The Great and Powerfu...shes so sad... Trixie why are you sad? Wednesdays are always your day...
I'll toss some news up I guess.
New Zealand Bronies Facebook Group
Another facebook group is looking for more! If you live in New Zealand, hit up this page!
Socal Brony Meetup Writeup
A recent meetup went down over in Old-Town Pasadena, California. This is their writup! If you are interested in hosting one of your own some day, this should give you an idea of what goes down!
You can find the document here!
Comic Con Brony Gallery
The bronies who went to comic con have a gallery up of their cosplays/gathering. You can find it here!
Another Poll!
Another poll has popped up! This one focusing on determining the most loved mane cast pony in comparison to others. It's essentially a bunch of mini-vs battles. You can find it here!
Hackers Awards Give Out Pony Trophies
The annual Las Vegas hackers awards ceremony, the "Pwnie" awards celebrate massive hacking events throughout the internet. I'm pretty sure the pony trophies go out every year, but for those of you who were unaware, they essentially paint pony toys gold and toss them to the winners.
You can find the site here!
Very Slight Brony Shoutout in Newgrounds Game
A game called Gap Monsters on Newgrounds dropped a slight pony reference. So slight, it only involves clicking "you gotta care" and receiving "you gotta share". Not much here! Oh well.
You can find the game here regardless!
Updated Custom Pony Contest
Kanamai's OC pony contest is updated a bit, have some copypaste!
The theme for this contest is Space.So.. go make space ponies!
Design a pony based on something from space, be a it a star, a planet, a black hole, etc.
The winner will get a custom pony of their design made.
The contest will end on August 12th, 2011.
Contest Submission Form:
Nickname -
Email -
Ponies Name?
What is your pony based on from space?
Cutie Mark?
Mane/Tail color?
Eye color?
Type of Pony?
Body Color?
Please submit the above form to
Extralives 72 Hour Charity Marathon Reads an Awful Pony Fanfic
Recently a charity that raised 10,000 bucks for a school in Sri Lanka ran a 72 hour gaming marathon. Apparently a bunch of pony stuff popped up, but this particular clip is a live reading of a terrible Zelda/Twilight Sparkle crossover. You can find it here! It's pretty...weird.
New Zealand Pony Stock
I actually recieved a bunch of emails asking which stores had pony merch over in New Zealand. Someone sent me a picture from a store called Toy World to give people an example of what is available.
As for the blind bag ponies, the only store that currently has those is called "The Warehouse", which I mentioned in the past Roundup.
oh, and a stock list from Alex for Toyworld!
Dungeons and Dragons Logs
For those of you who love reading massive chat logs from dungeons and dragons games, this was a recent campaign that took place in Equestria. You can find it here!
G4 Finland Comic
This comic recently popped up over in Finland. This is the first time I've seen...glitter highlights. I'm kind of glad they don't actually do that in the show!
The Magazine is from a place called "S-Market" in Kankaanpää. Have some copypaste for the translation from Twilight Otaku, who discovered/sent it!
The text above Fluttershy translates to "adorable ponies on a ****outing/picnic/trip". The **** is a word to which I cannot think of an English counterpart with the same meaning 9_6. It means something along the lines of something you do quite leisurely, a bit like a lazy hobby to which you don't dedicate so much time/work to (in any case, it sounds stupid). The other text says "comes with fine/great stickers!".
Equestria Daily News
Yay, shes happy again. Or something. Yeeep...
Tomorrow is Applejack Day, if I remember.
Also that Q&Neigh thing might be delayed by a day! Phoe and Cereal were out all day!
Update Queue
On A Cross And Arrow (Update Part 5!)
One Last Quest (Update Part 8+9!)
Mort Takes a Holiday (Update Part 5+6!)
Fire and Rain (Update Part 3!)
Ponycraft (Update Part 4!)
The Empty Room (Updated Part 14!)
A New Breed (Update Part 12!)
Divergence (Update Part 4!)
Corona Blaze (Update Part 4!)
Brotherhood of the Moon (Update Part 3+4!)
From the Ashes (Update Part 7!)
Order-naries (Update Story 2 Complete!!)
Kim "Fluttershy" Dykas Support Thread
Number 12/Traveler (Update Story 2, Chapter 7!)
First block
ReplyDeletewish around here had a pony store
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, for my senior graduation celebration next year I'm going to Comic Con and I'm gonna get me some ponies!
ReplyDeleteMmmm facebook.
ReplyDeleteTrixie, y u frowny face. :'(
ReplyDeleteSo will Trixie be in Season Two or what?
ReplyDeleteEvery single news update seems to disagree with eachother. :\
ReplyDeleteUK suppliers suck if they can't order it in. Putting it bluntly, UK suppliers suck.
ReplyDelete(I'm not the kind of guy who buys ponies anyway)
Oh my god. That fan fiction,
ReplyDeleteHow is it something so terrible can be so perfect?
Oooooo . . . . . Pinkie plushies. :D
ReplyDeleteI can find those baby pony toys in Ireland but nothing else. I just want a toy that doesn't make me sick just looking at it. Most websites say that they are getting toys in august but no date.
ReplyDeleteSad trixie makes me sad. Also, space ponies? I'm in!
ReplyDeleteI haz.
The new Argos catalogue comes out on Saturday, they might have stuff.
ReplyDeleteDamn, AJ and Rarity really lacks voters D:
ReplyDelete15 questions, tried to disperse the votes equally.
Quick note about the Newgrounds game, if you go into the usermade levels, theres a level made by the person who made the game, in the shape of Pinkie Pie
ReplyDeletedeflated pinkie pie plushies :)
ReplyDeleteThey don't stand up on their own sadly.
Pinkie Pie Plush? Well, guess who's going to New Zealand? Unless they sell them in Austarian Toy World's.
ReplyDeleteTheory ONLY:
I think why AJ and Rarity have a really low vote count is because if placed on rankings they both usually fall into the 3-5 category IMO. Even if AJ is one of my favs.
Any news of the blind bags arriving in the uk?
ReplyDeleteMy home country has more ponies than Ozzieland? Well, I know that I'm stopping by toy world and the WH when I'm back for my sisters wedding, to pick up a present for a "Niece" of mine...
ReplyDeleteIT BEGINS!
@D4SHTH3R4INB0W I r jelly good sir
ReplyDeleteSooner or later it had to happen...
*sees pinkie pie plushies*
ReplyDelete.... I'll take twenty!
I didn't get a closer look since I was busy shopping with my mom and little brother, but I'm pretty sure it's awful, like the others have been.
Also my name and a picture taken by me on EQD? Awesome!
-Your Twilight loving grammar nazi, Twilight Otaku
"pwn" is not pronounced that way ffffffffffff
ReplyDeleteSad Trixie is sad.
ReplyDeleteGood night roundup.
ReplyDeleteTrixie is sad because she was spammed in the drawball.
ReplyDeleteAlso, that big mac cosplayer is one lucky guy!!!
That word on the comic which the other Finnish sent would be more closely to "putter". Um, I guess it's use is more common in Finnish language than in English... Here's what The Free Dictionary said on the word:
put·ter 2 (ptr)
v. put·tered, put·ter·ing, put·ters
To occupy oneself in an aimless or ineffective manner.
To waste (time) in idling: puttered away the hours in the garden.
[Probably alteration of potter, probably frequentative of Middle English poten, to poke, push, from Old English potian.]
That youtube video of the guy reading that fic... I... Um... What?
ReplyDeleteSlowly, us New Zealanders will take over the news feed... until there is NOTHING LEFT!
ReplyDeleteCome on, Hasbro! Australia this bizness!
Well, I tried to do the mini-vs. poll, but I can't go through with it. I like all the ponies too much.
ReplyDeletePinkie Pie's totally the best one, though.
I was watching the Marathon when ExtraLives was reading that fanfic. It was glorious.
ReplyDeleteOMG that D&D log was EPIC!!!! I laughed so hard I cried, multiple times!!!!
ReplyDeleteNZ bronies woo woo!
ReplyDeleteHeya Eamon, see you on Monday.
*Browsing Comic Con gallery*
ReplyDeleteDo not want . . . Do not want . . . *gets to picture 54*
The custom Pony thing, I bet somepony will send an pony based on Wheatley or the Space Core from Portal 2 '-'
ReplyDeleteGiant Pinkie Pie Plushies? *Jawdrop*
ReplyDeleteDO WANT. I need to find these in Americaland.
WTF!? Why is Rarity loosing in EVERY match in that survey?
ReplyDeleteI just noticed the text on the banner: "Cloud Computing". Nice one!
ReplyDeleteEww, the hacker awards are giving out pre-G4 ponies? I hope somepony complains to them. Also, how is Pinkie not winning the poll thing? ZIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! I will go inform /b/
ReplyDeleteI looked at the merchandise dejectedly. More horrible looking, cheep, overpriced, far from show accurate toys that crushed my spirits. Why couldn't Hasbro even TRY to-
And then everything was okay again.
True Story.
The SoCal meet up was fun, can't wait to do it again :3
ReplyDeleteThere was a SoCal meetup and eye missed it! NGGGGGGNNGNGNGNG! And eye was literally next to it!? NGGGGGNGNGNGNGGNGN
ReplyDeleteYTCracker nominated for a Pwnie award? Awesome, hope he wins!
ReplyDeleteShe feels bad because of how mean she was to Derpy earlier. She's not used to being called out by those who normally adore her!
ReplyDeleteThat store has a plush Pinkie Pie!? Do they have an online store? I'll pay international shipping!
ReplyDeleteRadio controlled eh? I can assume Celestia does not approve of this nonsense!
ReplyDeleteThe DND campaign is hysterical.
ReplyDelete>\par [22:50] "I guess you could >say..... I rocked out."
>\par [22:50] Out of nowhere a voice >comes
>\par [22:50] *Puts on sunglasses*
The results of the poll so far are kinda what I'd expect. Fluttershy is beating out everyone. Rainbow Dash is way up there too. Twilight is ranking higher than I would have figured, pretty much tieing with Pinkie Pie. Poor Applejack is at the bottom. lol
ReplyDeletePeople seem to be really liking the giant stuffed Pinkie Pie. lol I saw some at Toys R' Us for $10. But didn't get one cause I thought they looked kinda odd. :/
Also, yay for happy Trixie's!
For what it's worth, I'm the guy reading that fanfic and it's out there in dramatically better quality... somewhere. The person who recorded that video did so on his own using his built in mic (there's random giggling in a few of his videos), so it might not be the easiest thing to understand. Here's the direct recording which should sound dramatically better:
ReplyDeleteThe girl in the Comic Con pics looks like a cross between Pinkie Pie, and Stephanie from Lazy Town.
ReplyDeleteOh good, they never called themselves hackers. However you, Seth, need to fix your vocabulary.
ReplyDeleteYou can read Finnish? Not bad.
ReplyDeleteNow how about... Photo Finnish?
OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH... Finally some G4-stuff in Finnish!