does she have!!! I need to know!!!
ReplyDelete'"I love shopping!" said Rarity.'
ReplyDelete'"Mmmm, apples!" they giggled, as they queued for apples.'
Oh god.
You can tell the folks who write the comics and the folks who write the show are OH SO DISTINCT.
ReplyDeletePrefer her with the hat, but meh.
my eyes are bleeding help!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThat's some serious Ctrl+V artwork right there.
ReplyDeleteFor my two cents on this, I shall quote a well-known internet reviewer. "This comic sucks!"
ReplyDelete>before reading comic
>after reading comic
Well y'know, for an obvious throwaway filler comic that was probably written on someone's lunch break because their copy editor told them to "make something about that pony cartoon", this...
ReplyDelete..., it's not really worth defending on even that merit.
Ahh, these vectors again. I swear, Rainbow Dash is in the same/nearly the same exact pose almost every single time she appears.
ReplyDeleteI red this well I was on the can.
ReplyDelete"I love shopping!"
ReplyDeleteWhat was it Lauren Faust said she was trying not to do when coming up with these characters? Oh yeah, she wanted them to be THE EXACT OPPOSITE of this!
Applejack needs her hat to prevent Twilight from reading her thoughts.
ReplyDeleteOW man this was so lame it hurts whoever wrote this comic need to be fired and hire some bronies for future comics they can write stuff ten trillion times better than this vapid crap
ReplyDeleteWhy do they keep taking the green out of Celestias hair?
ReplyDeleteThe art is halarious.
ReplyDelete@AnonymousHasbro could literally just grab some bronies from Devart and they'd produce both, higher quality artwork AND show-accurate characterisation.
ReplyDeleteANd likely for less money, too.
It's funny in the same way public access television is funny. I knew it was going to be awful, yet I read it anyway. Honestly, I think I'm a better person for it having sat through it.
ReplyDeleteRelated: I can hardly wait for those stickers!
Oh God what is this!?
ReplyDeleteYeah this comic sucks. (Twilights enormus forehead <:O)
ReplyDeleteBut it was in a uk magazine so it's understandable (I've seen a lot of crappy kids magazines.)
Which reminds me, only one day until english brony levels skyrocket, mmm hmm hmm hmm, mwa ha ha ha, Gah ha ha ha, DAH HAH HAH HAH! (3:38 AM in jolly old england right now)
Ah, the elusive duck-billed Twilight.
ReplyDeleteAnyone else start imitating the SafeStyle UK advert after the 6th panel?
ReplyDeleteThis is what you get when you don't slip in those nice little references and character depth that make FiM more than bearable to adults.
ReplyDeletetoo much hearts to me.
ReplyDelete...and re-use the same vectors over and over again, but that's forgivable.
ReplyDeleteOkay... English isn't my native language, but aren't rivers and waterfalls two different things?
ReplyDeleteIs there even a waterfall in Ponyville?
And why would you voluntarily jump into one?
I've never understood how an artist OR a writer can be satisfied with doing something like this.
ReplyDeleteI really don't think I could even bring myself to tolerate such bad characterization if I were told to create a work in such an image, regardless of how little time I had or how much/little I was getting paid. There's such a thing as being proud of your creations, and not just crapping out some vapid monstrosity just so you can get a paycheck.
It's stuff like this that makes me wish I could give Lauren Faust some kind of lifetime achievement award. She has that dedication to her craft and to creating quality in a place whether it is neither demanded nor expected that I wish every writer and artist on Earth had, and that I like to think I possess myself. That woman is truly the greatest of us all.
Hey, don't be hatin' cause Rainbow Dash knows best all along!
ReplyDeleteThis was the kind of insipidness that MLP *was* before Friendship Is Magic came along. And should show just how quickly it could go back to it if they Stop Caring.
ReplyDelete@Aquaman52I'm pretty sure that hiring her - with her experience, reputation and thus, pricetag - was a conscious decision by Hasbro, and it DID expect her to do roughly like what she actually did.
ReplyDeleteBut whoever's doing these ponies is, in all likelyhood, not receiving the supervision they oh so obviously need.
Admittedly, there's only so much you can do in four panels, but still. Jesus fucking christ.
I don't get why your all upset, it's made simple for LITTLE GIRLS to read, they can upgrade to better stories as they get older but they are not going to read a chapter book nor put one in a mag. I liked it cause it had RD being awesome!
ReplyDeleteLook at Applejack's eyes in fourth page, third panel! If I'm not imagining this, she's gone derpy!
ReplyDeleteAfter sheltering from the rain, they go jump in the river? lol.
ReplyDeleteI think Cupcakes stays truer to character than this.
ReplyDeleteAnd while we can all laugh at critiquing a little kids' advercomic, it's because the show rises so far above the usual "treat kids as simpletons" that this annoys me.
I've apparently lost all ability to construct a grammatically correct sentence, btw.
ReplyDeleteOh mah gaaaawd dis comic. Those EYES. On page 3, is it just me or is Pinkie looking at Twilight kinda...lustily? And I like how Rarity is only slightly annoyed with getting covered with mud as opposed to becoming comatose. Not to mention her gleefully playing in a filthy river.
Page 2. Pinkie: "Rain will ruin my picnic! (unchanging expression) Just what I wanted! :D"
Rain, rain, go away...
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a song from my recent pony video...
Ok, stop being creepy, comic developers.
They all laughed!
ReplyDelete4! She can make 4 TARTS! :D
ReplyDeleteI think even for being simple it's a little too simple. As far as I know little girls usually do understand fairy tales (which certainly aren't as simple as this).
And then there's the overall quality of this comic including bad artwork...
ReplyDeletecomics are for little girls
fanfics are for bronies
but the lack of quality of the comic is disturbing
And then they laughed.
ReplyDeleteHo'k... can somepony please tell me that this is not what the show is going to turn into now that Lauren Faust is gone... that is not going to happen, right?
ReplyDeleteI haven't really been alarmist until now, still am not, but this... this is... special?
This seems awfully similar to "The Magic Coins" from G1, except it's at least 20% less cool.
ReplyDelete1...2...3! 3 Twilight copypastas! Ha, ha, ha!
ReplyDeleteUgh Derped Twilight, I am dissapoint
ReplyDeleteSpoiler: Applejack can make four tarts.
ReplyDeletectrl+c ctrl+v ctrl+c ctrl+v ctrl+c ctrl+v ctrl+c ctrl+v ctrl+c ctrl+v ctrl+c ctrl+v ctrl+c ctrl+v ctrl+c ctrl+v ctrl+c ctrl+v ctrl+c ctrl+v
ReplyDeleteLooks like some underpaid intern loves Pinkie/Twilight shipping!
ReplyDeleteSuch a romantic picnic.
ReplyDeleteWhat, exactly, was the point of even giving them speech bubbles? Read alone, it results in the most non sequitur dialogue since Wacky Delly.
ReplyDeleteNo. This is worse than Wacky Delly. The Salami really did hate the Baloney, and the Cheese really was the best character. This...I don't even.
These....are pretty weak.
ReplyDelete"I love shopping" >_>
Sure, they're for kids - but so is the show, on the surface. Pretty much every community artwork I've seen outdoes this in writing. Many outdo it in art quality too.
By the way, I'm in the "what does vector mean" crowd
"Queued"? In a comic for three-year-olds?
ReplyDeleteRarity: "I love shipping.. um, I mean SHOPPING"
ReplyDeleteYeah but, wouldnt Rainbow Dash just have dumped the cloud on them anyways, because i mean, it would've been a good natured prank.
ReplyDelete@Tears of a valedictorian
ReplyDeleteWhat? Do you not giggle with glee at the prospect of purchasing Malus domestica?
Elusive eight legged Rainbow Dash in the 7th pane
ReplyDeleteI'm really tired of everyone saying that Lauren Faust is gone. She is the consulting producer, she isn't gone, and contrary to what that position sounds like, it's actually higher than the executive producer. She got a promotion if anything.
ReplyDeleteAs for the comic: the "I love shopping" just killed it for me. I'm pretty sure that Rarity makes all of her own cloths, and she probably has supplies delivered to her. I doubt that she does much shopping at all.
That... was painful.
ReplyDeleteNeedless to say I was on the edge of my seat the entire time.
ReplyDelete@Blue fox
ReplyDeleteOH SHI-
Whoever did this comic even sucks at copy&pasting. ;__;
ReplyDeleteWell, Lauren's major goal while directing this show was to make "for little girls" no longer equal to "lame." You are currently stating that they are equal. Therefore, the comic is actively undermining Lauren's efforts, and must be killed with fire.
Rainbow Dash simply knows best, guys. She is our god, after all.
ReplyDeleteWhy is twiligt the only pony that looks weird
ReplyDeleteI couldn't make it through the second page. Rarity suddenly being all shopaholic killed my wingboner.
ReplyDeleteI originally read Rarity's line as "I love shipping!"
ReplyDeleteAnd I prefer to remember it that way.
Gah. This is like G1 writing.
ReplyDeletei say we should all take the comic and try to write a good story for it.
ReplyDeleteedit out the outta character dialog and make it something .. better .... or at least disturbing in a funny way.
This is worse than those German comics
ReplyDeleteOh god what is going on with Rainbow Dash at the top of page 3? She has like 7 legs and two sets of wings.
ReplyDeleteAnd Pinkie's bedroom eyes to Twilight when she says it's hot out disturb me. But not half as disturbing as how hideous Twilight's face is in almost every single panel.
Aww yeah, Rainbow Dash makin' it rain on dem hoes.
ReplyDeleteVector image where made by calculations form the computer in a graphical sense. They're free from resolution and mostly used in flash and stock imagery. So what you see there where stock imagery from Hasbro, since they're too cheap to hire any of us bronies to make those comics.
Aww, let's be positive. I like the raincloud on page 4! Also, Pinkie looks pleased that her picnic will be ruined.
ReplyDeleteThe moral of the story is to listen to your friends or things could get messy.
ReplyDeleteOh, OK. So when a drug addict "friend" comes along and offers me pot, I would gladly take some, because if I didn't, things could get messy!
Rainbow Dash is the only pony that even comes remotely close to their show counterpart in this comic.
ReplyDeleteThis comic SUCKS.
this comic is bad for the same reason the previous my little pony generations were bad.
ReplyDeleteWow... This is probably the most jarring reminder that we aren't the target demographic that any of us will ever see ever.
ReplyDeleteApplejack can make 4 tarts with the leftover apples.
ReplyDeleteThere is a perfectly logical explination for why the comics (german, this one, etc.) are so...insipid.
ReplyDeleteThey're the comics of.... AN ALTERNATE DIMENSION UNIVERSE OF G4!
Where the ponies all have the same vacuous expressions and smiles.
Where Twilight's face is putty and can deform at will
Where Applejack no longer wears a hat
Where Rarity is more girly shopaholic
Where Rainbow is no longer interested in joining the Wonderbolts and just being a regular tomboy girly-girl mashup
Where Celestia will appear out of nowhere and is missing hues from her hair...
Yes, this is a pony world much different from the one we know and love... It must be purged!
Hope fic writers are listening to this.
ReplyDeleteFaust said she will only supervise early writing in S2.
Ponyville needs water? Treebeard you know what to do!
ReplyDeleteTreebeard: Break the dam! Release the river!
They all look so... soulless.
ReplyDeleteLets see buy crappy comics or read free and very well written fanfic hmm the choices.
ReplyDeleteAlso no hat for applejack what the hell man!
ReplyDeleteThat comic was made by Hasbro...for shame
ReplyDeleteBut seriously guys, I don't know who's fault this is, but we really should burn their house down and set them on fire.
zZDarkMemoriesZz said...
ReplyDelete"(AJ's actually kinda cute hat-less, imo, but she just doesn't really look like herself without the hat...)"
I agree, I've always thought AJ looked cute hatless.
It's creepy that several fan comics and drawings have better art than this 'official' product.
ReplyDeleteIt's also creepy that has the same expression no matter what emotion they're portraying.
Why do I get the feeling that whoever wrote this never seen the show?
ReplyDeleteI love how you didn't mention Pinkie.
But then, it's Pinkie. Shit does not need explanation.
I'm left butthurt over a comic for 3 year old girls. Lolwut
ReplyDeleteLet's see. Several continuity errors, failing to get inside the heads of your OWN characters, coloring being off, steering the WHOLE direction of the show somewhere else, WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG?
These things are always terrible.
Kids understand more when they watch/hear than when they read, so pretty much every officialy pony comic is dumb. The highest-tier kids books are ones like Dr. Suess' material. We might get that level of quality in a full-book, but not in a 4-pager.
ReplyDeleteI think this gave me cancer
ReplyDeleteFuck you and your vectors Hasbro.
ReplyDeleteThey look like shit.
Oh man, I am laughing for real right now.
ReplyDeleteA cloud, looks like RD is pushing a bush! Have them banished and thrown in a dungeon!
Oh Celestia, what if this is a PREVIEW of what Season 2 will look and be like?! It would be a fate worse than Cupcakes... Bronies everywhere die of depression, World War 3 starts, world implodes, *rants on, and on, and on*
ReplyDeleteAt least Celestia isn't pink...
When Celestia said "Thats right!" in the last panel, it kinda reminds me of the Team Rocket's meowth from Pokemon.
ReplyDelete Keep in mind, it's my first time doing anything of this sort, but, gah, it's just SO terrible
ReplyDeleteThanks, this made me laugh
I can't ever bring myself to click on these magazine comics. They just hurt so much. ;_;
ReplyDeleteI thought it was too childish, ironically.
ReplyDeleteSpike went from looking ATLEAST like a 13 year old to a 2 year old and Twilight's face is just. . . HORRID!
ReplyDeleteI'm late, and I'm not the first now, but after reading the comments I couldn't resist to draw this thing: :P
ReplyDeleteThe phrase, "I love shopping!" BURNS me to my very core! Its just....its so...steryotypical!
ReplyDeleteIs it wrong that reading this makes me want to punch something?'s interesting?
ReplyDeleteOk, it's awful...
"I love shopping!"
ReplyDeletethat math question on page 2, could someone explain it to me? sorry, i didn't take calculus
ReplyDeleteNow I know what it feels like for 90's comics fans when they hear someone mention Rob Liefeld. *breaks down sobbing*
ReplyDeleteAny chance this was a parody paid for by the Great and Powerful Trixie just to malign the mane cast?
ReplyDeleteThat was hilarious!
a few things I learned from reading this;
ReplyDelete1. No rain for one day = massive drought.
2. Twilight sparkle is actually a platypus.
3. 10 min. of rain = drought fixed.
4. You CAN sound dissapointed while looking the exact same as when you're happy.
This comic is so bad I printed out a copy just to burn it. :3
This is so bad it's hilarious.
ReplyDeleteSorry hasbro but I think I'll leave it to the pros over at the MLP studio to provide storylines that actually make sense.
One minute they're going shopping, and the next minute they're going swimming in a river. MAKE UP YO MINDS.
I am disappoint :C
ReplyDeleteI thought the point of the characters in MLP:FIM was to be exactly the OPPOSITE of this. How can this be official Hasbro when 95% of the fanfictions I've found on this site are leagues better?
*catches fire*
ReplyDelete*turret voice* It burns!
It hurts to even look at it.
Applejack is very cute, with or without hat. This comic is an abomination for other reasons.
Spike's eye is deflated.
Because there couldn't possibly be ANY bad writers in the UK, EVAARRRR, AMIRITE?!
Just shut up. The hay is wrong with you.
That's beside the point. AJ always wears her hat when she has the choice. Depicting her without her hat for no good reason is something that should just never be done. (Wanting to see her without a hat is a good reason when it's fanart or just a single, storyless picture, but in an official comic it's heresy.)
Ten trillion times zero is still zero. Anypony can make something infintely better than this. I could literally take a dump on a piece of paper and it would still be better than this.
Because this comic is for little girls. And everypony knows that little girls DESPISE green with the burning fury of a thousand suns.
Shut up.
So you are saying the care bears were right?! OH GODS CARE BEAR PROPAGANDA KILL IT WITH FIRE.
It's actually impressive how much RAW BADNESS they maneged to pack into such a short comic. Surely this must have taken a LOT of effort.
Oh my gods I love you marry me! <3
Yes, NOT!Pinkie was trying to seduce NOT!Twilight.
Faust isn't gone completely, and I think the writers are going to continue their amazing work. Faust said so, IIRC.
Blasphemy! That abomination is NOT our beloved goddess Rainbow Dash!
@Dan Park
With combustible lemons.
You're saying what we're all THINKING!
@Present Perfect
For the same reason we all keep reading them: Bile Fascination. And to make fun of them, of course.
...why? WHY?
BURN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!