• The Movie Brony's 'Monthly Top Ten Pony Videos' Project

    Apparently some of our readers are getting annoyed that I talk about Rarity too much. So instead of Rarity, have some Fluttershy.

    Wait, that's not Fluttershy. Oh well. No time to fix it. Things to post, y'know.

    The Movie Brony has emailed us to let us know about his planned monthly Youtube compilation of the best fan-made pony videos, whether they were posted on the blog or otherwise. He currently has the compilation for June 2011 up and running, so you can see what kind of format the videos will be in. You can find that here. In the description you can find links to all the videos. Obviously, this is just one pony's opinion we're talking about, so take the list with a grain of salt!

    Of course, if you disagree with the list, you can always take it up with him. His Youtube channel is here.

    After the break you can find an embed for the video, if you prefer!

    36 kommentaari:

    1. First! *Takles Rarity and kidnaps her*

    2. I disapprove of Asgard's kidnapping ploy.


    3. There is no such thing as to much Fluttershy, still Rarity is pretty cool.

    4. *Dresses up as a giant lizard* You'll never see her again Delta, nor you Cereal!!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

      In all seriousness though, I agree with the countdown completely. Though the Epic Showdown song should've been switched with the Fluttercussing video. That deserved a higher spot.

    5. Nice, wasn't bring the noise on Tony Hawk 2?

    6. I usually hate compilations like this, but I truly have to say I like this concept.

    7. I'm suprised that MlP FiM I'll make a man out of you didn't get on the top ten.

    8. My biggest issue with this is that 7 of 10 of those videos were just bad,and or much less popular than others.

      ps. I hate Bebop.

      but that was great ...

      stupid awesome animation thingy

    9. I would have gone with Fluttershy rapping for #1 if only for the incredibly well done lipsinc.

    10. I don't mind all the Rarity.

      But a little more Rainbow Dash would be nice.

    11. For a minute there I thought he was constantly selecting the Rainbow Dash Gala 8 bit theme.

    12. I'm with Asgard314 here, not to say that Epic Showdown wasn't good - it just doesn't beat out Fluttercussing (and a few of the lower ones) for me.
      I agree with your top 10 list overall though.

    13. I think the Applesheen is winning should be a little higher, that song is hilarious and the AMV is just too fitting and quite well done.

    14. Cool idea, definitely something we needed at this point. Much appreciated. ^^

    15. @Anonymous
      The Mulan video was released 3 months ago. This compilation is only for videos made during June.

    16. I feel like #4 and 5 should've been #1 and 2 respectively. Applesheen and ultimate foaldown weren't as cool, not bad, just not as good.

      Also, This is only for june? Well shit, why not do a top 10 for all time? I guess that would get outdated pretty quickly though.

    17. @haganbmj I actually agree. Granted, I'm proud of my video and the Fluttercussing is JUST the lipsynch (and blinking and Pinkie's movements) but either way I consider this list more a showcase of their 10 favourites and not as much of a distinct "this is better than this" deal.

      Either way, I'm honoured to get picked. Badass.

    18. Number 4 lip sync is flawless

    19. This is not Trixie, I am disappoint.

    20. Just wanted to pop in and say thanks to Seth and the rest of ED for giving this project it's own blog entry. The initial response has been very positive and I look forward to be able to make these lists in the upcoming months.

      Something I just want to clarify, and you can also read this in the FAQ on my YT page: I know that any order for the videos I have is not going to be fully agreed upon, and the list isn't all about which videos are better than others. It's just a way to showcase some of the best videos of the month and give the video editors some recognition. So if #4 on the list was your #1 or something similar with another video, then that's cool. Nobody should be judging you on that.

      Thanks again for watching the video guys and if this initial reaction is any indication, I can't wait to see what July has in store.

    21. This totally needs PonyCraft 2
      Pinkie and the Brain

    22. I have a picture of Fluttershy. Insert Tree.jpg
      ... wait a second

    23. Don't listen to them, keep posting Rarity!

      if thst list do'nt include fluttercussing i'm going to get pissed.

    24. @LoLZorZs

      Psst, this was for June, bud. Those came out a little farther back. :P

      I don't care what anyone says, I think Ultimate Foaldown deserved its spot. Even if they weren't, uh, supposed to be in an order. I can't imagine how long it took to script out. Everything FITS.

      The only thing about it that's soured for me is the fact that the video's description is where I learned about the Summer Sun Celebration Contest, three hours after the cut-off, and went OH SON OF A BITCH

    25. Tears of a valedictorian2. juuli 2011, kell 13:47

      The Fluttershy/Reggie Watts one is amazing, love how Pinkie Pie pretty much keeps to the beat, when it would have been so much easier to just loop her. Awesome song too.

      And My Little Wu Tang is the best thing ever. Those two are probably my favourite PMVs ever, along with Twilight's Reading a Book vid.

    26. Hey he put me at number 1. What a nice guy.

    27. I thought number 1 was pretty sweet, but I'm pretty sure number 4 (Reggie Watts lip sync) is the greatest thing that has ever graced the internet.

    28. Never stop talking about Rarity.

    29. @Asgard314

      Unhand me you ruffian! Cereal! Help!!!

    30. @The Linker Thanks! The toughest part was actually finding decent clips to use for Celestia and Trixie, I wound up making files with every clip that shows them so I could more easily scan through and check which clips would best fit.

      The Summer Sun Celebration Contest was cancelled due to lack of funding, unfortunately. I don't recall Seth ever actually mentioning that on here.

    31. Holy crap, I just realized one of my pics was just used for an opener.

      Awesome XD.

    32. Love the transition between videos
