On to the news!
The OG BALLER Tinychat Channel
Apparently the tinychat channels didn't all disappear! This one is still alive and kickin. It apparently has been around for a huge amount of time too. You can find it here!
Comics with Ponies!
Looks like VG cats dropped another pony reference in the recent Duke Nukem comic. It's a shame that game ended up being awful. You can find that it here!
Full Time Ink also dropped a very small pony reference in the 3rd panel of yesterday's comic. It straight up references some of the awesome fics here. Preeety neat!
New iOS Game Influenced by Friendship is Magic
A new remake of the retro game Deflex is currently in development by the same group that created Space Giraffe and Gridrunner Revolution. The creators are supposedly influenced by bronies, though I'm not really seeing it based on the screenshots. Anyway, you can find the article here!
Top Flag Redesigns at
Cracked recently did a top 22 flag redesigns contest thing, and amazingly enough the nazi one just happens to be...4 Twilight sparkles. Why they chose a Nazi flag, I will never know. But at least she has invaded yet another website. You can find the page here.
Boingboing Reports on Story of the Blanks
Do I even need to dig up that link again? I'm pretty sure everyone that reads these knows about the game by now!
Anyway, Boingboing totally has an article all about it. You can find it here!
Live Winter Wrap Up Karaoke
A Manga/Anime event in Lisbon, Portugal recently had a surprise group of bronies pop up and start singing Winter Wrap Up (along with a few other songs!) Apparenty it all started with a single person, and slowly the hidden bronies in the audience sucked it up and joined in. You guys should have been up there immediately! I'm disappointed! You can find the video here!
72 Hour Video Game Marathon for Charity
How is this pony? No clue! They sent it anyway and it is totally in my news folder!
The people over at currently have a 72 hour marathon scheduled on Friday, July 15th. They will be covering all sorts of old games, from awesome ones like Zelda and Mario Galaxy, to rock bottom garbage like Superman 64! Hopefully they can get past the tutorial level on that one, because I remember it being neigh impossible.
Their goal is to make $8,500, to donate to for a schoolhouse building project.
If you are interested in joining in on the festivities, you can find more information over at their website!
Celestia Medium Redux Font Update v0.85 Released!
More Updates! Included in this patch is a latin character set, and basic greek alphabet for people who are into physics. You can find it the DA page here!
MLP Activity Magazines in Argentina
Apparently these things are all over the place in Buenos Aires. Inside you willl find various things, such as character bios and a sheet of 50 stickers. Pretty neat!
I wouldn't mind some pony stickers.
Thanks to Jav for the images
Letter to Hasbro's Marketing Division for Better Merch
Over on Ponychan, they are once again sending poor Hasbro more letters about pony merchandise! This one seems pretty in depth though. If you are interested in inputting your 2 cents, or reading what they have so far, you can find it here!
Pony Chat Live Podcast Episode 2!
A while back I reported on the pilot Pony Chat Live episode. Apparently you guys like it's so much, they decided to do more! You can find it here!
Season Two Spanish Subtitle Project
These crazy bronies are already planning a subtitle group for Season Two. If you are interested in helping out, and speak spanish, you can find the forum post for it here!
Austrian Pony Website Hacked by Rainbow Dash Again!

Equestria Daily News
How the Archives Work
Most of you probably have realized that the majority of this site is done manually. The bottom recent posts section doesn't update automatically, and the stuff from that doesn't file away into the archives without me doing it.
I sort everything into it once a day, usually after the nightly roundup. I figure if you need something recent within 24 hours, you can just click page 2 :p
As for the archives, I think the only one most of you use is fanfiction, so I'll explain it from that standpoint. When that bar hits ~25 fics, I dump all but 6 or so into the story archive. This is when they are tagged with their permanent star ratings.
I'm looking for an automated way to do this, but I don't think blogger is really capable of it sadly. I do have access to HTML page, and Knighy from Fimfiction has added Jscript to it before, but for the most part its still really complicated. Hopefully I'll figure something out eventually!
Twilight Sparkle
Thats all for the news! Kind of short tonight. Not that I'm complaining.
Thirst !
ReplyDeleteHunger !
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ReplyDeleteI saw the Cracked thing earlier. It works because of how quickly the Ponies are taking over. I like call it, the "Blitzpony."
ReplyDeleteThe FPÖ should totally change its party iconography to cracked's National Ponyism flag.
ReplyDeleteKeep in the mind that the character in the VGcats comic seems to be an overweight basement dweller nerd guy.
ReplyDeleteAnd if connecting MLP to that was intentional, I do not approve, no.
What's this? ponies being used for evil? Bullshit.
ReplyDeleteThe nazi flag should be Rarity. Unf Twilight in Nazi flag Uhnacceptabel. Mai furher, furher.
ReplyDeleteThe author posted a bunch of MLP videos a while back. He's a brony.
ReplyDeleteI saw him at Anime Expo, and he was both wearing and selling Rainbow Dash cutie mark shirts. He's 100% brony.
Bronies don't like Hasbro's merch, so they feel the need to tell a company to make an entire toy line *just for them& because their current line of toys isn't "good enough for them".
ReplyDeleteYeah, this'll totally work ( ^ o ^ )ノ
Todays news are quite interesting, although there isn't enough "PONY" related stuff in there... For instance we don't get much "PONY" in that VG Cats comic.. Only 1 picture on that cats computer screen... :(
ReplyDeleteBut awesome news nevertheless!
Another Austrian political website hacked! D:
ReplyDeleteWhat will people now think of us austrian bronies?
Or austrians political situation? D:
Woot I live an hour from Buenos Aires! Now I just have to buy the activity book without my parents seeing...
ReplyDeleteThe Deflex game is by Jeff Minter, who's this semi-reclusive English programmer who made all these ridiculous, psychedelic scrolling shoot -em ups starring a llama in the eighties and nineties.
ReplyDeleteI didn't get the pony connection either, but if you check his Livejournal (!), one of the screenshots has Derpy in it:
I just don't get why hasbro only has the show in the US; most of their merch is outside of the country, where the target audience can't easily get it.
ReplyDeletecould we have that "Pony Chat Live Podcast Episode 2!" as a downloadable mp3?
ReplyDeleteThey started broadcasting it on the British channel "Boomerang" lately.
ReplyDeleteApparently Rainbow Dash really likes to be part of anonymous, the image above shows the whole fpö page, including Dash saying "That hack gave me a wingboner".
inb4 "she hacked that page in 10 seconds flat" and "the page is now 20% cooler"
VG Cats updated??
ReplyDeleteI think the Diamond Dog might be a little. . . Disappointed with the lack of treasure. . .
ReplyDeleteAnd considering Trixie can do everything "supposedly" better than everyone else. . . . well . . . yeah. . .
VG Cats updating is enough of a reason to celebrate. Funnily enough, two of the first webcomics I ever read were VG Cats and El Goonish Shive, both of which have a lot of pony references in their comics now.
ReplyDeleteAnother Pony merch thread? Ponychan, it takes time to get things made. Lay off them for a few months and then complain.
Doesn't anypony remember the youtube "Downfall" hitler parodies in which Hitler is a huge brony? You did a post about it for Celestia's sake!
Ha, my request on EqD - didn't see that coming. Old-Root on ponibooru is the artist.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, what's going on is the Diamond Dogs decided to kidnap another unicorn to hunt for gems. They got Trixie. I'm not sure who to feel more sorry for.
Lmao. I like the show Pawn Stars. So that makes me love that VG Cats comic even more.
ReplyDeleteIf I had to have a Nazi flag up, I think I know what choice of flag I'd make now! Not that there was much of a choice though to begin with. lol
I loved that live Winter Wrap Up karaoke session. Why don't I ever stumble upon awesome things like this out and about? Grr.
And Rainbow Dash... you so silly...
I love how the article calls the game "Friendship is Magic"
ReplyDeletepodcasts are always awesome to find out about thanks.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad the hackers are using Rainbow Dash, it's time to even out the "love and tolerance" bullshit ponychan forces onto FiM.
ReplyDeleteAustrian news media just declared "a colorful cartoon pony" to be the symbol of Anonymous. Way to go Rainbow Dash. =/
ReplyDeleteCelestia Jugend
ReplyDeleteO dear, there is a point where it goes to far, and this is to far.
ReplyDeletewe've had flame articles written about us before. This is giving the media exactly what it wants. also if it carries on hasbro/hub and the FiM team are going to distance themselves from us if this starts becoming a common occurrence.
sigh =[
@Anonymous ... I think I've seen this post before. No wait, I definitely saw this post before, word for word :O
ReplyDeleteSame troll trolling in almost every newspost. Nothing to see here, move along.
@Anonymous Good to know, friend :D
ReplyDelete... Eh? ExtraLives being advertised on EqD? That's probably the LAST place I'd expect them to be advertised since the main admin doesn't like ponies. xD
ReplyDeleteI already knew there'd be a few bronies watching the marathon, but it'd be nice to see some more there in the chat. O:
wo, wait...
ReplyDeleteVG Cats actually updated for once... o.o
The Power of Pony compels you!
Those other entries in the Cracked contest are actually pretty funny.
ReplyDeleteSorry guys, that Rainbow Dash hack page is the funniest thing ever.
ReplyDeleteIf you mean Anonymous attacking the FPÖ, thats not Evil. Its good. The FPÖ is an evil racist party. Rainbowdash saving the day!
Anonymous trolling FPO by hacking their website and putting RD on it...
ReplyDeleteSeriously, how far will they go for the lulz? x)
I can't believe you're doing the archives manually oO. I'm pretty sure they are good PHP programmers (or Ruby, or Python, or whatever web-ready language) over there ready to lend a hand to make a website from scratch. In fact, they wouldn't even have to do it from scratch, since there are a shiton of blog CMS ready to be modified just waiting for you...
Anyone managed to save the Rainbow Dash pwned image? I could love to use that in a discussion sometime...
ReplyDeleteHack on fellow Bronies, show people us Bronies aren't passive wimps!
ReplyDeleteI was pretty sure somepony had already informed about the Argentina magazines.
ReplyDeleteThere was another one couple months ago which had more stickers and Pinkie and Applejack on the cover. I made a thread about it on PonyChan where I posted the whole mag but I think it probably 404'd at this point
ReplyDeleteOMYGOSH My city has ponies! SO AWESOME!
Turns out I was wrong. Here's the thread:
I'll see if I can post pics of the new mag.
Me alegra ver más bronies argentinos ;)
Am I seriously the only person who didn't really like story of the blanks?
ReplyDeleteI think the whole Nazi joke came from the scene in Winter Wrap up right around 6:00-6:02, where they appear to be raising their right legs sort of like a reverse Hitler salute. Kinda weak, but funny I guess.
ReplyDeleteI forgot about the Rainbow Dash on the blog when Yahtzee popped up. I love that man.
Trying to steal my name and make it seem evil and German? :p
ReplyDeleteThat's very unfair to the Germans.
Pardon my incompetence, but I have no idea where to put/send this, so Imma just stick it here and hope it gets seen:
ReplyDeleteVG Cats has been conquered!
First panel:
Hmm... I think Trixie has more gems in her mouth and only gave one to the Diamond Dog...
ReplyDelete...that's already linked in the blog post, and people have been discussing it here in the comments. Did you manage to overlook that in your excitement?
Speaking of VGCats, what happened to his first comic about ponies? The Cutie Mark Crusaders one. That comic introduced me to ponies but the comic and the post just disappeared.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the activities in Argentina:
ReplyDeleteThere are 2 magazines, the one shown apparently is the #5, so there must be 4 more issues (I shall contact the editorial).
And there's another one with games on is #1
Pics of both:
@Dark the VampyrWülf
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure the other 4 numbers were for old Gen MLP.
I just wish the series itself and the McDonalds toys arrived here soon.
ReplyDeleteSabés de qué hablás xD ¿De donde sos? =O (los únicos bronies locales que conozco los conozco antes de que sean bronies)
E igual voy a ver que onda con Vértice para sacarle la curiosidad~
ReplyDeletehere's the original
Too bad i will never knowingly read something by cracked. :/
ReplyDeleteRainbow Dash für Bundeskanzler!
ReplyDeleteI remember there were too magazine that was link to this blog.non 12 step rehab