On with the news!
Another Web Comic Goes Pony!
Enjuneer has joined the comic artist pony herd, going so far as to acquire a new OC pony. I'm getting jelly of all these personal ponies people have! You can find the comic here!
1080p Friendship is Magic UK Trailer!
For those of you who save random trailers, and I'm sure there are a few of you, the UK TV trailer for My Little Pony has been released in full 1080p! You can find it here!
RainbowDash.net Admin Steps Down
A few changes are going on over at the pony Twitter page, Rainbowdash.net! It looks like Purple Tinker (many know her for the Celestia font and New York brony conventions) has stepped up as admin, dealing with the tech side of the site, and Elind85 will be doing the moderation and delegation.
They are still asking for donations from anypony willing to help out. Rainbowdash.net costs a lot of money to keep afloat, so anything helps!
Polish Subtitles
For those of you who only speak polish (What are you doing here?!) or if you know someone who only speaks polish, a brony going by the name of ObessionOcotpus is releasing subtitled episodes for everyone to enjoy. You can find the channel here!
My Little Remix Launches! All Composers and Music Enthusiasts Are Welcome!
NotACleverPony gave me something to copypaste, and It's 4am, so I'm just going to roll with that. Enjoy!
"My Little Remix is a brand new brony musician community, established by NotACleverPony, PinkiePieSwear and Makkon.
The point of the forum is to help each other out since we are all remixing the same show - It's a place to share MIDI and Audio hints.
We welcome anyone who is curious about pony music (and beyond).
If you're just starting out, we'll be happy to lend a hoof, so to speak.
We will also collectively vote regarding what the Challenge tracks will be in future Remix Wars, via the forum. If you look at our member's list, we have a good, experienced collection of contributors, among them, Eurobeat Brony, ChainAlgorithm, The Marking Dude, General Mumble and many, highly talented bronies, ready to share their wisdom and audio advice.
We also welcome anyone who makes Trigger Videos, which are often Music Remixes in their own right.
Come join us at My Little Remix!"
Fluttershy Cosplay

You can find her DA Page here!
Bronies in Australia's "The Mercury" Paper.
Another shout out to us from the media! I think I've seen that picture somewhere before, And they even threw out /b/ emblem in there. Sadly It isn't published online yet, and the image is a bit small. I'll ask the guy who sent it to me for some bigger stuff. Meanwhile, just bask in the glory of world domination.
You can find their website here!
And thanks to Scarmask for the infos!
Equestria Daily News
Apparently Blogger added a beta mobile version, so I enabled it. If you don't like mobile versions, you can find the button to switch to normal at the bottom of the mobile page. I'll test it out for a bit and see how well it goes.
15,000,000 Page Views!
How Great and Powerful!
That's it for tonight. Off to schedule the morning yay~
76 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaFor once I thought I had it
In less important news(or?): Ponychan returns constant 502's. What happen?
VastaKustutaI love peuknees.
VastaKustutaWow for how many days so far has the nightly update included news about webcomics converting to bronies? :o
VastaKustutaSilly Anon#1, That's not how you say "Luna is your favorite pony".
VastaKustutaPosting this from my mobile device, I for one LOVE the new mobile interface because now it doesn't take five minutes to load a page. Excellent work Seth or whoever made it!
VastaKustuta15000000 page views :O
In other news, Equestria Daily breaks 15,000,000 page hits.
VastaKustutaReally like the new mobile site, so much easier to keep up with ponies and do things all at once :)
VastaKustutaPonychan and Ponibooru both down, that sucks.
VastaKustutaThat is a great article, very positive.
VastaKustuta15,000,000 hits. Cheers, all. Cheers indeed. Ponies forever. =)
VastaKustutaThat was a really great article from The Mercury.
VastaKustutaWas very respectful! This is how an article about the fandom should be done. The facts were straight and the viewpoint refreshing and mature.
Although it's worth nothing that the phenomenon is not just limited to male older fans.
Luna's front legs are all cocked up.
VastaKustutaI liked the article.
VastaKustutaMakes me proud to live in Australia.
I'm still a bit disappointed that there is no widescreen/HD version of Boomerang available. Not only that, they could also certainly try a bit harder with these PAL conversions too.
VastaKustutaThe mobile site is awesome for my HTC Desire :D. Also im proud of this community :).
VastaKustutaNews reports in Australia, TV ads for the UK and Polish subtitles. We are well on the way to world domination. It won't be long now.
VastaKustutaI LOVE the mobile mode! Thank you!
VastaKustutaThat was a really good article. I think I'm going to go give that site a few more pageviews in gratitude.
VastaKustutaA link to that fifth one would be nice.
VastaKustutaWhere is the actual MyLittleRemix site? o.o
Apparently the UK has EVERY TYPE OF PONY
VastaKustutaGreetings from Poland everypony ;)
VastaKustutaNew mobile interface rocks.
VastaKustutaWhere did Luna's wings go in the picture? :O
VastaKustutaLuna pic reminds me of Pokemon Silver opening for some reason
VastaKustutaThat was a really great news aritcle, looks like they actuly did some Reserch.
VastaKustutaI fully support notacleverpony's use of "Trigger Video" as opposed to ytpmv. And I'm glad somepony has the sense to not use ytpmv besides myself.
VastaKustutaCan we get a link to My Little Remix?
VastaKustutaI'm going to miss the old rainbowdash.net admin, Cabal. He has really tied the place together.
VastaKustutaWere the bronies just handed Autralia?
VastaKustutaI like the mobile version
VastaKustuta15 million! Woohoo!
Holy hay Australia likes us and calls us an example of open-mindedness and tolerance and treats us as a legitimate group of fans without calling us weird? And here I thought Australia hated the internet. Go Aussies!
VastaKustuta@Present Perfect
VastaKustutaI think it's here!
Would love for a link of My Little Remix, that sounds something I'd very much like to join.
VastaKustutaI have to agree with the above. I really like the mobile version. Please keep it up. :)
VastaKustutaIf anyone is like me and couldn't find a mobile version link, adding enter equestriadaily(dot)com/?m=1 as your address.
VastaKustutaOn the mobile version itself, it rocks. woohoo.
Im used to the original versiin. Is there a button to disable permanently?
VastaKustutaAt least FIMchan is still up...
VastaKustutaYeah, he was a great guy.
The step down came as something of a shock since I had only just met him at the NYC brony meetup and he hadn't said anything of his plan to do so at his panel.
*sigh* Oh well. Purple Tinker, and Elind are great folks and they know their stuff. So the sites in good hooves, at least.
no comic for 15th million views <:S?
VastaKustutaI really love that article in The Mercury. Excellent choice of image, for starters. But more importantly, they actually mention some of the real reasons people enjoy it instead of just throwing in one brief quotation, how this has happened before with other shows, and how it's actually gotten positive reviews from media critics.
VastaKustutaI know Ponibooru is getting a new server today. At least, that's what I recall the notice at the top of the page saying at least for the last week or two. :)
VastaKustutaNo idea about Ponychan tho'.
Mobile mode's looking good on my Cliq (Android)!
VastaKustutaI'm going to go into smug mode now until some other Australia news source hates on ponies. Before that happens, we Australians are 20% cooler than all other bronies. Hooray!
VastaKustutaMobile mode's great, used to take forever to load on my phone
VastaKustutawow, of all the positive posts and articles and what not of the show and fandom, I say that was probably the best I've seen yet.
VastaKustutathough no one seems to note there has been fans of MLP ever since the original toys and shows started, just FiM you could say made it explode and splatter all over the net and world.
WOOOOH! Gratz on 15 million hits!!
VastaKustutaThat Australian article is by FAR the best one so far, and also the only one that seems to have done any research without a very strong bias to make it fit the "star trek nerd" stereotype.
VastaKustutaWay to go Aussies!
here are a couple more ponifide comics if you dont already know about
Ha ha screw you America we have EVERY TYPE OF PONY!
VastaKustutaThat article was very well written! It's nice to see us get some positive press.
VastaKustutaThe mobile version is excellent!
VastaKustutaMuch love for the mobile version, I was hoping we'd get something like this!
VastaKustutaTHANK YOU for a mobile version, it was quite a nightmare browsing otherwise.
VastaKustuta>Bronies in Australia's "The Mercury" Paper.
VastaKustutaI like the article.
And I like the huge pony image.
Gave myself eyestrain reading that article but I gotta tell ya, it's really nice to see the media looking at us in a more positive light for once :)
VastaKustutaAnd this is why I like Australia better than America.
VastaKustutaI live in America btw. Spent two weeks in Australia when I was 19. EVERYTHING is better there.
How do you enable the mobile version? My Nintendo 3DS only loads the normal one.
VastaKustutaMobile version works fine, except we loose things like the search box (which doesn't work very well anyway), category links and everything else on the sidebar. But, overall, works great on my Android phone.
VastaKustutaMobile format? YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes!!!! :D I need my pony fix while I'm on the move!
VastaKustutaAlso brohoof to you @ChJees, me fellow Desire owner!
Does anypony know of a version of the extended Equestria Girls in HD?
VastaKustutaAnd we have some people working on the actual cartoon in America, so blyeah!
so does this mean MAST3RLINXX travelled to the UK? if so then YYYYYEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!
I require a link to My Little Remix, google didn't find it.
VastaKustutaWhoa, cool, they actually used my brony pic. Sweet! XD
VastaKustutaOh Seth, you forgot the link (or maybe NC did, it was just copy/paste).
there's no www. needed. Hope to see you guys there!
That's a very good article in The Mercury :)
VastaKustutaApparently it's Tasmanian, not sold on the mainland, otherwise I might have picked up a copy
The mobile version is great, only a few issues. Access to the archive and a search function would be nice. Have to wait for blogger to get on that. Only other issues are that my battery seems to die faster now, although that may be due to visiting your site so many times a day, and that it is really hard to type with hooves on an iPod.
Oh! Loony Luna! From Harry Potter, right?