• Music: Little Girl on a Scooter / Applejack Bucks 400 Apple Trees / Pony Swag Verse

    Foozogz AND Chain Algorithm? This is amazing.

    1.) Chain Algorithm - Little Girl on a Scooter
    2.) Foozogz - Applejack Bucks 400 Apple Trees
    3.) Pony Swag Verse By Pogosama

    29 kommentaari:

    1. @Aluzird
      lol everyone knows 5th is best too

    2. i have to say i like the first ones beat its a good beat for techno

    3. Oooo, nice music post! My ears are pleased.

    4. I have had Little Girl on a Scooter on my ipod for awhile now. How is it only just being posted now?

    5. @Carnith
      I think what you might have is Little Girl on a Scooter1.0, but I may be wrong. I have 1.0 on mine and i can hear the differences already.

    6. What does the first song really have to do with ponies ? It´s just techno with a picture of a pony. One could just as well put a picture of Link and call it a Zelda song, or you could put a screenshot from EVE online up and call it a futuristic space travel techno song.

      The MLP:FiM community is getting flooded with far too much techno that just has a picture of a pony up while the song is being played.

    7. @Carnith
      Yes, I do believe this is 1.2. By chance, I was actually listening to this while doing yard work today.

    8. @7:52PM Anonymous

      There are only so many songs from season 1. How many times can you remix the same 6 songs?

      In any case, musically adept bronies have taken to making OC and dedicating it to a particular pony or to the fandom in general.

      NotACleverPony is one of the most skilled remixes in the entire fandom, and he does OC almost exclusively. Google 'For The New Lunar Republic' if you want a taste.

    9. Yeah, some people don't seem to understand that pony music can also be inspired by ponies, and not just be straight remixes.

      It just so happens that Luna inspires the most.

    10. The first one was alright, good techno track. I liked the second one, was fun too. And oh goodness, another Pony Swag verse. lol

    11. Thanks for the feature Sethisto!

    12. I really want to go to a pony techno rave with vinyl scratch as D.J.

    13. Listen to the second one again, there is a part where is sounds like she is saying stab hookers, stab hookers, stab hookers over and over again.

    14. Techno is alright, but rap just annoys me.

    15. That Pony Swag verse is awesome, so are the other two lol.

    16. I cannot be the only pony that listens to the Scootaloo one and hears the Extreme-G influence.

      If you don't know what Extreme-G is, it was a game series for the N64 with a killer OST. Look it up on YouTube.

    17. @Anonymous
      WAAAAAAAAANK. It's pony music because its creator intended it for Scootaloo. There's your answer.


    19. I've never really understood those tone things, the first two, I don't mean to be rude, but I don't see what it has to do with ponies.

      Third one was awesome.

    20. @Scootachicken
      Derp, I just got what made the second one about ponies, my point still stands on the first one.

    21. Oh wow! I didn't really expect it to get posted here!!
      Actually, Little Girl on a Scooter was originally made for a minigame for Scootaloo. That was going to be part of the sidescroller that got turned into the mmo and it lost it's usage.
      I did 1.2 because I loved the song and hated the drums. Had a new drum production tactic so I went back and now it's much better.
      If you want to download this version it's on my site (click name).
