• My Little Derpy Episode 1 / Ponybusters / Head Like a Foal

    That first one is acutally really amazing. If it does continue, I'll probably break it off into it's own series post.

    Also some PMV's

    1.) My Little Derpy Episode 1
    2.) Ponybusters intro (Mythbusters, NOT Ghostbusters)
    3.) Nine Filly Tails - Head Like a Foal

    44 kommentaari:

    1. This is awesome



    2. I love the 8-bit styles of My Little Derpy.

      The Ponybusters is hilarious (even if they are using the UK opening). It reminds me of the fanart of Jamie & Adam testing missing with Twilight Sparkle...

    3. My little derpy is hilarious.

    4. I love that first one. There needs to be more.

    5. My Little Derpy, Derpy is Derpy.


    6. The first one was pretty darn good, but the beep whenever a pony speaks needs to be maybe 1/4 the current volume. I ended up turning the sound off altogether after less than a minute because the balance between music and SFX was so lopsided. Which meant I didn't get to enjoy the music :(

    7. all 3 of these are Celestia tier.

    8. Loved My Little Derpy, tho I wish they'd have used a slightly-less annoying sound effect.

      Ponybusters wasn't bad.

      The NiN video was absolutely amazing! the author captured the feeling and tempo of the song really well. I give this one 5 hooves up.

    9. That first video... I feel like I fell into a different dimension or something, derp. It was hilarious though, and a great use of the desktop ponies, derp.

      Also that UK opening of the Mythbusters with ponies. What. The old American opening should have been used, even though I don't think there is a good clip that would fit with "Am I missing an eyebrow?" But I think Kari's "High explosives and electricity woooo" could have fit somehow with the show. Either way, it was good anyway.

    10. Celesita loves you, so bow down before your goddess...

      or you know what she'll do.


      So that's why she didn't show up...

    12. The first one was... Ok I guess. I liked the animation but the humour just wasn't really my thing.

    13. I loved all the videos, 3rd maybe a bit less, but one thing bugged me in the my little derpy, i didn't like how thick Celestia's legs were when she ate too many muffins

    14. okay, first one was cool, second was funny. Third was FUCKING AWESOME!

      and the derpy one is in either 16 or 32 bit.

    15. Second one should be called 'Mythbronies'. Just sayin'.

    16. That PonyBusters video has been on FluttershyElsa's channel for ages, why is it just getting posted now?

    17. Mythbusters and ponies; I would love to see that happen for real.

    18. I give my stamp of approval.

    19. 1) You NEED to learn about volume control, your chirp sound is so loud I have to turn my volume so far down I do not hear the music.

      2)We get, people like Mythbusters and ponies, now if they would just do something beyond the opening.

      3)I like it, you did well matching the clips to the music and you did not repeat the same thing over and over for the chorus, Bravo pony bravo.

      P.S. Any cultured bronies out there considered rewriting a few musicals for the pony universe? Maybe something like 'Paint your wagon', 'A funny thing happened to me on the way to the forum', or even good old Mel Brooks 'The Producers'(Spring time for Diamond Dogs?. Just throwing this out there.

    20. The Derpy vid's nice. Mythponies to be about 20% cooler. But that last one. The NIN vid. THAT was atleast 120% cooler than anything I've seen yet.

    21. The My Little Derpy thingy shows promise...

    22. Derpy was ok. :/

      3rd one was... quite epic. Wish he had used less freezing though, I hate that. :| Great otherwise though, really.

    23. I loved My Little Derpy, although I must agree, some sound fixing would be nice.
      And Celestia should see a medic, that kind of compulsive overeating ain't right. Although I guess Derpy's muffins were just great.

      Third video was amazing!

    24. Ha! My Little Derpy was a pretty hilarious little side silly. And the animation and sprites were pretty choice to boot!

      Now if only the beep was a little lower in sound and the text was a little more legible in some spots.

    25. NiN + Ponies = Best PMV Ever
      I still can't get over how awesome this makes Fluttershy.

    26. 1. Amazing
      2. I lol'd

    27. #1 Awesome, so Derpy.
      #2 Was okay.

      #3 Niiiiiiiiiiiiice.

    28. 1. oh god what
      2. Great, but what happened to the announcer? Did Mythbusters get a new once recently or something?
      3. I could tell a lot of effort was put into that...shame it was put into attempting to make me have a seizure.

    29. WOW, that last one was awesome. Must have taken a crap load of time to make, too. Nice job.

    30. GabuEx! TAKE ALL MY MONEY!

    31. That NIN video. Holy crap. This song is my JAM. Also, EXCELLENT use of Flutterrage on the chorus!

    32. That NIN video was epic. Too bad whoever made it's gonna get sent to the moon for portraying Celestia in a less than flattering light...

      Look on the bright side, at least then you won't have to deal with Trixie :P

    33. Whoa, NiN vid was awsome.

      P.S. Kert Rezner (NiN)is one of the best things that has ever came out of Mercer PA. (yay, if your from around here then you know that)

    34. As others have mentioned, that chirp was painful in the Derpy vid. Couldn't really enjoy it because of that.

      The NIN video was awesome, but near the end it got a bit too chaotic with the flashing. Great use of clips and syncing!

    35. I click on the Mythbusters one and got a British voice. To quote Appejack, "Sure wasn't expectin' that."

    36. As a NiN fan, the third one is just amazing.

      Also, it makes an interesting inner dialogue for both Pinkie and Fluttershy...

    37. @ShakeBunny

      Trentshy? Fluttereznor?

      Actually, I love Trent Reznor's name. I'm always reminded of Final Fantasy, where a Trent was a recurring enemy that appeared as a living tree, sometimes in a cute feminine form. Fluttershy isn't a tree silly, but she'd like to be a tree, so.. Fluttertrent?

    38. ...I take it back, I take it ALL back. I have not stopped watching the third one. SO GREAT.
