• Nightly Roundup #35

    Pinkie Pie using a jet pack edition!

    On to the news!

    Another German Forum!

    For those of you who speak German, another forum has popped up focused on you! If you are interested in joining the community, you can find it here!

    Official Episode Guides Updated to Dragonshy

    Over on the Hasbro My Little Pony website, they regularly release episode activities/guides for each part of season one. Currently they are up to Dragonshy, with a coloring sheet for Fluttershy and the Dragon and an Angel shaped maze. It's pony, it's official, it's news! I sure did pick a difficult niche...

    Facebook Profile Pony Pic Facebook Event

    I'm pretty sure most of you already have pony avatars if my facebook account is anything to base it off of, but just in case you don't, this month, and...well every month, is now declared Pony Profile Pic Month!

    So... go be a pony! If your friends ask, just tell them you were hacked!

    Public Mumble Server Live Readings

    A while ago I plugged a Mumble server, with up to 100 slots free for use.  (IP: Port: 64738).

    It looks like the admin is searching for people to do live readings of their own stories for everyone to enjoy.  If you are interested in joining in, toss an email to Astridax93@googlemail.com!

    Custom Blind Bag Luna For Sale

    The creator of the blind bag Luna from a few days ago is having some money trouble, and decided to toss it up on ebay for everyone to fight over.  If you are interested, or just want to help out, check out the ebay sale going on here!

    San Andreas Starting Video Mod

    I'm not sure where all the GTA San Andreas bronies are coming from, but apparently they like modding the hell out of their game with all sorts of pony nonsense.  A few days ago I posted a GTA opening video.  Someone has hacked it into the game to replace the current one.  You can find the mod here!

    Ponychan Givaway Looking for Participants.  

    E Pony is giving away a whole pile of both embroidered items and pony toys (Limit 100$ per winner) to two random bronies.  The only thing you need to do is draw his character.  You can find the thread here with a bunch of extra information!

    Subreddit Pony Group Hits 3,000 Subscribers!

    The title says it all!  We are slowly taking over the internet...

    Tara Strong at Comic Con

    Twilight Sparkles Voice Actor, Tara Strong, will be appearing at the San Diego Comic Con during the 1:00 PM Cartoon Voices I panel.

    Try not to bother her too much about ponies! I'm sure everyone else probably will!

    Clay Pony Givaways, Ebay Ponies, and More!

    Eneha is setting up a forum specifically for pony givaways, raffles, and auctions of her clay ponies.  In order to be added for the free stuff, all you need to do is register and beg for one in whatever thread is currently holding the event!  You can find the forums here!

    Also check out her Wonderbolts Dash on ebay right now!

    Equestria Daily News

    Story review queue is huge, but it pretty much always is.

    Update queue is small though! Yay~

    For those of you that missed the announcement earlier, please check this thread on the Ponies Around the World event!

    Today's best pony is.....Pinkie Pie! Did you know Cereal absolutely hates her?  I don't understand it! Pinkie Pie is awesome!

    He didn't even read cupcakes.... It makes no sense.  I need a new blog minion.

    115 kommentaari:

    1. I don't see what the big deal with calling out first is.

      That being said........FIRST

    2. How can you hate Pinkie Pie? I don't understand...

    3. Fuck Cereal.

      How can you not like pinkie?

    4. @Sethisto : just to let you know, it looks like the Bronys have invaded cracked.com, there photoplasty contest "What is flags Got redesigned" had twilight sparkle on a rather interesting flag....

    5. I would love to be a blog minion! Not that Pinkie Pie is my favorite or anything, but I don't hate her. I love everypony.

    6. The company I word for is attending Comic Con.

      I. Am. So. There.

    7. I thought this roundup would include 2 ponychan mod's quitting ( Twilight and Spike )

      ^_^ But great nightly round up!

    8. Damnit. Makes me wish I could go to Comic-Con.

    9. I should probably join Facebook, see what all the fuss is.

    10. How can you not like Pinkie Pie!?
      *angrily shakes hoof*

    11. Shouldn't this be number 35?

      @PinkaminaThat was mentioned in Nightly Roundup 33.

    12. Dude, if it wasn't for Pinkie's craziness in Green Isn't Your Color, I'd have never gone on to watch any other episodes of Pony ever.

      Well, probably...

    13. Huh? Pinkie Pie is awesome! It's impossible to hate her.

      "Pinkie Pie, you are sooo random!"

    14. Some just don't like Pinkie Pie. I don't understand it myself, but it takes all kinds to make a fandom.

    15. >Pony Profile Pic Month
      Dammit, Seth, now you're just trying to elicit weird looks from my friends.

      "Blog minion," eh? Would I be able to add that to my résumé?

    16. Blog Minions? Sounds like Seth's dreams of taking over the world with Trixie are taking over his mind.

      About time they did, I was expecting it to happen weeks ago.

    17. Cereal is a boy??!

      All shock aside, I can't understand why anybody would dislike Pinkie Pie.

    18. Woah, woah, woah, wait a minute. There is actually a mentally stable human being who doesn't love Pinkie Pie? I don't think I quite understand.


    20. Seth, are you kidding me??? You're making bronies make excuses for liking ponies on Facebook?!?!? I am disappoint.

    21. Come on, Seth! I've actually shown people the awesomeness of FiM thanks to having my profile picture on Facebook be Fluttershy all the time. Now it's my OC pony though...such a tough choice. Anyway, point is there's no shame!

    22. If only I lived near San Diego...

    23. Hah, I was ahead of the trend, my Facebook pic has been rapidash Twilight for at least 3 months now. It also turned my friend brony.

      "What is that a picture of?"

      "It's a My Little Pony that evolved into Rapidash when she got mad. -insert link here-"

      "/)(^3^)(\ >My friends face when going to link"

    24. Cereal hates Pinkie Pie?
      Well shes my Second favorite & she can be quite cute & adorable at times even in that famous psycho scene in party of one she was quite adorable.

    25. He hates Pinkie but loves Rarity.
      I can't decide if I want to love or tolerate the shit out of him.

    26. Shadowbolt, not wonderbolt.

    27. I know it has nothing to do with MLP, but no San Andreas mod will ever top:

    28. But...but Pinkie's my favorite pony!


    29. http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=143722949039331

      The link is here for anyone who wants to be part of the 'official' Pony Profile Pic event.

      I wanna see how big we can make this thing. I want everyone's newsfeed to be nothing but ponies by September 1.

    30. Pinkie Pie is clearly the best pony. How could anyone NOT see this?

    31. I don't like Pinkie Pie as much the others of the manecast. She's a great mascot, though.

      Also, Rarity is the BEST pony.

    32. San Andreas is a pretty moddable game, and it's been around long enough that a couple of groups have almost completely picked the code apart. Wouldn't surprise me if they found a way to swap in actual pony models before too long.

      And I can understand how Pinkie Pie can be a bit too much for some folks. You have to get accustomed to being around that much awesomeness, after all!

    33. As a side note, I just saw the Pinkie Pie picture at the bottom and was instantly reminded of the Myomyomyon 4 hour Pinkie Pie version and almost made me want to watch it again.

    34. @Pinkamina
      I just saw the flag... was it supposed to be a LSD swastika flag?

    35. I can understand. Pinkie was my least favorite for a while after Rarity moved out of that spot with Suited for Success.
      I think I finally kind of "got" Pinkie about halfway through "The Party Hasn't Ended", actually. That got me thinking about what was going on below the surface, which was actually confirmed in Party of One!
      So, in short, I don't assign "least favorite" anymore.

    36. Pinkie Pie is best pony! I admire her. Ah, what I wouldn't give to have even half as much energy and ability to know (and care about!) everypony in town. I mean... Gilda upset Pinkie Pie, and Pinkie decided to 'improve her attitude' by throwing a party! How can that not be best pony?

    37. Cereal, I don't think I can love you any more. Hate Pinkie Pie? Those three words don't make sense together! She's so...happy.

    38. pinkie pie mai waifu

    39. Cereal, how can you hate Pinkie Pie? She's the most funny character, plus she's cute and goofy!

    40. Pink pony is ALWAYS best pony! :D

    41. When Pinkie finally breaches the fourth wall, Cereal will be her first victim.

    42. Why have an excuse? I'm making sure they know I don't give a crap.

    43. I also don't understand the Pinkie hate. :( She's my favorite!!!

    44. How can you hate on Pinkie? She comes up with pretty cool songs and I love her randomness,like when she puts her head into the frame.

    45. Staying anonymous >_>

      Pinkie annoys me whenever she breaks the rules to suit her needs. The fact that she does this upto and including things that should remain story-inviolate (like being faster than Dash) reeks of, frankly, lazy writing and almost Mary-Sue-ism.

      The fanbase annoys me when they see this behavior as "what makes Pinkie great" - I recently saw some people try to compare her to Haruhi Suzumiya.

      Fundamentally, she breaks suspension of disbelief. Yes, significantly more than talking pastel equines do; there is such a thing as *internal* consistency, guys.

      That said, I like Pinkie as much as anyone else when she's not doing that kind of stuff, like in... Fall Weather Friends, for one. And she does make a great mascot.

    46. Pinkie isn't my favourite but while I don't hate her, I do think the whole psycho alter-ego is waaaay overdone by the fandom. It's fine in one episode when things don't go right and she snaps, but if "Pinkamena" appears on the show again, I'll be sorely disappointed. Fortunately, my impression of the writers is that they're smarter than that.

    47. Pinkie obeys one rule, the almighty rule of funny!

    48. Gee... that Luna auction is already up to $40 O_O

    49. @Chris Lowrey

      The issue with calling out "First" is every time you do it your IQ drops 1pt and everybody's respect for you drops 15pts.

      Your employer may also contemplate firing you. As in many/most places it's on the "Don't do this list." so apparently you also can't follow rules, or common etiquette.

    50. @crazyredemu

      Exactly. And that's a problem, because the show is not always a comedy, and tends to like having things at stake.

    51. @crazyredemu

      Exactly, and that's a problem because the show is not always a comedy. Because it likes to have actual problems and actual solutions and actual things at stake.

    52. I want that Luna ;.;

      Silly Seth, that's clearly a shadowbolt

    53. How can you not like pinkie pie Cereal? Pinkie Pie is the best pony.
      Well to each his/her own i guess.

    54. I have a total love/hate relationship with Pinkie.

      On the one hand she's probably the least developed/most shallow character of the main cast, and she gets to break the fourth wall with impunity in ways that actually affect the plot of an episode and aren't just for gag value. As a long-time RPer, the metagaming offends me. Plus, I just don't like curly poofy hair that much. :|

      On the other hand, every single time I see that screencap that's in the above post, I absolutely melt. It's probably the most lovable face made in the entire series.

    55. I knew it!!! When I heard Twilight Sparkle saying "Pikie... ¬¬!" at the "Ticket Master Pinky Pie´s "Twilight is my best friend" song... It sounds just like Raven from the Teen Titans!! damn now I love that actress more!! D= I'll go to San Diego ASAP! ¬¬

    56. "San Diego Comic Con"

      As usual, bronies, DON'T do something like this-

      "Miss Strong, I just want to say YESYESYESYESYES"
      "Tara, I just want to say you make the panel 20% cooler"

      It won't be funny, it will be cringeworthy.

    57. Eh, if they show Pinkamina again, I hope that they'll wait a season or two. Let that little plot point become new again and put her in a different situation than "I KNEW it! My Friends have been avoiding me and don't want to be my friends anymore!!! *Poof* Oh no... My friends have been avoiding me and don't want to be my friends anymore...".

      Wait... Twilight's Raven from TT? O_o Fan... Overload... Can't... CONTAIN IT!!!!!!! *Explosion*

    58. Im sure someone has already offered but I will gladly be your pony minion.

    59. @Anonymous
      "Pinkie annoys me whenever she breaks the rules to suit her needs. The fact that she does this upto and including things that should remain story-inviolate (like being faster than Dash) reeks of, frankly, lazy writing and almost Mary-Sue-ism."
      It isn't lazy or Mary-Sue-ism.

      Haven't you ever watched Looney Tunes? They would do this stuff all the time. Like in the Pepe Le Pew cartoons where the cat would be running away much faster and Pepe would somehow manage to catch up even though it's impossible. The impossible things Pinkie does is a throwback to classic cartoons. She's breaking the fourth wall.

    60. @Asgard

      I feel you Br0, when I knew it I also almost exploded!! hahaha.

      I just hope she doesn´t get annoyed with MLP:FiM Only questions, you and also ask her about... other stuff? like.. Raven? or Ben Tenison O.O!! (yes she also does that voice... and Timmy Turner too!) hahaha so curious. I admire voice actors they can create an unlimited range of voices o.O"

    61. And you need an editor, Seth, according to you.

    62. Oh and I live in San Diego but I'm not going to Comicon. Why spend good money on stuff you can read on the internets?

    63. @Anonymous

      Yeah, she's breaking the fourth wall, and it's pretty funny (Green Isn't Your Color had me laughing), but when the rest of the show stays pretty clearly within the fourth wall, she sticks out and not necessarily in a good way.

      But at this point I'm prepared to call it Overthinking A Cartoon and let it slide. Besides, dat face. <3

    64. Without pinkie pie, FiM isn't complete. Hell all of them are vital... maybe not so much rarity.

    65. Why do all awesome things have to be in America?
      There's no way I would be able to attend Comic con this year :<

    66. I think the real question here is...

      How could you hate any of the ponies!?

      For shame...

    67. @Anonymous

      Fourth-wall breaking is actually a completely different thing (look it up!), and Pinkie's breakage of the fourth wall has been... pretty awesome so far, actually.

      And... I love Looney Tunes, man; I know exactly what they're referencing. It's still done in a way that breaks *this* show's fiction. It appears lazy and almost Mary-Sueish in the context of Friendship is Magic and the world they've built.

      My arguments are all about the impact on the show, and so they'd still apply even if you pointed out that they reference Duck Dodgers. However brain-meltingly awesome that would be.

    68. @Anonymousbecause pinkie pie is annoying as fuck, and cupcakes ruined her. deal with it.

    69. @Pinkamina Actually, that was already in the last Nightly Roundup.

      As for Pinkie Pie, I find her amusing, but she's only my 4th favorite of the mane cast(Rainbow Dash>Twilight Sparkle>Fluttershy>Pinkie Pie>Rarity>Applejack is my order of preference if you care about that) I used to think a bit more highly of her, but then I read that fanfic, and it ruined a lot of things for me.

      Also, Tara Strong has been one of my favourite voice actresses for years, and I loved the show even more after I realized she was voicing Twilight.

    70. @Sphere of Suggestionbeing a brony is about love and tolerance

    71. Kill me, I'm a PONY13. juuli 2011, kell 09:54

      And then Cereal comes in and says that Seth be trolling

    72. @Stengbang
      There's also this Facebook event for this month's Pony Profile Pic Month. It seems like it's happening twice, somehow. Oh well, more ponies!

    73. pinkies response to cereal....

    74. CEREAL


    75. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony13. juuli 2011, kell 10:17

      I hate Pinkie Pie too, she's just a pile of Annoyance mixed with cliche's, and she's also Spongebob and Patricks lovechild.

      And I will not risk being mocked by my friends for having a pony profile pic! Your trying to control us, you should just rename this "Pony Profile Month" to OPERATION: MINDCRIME, cause your trying to control our minds! Also because I peg you as a guy who likes Prog Metal.

    76. Nopony can hate Pinkie Pie! Sounds to me somepony's being a Grumpy McGrumpypants!

    77. How can you hate Pinkie Pie?! Seriously when I first started watching the show, I was 99.9% sure she was going to be the worst character between her odd behavior and singing... and now she's my favorite!

    78. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    79. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony13. juuli 2011, kell 10:54

      Seems like a lot of people are hurt in the rectal area about people hating Pinkie.

    80. I've always been a fan of Tara Strong's VA work. From Timmy Turner, to Bubbles, to Ben Tennyson. She certainly has many great character voices under her belt.

      Sadly, I won't be going to Comicon since I live on the opposite side of the country from it, but to all bronies who are going, don't spam her with endless pony questions We have Ashleigh Ball on our side, I'd like for us to not scare Tara off. Ask her questions, but ask her questions about her other work as well, not just ponies

      Also, while Pinkie isn't my favorite pony (Dash is best pony, IMO), I certainly enjoy watching Pinkie's antics on the show. "Party of One" and her bits in "Green Isn't Your Color" are just great.

    81. Pinkie Pie's my favourite pony EVER.
      She's always making me laugh.

      How could you NOT like her!?

    82. @Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony Spongebob and Patrick Love child? Foal Please...

      She isn't on that level would you rather her just be the boring old flat personality pony.

    83. Guys, what I don't get is how (on a site that endorses love, tolerance, and friendship) some of you are complaining, whining, and ranting about why you HATE this character, or why this one is better.
      Why Bronys? Why? I thought we were above this sort of thing. I thought it didn't matter who we liked or disliked because we were all united under "Friendship". What's happening guys? Is it really that easy to throw what we so proudly say we believe in aside and start arguing with our fellow bronys? (I believe this applies to all arguments, not just this) There is no reason to hide behind "Anonymous" and throw insults at some peoples favorite characters. I thought it would be obvious that instead of being a big meanie pants, we would try to understand the character better, and understand the person behind the username. I never cared for Rarity much until I listened to people and thought about her. I now care about her a lot more.
      Is this all wishful thinking on my part, guys? :(
      I don't know anymore...

      Friendship is magic, right?

    84. Maybe Cereal is Jelly

    85. ...

      I do not absolutely hate Pinkie. I do not prefer Pinkie.

      Sheesh Seth.

    86. @Cereal Velocity
      While your sentences made grammatical sense, I noticed that did not make any sort of logical or coherent sense. I believe that. purely by accident, you may have added a superfluous negatory in your final statement. Let me remind you that it is commond decency to never put the words "not", "prefer", and "Pinkie" together unless you are either making a joke or insulting someone's intelligence by stating that that is what they do.

      I hope you learned something from this and will immediately rectify the situation. Cheers!

    87. If anyone is attending the meeting with Tara Strong at Comic Con, can you ask her why the Fairly Oddparents sucks so bad now?


      Um, well, no, not really...

    88. Pinkie Pie creeps me right the eff out and she has since the very first episode. I've tried liking her, but... I just can't. She's annoying. Obnoxious. Also manic-depressive and reminds me of a former client who snapped and went at me with a knife.

      But if you like her? Then hey, I'm happy for you. I'm not going to tell others who to like and not like. Just because I feel this way doesn't mean others should. (I admit to being a little disappointed that Applejack gets so little love, but, again, I can't force people to like who I like. Different strokes for different folks.)

    89. @AQNichols Because Rarity is a whiny bitch.

    90. >Did you know Cereal absolutely hates her? I don't understand it! Pinkie Pie is awesome!
      Cereal hates the best pony? He has some explaining to do then

    91. @11:29 anonymous:
      "whiny"..silly anonymous that's not how you spell "sexy"

    92. Once I got to know Pinkie's character, I knew some people weren't going to be able to "get her" (@Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony @Cerina). If you don't pay good enough attention, you'll just see her as the generic "lol so randumb XD" character. But because she does everything so deadpan, it pushes her beyond that stereotype into genuine hilarious insanity.

    93. What credentials are required to apply to become one of these "blog minions"?

    94. Why would someone had to "get" the character to like him/her?. I could like Pinkie for just being plain random but I don't.
      I must clarify that I don't hate Pinkie. I like her at some level but not as much the other cast.

    95. Not like Pinkie? *faints*

    96. I-I-I can't get to the Dragonshy page ;-; I need more ponies to color D:

    97. Pink pony is the best pony

    98. @Ink

      Dude. Deep breaths. It'll be okay. Relax.

    99. A new minion, you say? I'd be game for that!

      Also, Cereal, you make me sad!

    100. Pinkie Pie is the rating of how brony you are.

      At first, there is this annoying pink blur that never shuts up and keeps the show from being as awesome as it could potentially be.

      Next, Pinkie Pie ends up making you laugh now and then, facehoof even more, but it's tolerable.

      After that stage, you start to like Pinkie. She's adorable and endearing, and genuinely entertaining. Best of all, she adds just enough chaos to make life interesting!

      The final stage is that you absolutely adore Pinkie, and realize the show would never work without her SHO AWESHOME chaotic antics! /)^3^(\

      Thus CLEARLY, I am therefore a more highly developed brony than Cereal possibly could be... But we still offer our friendship to the clearly still developing Cereal... We love you man!

    101. Pinkie Pie is, without a doubt, the best pink pony with a baked dessert in her name.

    102. At least Cereal isn't obsessed with a shallow, tactless illusionist character...

    103. luna is maked by a guy in antrim 0_0 i live 60 mins from there

    104. @Ink

      Because of this, man. Look around you. Look how many people are willing to fundamentally exclude us, even before anyone opened their mouth. The feeling that of course everyone likes Pinkie; if they don't they must not be sane or a true brony or something.

      I don't think I've insulted any character (though some people have). I'm just not going to never be critical of a show I love and want to see better.


    106. Also, for the record, I was kidding.

    107. @Fallin' Winter
      I have a Yahoo friend that laughed when I showed him that clip too...

      He still won't watch ponies though.

    108. Reading this from a phone parents stopped me going on the computer... google docs works on phones yay!!

    109. yea meeeeeeeeeeeeetaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllll

    110. Ughhhhhhh I know I'm late but I absolutely have to put a reply here.

      Pinkie breaking the 4th wall, being "faster than dash" and all that crap, IS what makes her great. It's called being a cartoon. It's called the best thing about Western animation compared to, say, anime, and why I've always been a bigger fan of it.

      It's called taking a medium such as animation in which you can literally do anything your mind conjures up and use that to create something that's absolutely out-of-this-world, crazy, fun, and just extremely interesting to watch. Obviously a lot of kids these days have been spoiled by "realistic anime!!!" and the surge of more realistic Western animation to try and combat that anime, and they suddenly want all this needless realism and BOOOOOOORING stuff like that jammed into cartoons, where it shouldn't even be. Every character in FiM is a good cartoon character and the animation, charming character design and whatnot makes it so none of it feels 'too realistic' or 'boring', but Pinkie is far and away the greatest character for representing and carrying on all the "unrealisticness", "4th wall destruction", "rubbery animation" etc that I want to see more than ANYTHING else.

      I hope, DIRELY, that there's far more of it in season 2, and that the folks working on the show don't succumb to trying harder to appeal to anime kiddies and the like that don't understand why they should appreciate Pinkie Pie.

      And for the record, Fall Weather Friends is the WORST Pinkie episode. She was horribly written and unfunny completely.
