Because I'm out of new Triiiiiixieeeee
Oregon Brony Meetup
A meetup happened the other day over in Oregon. Looks like they had a ton of fun there based on the pictures! You can find the gallery here!
Rainbow Dash Randomly Pops Up On Destructoid
Honestly this isn't really pony related other than the completely out of nowhere Rainbow Dash with a Wii cutie mark at the bottom of the article. Hell they don't even mention her. It doesn't matter though, because just being there speaks volumes when your as awesome as "The Dash". You can find the article here!
Six Gun Galaxy Plugs Pony

Pony Emblem Hack Seeks Spriters
Someone is hacking Fire Emblem for the GBA and attempting to convert everything to pony. He needs some help though. Have some copy paste!
- Spriters to make the custom animations. I'll further explain what I need to those interested. The sprites not only include character portraits and animations, but also small units icon, items, "chibisied" portraits, etc.
- A story developer to help me with the main plot and fix typos.
- (Optional) Music composer. Although I'm not planning to add custom custom MIDIs to the game, I can do so if someone wishes to lend a hand there.
If you are interested in helping out, you can email him here!
Delponies Webcast

You can find the tinychat channel here!
Webcomic: Gingers Bread Posts Tons of Pony!
A while ago, I linked a web comic called Gingers Bread, the same way I always do when one plugs pony in some way. Apparently this one has had a ton of equine goodness, so the artist behind it decided to compile all pony related content into a tumblr for everyone. You can find that here!

Fanfiction and Ebooks Article
Looks like even E-book websites are susceptible to our massive collection of fanfiction. Teleread recently created this article on E-books based on My Little Pony. It's pretty interesting, if anything for the pony references. You can find it here!
MLP Fighting Game Starts a Website Up!
That Fighting game from a while back has set up a website You can find the new site here!
Equestria Daily News
Cereal eats hay irl.
Phoe still collects beanie babies.
I didn't make any of that up, honest.
Tekaramity watches reruns of I Dream of Genie.
And that is all for the news tonight! That was early wasn't it?
Seth, Y u no drawfriend?
ReplyDeleteWhat? A nightly round-up before I get up in the morning? Nonsense!
ReplyDelete@NoireI guess I forgot to comment on the actualy subject. I didn're get the Western Pony thing, at all, so if someone would care to elaborate that would be wonderful
ReplyDeleteIs that Guardian Games in the photo gallery?
ReplyDeleteI didn't have time!
Double drawfriend tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteGot a good laugh out of that lol!
Ponies? In MY Fire Emblem?!
ReplyDeleteHell yes. Unfortunately, my spriting experience is limited to splices of humans, but I might do a bit of pony experimentation to see if I can pull it off.
Yay! My goofy-ass comic! Thanks Seth!
ReplyDeleteI still prefer Lyra being the mascot of these nightly roundups. Luna gets enough spotlight as is.
ReplyDeleteSeth I am disappoint.
Kidding, I understand the amount of effort you put into this. But I shall have high expectations for tomorrows drawfriend.
Fire Emblem? My gosh they better tweak the damn dialogue as well if they're gonna do it. I mean really, half the dialogue is just them repeating eachother's names.
ReplyDeleteYes, yes it is. And I'm the guy in the giant jack skelington hat :D
It was a fantastic time, for certain. BTW, the interview with Eurobeat Brony we had there was really interesting! I wonder if anypony recorded it... I was going to transcribe it, but forgot in the excitement XP
Another radio station! I can't decide which one to listen to 24/7! GAHHHHH!
ReplyDeleteI love you, anon. Wow, how Shakespearean!
Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more,
Men were deceivers ever,
One foot in sea and one on shore,
To one thing constant never:
Then sigh not so, but let them go,
And be you blithe and bonny,
Converting all your sounds of woe
Into Hey nonny, nonny.
Haha oh wow, beanie babies. That crazy Phoe.
ReplyDeleteMmmm I imagin that hay is quite delicious.
ReplyDeleteHey, we're both Scootaloo.
ReplyDeleteWe should be friends.
Beanie Babies? I don't tolerate not-little-girls who like little girl things!
ReplyDeleteNow. Back to PONIES!
You eat hay? Are you an evil enchanter?
ReplyDeleteOh Cereal you are full of lols.
ReplyDeleteI've heard that eating raw wheat is delicious(hence why you see farms with wheat hanging out their mouths). What's hay taste like Cereal?
ReplyDeleteI once tried hay at the farm where I work.
ReplyDeletean entire FARM with wheat hanging out of its mouth?
Farms have mouths?
Seeing all those happy bronies at that meetup... I really really really really want to go to one now.
ReplyDeleteHow in the Luna can you be out of TRIXIE!
ReplyDeleteHopefully Pony Emblem is done as well as Fluttershy Land 2.
The comics were enjoyable however I would have at least bribed Derpy with a dragon size muffin.
Nice to know the fighting game guys are pulling it together.
Everyone know Cereal eats hay with milk. It's like saying I eat the flesh of cows made from pure evil.
So what if she collects beanie babies? It's not like the rest of us don't have hobbies either.
I have a quick question for everyone what do you do if you accidentally set a fire extinguisher... um... on fire? Because I can't very well use the extinguisher to put itself out.
ReplyDeleteI dunno, sounds kinda gay. Not that thats a bad thing, I just hear that it 'is' apparently a bad thing for you yanks cuz you live in a backwards society.
Heavens above. Is Our Lord and Master of Ceremonies and All Creation, The Great and Almighty Seithisto, actually taking my advice and going to bed for the purpose of SLEEPING?! And BEFORE midnight, on top of that!?
Fanfic on my E-Book?
ReplyDeletei don't even own an E-book...
I've eaten alfalfa.
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't too bad
A. How is getting together with people who share your interests "gay"?
2. What is wrong, in any context, ever, of being gay?
%. How do alphanumeric symbols work again?
@D. Shadows
ReplyDeleteYou fight fire with fire, of course.
ReplyDeletePhoe, I think I love you.
In a completely non-creepy way, of course.
ReplyDeleteMade it clear there wasnt anything wrong with it, your ignorance of this fact and your hastey defense at it reveals your unjustified homophobia.
ReplyDeleteBro, you're the one who just said it was gay. :I
ReplyDeleteWhat s/he said.
ReplyDeleteeh but he didnt say anything bad about it. pointing out that he did when he didnt shows others being homoracist. am i the only one who noticed the yank comment?? lol is funny cause its true.
Pony Emblem? That would be amazing. Looking forward to it.
ReplyDeleteI... you... he... when... but... table...
You know what, I really need some sleep.
Does Cereal eat hay eeeeevilly?
ReplyDeleteHope the Fire Emblem mod gets finished. I loved that game, and sadly, I don't think I have it anymore. Stupid little game cartridges are so easy to lose.
ReplyDeleteby your logic, I must be gay then. hm.
*mentally checks orientation*
nope. Straight as a line between two points. your argument is invalid.
And the meetup was a freaking BLAST. Most fun I've had all month.
@Sir Leadhead
ReplyDeleteOh, and we're not yanks. Oregon is on the west coast. On the other side of the freaking country.
@Sir Leadhead
ReplyDelete'Kay so you're homophobic, quiet and let the correct demographic talk okay?
....I watch reruns of I Dream of Jeanie too....
ReplyDelete*facehoof* WHERE in my comment was the homophobic statement? I was merely pointing out that no, going to meetups does not make one gay. I have nothing against gays.
But, I now realize that this conversation is pointless. Love and Tolerance. Have a nice evening, sir ;)
ReplyDeleteI Dream of..."Genie"? Oh, you mean this? I've never seen that episode of The Twilight Zone...but it does sound fairly interesting, from the synopsis. I might indeed watch reruns of that sole episode, just to prove your statement true! To the Chronoskimmer™ - away!
...assuming I don't get distracted by watching reruns of Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego?...
Phoe is awesome incarnate, and she deserves all the random love. I love her too! ^_^ But then, I love all pony fans. It's a code of ethics, for Tek. *nods*
why are people randomly saying they love phloe? oic, desperate people desperately trying to get e-laid
ReplyDeleteI still wish more people used or deviantart rather than google docs, but e-book formats are pretty nice
ReplyDeleteCereal, I eat hay. You eat hay.
ReplyDeleteThe Rainbow Dash and Vinyl Scratch girls in the meetup pics? Totally wearing my jewelry. Aww yeah.
ReplyDeleteWhy the hay would you want that? I can keep all of my ponyfic organized after I read it in google docs, AND I can chat with other readers while reading.
Are you oatmeal?
Holly karp, Robotech Master wrote that E-reader article! He links his page in it even!
ReplyDelete@Sir Leadhead
ReplyDeleteWas wondering if that person would pop up to claim it, nice hat, I wouldn't mind one.
*insert random stalkeresque comment here due to half the pictures being of the same 2 people.*
Genie? Pah-lease. Everypony knows you can only dream of The GREAT and POWERFUL TRIXIE!
ReplyDeleteDat is messed up! his voice would also be too baritone.
Howdy all! BMW from DelPonies! Have any questions about the stream? Feel free to email them to me at [email protected]! I will try and respond promptly! (currently streaming a slideshow of pony pictures)
ReplyDeleteEmail him for all your questions.