• Nightly Roundup #25

    Night Pony edition!

    Inb4 Trixie isn't a Night pony! Trixie can be ANYTHING.

    On with the news!

    Fanfiction Checklist Updated! 

    For those of you who don't know about this pile of awesomness known as the Fanfiction Checklist, it's something that has been hangin out in the archive for a while.  It lists pretty much every fic in there, sorted by character, type, star rating, ect and gives you the ability to check mark the stuff you have already read.  The guy running it regularly keeps it up to date.

    You can find it here, along with all instructions on copying your own.  

    And also the quick update page here!

    Old Lauren Faust Interview

    This one is from years ago, but apparently Lauren Faust has been interviewed before.  She sort of hints at wanting to create something with female characters who aren't shallow and flawless.  Looks like she got her wish! It's an interesting read, and you can find it here!

    Killing Floor Ads "Dog and a Pony Show" Achievement

    Whether this is pony related remains to be seen, but apparently the monster killing survival game has added a potential shoutout to the brony community in their recent update.  You can find their achievement list here!

    Ponies in the Workplace

    I'm thinking of starting an event up with something like this.  "Ponies invade the workplace" might be a fun one.  This one is from Jerry who is a department manager at a grocery chain in New York. Let me know what you guys think in comments.

    Equestria Gaming Art Contest 

    This month's contest over at Equestria Gaming involves drawing something that includes their logo somewhere!  You can find all of the information here!

    Super Dash Dev Blog

    Another blog has popped up for a currently-in-progress pony flash game!  If you want to give feedback, or follow it's progress, you can find the site here!

    Ponies Invade APB's Billboards

    Apparently these are bid on, and someone likes pinkie pie enough to buy her a slot for all to see.  It's a pretty neat image actually.

    There is a pretty big brony presence over in the new reloaded version of the game.  I'm glad it's still going!

    Friendship is Madness Podcast

    Another podcast has popped up! This one has actually full time female cast members.  That is pretty groundbreaking!  You can find it here!

    New York Brony Convention Compilation Coming Soon!

    A bunch of information on that New York Brony convention that came up last week is being compiled for a massive post in a few days.  Everything from the crazy Hoity Toity cosplayer to the various presentations, it looks

    Equestria Daily News

    Remix War Submission Tomorrow!

    The remix war round two is finally complete.  Tomorrow at 4:00 PM (Pacific time) the entire compilation will be going up.  There will also be a Synchtube channel hosting everything in a giant playlist for everyone to talk about. 

    Side Bar Buttons Color Scheme

    I'm adding some side bar buttons soonish, but I'm having a really hard time deciding on what colors to make them/their borders/the text inside.  Any ideas? :p

    Sections I will have up there:
    Events (Current competitions/events going on here at the site)
    Chat (The chat room that mysteriously disappeared but totally still exists)
    Forum(If I ever have time to set one up..)
    Other stuff

    And that is all for the nightly news! Yay~

    66 kommentaari:

    1. What about David Tennant?

    2. How in the flying f*ck does a killing floor achievement have anything to do with the brony community? The world doesnt revolve around you, l2blog.

    3. Wikipedia on "Dog and Pony Show":

      "The term has come to mean an elaborately staged performance, presentation, or event designed to sway or convince people. It is often used in reference to a series of informational events put on by a company or group."

      Ooooooh, so that's why. Brony reference is still questionable, in that case, but I'm sure not many people knew the term before FiM.

    4. @Anonymous Wait!? What about David Tennant?

    5. The ponies in the workplace sounds great. My only problem is how do I get a pony onto an US Air Force Captain's desk without getting my hindquarters chewed?

    6. try not to poke her eye out with you horn, trix.

    7. a ponies invade the workplace event needs to happen.

    8. Forums? GO FOR IT! As for achievements? How whould that even work?...

    9. FYI the Super Dash game isn't a Flash game :) Its a standalone app, which is the reason it cant be embedded. Thanks for the feature!

    10. @Feloua

      Meh, I think they'd be cool with it, especially if it was a Rainbow Dash.

    11. So I don't know if anyone noticed, but ponychan is back online! :D

    12. @Anonymous True, might improve his mood by 20%. Come tuesday night he shall have pony on his desk.

    13. Side Bar Color schemes.

      Events (G&P Trixie colors)
      Chat (Fluttershy colors)
      Forum (Rainbow Dash colors)
      Archives (Twilight colors)
      Achievements (Applejack colors)
      Other Stuff (Pinkie colors)

      If you think about it, it kind of makes fitting sense. We just need something for Rarity's colors.

    14. @D. Shadows

      Doesn't make any sense, fluttershy the SHY one reprrsenting a social 'chat' instead of a character like Pinky? You failed, gtfo.

    15. @Anonymous
      I noticed! 502's are now on my fake hit-list that totally doesn't exist ;)

      Also, I also think Dr. Who is a pretty cool guy, eh regenerates and doesnt afraid of being a pony.

    16. ^Redundant "also"
      That's it, I'm going to bed before I ruin another post.

    17. The Remix War was great this time around, had real great fun taking part too.

    18. @Feloua

      I have always thought that they Brony takeover would not be complete until we see a Pinky Pie decal on a tank or Dash on a plane.

      Ponies in the Workplace needs to happen.

      Also... Forums ftw!

    19. The checklist tool is pretty cool, but I really thought I had read mroe than 10. Oh well. "Fallout: Equestria" and "Ballad of Twilight Sparkle" are long.

    20. Trixie is a night pony because her cutiemark has a MOON on it.

    21. @Anonymous

      So she has a moon on her moon?...wait you meant nightmare, dumbkoph

    22. seth u said 2 drawfriends

    23. Oh look, the new nightly roundup! At 4 am. Well, let's see what happened tod- *see picture*

    24. Whenever the remix war is over, someone should definitely throw them all in a torrent. X3 I'm absolutely ADORING all of these remixes, shout outs to all the talented producers who are making them. :3

    25. @D. Shadows

      How about the drawfriend/media stuff for Rarity...? >.>

    26. @Anonymous

      *Her cutie mark IS a moon....

    27. I think the "Dog and Pony Show" thing might be based on the common phrase that the episode's title is a joke on. I hadn't heard it much until MLPFIM either.


      You should almost unquestionably base the sections on the mane cast, and the extra one should probably go to Derpy (Other Stuff).

      My thoughts:
      Events = Applejack
      Chat = Pinkie Pie
      Forum = Fluttershy
      Archives = Twilight Sparkle
      Achievements = Rainbow Dash
      Other = Derpy

    28. @MikeOShay Oh. By the way, this is me. I was too lazy to log into my BM account.

    29. I d'awed at the pic up top. LunaxTrixie must be done more! XD

    30. I've heard the phrase "a dog and pony show" used before FiM ever came out. I was surprised that more people hadn't actually.

      I really doubt the achievement in Killing Floor is a nod to the pony fandom. The game is having a circus sideshow event going on right now, so it's more than likely a coincidence.

    31. @Anonymous

      Because one of the episodes I believe is called " A Dog And Pony Show "

    32. @MikeOShay

      Once again, as anither guy stated, why wiuld Fluttersy have anything to do with the chat or forum themes?nitsnlike younguysWANT to betray her character

    33. I must admit, all these "game mentions pony in context of well known saying" are beginning to grate.

    34. Awesome job finding that Cat's Don't Dance interview. I love reading about animators and seeing their production art. Also more evidence that Lauren is awesomesauce.

    35. sigh, anything with the word 'pony' in it nowadays is a "potential brony shoutout" to you, isn't it.

    36. Looks like we have a few trolls in the comments today

    37. I just have to say, that picture is adorable. Makes me want to like Trixie. and Luna.

    38. Haha this post seriously amazed me. Jerry is a very good friend of mine and actually sent me a different picture of that area earlier yesterday. Imagine my surprise to check the round up this morning and find him in it. Freaked :3

    39. Does anypony know which server the APB bronies play on? There's 4, and once you join one your stuck with it, I've encountered a surprising lack of bronies on Colby NW.

    40. I doubted our station for a second there... But we'll also be playing the new songs as well as the synctube. :D

      So we can spread these new awesome songs along with the Synctube channel.

      WOOT WOOT!!!

    41. Now if I had the balls, and the ability. I would totally tack a big picture of Pinkie Pie to the back of my Budweiser truck and do my delivery run for a week with it.

    42. I need to print out a big picture of RD doing her smile-with-hoofs-squishing-face-at-podium pose and post it in front of a urinal at work...would that count? :D

    43. @Anonymous Would'nt a picture of Derpy Hooves make more sense for that situation?

    44. That is the most adorable picture I have ever seen.

    45. For the side bars i think it would work like this

      Events = Pinkie Pie
      Chat = Applejack
      Forum = Rarity
      Archives = Twilight Sparkle
      Achievements = Rainbow Dash
      Other = Fluttershy

    46. Yeah, I hate to actually agree with trolls but that achievement thing is NOT an MLP reference, just one to the old saying. If it had entailed something between a unicorn and a dog-monster, THEN that'd be a ref! But it's in a zombie carnival or something so.. nope.. it's to the saying.

    47. Wait, There is people playing APB? I thought everyone just quit after making their avatars.

      I would love to do the workplace pony thing, but we get in trouble at my job if we put our own things up after the "What do you think of the managers?" incident.

    48. The colors for the new buttons should be the coat colors of the mane cast ;)

    49. Can't wait for the remix war to be up!

    50. @ZMorris

      I agree. It is sad that CDD is a relatively unknown (I think the studio that formed for it only made CDD and then shut down) - it is still one of my favorite animated movies of my childhood. Now that I know Lauren Faust worked on it, I like it even more.

      Off to watch it again!

    51. Poster URL: http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/147/1/1/hang_in_there_by_stinkehund-d3hch0t.png

    52. @Anonymous "I think David Tennant is a pretty cool guy. eh kills aleins and doesnt afraid of anything."

      Seriously though, what? WOT?!

    53. "Everything from the crazy Hoity Toity cosplayer to the various presentations, it looks"

      It looks WHAT?! I must know!!

    54. Sure, why not, Ponies should be on The Office!

    55. Killing Floor, Abusement Park, Pony... inb4 scootabuse.

    56. @Feloua

      Gun for one of the Vietnam Pony pics.

    57. I have done some mild ponification at work.

      * The bottom image at http://www.lu.se/vision-group/people/postdocs/bjoern-samuelsson.
      * The favicon for http://home.thep.lu.se/~bjorn/ and linked web-pages related to my teaching.
      * Problem 3 in the April exam for classical mechanics and special relativity: CMC-related with pony pictures included (http://home.thep.lu.se/~bjorn/fyta12/klass/TentaMekRelApril11.pdf).
      * Problem 3 in the June exam for electrodynamics: first sentence means "Steven has a magnet." (original text in Swedish is available at http://home.thep.lu.se/~bjorn/fyta12/klass/TentaEMJuni2011.pdf).

    58. @Feloua Well you could always say it was a gift of a flying pony which is totally cool and which is supposed to represent loyalty like the ones of the US Air force to the country and such (going with rainbow dash of course)

    59. Kill me, I'm a PONY3. juuli 2011, kell 12:38

      Want Wall-E/Pony crossover video. Now.

    60. Now I don't care for Trixie in the least outside of a couple of fics I've read, but that ain't a moon on her flank, that there be a cape. Unless you think the moon is blue and sparkly somewhat deformed at the bottom.

      And what's all this talk of David Tennant? I'm getting excited.

    61. Of course Pinkie gets that billboard space, she is the best pony. Seriously considering downloading APB now.

    62. I might stick up a poster like that in the back room at work. Only problem is everyone would know it was me.
