• Mario Paint Composer Song Compilation+ 3 New!

    All of the Mario Paint Composer pony songs from Tekaramity will go in this post! New releases will be embedded; older stuff will merely be linked. All after the break!

    New releases:

    Hop, Skip, & a Jump (unreleased ver.):

    Pinkie Pie ice skating:

    Pinkie's psychotic breakdown:

    Previous releases:

    Equestria Girls
    Hush Now, Quiet Now
    Hush Now, Quiet Now Ponybeat
    Art of the Dress

    Singing Telegram
    Photo Finish's music
    Evil Enchantress Ponybeat
    So Many Wonders
    Cutie Mark Crusading
    Friendship is Magic theme
    Buttering Up song
    Grand Galloping Gala

    40 kommentaari:

    1. Rule something of the internet:

      For every song, there is a Mario Paint version for it.


    2. Yayyyy Tek!! -hugssomuch-

      I LOVE these three song, you did amazing with them! <3

      Especially Singing Telegram, my fave song, besides Cupcakes of course!! <33

      I love you, and keep being awesome!!

    3. I've always been a fan of Mario Paint songs.

    4. Photo Finish's intro sounds like the Pokemon game theme intro.

    5. Daaaamn these are really good. Great job!

    6. Photo Finish's starts with pokemon, but otherwise the music is cool like the actual track.

    7. Did Photo Finish's theme always sound like the Lance's/Red's theme from Pokemon? XD

      Seriously though, the sound pretty awesome.

    8. the photo finish one sounds like a song form alladin

    9. photo finish one sounds like this alladin song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEryAoLfnAA&feature=related

    10. @Anonymous I'm pretty sure it is, and they just stuck it on there =P

    11. Wow, strangely enough, the Pokemon intro and Photo Finish's theme mesh really well.

      But I'm especially wowed by Art of the Dress, which seems to turn out amazing every time someone mixes it.

      Also, listen to a meow from "Opal". XD

    12. Yeah, the Photo Finish MPC tune starts with a bonus Pokémon intro. =) It fit so well that I just *had* to stitch the two together.


      Thanks so much, Frost! Singing Telegram is totally *your* song, too! =D Keep being awesome yourself - and I love you too. ^_^

    13. The Pokemon intro fits. Photo Finish's theme sounds like it'd be an elite four champion battle.

    14. Valmir_R0yalGuArd9. juuli 2011, kell 23:40

      why does Photo Finish sound like pokemon?

    15. There's Opal in Art of dress... nice one. ^^
      I like all three of them, even though the Pokémon-start at the beginning of Photo Finish's Theme irritated me at first. Stunning what this fandom is able to come up with. :)

    16. @thehivemind33

      Welp, you've sold me. I need to figure out how to mesh the Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald Elite Four battle music with a pony song. It's in the key of D, which is handy: about half of Ingram's songs are likewise in the key of D.


      Please forgive my rudeness of not reciprocating your hugs. T.T Hoping this'll make up for it somewhat. -hugs so much- <3

      Aww yeah, you get a *double* reply. Deal! B-]

      Keep being amazingly awesome, Equestria Girl! =)

    17. Photo Finish's music -first 20sec or so, sounds A LOT like pokemon.

    18. I'm still waiting the day for when somepony actually use the Proper Mario Paint that these useless clones.

    19. These're great, I love video game-ifying songs like this in the various different ways. Now we just need some Mario World hack-ready music files of them...

    20. @Kawaiipikachu

      These useless clones were made in part to get around the severe limitations of the proper Mario Paint XD

    21. If it can't be recreated in Mario Paint, it was never worth composing. I'm looking at you, Tchaikovsky!

      I especially liked the Singing Telegram and the bouncy CMC pieces. Feel-good stuff.

    22. I just can't listen to #3 without thinking about the League battle themes.

    23. @Marcoooootje1

      Oh lol, just read the comments above.
      Talk about hiveminds...

    24. lol, number #3 is PONYMON!

    25. Why is everyone saying the start of #3 is one of the champion's themes? Pokémon Red and Blue had it as the intro first, Lance's version doesn't even finish like that.

    26. @KevinSano
      Well the thing is with these clones the end result Don't really sound anything like how the original sound.


      Listen to his works & they do sound good so really the Limitations are not really a downside if you know what you doing like How Tombobblender obviously know.

    27. @Tekaramity
      Ruby/Saphire/Emerald's instruments would be perfect for At the Gala, but mixing the elite four theme... hmm.

    28. Tek, you're awesome<33 And HNQN is totally well done, no matter what you say about it<33 Love you so much! -hugs-

      I also TOTALLY approve of that image used in Equestria Girls ;D

    29. That pic of pinkie is damn adorable.

    30. i synced equestria gurls with the paint version and it works really well

    31. What's the point of watching a Mario Paint video if there's no visuals? If I wanted to just listen to a MIDI, I would have Googled it.


      So what? If you want the TRUE MARIO PAINT VERSION, make it yourself. Or better yet, try making it with MPC (or AMS) yourself, or even use a MIDI arranger. Not that easy, huh? MPCers don't just shit these out; it takes skill, no matter what the medium.

    32. @TickleMeFrosty

      Thank you so much, Frosty! ^_^ Love you so much too! -hugs- <33


      While she hasn't uploaded the wallpaper version yet, Frosty posted the original of that Pinkie Pie drawing here at her dA.


      My approach is atypical, yes. I make these for the music, not the MPC / AMS feed. They're the Mario Paint equivalents of Ponybeat, 8-bit pony, and so on. Some people prefer the live feed; others really appreciate the wallpaper stills. I fall in with the latter camp.

      As for the Mario Paint vs. Composer debate, all I will say is this: None of the FIM songs are directly replicable in Mario Paint itself. Even allowing for transposing, only the FIM theme song is viable. All of the other songs carry at least one of two notational obstacles: major 7ths + minor 7ths and major 7ths + minor 2nds. I'm not willing to sacrifice the notational precision.

    33. Cyberfox [Yes, that guy from Precocious ;) ]23. juuli 2011, kell 15:32

      Alas... I might be listening to more of your Mario Paint songs if I didn't have bandwith limitations. I did hear some though. Very nice!

    34. @Tekaramity

      But in doing a static background with just the music, but doing it using a Mario Paint imitation program (rather than the original), you are appealing to neither of the crowds that seek out these compositions. If people wanted to hear Mario Paint music, they would most often want it in traditional form -- with many limitations and silly instruments. You have one such critic above. If people want to see the scrolling, as most MPC/AMS fans do, they are denied that. If you want to appeal to the cover crowd -- those who like listening to arrangements made by amateur artists who are transposing a more popular artist's work -- you might as well do a MIDI. You say "Some people prefer the live feed" -- well, actually , probably 90% of people who listen to/watch MPC videos do just that, WATCH them. So MOST people prefer the live feed.

      I'm just confused by your absolute refusal to upload both the, uh, 'wallpaper' music-only track, or the recording of the MPC screen... both sound exactly the same, and the latter adds the appeal of drawing in the MPC crowd. Without it, you are only drawing in MLP fans and ED readers.

    35. the superpony beat one was best one

    36. All of them are great but Singing Telegram is by far the best,

    37. And here I thought the crazy, psychotic clown music couldn't get any creepier.
