We can talk about that later though! On to the news!
The Mane Event Poster for Sale!

Design a Foal Contest on Canterlot Forums
The ultimate contest in shippin compatibility is has now begun over at Canterlot.com! The goal is to choose 2 ponies, and create their kid, be it a combo of Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, or the greatly esteemed TWIXIE!
A whole bunch of prizes are available for the event. You can find it all at this thread, as well as some extra rules!
Canada Toys R' Us Sale
Ponies over in Canada are currently all 25% off! Not as cool as our buy one get one, but at least you can get stuff for cheaper!
Now we just need more molded stuff for me to throw my money at.
Cracked.com posts ponies! Again!
Not exactly full of positiveness and stuff, but publicity is publicity! You can find it in their "6 Scientific Reasons Social Networks Are Bad For Society" post!
Brony Cookbook Project
Another collaboration has popped up over on ponychan! This time it doesn't require 5 years of tech school participate in!
The goal this time is to create a cookbook for bronies, involving FiM style cuisine. Think you have what it takes to make hay and oats taste awesome? Head on over to this thread!
Equestria Radio
You guys sure to like making these! Another radio station dedicated to pony music has popped up. If you are interested, you can find it here!
Drawball Rarity
Someone has thrown an outline of Rarity up on Drawball #2. If you are interested in helping fill her out, head over to this link!
The Chosen Ones Goes Pony
Another web comic has fallen to the pony ARMADA!
You can find it here!
(I can totally relate to that one, confound this blog.)
Equestria Daily News
No best pony tonight! Just a bunch of update stuff. yay~
Drawing Guide Updates
Pen Tool Guide
Story Updates
Silly Species Swapping
Lower Deck Chronicles (Complete)
Of Mares and Magic
The Lion and the Lamb
Pony Effect
The Empty Room
An Old Mare's Tale
Unwelcome Changes (Complete)
From the Ashes
Merch Updates
Atomic Panda (Shirts)
Brony Meetup Updates
Check the meetup thread regularly for updates, these are the recent additions:
- Melbronies Test the Water. And the Beer.
- Dutch Brony Meet
- Toronto/GTA MLP Mini-meet!!
- Otakon Brony Meetup
Fic Spreadsheet Update
For those of you who use the fanfic checklist, you can use this doc to add the most recent additions to your table!
And that's all for the nightly news! Yay~
Haaah, first?
ReplyDeleteHa! I was using that exact Pinkie screenshot earlier to design a pony.
ReplyDeleteAw, man, I love cooking. Cutie Mark Crusader Cuisine is a go!
Wow... A distinct lack of comments tonight...
ReplyDeleteWooh! Filler!
Like hell her psychology is exciting.
ReplyDeleteAw, has Cereal been saying mean things about Pinkie Pie again?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletethat image from the cracked.com page.. by Celestia's beard, why would someone draw that!?
ReplyDeleteWhat are you talking about, Seth? Pinkie's psychological state(s?) are just about the funniest parts of the show. come to think of it, the best parts of the show are when ponies are losing their minds... perhaps we're all a little sadistic?
ReplyDeletecan someone add "SHIT JUST GOT REAL" under that Pinkie picture
ReplyDeleteDamn, why did that picture on Cracked make me laugh so hard? I think I'm starting to get desensitized to that kind of thing. It barely even fazes me anymore.
ReplyDeleteLol, that's the... UNFORTUNATE side of any fandom.
ReplyDeleteOooh, the next nightly roundup might have us hitting the 20million pagehit mark!
Some rule34 probably wouldn't have been my choice for the "They're full of psychos" entry, but to be honest rule34 ponies requires a special brand of psychopathy mixed with desensitization to not only create but laugh at as well.
ReplyDeleteThe Cracked article made me go "Oh my..." Then I realized Cracked turns into rubbish when they are not talking about war and Audie Murphy. Their opinion articles are always very silly, trying to back them up with scientific research like they are five year olds presenting their essay in front of the class.
ReplyDeletePinkie has been my favorite since I heard her first song.
ReplyDeletePinkie 4 Lyfe!
cool cool cool cool, ya know pinkie pie reminds me of Magnitude from Community, POP POP!!
ReplyDeleteYES, finally a dutch brony meet. I'll definitely show up. :D
ReplyDeleteRepost from yesterday...
ReplyDeleteClick my name for a torrent of season one. Please help with seeding.
Also, Pinkie is fascinating and all, but Fluttershy is still *my* pony. "Wooo!" that she's still on top from yesterday!
So, has it pretty much gotten to the point where webcomics will chuck in a pony for advertising and traffic? Because it seems like it has pretty much gotten to the point where webcomics will chuck in a pony for advertising and traffic.
ReplyDeleteCracked! You have betrayed me!
ReplyDeleteJust used all my ink on the rarity drawing on the drawball. It's coming along quite nicely
ReplyDeletePinkie Pie has textbook mania... right down to the paranoid hallucinations. It doesn't stop me from admiring her. Manics are 'always on' and they're often just the kind of people to accomplish a lot in their life! Especially when they're as kindly as Pinkie Pie.
ReplyDeleteI think it hit that point a while ago! :p
Pinkie Pie is a fun character. She's so hyper and funny. But her dark side is something that draws people to her too. People love characters with dark sides. Especially in cartoons like these.
ReplyDeleteI saw those Mane Event posters too. I was hoping he'd look into having them made. They're too cool not to put on your wall.
That Cracked.com article gave me a good laugh. Though I can't say I really disagree with all the "research" and comments in there.
Also. Derpy, Trixie and Octavia are best ponies of course. <3
Nuuu you forgot to mention my info :(
ReplyDeleteplushies in nz, brah.
People always block what I draw on drawball. :(
ReplyDeleteEquestria Radio is awesome!
ReplyDeleteGreat and Powerful Trixie is on now.
I want it!
When I saw the title for the Cracked article, I just kept thinking "Please don't bring up Cupcakes, just don't bring up Cupcakes and I'll be happy." So I was relieved when I saw what image they did use. Its better than people thinking we enjoy cannibal ponies.
ReplyDeleteI'm loving Equestria Radio
ReplyDeleteOh god, that Cracked picture just went back in time and punched my childhood in the face. Great article though.
ReplyDeleteOn top of Rarity on the drawball is a swastika. Make of that what you will.
ReplyDeleteIts so easy to troll on drawball. Rarity would look fabulous once finished though.
ReplyDeleteThat article about people online hurt. It hurt bad. here I am trying to be more recognized on DA, and now I'm told that's a bad thing.
ReplyDeleteMan. I am having the worst day today.
ReplyDeleteDon't let it worry you, chief. Given that a tenth of the population of the world is on facebook, including over 40 per cent of the US of A, think it's safe to take a lot of the conclusions about the habits of people on social networking sites can be taken with a pinch of salt.
Or else that a tenth of the world is psychotic. Which sounds like a pretty conservative estimate, if you think about it.
Shoot, I thought bronies were better than THAT! We rely on the elements of harmony, which are honesty, laughter, generosity, kindness, loyalty and friendship, the last stemming from the title friendship is magic, so as to equate magic and friendship, we can assume that from the show's title, friendship = magic. We also live on love and tolerance but I honestly didn't think I'd see porn in our community.
ReplyDeleteP.S. DAMN YOU RULE 34!
If I want a freakish rule 34 example in order to gather a feeling of disgust from my audience, I'll stick to Dragon/Car art porn or Pong porn, thank you very much~
ReplyDeleteWoaw, enough Dutch bronies to warrant a meetup? I am so there. Hoping I can get some more MLP merch before that time.
ReplyDeleteThe Cracked article is so silly true, it isn't even funny.
ReplyDeleteDude, what the hell to that cracked.com article.
ReplyDeleteThat drawball Rarity needs some artistic help. Some elements of the outline have been corrupted, as have her eyes.
ReplyDeletePinkie vies with Twilight for best pony status, glad to see her getting some love
ReplyDeleteSo is this, like, the thing now? Write a paragraph about how this fandom is supposed to be about love and tolerance, then use that to jump to a completely unrelated rant about something you don't like? Because I swear I see it in every comment page these days.
ReplyDeleteApparently love and tolerance has been replaced by "STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE"
That ButterScotch interview, for instance....
The Cracked article made me giggle.
ReplyDeleteThose guys definitely lay down on the good stuff when they don't talk about warfare articles or medicine articles. I ignore their opinion articles gleefully.
Also, YES! Somebody finally posts a guide for using the pen tool on Photoshop, this is awesome! Insta Fav!
How could two of the mane ponies have kids? They're FEMALES!!!!
ReplyDelete>Design a foal
ReplyDelete>Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash
Somewhere, right now, a biology teacher is crying.
@Anonymous Aah! However, right now, a Magical Being beyond time, space, and reality would be plotting! :D
ReplyDelete"Not exactly full of positiveness and stuff"?
ReplyDelete"Publicity is publicity"?
Seth, anything involving rule 34 is offensive at best. It's not good publicity, because people who aren't bronies look at that and then get... well, the wrong impression about bronies.
ReplyDeleteIt's been done with mice (but not ponies yet, as far as I know): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaguya_%28mouse%29
What was the first Cracked article?
ReplyDeleteThanks for featuring my comic, Seth. I also drew the 84 page pony coloring book that's been featured here, so it was probably just a matter of time until a pony snuck into my comic somewhere. In real life I have all the mane ponies on my desk, so putting Pinkie in there seemed appropriate.
ReplyDeleteAt some point there will be more pony stuff in the comic ... There'll be a song about the difference between girls' and boys' toys and cartoons and I'll definitely put something pony in there.
Requesting uncensored cracked post
ReplyDeleteListening to equestria radio from my galaxy tab. It's a great radio! And, CRACKED.COM, you are being silly. XD
ReplyDeleteThat picture on cracked.....eye bleach is not enough.
ReplyDelete>Pinkie Pie is pretty under-appreciated
ReplyDeleteShe got 2nd place in the most popular pony poll...yea, your right. Should've gotten 1st.
I don't post enough on the night updates, so.... Hi!
ReplyDeleteEAST BRUNSWICK? my only response is the panty and stocking ending song
What the hell? Why would you post that cracked.com page? Are you that fucking retarded? did you see what they posted? thats not good publicity at all. You need to grow a fucking brain Seth and learn to filter what you post you dumbass
ReplyDeleteUndereducated? I would say that isn't harsh enough, try tormented. The darn character can't even have her own personality without the entire internet blowing everything she does out of proportion and relating her actions to fan-fic, a FAAAAAANNNNNNNN-fic. It is seriously impossible to even mention Pinkie Pie without some dumbass mentioning Cupcakes, I hope your happy Sergeant Sprinkles you've killed one of the main six for the entire internet, you've managed to destroy Pinkie Pie for everyone and she will never be able to have her own personality ever again without the internet relating it to your stupid story.
ReplyDeleteSorry I meant under-appreciated, the spell check changed it.
ReplyDelete@The Two Anonymouses that posted before me
ReplyDeleteCalm yo tits.
I know plenty of people who love Pinkie Pie without having to relate her to Cupcakes every five minutes and don't, I mean, DON'T call Seth a retard. At least he doesn't try to gloss over stuff.
Aaand 'rule 34 is destroying us!' paranoid reaction dying down (as it rightfully should) in 3... 2...
ReplyDeleteOkay! Enough about cupcakes, who wants muffins? :D
So, is Cracked some kind of parody news site where they make stuff up for the sake of entertainment like The Onion, or are they like Fox News where they make stuff up to intentionally mislead people?
ReplyDeleteAaah yea, I contributed something. Maybe.
They are a humorous informative site, sometimes using hyperbole but they usually provide true facts, and if not, there's a comment section.
@Anonymous 12:01, 12:03
ReplyDeleteAnother example of the "STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE" mentality.
ReplyDeleteAnother example of the "People who take everything other people state about their experience or opinion on something and boil it down to that person having a 'STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE' mentality" mentality.
This tennis match could go on for ages, and just because you want it to doesn't mean anyone else does.
ReplyDeleteI think the rule behind rule 34 (that it actually applies to EVERYTHING) is good in this case. Don't get me wrong, I think it takes a pretty skewed sense of right and wrong to create r34 (especially pony), but I think it does represent a certain amount of growth in the fandom. The r34 we see is made because the show is so good that it inspires... certain artists. Sure the images are usually for the lulz, but I don't think it would be there if we weren't so established as a community. I think the same thing applies to shipping.
TL;DR ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Personally i'd have gone with Transformers rule 34 in place of the Pony pic. Far more disturbing in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteOne can never have enough Pinkie Pie *thousand yard stare* never....
I don't think that part in the Cracked article was much of criticizing bronies as it was of criticizing furries and rule 34.
ReplyDeleteBut most of the times people always take Cracked's articles with a grain of salt, after all, all of them are a combination of a bit of funny, educational and silly.
@Anonymous 'But most of the times people always take Cracked's articles with a grain of salt, after all, all of them are a combination of a bit of funny, educational and silly.'
ReplyDeleteYes! Give the man or woman a cigar!
Funtime with pageview counter coming up! Screen-grab your birth date (yyyymmdd)!
ReplyDelete*easily amused*
I never said people should stop liking what I don't I would just like people to tolerate the show and characters for what it and they are and not some jackoffs fan-fic.
ReplyDeleteRequesting uncensored pic
ReplyDelete@Anonymous Unfortunately, since some people are naturally mean spirited, that will never ever happen.
ReplyDeleteNo fandom has ever been free of that sort of plague, I'm sorry to say.