• NES Style Pony RPG : Story of the Blanks

    A pony RPG has popped up on Newgrounds, starring Applebloom as the lead roll.  

    So far it's actually kind of creepy, in a good way.  The creator did a great job considering hes working with NES level graphics. 

    You can find the game here!

    Thanks to Chickenwingz16 For the tip off! 

    178 kommentaari:

    1. Yay more pony games! Every pony loves slews of pony games!

    2. Just when I was off to bed!

    3. Pretty short, I wonder if there are more endings or something

    4. I doubt it's actually finished... A sequel, for sure. Also, that was really great, it got real good real fast. Loved it.

    5. That was a very nice happy game full of zombies and murderers. Fun!

    6. That game is going to give me Nightmares now

      thanks *Sobs*

    7. Hot damn that was creepy! Very nice.

    8. Really GRIMDARK

    9. Goddamnit, I gazed over the author's comment section and the ending parts of the game completely caught me off guard, I am going to have 8-bit nightmares now.

    10. I find the situations you need to go through are frustrating at times. Avoiding some of the obstacles seems horribly skewed in their favour.

    11. Man i love this... NEED MOAR PONI RPGs!! =D

    12. That was unexpected. Fun and creepy though!

    13. Shoot, I was too late and JUST recommended this to Sethisto >_< Oh well, next time I submit something it will be with my own content!

    14. Why creepy? I don't see anyth- OH GOD

    15. Applebloom's walking animation made me giggle throughout. But no amount of giggling at these ghoasties would make them disappear!

    16. This was more creepy than should be possible with the limitation

    17. Kill me, I'm a PONY2. juuli 2011, kell 17:32

      I thought it was Derpy :C


    18. 0_o Well....sleeping's overrated anyway.

    19. I loved this! Even if it was super short. Great atmosphere! so so creepy D:
      I demand fanfiction spin offs!

    20. That was an amazing game. The pure awesomeness made up for the short playtime. I will definitely play this again =D

    21. Zombie ponies.....Zombie ponies everywhere! D:

    22. >lead roll
      Silly Sethie, Applebloom's not a spherical piece of bread!

    23. Any idea how to get past the one that runs at you like the yeti from Skifree?

    24. I don't see what's so creepy about it.

      It's actually kinda ni--SWEET CRISPITY CRUNCHITY FUCK!!

    25. Well this is a fun game. Ohh I got a crank. This house sure is dark. Bones? Well ok back to Twil- ZOMBIES! OH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!

    26. ... Dammit I want to write a dramatization now.

    27. creepy but at least it's playable

    28. Did Applebloom just go into Silent Hill?

    29. Ugh stupid super fast zombie poine, why can't i beat you!

    30. Ugh, I can't seem to get past the well! Where's the crank?

    31. ._. can't get past a zombie ponie. blechz.

      Nice atmosphere tho. 8bit games just seem to ooze creepy.

    32. Now there's the best reason to stay out of the EverFree Forest ever.

    33. *drools* that was amzing! or as RD would say
      so AWESOME

    34. Creepy, eh? Challenged accepted.

      Looks Ok to me. I don't see what he me--a dark house? Um...Ok, still nothing too ba--Whoa! The whole town went all Glitch City on me! O...kay, still, it can't get any worse th--


    35. Herp I got the Derpies.2. juuli 2011, kell 17:54

      Hmm, seems fun enough.

      A town full of blank flanks? Seems odd, but ok.

      Hmm, An empty house? Wonder whats in the fireplace?


      Pfft, who needs sleep anyways?

    36. If someone finishes this or gets past that superfast pony please provide a video

    37. I just wanted a game about ponies!

    38. Great game! I don't know why, but 8-bit has the ability to add just the right amount of creep factor.

      I hope a sequel is made! :D

    39. For those wondering how to get past the fast zombie pony. Just go down-left and it wont get you.

    40. @ShivalWolf
      Once you push the stone out of the way, you gotta BOOK IT!

    41. Great game, but, how the heck do you get past the pony that runs super fast?

    42. @ShivalWolf
      Getting past the fast zombie seems to require luck and you should definitely stay on the bottom of the screen.


    44. oh, look, applebloom and twilight. ok.

      hm, town with no cutie marks, that's fine.

      dark house. fireplace. can't see what's going to go wrong here...





    46. I demand more. Maybe one with sweetie bell and scootaloo? with different flavors of creepy?


    47. Holy shit. I love how one short 8-bit MLP fangame can scare me more than any big budget 3D horror game the major companies put out. My eyes were all twitching because of how bad this game was freaking me out.

      And it's the middle of the day. Fuck, I'm never playing this at night. Props to this guy, and I hope we see more.

    48. A pony game on newgrounds? AND I MISSED IT!?

      I'm so ashamed.

    49. How much did this game cost to make? 8 Bits.

      But yeah, pretty creepy.

    50. anyone know a way to get past the zombies aside from getting them stuck in corners?

    51. This is pretty cool, and it's not hard to get past the zombies, just keep moving forward.

    52. That was cool. REALLY COOL.

      I really love how it started out. Now I eager to know more. THis being done eposodically would be awesome. I swear, the ambience was very well done. I did fail like 4 times, but that last one kept tripping me up. I really hope to see more like this.

      Bravo, this made my day about 20% cooler. sorry i couldn't help that. yeah *nods*

    53. @Anonymous

      The crank is in the house that the one guy you give the gem to is by. The guy you give the gem to, the house he's by, that's where the crank is. Inside of there.

    54. Well... That a simple yet effective way to creepy me out...

    55. Dum de dum... well, this isn't too bad. The forest is kinda dark, but not too creepy. Oh, a town in the middle of the forest? Yawn.

      Well, I guess I'll just go into this house...wait, what did that fireplace just do? I dunno, but it seemed pretty bad.

      I guess I'll head back and--DAMN, what happened here now?!

      Maybe I should head back to where I found Twilight, and HOLY CELESTIA, WHAT THE BUCK IS THAT?!



    56. Loved the graphics. They were retro/classic/awesome. Also, nice MLP ghost story kind of game.

      I had a few retries due to the fast pony too. My trick is to get Applebloom out of there as soon as you can slip through the cracks in the path you push the block through. Don't wait to get it all the way out, just start running as soon as you can, and you should make it.

    57. They should take the concept of the game and make it into a Halloween episode :)

    58. The only time I got hit by a zombie was when I walked up and and tried to talk to it. Wasn't hard at all.

    59. Well then. As others before me have said, sleep is overrated anyway.

      I thought it was odd with a town full of blanks, and when they turned into zombies I think I kind of freaked out for a few minutes. Luckily, I had no problems getting the hell out of dodge when I saw that there was a crack where you push the bolder thing.

      The ending was interesting as well. I could see using the ghost pony fighting a bunch of zombies and protecting Apple Bloom in a scene before Twi shows up though. make it seem like it was almost all for naught, when BAM! Instant Twilight just add light.

      I don't say this often about creepy things (I hate horror like you wouldn't believe), but I would actually like more of this. A nice concept, executed nicely, and made my heart jump for cover.

    60. Very well done game, far to short though... and now I want to know the story behind this! =D

      Seriously, its creepy and makes me shudder a bit, but its also peaked my interest into what the actual story is... I wonder if Applebloom would ask Twilight about the town she left, not alot was explained

    61. THAT'S OK.


    62. Very nice. I want to see more of this.

    63. I was pleasantly surprised that there was a fairly happy ending. I also want to know what the heck was going on, though I guess part of the creepiness is not knowing. Kinda reminds me of a Fatal Frame situation.

    64. I was more intrigued than scared, to be honest. I'm a sucker for a story that presents only a slice and leaves the rest as a mystery.

      I liked the upbeat ending (and the "teaser" at the end) but I was disappointed that it didn't delve further into the story. I hope the sequel is done for 16 bit hardware!

    65. That wasn't too hard, took a few attempts to get past the fast zombie. Really cool I'm glad I played it.

      Killed a bit of time :D

    66. throughout the game:
      ooh, there's this crank! *find key*
      *goes into dark house* *fireplace goes weird* SHES DEAD!? No, I can still walk..
      *goes back into city* woahz, glitch city-ish there?... *tries to go to twilight* This text... It looks bloodish... "she was the one with the mark..." BUT I DUN HAZ A CUTIE MARK! *zombie pony appears* *shivers*
      *another zombie* *it comes after applebloom*
      OH SWEET LORDY!!!! O________O

    67. @Anonymous Get farther in the game!

    68. So how many people tried to talk to the scary zombie ponies when they first showed up? "Yay, I'm safe! From getting my cutie mark... forever... oh, wait, I bet this is the bad ending."

    69. I doubt that the game was finished, and I had to assume several things to get closure. Here's what I think happened: the ponies in the town never got their cutie marks Celestia realized what was going to happen to the ponies so Celestia casted a spell so they could live unil they got their cutie marks but then the spell was interrupted by a rebelling Luna and they would turn into zombies at night they soon figured out they ran into the Evergreen Forest and started a colony. A young filly ran into them when night came she took shelter into an abandoned log cabin and began to study them getting the cutie mark of a magnifying glass. One of the zombies felt sorry for her not being able to leave, and helped whoever came into the colony. The colony cannot be redeemed, except for one zombie pony, all the others are forced to stay there for an eternity, and they want to have everypony be a zombie pony. I know I looked to far into this but, I wanted to expand the story.

    70. *is playing the game late at night*

      *happens to be playing in a thunderstorm*

      *ends up in the first ghost area*

      *IRL, lightning strikes about 10 meters away from my room, outside, as soon as I die for the first time in the game*

      *power flickers repeatedly as I try to get past that segment*

      ...if you'll excuse me, I now need to barracade myself in my room with a shotgun full of rocksalt.

      On the plus side, that was an epic 8-bit version of the theme song!

      ...and now I hear footsteps above me when almost everybody in my house should be in bed...

      ...this is going to be a looooong night...

    71. Ooooookay, wow, I've never seen any story that left so much of its plot between the lines.

      Alright, so here's my theory of what I think happened [MASSIVE UBER SPOILERS]:

      OK, so there's this town in the Everfree forest full of blank flanks. And in this town, they held this huge party for the entire town. However, one of the ponies, Roneo, lost a present for his girlfriend, Starlet. This trinket, a red gem, was found by one of the town's ponies, Ruby. Unfortunately for her, that act caused her to realize that she enjoyed finding lost things, causing her cutie mark to appear. Now, this town, being isolated from the rest of pony culture, and never interacting with other ponies, thought that the cutie mark was an evil curse. This probably happened out in the open, right in the middle of the party. The crowd got angry, and began to think of her as a threat. So she fled to (her?) house in the woods, but the crowd followed her, managed to find a way into the house (perhaps by finding the key she had thrown into the well after locking the door?), and threw her into the fireplace, where she burned to death. Her ghost then haunted the town for the rest of their lives (they may have even been killed by Ruby's ghost, but I doubt it...), and when they died, every year, on the day when they killed Ruby, they re-enact that fateful day, only with a random civilian in Ruby's place. Applebloom was one so unfortunate, and, well... you know what happens next...

      ...perhaps because Applebloom did not have a cutie mark, she didn't fit the re-enactment, so the ghosts decided not to throw her into the fire as per usual, and once Applebloom uncovered the town's dark secret, the ghosts became unsure of whether to kill Applebloom or embrace her as one of their own, causing the massive rift in reality as all hell broke loose... leave it to Applebloom to make reality itself BSoD...

      Anyways, that's just what I inferred. Feel free to criticize my theory.

    72. That was amazing! When the one pony appears right in front of the exit of the town I nearly had a heart attack! Thank GOD it was a cutscene, but it was followed by one of the most stylish chase scenes EVER. Someone, preferably someone who's a GREAT writer like Somber or Saddlesoap, needs to get the creator of the game's permission to write a fic based off of this.

    73. Very awesome game. : )

    74. Dear Princess Celestia,
      Today I learned that no matter how stupid it sounds you always listen to the person who speaks in rhyme. Otherwise, you'd better be prepared to run for your life.
      Your student,
      Traumatized Sparkle.

    75. I think the moral of the story is this.

      Always. Listen. To. Zecora!

    76. Why did everything turn all red? OH SHIT ZOMBIES! RUN APPLEBLOOM, RUN!

    77. My one issue with the game is that due to the pixellation, it actually looks like several of the ponies have cutie marks (or at least grey/brown specks on their flanks). Other than that: it kept me from sleeping, which may be a good thing, since I have to study for finals, anyway.
      Because I suck at even the most basic hand/eye-coordination-requiring action games, I was really rather glad that only one of the ghosts/zombies proved difficult to evade. I also like that the backstory is only implied; needless exposition is reduced to the minimum, and speculation/interpretation is fun!

      I'm partial to Anon(7:16pm)'s theory, or at least a variation. Maybe this particular, isolated pony town was genetically predisposed towards not having cutie marks because everything in the Everfree Forest was more natural, even before Celestia/Luna left the place alone, and some of that was leaking into the pony DNA. And they may have been deliberately cursed to Brigadoon-status by Luna back when the Forest was her domain, as implied in the pilot.

      Or, a variation of Sunlight Gleam's idea: I've long thought that cutie marks are Celestia's doing. Young people who have nothing to do are prone to rebel (see Egypt a couple months ago), so in order to ensure that Equestria stays peaceful, she makes an outward sign of each pony's most needed talent appear on their flank one they realize what they're good at; they then proceed to do just that and thus keep society running, being happy that they know their destiny. The system is probably somewhat automated, since I don't think Celestia wants to micromanage every teenager in the kingdom.
      While Celestia was busy with Nightmare Moon's own little rebellion, however (guess there are different rules for goddesses), cutie mark production stopped. Lots of confused ponies met up, wandered into the Everfree Forest and founded a town, where they grew up outside of Celestia's control and forgot all about cutie marks. Until one day after the war had ended, somehow, one of them found her special talent...

      Some additional thoughts: Mitta, the crying pony in the house with the crank, first says she should have protected "her", and later enables Applebloom to escape. "Her" likely refers to Ruby, and when she helps Applebloom, perhaps she's lifting the curse, at least for herself? She is, at any rate, performing an action she did not have the courage to do when she was alive, which is always good karma-wise.
      Also, Ruby says she didn't mean for Applebloom to get roped into the whole situation, so she's not a part of a luring-strangers-into-town-to-reenact-the-crime plot. I guess she saw a blankflank filly wandering through the Everfree Forest and was curious, since presumably the odds of that happening on that particular night aren't high, since even most adult ponies avoid the Forest like the plague.

    78. Oh, hello there, fellow pony!

      Would you mind telling me what's going on around here? I would really appreci[b]AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH[/b]!!!

    79. ^ Oh, we can't bold letters here?


    80. Just thought about the ending some more... if we're all assuming correctly that Ruby is a ghost, then either Applebloom's adventure and Mitta's change of heart did not change anything (which would be sad), or Applebloom's escape lifted the curse, which enables Ruby to roam around the forest freely all the time instead of just one night per year, but she's still a ghost (so, still kinda sad).

    81. What a horrible night to have a curse....

    82. Aaaaaaand the first furry/pedo/pervert accusation was just posted in the Newsgrounds comment thread. Nice.

    83. Those zombies looked like silhouettes of Snails which I got a laugh out of, and yeah I thought that was Derpy that Applebloom was following, but other than that it was surprisingly effective given the limitations of 8-bit.

      And it used all eight of those simulated bits to the hilt. I think had the graphics been more advanced it might actually have been less effective, as the simplistic visuals force your imagination to be more engaged and also play into the WTF factor when that shit-just-got-real moment dawns on the player.

      I want to see more!

    84. i didn't really get what was going on and i spent most of my time waiting for Twilight XD

    85. We've now infiltrated Newgrounds.

      Soon, they will join the herd as well!


    86. whew... good think i read the comments before playing the actual game. im home alone, raining, thunderstorm, 2AM and so. meh ill leave it for tomorrow morning :3

    87. ...


    88. Vaguely reminds me of the Hoofwitch Horror fic.

    89. AUGH! silent ponyville!

    90. Oh gosh that was fun and overall awesome.

    91. Ruby the detective pony.

      I like it!

    92. Comments in chronological order:
      -Oh hey, Twilight going over to Zocora's? Of course Applebloom is gonna come.
      -Wow, Everfree Forest doesn't look bad at all... just messy like any other overgrowing forests.
      -Better stay close to Twilight, I'ma good filly (follows closelt to twilight)
      -(At Zocora's) Where did Applebloom go? (returns) Bleh...
      -Shoot a road block? Typical.
      -Twilight, Twilight I saw somepony... TWLIGHT listen to me... Ugh No wonder the CMC always get themselves into trouble.
      -I dunno if I should follow... (follows) Wow it got dark quick.
      -Oh hey, what a lovely town full of... blank flanks?? Eh, a town in Everfree forest, I'm not surprised that is unheard of.
      -found it, ok ok lets see, a key? Obviously.
      -ehh a table and a fireplace? pretty uneventful. (walks to fireplace) OH SWEET LUNA, WHERES TWILIGHT.. ACK! (takes off)
      -Oh sweet mother mercy.. This reminds me too much of Pokemon's glitch city.
      -(nervously)(to first zombie) Aren't you one of the ponies I've talked too?
      -(to second zombie) you're walking past me? ok... and now you're after me...
      -(to third zombie) Oh F*** me. (waits behind the two walls glitching the zombies into running into them and thinks then legs it and dies) ...
      (few more tries later and escapes) MORE ZOMBIES?!?! I JUST WANT TO GO HOME!!!

      Yeah, I'm gonna enjoy those 8-bit nightmares tonight.

    93. Luna Game, anyone?

    94. The second I read Sethisto saying this is creepy, I didn't wanted to play [Had bad experiences with CreepyPastas]
      But it looks so innocent, so why not?
      I played and played, got confused but still played

      And when the first zombie came, I actually went to it to talk XD

      Other than that, this is one awesome game! Even for a CreepyPasta, it has a very good plot unlike the other CreepyPasta games I'd seen
      Hope to see more of this genre soon ^^

    95. fuck

      i never thought an 8 bit game about my little pony could creep me out this much

      more games need to be made about this town. there is so much exposition that is possible here.

    96. Holy CRAP, that was terrifying. Neither Dead Space or the FEAR games were nearly as scary. Some of the visuals remind me of Trilby's Notes, an adventure game made by Yahtzee. Yes, THAT Yahtzee.

      My theory: I think that one anon's theory where Ruby was murdered by the villagers for getting her Cutie Mark is closest to the mark, but I think the last bits aren't so hot. When they killed her, they received some kind of punishment for that terrible crime (as said by Mitta, who regrets not protecting Ruby), and they are forced to relive that fateful day, except with Ruby's spirit. Apple Bloom just happened to follow Ruby that night, and when she discovered the secret, everything fell apart. Had she had a Cutie Mark, the 'wraiths' would've tried to simply kill her, but as she didn't have one, they tried to make her a 'wraith' like them.

    97. at first I was like:
      d'awwwww applebloom talking with twilight

      and then I was like:
      ruuuun applebloom! ruuunn!

    98. Okay. While I must admit that the game was cleverly done and the scary bit was really... well, scary, I can't help but hate the idea of such a grimdark story. Without going into details about my exact thoughts, it was REALLY WRONG.

      7/10. Great execution, but you should never connect ponies with such grimdark plots.

      On a related note: this game is purely linear. There's completely no reason to call it RPG. It's like calling Gothic 2 a racing game, because it has a car. One. Unusable. Completely ruined. As an easter egg. In the area reachable only with cheats.

    99. First of all, I do not like horror. I do however enjoy psychological thrillers and stuff. Higurashi, Silent Hill, Dead Space, as long as it isn't just "Were going to scare you. That's it." and involves some mind buck story then I'm definitely in.

      This was definitely like that. The only thing I'm missing now is the inability to read up on the actual story which I don't tend to pick up while playing these kinds of games for the most part. (Considering it's usually spend something more like, "**** **** **** **** **** **** RUN RUN RUN **** RUN ****!!!!!!!!")

      I can't wait to see a sequel or at least have the creator relay the story of what happened in all it's mind bucking glory so that I can know what sort of messed up horrors befell poor Applebloom.

    100. 8-BIT Is scarier cause it uses your imagination, CONFOUND YOu Imagination! i love you when i need ideas...BUT NOT FOR HORROR Stuff >:S

      This might contain spoilers =)
      But i assure you there are 0 screamers in this game, oh was that a spoiler ;P?

      There's gonna be sooooooo many fan fics about this xD, but imo i always thought ghosts are OP and cheap, even more cheap than vampires. I liked the ending how it was Volcano Run Style/Run from the lava, and how the bone/ghost ponies came from under the earth like they where zerglings, zombies or something =)

      I'd have to say this is basically the FIRST game with an actual plot =/ i was expecting some screamer, but nope, no screamer...which was excellent, just 8-bit colours and music to creep you out =) Too bad the first game with plot about ponies had to be a creepy one...Equestria Gaming did have a contest for the best creepypasta tho...this would surely win, like...you don't get any guns or something, you firstly get confused, the 8-Bit enhances your imagination, my only issue was...why the crap was there an uber high speed dead pony in the glitch town >:S?

      Also i always found it kinda disturbing how the EverGreen forest is soo close to ponyville and especially to Fluttershy, and is filled with all sorts of creatures like the cockatrice, Yet they barely come in town to attack it, unless lured(The Ursa Minor), also amazing how Zecora lives in the forest yet she's completely safe

      That reminds me that the team hasn't done a ghost story episode yet...

      This basically will go viral because it has plot and it's creepy(memorable), wait till the MLP team finds yet another way to troll us with this >.>

    101. Why this is creepy:

      The idea that it starts all fun and colourful and then out of a sudden Dark House turns everything into glitch town

      The 8-Bit Graphics and Music, which wake up your nostalgia combined with imagination, actually makes it scary

      Now why 8-Bit is more scarier than 3D High Graphics...In those you usually have a gun, and your mind is full of OMG This is soo Cool! usually the personality which thinks it's cool overpowers the one which is scared, and thus you don't get more scared from 3D games than 8-Bit because all the critic personality can say which gives the cool rating is... crap graphics and this is weird, and leaves the room, leaving the personalities with no ballz alone in the room :p
      it also leaves them with the analytic one, which critics the plot/story, which actually intrigues it

    102. I died once because I wanted to give the first zombie pony a hug.


    103. I can't get past the part with the crates.

    104. Okay, so I got past the part with the crates, and...
      So... creepy...
      I just...
      I don't even...

    105. Short and sweet. I don't get why people are having such a hard time with the fast zombie though. Maybe it was just me who lucked out in the first try, but I didn't find it hard at all.

    106. Glad I wasn't the only one who died trying to talk to the first zombie.

    107. Hey why dont yall have cutie marks?
      Cutie whats?


    108. Could someone do a lets play of this?I cant get past te insane fast pony.

    109. @Mr.Brony
      This is exactly why Silent Hill is scarier than Resident Evil.

    110. @Anonymous
      I couldn't get past the second zombie pony that follows you; I was too creeped out. Could someone make a Let's Play of this?

    111. Oh, you're gonna say 3D games aren't as scary, huh? That's only because horror games have been really bad these days. No matter what game I play, I tell ya, Amnesia is the scariest game ever!

      Not saying Story of the Blanks is bad or anything. No, this game is amazing. Beat the hell out of my expctations, we need more Pony games like this.

    112. A Low-bit horror game, huh?
      That reminds me of Yathzes from Zero Puntation old games. And thats good.
      (PLAY 1213! If you like Anouter world and Flashback you love it.)

    113. @Anonymous

      Ask and ye shall receive. Am working on it now; with a bit of luck, it should be done before midnight EMT.


      Now, to sharpen my sense of humor...

    114. It's nice to see a horror game that isn't scary for the sake of being scary, but actually has some semblance of gameplay and even story to it (sorry, Luna). As soon as the event in the shack took place, I literally said "Oh, shit..." because I knew there was creepy incoming.


    115. I actually thought the game glitched when I went outside after the fireplace scene and my first instinct was to take the cartridge out and blow on it... Excellent job recreating the NES feel, and I'm way curious to know more about the little town, though the theories posted here make sense and are quite interesting. I love this fandom. <3

    116. Wow this is creepy as hell and i'm not even playing in full screen o-O

    117. That was absolutely incredible. The best game I've played in months, undoubtedly.

    118. As a huge fan of horror stories and video games, I have to say that this was quite the game. 8-bit has a way of making situations more scary with its limited color pallet and visuals that let you imagine something far worse than you can see.

      I only wish it was longer and the plot was more fleshed out.

    119. Something tells me that Zecora casted some sort of spell that is meant to put spirits to rest, that's why she said, "But you do not want to remain for the events that will unfold. Hurry to Ponyville, you two must. For the darkness this night you cannot trust".

    120. it was short. but it was a fun ride!!

      real scary that game is...

      MORAL: ponies make everything 20% cooler!

    121. *spoilers*

      So, if I understand correctly, it's a ghost town inhabited by the spirits of ponies who murdered one of their own because she got a cutie mark?


      This needs a fanfic.

    122. God damn these freaking zombies! D:(

    123. Somebrony needs to write some fanfics based on this. Sleeping is overrated.

    124. Really wish this story would be fleshed out. I'm not one for open endings.

      Explains my utter hate for much of my English classes that dealt with women literature.

      But if the author/creator or someone else would flesh this out that'd be fun. I like endings.

    125. I can tell a lot of effort was put into it, and it was fun, but it wasn't that scary to me, dunno.

    126. It didn't seem that scary to me while I was playing it, but the more I think about it afterwards the creepier it gets!

      Still, seconding (thirding?) an LP of this.

    127. Uhh... My slow computer takes nearly a full minute to load from one screen to the next. I guess I just need to wait for someone to do a "lets play" of this thing and throw it up on youtube or something.


    129. To all those with their flesh out plot thinghys

      Why would you ever shout out the spoilers inside the game WHEN THERE'S A HUGE ASS FANDOM WHICH OVER-ANALYSES Things over and over again!, this plot is actually piece of cake to put together when compared to guessing the Mane 6's Ages

      I'm just...Sayin >:)

    130. Theres A lets play up!

    131. Thanks for the LP! I really enjoyed seeing this at better than 1 frame per second! I totally need to get Rainbow Dash to service my computer. It'd be at least 20% faster in 10 seconds flat!

    132. Very atmospheric for being 8-bit style. Not really that creepy, though, although there were one or two shock koments in it.

    133. *shock moments

    134. That was creepy... BUT AWESOME!! I wish someone would make a SMC file of it so I could play it with the NES emulator on my PSP :D

    135. I love it, even though it scares the hell out of me. I agree that this needs fanfiction. I'd love to hear the details of the story.

    136. This wasn't that creepy.

    137. @Anonymous

      Thank you very much for linking to my video! Just wish Hypercam was a bit more cooperative with the sound.

    138. @Anonymous
      >you should never connect ponies with such grimdark plots.
      Oh wait, you're serious? Allow me to laugh even harder.

      >104 entries

    139. Well, that was creepy. Does anyone know how to get hold of Donitz without a Newgrounds account?

    140. @Candescence Yeah I thought they were wraiths too! Zombies are not scary anymore but wraiths buurrrrrr! Why is it that a game like this can scare the bejesus out of me but dead space cannot?

    141. sweet ZOMBIE jesus that was awesome!!!

      8 bit sprites allways do the trick.

    142. I'm surprised Applebloom didn't come out more traumatized after this. If I was a little filly in her situation, I would be plagued with nightmares of zombie ponies coming to throw me in the fireplace if I got a cutie mark.

    143. I'm glad I'm not the only one who died because I instinctively went to give the first zombie pony a hug.

      Dammit, that should have worked! D:

    144. SPOILER ALERT: this comment contains spoilers. Though if you came this far in the comments, I'm sure nothing is surprising anymore.

      Anyways, this post is for those that played the game, but didn't quite get what was going on. After playing the game and being thoroughly creeped out, I started thinking about the story. There doesn't seem to be a lot there, but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense.

      Here's my best guess on what was going on. It's just my own theory, influenced other comments I've read. Enjoy!

      - - - - - - - - - -

      Chronologically, the story starts with a young filly named Ruby, who once belonged to a village of ponies that did not have cutie marks. Somehow, Ruby received her cutie mark: a magnifying glass, because she was good at finding things.

      Be it out of jealousy, fear, or some other sigma, the other ponies turned on poor Ruby. They attacked her inside or near her own cottage, and burned her remains in the fireplace. Because of the terrible deed they committed together, the entire village was placed under a terrible curse: each pony became a wraith, constantly having to re-live the crime they collectively undertook.

      Flash forward to the present, we have Applebloom: a filly that has yet to earn her cutie mark. She is lead into the Everfree forest by the spirit of Ruby, as all she wanted was a friend.

      As Applebloom ventures further into the forest, the bright colors that existed on the safe path quickly dulls and darkens, becoming almost complete darkness... until she comes upon her destination: the Village of the Blanks.

      The wrathful ponies would probably have just outright killed Applebloom, but having no cutie mark and thus similar to their ideals, it seems they instead wanted to make her into a wraith, and join them in their misery.

      At first, she is deceived by their illusion. She sees slightly awkward, but nonetheless happy inhabitants of a hidden and self-sufficient village. After exploring the village and interacting with the villagers, she finds Ruby's house.

      The house is starkly different from the rest of the village. Inside, Applebloom finds Ruby's remains, bringing her back to reality and dispelling the glamour. Seeing the village for what it really is, the wraiths bid her to join them... by force, if necessary.

      As Applebloom makes her escape, she is allowed to pass by a female wraith. She tells the villagers that they deserve their fate, and cries for Applebloom to run as fast as she can.

      Barely making it past hoards of cursed villagers, she eventually finds Ruby in a small clearing. Ruby explains to Applebloom about her cutie mark, and that she'll find a way out for them. Just like that, Twilight Sparkle arrives and guides Applebloom back. Ruby's spirit bids Applebloom farewell, and is satisfied that she's finally made a friend.

    145. @Bandrik

      I agree with your interpretation of the story for the most part, but there are just a few things I noticed that may be different or that I would like to add on to: (Spoiler Alert)

      I agree with Tulip Chainsaw's point that the fact that Sunny Town was located in the Everfree forest may have had some effect on the ponies living there, making them more natural or something. "We got everything we need right here, so we rarely IF EVER leave" (Three Leaf).

      I think Ruby was actually an outsider. This is evidenced by several lines of dialogue. "It is not often that we get visitors around here" (Grey Hoof). "You are not the first visitor to say that" (Three Leaf). Both of those may have been references to their last visitor before Applebloom (Ruby). "Don't worry. You will never become like her" (death note). This indicates that they recognise that it is outside ponies who are able to get cuties marks, which further points towards Ruby being an outsider (from Ponyville?).

      Also, I think the reliving of the night occurs annually. "You do not want to remain for the events that will unfold (in THIS NIGHT'S darkness)" (Zecora). "The curse had befallen her THIS VERY NIGHT" (Three Leaf). And it wouldn't really make sense for it to happen every night, otherwise Zecora's warning would not have made much sense.

      Also, you didn't mention Mitta's part in it. I think it may have actually been her cottage if anypony's that Ruby fled to (assuming Ruby was an outsider). Perhaps they had become friends or something, which is why Mitta wanted to protect Ruby, but was unable to muster up the courage to stand up to the others. As a wraith, she may have taken the crank and futilely tried to hide with it to stop the others, which is why she was with it in that building. The cottage being hers would also explain how she knew to take the crank (and perhaps even throw the key down the well).

      Ruby got her cutie mark that day when she was investigating Sunny Town. And it was the adults who saw that as a curse. "All WE want is friendship. Don't leave. The OTHERS won't like it" (Roney). This indicates that it was only the adults of Sunny Town who were against Ruby, for the younger ponies do not understand the reasons the others wanted Applebloom to stay.

      Hope that clears some things up.


    146. @Vermillion Twilight

      OMG Someone else who gets why the graphics are really effective for what it is!

    147. Me: DERP let's go talk to that zombie pony! :D

      Yeah... I died... LOL

      Anyway, I absolutely LOVE this game! It's creepy, but not too scary. And I was worried at first that it would have screamers (which I hate), but it didn't! The 8-bit style made it even creepier, seeing as you could imagine a lot of it yourself. And... I've played it at least eight times in the past two days XD Great game, great plot! :)

    148. You know, I had heard about this game but managed to miss the part about it being creepy, so when I finally checked it out on Newgrounds, said creepiness caught me off guard a little.

    149. So who wants to give Ruby a hug?

    150. @Anonymous ME! <3

    151. Well time to be random. WHY DIDN'T THEY LOOK TO THE DOG AND THE DOLPHIN!?

    152. Well we can learn one thing from this never go to a place called Sunny Town.

    153. @anon^
      My first thought was: "Did they rebuild the glitched Pokémon town?"

    154. Well better break the laws of physics and give a big hug to Ruby and Mitta.

    155. I can't believe I haven't seen a fanfic of this game yet...

    156. this game made me want to cry because they killed an innocent.

    157. I dun' derped hard enough to walk straight into the first zombie pony...


    158. So who wants to give Mitta and Ruby a hug?

    159. Fine, go and give them a hug. Thw town could probably use a new zombie!pony anyway...


    160. Suddenly thought about a yet darker version:

      Maybe some of those ponies were banished into there and formed a village, and agreed to try to deceive all of their unaware visitors then (while Mitta rejected it and tried to redeem, and they imprisoned her with also hiding the crank so no one accidentally finds about the crime, and Grey Hoof set Roneo to guard); and if Grey Hoof is a cruel leader of the village and he hated Ruby because of she can have a mark and he developed a scheme to punish hated villagers? (it might not be this bad, but is it impossible?). Sorry

    161. @Spiritus Arcane


    162. All i can say is that Optimus Prime and N from Pokemon black and white died for there sins

    163. SON OF A BITCH.

      It's the middle of the day and I'm already going to have nightmares from this thing. Very, very well done, and I don't even like horror games.

    164. I played this at 12:00 P.M....I dont plan to sleep for the next decade.

    165. well all i can say is Ruby made me think of Derpy Hooves for some reason. Oh and L died for our sins well ok Light kiled him with the Death Note but that is all. Oh and better give Ruby and Mitta a hug

    166. @S.Aura Knight I hate creepy things/horror as well (for instance, I had a bad experience reading two creepypastas (Dead Bart & Suicidemouse) last year and although they're fairly weak, both traumatized me due to real life stress) but I *loved* this. Probably because there was a bit of a murder-mystery aspect to it and intrigue instead of full-blown horror. Very well done and I hope to see more. :3 Something about older things (8-bit games, black & white, etc) do give a vibe of creepy.

    167. If I ever go into the Everfree Frorest, I'm going in armed with bulletproof armor, night-vision goggles, and an M16 with plently of ammo with a fucking recon plane keeping an eye on me.

    168. I heard the sequel is in development. Any truth to this rumour?

    169. As cool as it would be to see a sequel to this, I'm making my own pony game that's similar to this one (in the sense that it's an adventure game). I have multiple endings planned, and currently just finishing up on it. I expect it to be done mid-september (for the equestria gaming 16-bit pony game contest). Have a look out for Super Filly Adventure in the near future.

    170. I guess this means Ruby is a Hufflepuff.

    171. love the game im just happy the ending was happy
      the rest was still awsome

    172. This is the best story fanfiction game thing ever.

    173. I absolutely f**king love this game!!
      Not only am I gonna write a fanfic adaptation but I'm also gonna do a let's play and a prequel fic.

    174. @RubytheGhostFilly Where did you place the fanfic at? and is it done?

    175. I remember exactly what I was doing when this was released... Has it really been that long?
