So, it's been decided this is going to become a regular event, occurring roughly 2-3 times monthly. There's plenty to say about ponies and the way they've shaped our lives, and hopefully it will remain a fun thing to write and hear about.
Would you like to write your own letters to Celly? Wonderful! Send them to [email protected], and I will compile the very bestest ones, and on the 1st Volume of every month I'll post them up for everypony to see! Depending on how many there are, you might also see reader-printed letters in the other volumes that month, as well. Knowing you guys, I'm kind of expecting it.
Dear Princess Celestia,
Lately, I've been feeling a little guilty. Every day I look at all the things your subjects have created and are creating, from stories in all shapes and sizes to amazing artwork and musical compositions, and even a variety of games! I look at all of these things, and then I look back to myself and realize how little I've contributed of late. I haven't made time to write the way that I used to. Isn't that a terrible thing?
Well, from watching groups like the Equestria Daily pre-readers and the ATG Alumni, I've come to realize more and more the effects of the creative grind. The longer we plug away at these things without taking the opportunity to rest, the more we wear ourselves down until it feels like all the spark of inspiration has up and vanished from our minds and bodies. It's natural, and it's not something a pony should feel guilty about. If we need to find new sources of inspiration, that's just a part of being alive.
What's important is that we take the time to remind ourselves of why we chose to be creative in the first place. Your Principality is such a wondrous place, bursting to capacity with possibility, but the real reason we've covered the land in art is that we have fun doing that. If we let the grind rob us of that key fact, we cease to do it anymore. Fighting the grind isn't about struggling against the chains of some imagined block, but remembering to rest our minds and bodies, and always keeping that love of creation close to our hearts. So long as we hold on to the source of our drive, we can eventually break through any sticking point in any project we undertake. And that's Magic.
I also think it's important to talk to other ponies about what you're going through. Why, just the other day I was saying to-----~~~
[Editor's note: Phoe's pen kind of drags off of the page at this point, and her desk shows signs of a struggle. More messages continue on the parchment, but in a different hoofwriting. For posterity's sake, we've decided to print that in its entirety.]

Good evening, dear readers.
Midnight here, speaking to you from my fortress, on the moon.
...This was posted by Phoe you say? Oh don't worry about Phoe, she's...safe.
...And okay, I'll own up. It's not a fortress. I built it out of moonrocks. Yes it's a moon-igloo. Ignore the fact the soap-box I'm standing on is jumping up and down as if there's a pony in it...
As I'm sitting here on the moon (Luna, I'm sorry, can I come back yet?), I keep an eye out on what's going on down there on Earth. Not much else to do. Just ask Luna. A few days ago - July the 8th 2011 - was the launch of the very last space-shuttle. It marks an end, of sorts, of the old space-race. Some forty-odd years ago, mankind set foot on this celestial object as the culmination of a decade of competition. It began as a propaganda exercise, but it ended up as a triumph of co-operation. Fast forward a few decades and we have a massive floating laboratory in orbit around Earth in which scientists are performing experiments that couldn't be done anywhere else. It's crewed by international astronauts from all over the globe. To service it, many nations must work together and put aside old enmities. Nations that were once at war are now working together for the betterment of everypony.
That's a pretty powerful legacy, it just proves that even in the real world, friendship is magic. With it, despite our differences, despite things not quite being perfect, amazing things can be done.
So back to the show that spawned the blog that I'm now writing to you about. I think Twilight's words in the pilot were rather prophetic - "these ponies are crazy!". Way back when, I was somewhat concerned that I'd found this show just as it had not only reached its peak, but was winding down.
To continue: I could see some show titles and premises that quite frankly looked terrible - an episode about ponies making gala dresses! An episode about one pony feeling jealous of another...how awful I thought, that'll never work. Silly me. These are (and to me will remain) two of the best episodes. Even the "bad" episodes are amazing - I mean come on, who didn't find the disastrous eighties hair-band glam-rock song of the CMC's brilliant in retrospect? I'd love to hear it sung correctly, but as it was...genius.
So yes - I watched out the rest of the first series. It was excellent. I cheered along with Fluttershy at the sonic rainboom. I cringed and laughed along with the crusader's song. I laughed my flank off at Philomena and even grudgingly gave space to that owl with the name even harder to spell than that darn phoenix's. Then, thought I, things will calm down a bit. I'll be able to get back to "normal" life.
But no. Oh no. You ponies are crazy.
I'm stoked for season two - despite neighsayers after Lauren Faust stepped down (whatever you're up to, you left a mark on the show and us). Despite worries over Derpy's ascended meme status (she's just a verboten background pony now. I think we may see her delivering mail, but that's it). Despite everything - and there's not a lot of this negative everything to actually get worked up about - the brony fandom (and that includes all you fillies as well as the colts) keeps going from strength to strength.
To everypony, have a wonderful summer. I hope you had a wonderful Brony Appreciation Day. Have a wonderful winter if you're down under and don't be a stranger!
Yay! It's an event! This should be awesome!
ReplyDeleteI love everyone.
ReplyDeleteYay stuff with ponies! I'm really not overly discriminating if it comes down to Ponies!
ReplyDeleteI love everything.
ReplyDeleteBUT ... the real question will be, will Celestia RESPOND to them?
ReplyDeleteI love the herd. It is, by far, the greatest example of what humanity is possible of. We came together under edicts of love and tolerance, learned how much true POWER comes from such light, and decided to live with this new power. We have cast aside shackles of hatred and prejudice, the old dark strength we have used to fuel ourselves for generations, and picked up the reigns of peace. Perhaps, this herd will fall. Perhaps we will not survive as a sub-culture. But I know for a FACT that we will have made an impact on thousands, neigh, MILLIONS of lives, and if even the tiniest inkling of the light we found survives, then this world will have become a better place for it.
ReplyDeleteLove and Tolerance, Peace and joy.
-Silver Mane.
@anonymous 8:10 pm
ReplyDeleteif she knows whats good for her she will. "starts up glue machine."
Oh god
ReplyDeleteCan we please stop with this nonsense on EqD? Seriously Phoe someone told you that you can make your own blog to what you want.
And no, what you do at the moment is not a contribution as well. You should have take a part in ATG in order to learn how to draw.
ReplyDeleteOh, awesome, this is an event thingy now? And if we write goodly enough there's a chance we get featured? Awesome! Well, time to read what today's moral is.
ReplyDeleteCreativity? Always good to talk about. And don't burn yourself out, that's why I'm taking so dang long with my story, and it's good advice... what's this? Phoe! Nooooooooooooo!
...Oh, Midnight Shadow is kidnapping Phoe? Okay, I can live with this. I can live with this. *continues reading*
Praising everypony, season two talk, wishing us well... it's all good. And even- wait, what? How'd /I/ come to bronydom? Well well...
T'was a dark day in January. I was busy browsing the interwebs, as per usual, chatting with some friends and doing stuff. One of those friends approached me and asked me if I heard of My Little Pony. "Of course I have," I said to them. "Why're you asking me if I've heard of a toy franchise?"
"Well, there's this new My Little Pony show, and it's pretty awesome," they replied. "You know Frankie from Fosters Home? Yeah, the girl who that character is based off of, Lauren Faust, made this show. It's amazing."
Skeptically, I watched the first episode. Then the second. Then I was caught up. And I wanted more. It was enthralling, how amazing the show was. I tried to catch most of the episodes as they aired, but then I fell away in the middle of March because I had fallen in love with something unrelated to ponies. It was only after The Best Night Ever that I came back and saw what the fandom had become. What felt like almost overnight it grew from 4Chan to it's own humongous thing. And I loved it, and wanted to help. And now, slowly (but surely, make no mistake), I am.
What am I hoping for? That's a secret. No one knows but I. No one. NO ONE! FORRRREEEEEEVERRRRR!
-S.Aura Knight, aka Aura of the Royal Equestria Guard, rank Sergeant, personal guardian of the Princess Luna.
Also aka Popcorn, Equestria's Only Popcorn Providing Pegasus Pony. Popcorn, away!
P.S. This fandom. Full of love. (Most) All of you <3
P.P.S. I write too much, and yet none of it is for story time. I should funnel these long comments into story energy.
P.P.P.S. @Phoe: Being kidnapped explains a lot.
ReplyDeleteUR GAY
And suddenly I realized that Phoe's real name is Phoebe, thank you Pokemon, and thank you Q&Neigh.
ReplyDeleteOk these are actually good. I was worried because the last letter by Phoe was terrible bias bullshit, Holier then thou art Pestering. These are actually entertaining and fun to read. hopefully we have more meaningful letters like these and not soap box rants By assholes.
ReplyDeleteIs it odd that I'm hearing Boom-dee-ah-da, boom-dee-ah-da, boom-dee-ah-da, boom-dee-ah-da while reading this?
ReplyDeleteAs for the interactive portion, I came by ponies the similar to how most people did. I ran across the images in various forums, and one artist I follow on dA started spamming my inbox with pony art. Eventually, curiosity got the better of me, and the rest is history.
The show is great and all, but what really amazes me is the font of creativity it created for all of these contributors of art, fiction, music, and the like. I've lost so much sleep these past few months just trying to keep up with all of the amazing things these crazy ponies have produced, and I don't regret it. Like many, I worried about the fabled "content drought" until Season 2, but now I see that there was never a reason to do so.
As for the future, I suppose that remains to be determined. Sadly, Friendship is Magic will eventually run its course, though no one can say when that will be. I merely hope that the show continues to inspire an ever-increasing number of people to express themselves where before they couldn't wouldn't, and possibly help them to find something new in life to appreciate or strive for. I also hope, perhaps naively, that the level of openness and camaraderie found on the FiM-affiliated sites will translate into the real world, allowing people from all walks of life to to be as kind and charming to all as these colorful equines we adore so greatly. Spoken by a crusty old cynic of 18 years, that is my wish.
What I am singing now because of Title (and i don't give a trot if you don't like it):
ReplyDeletecaught off guard
all worked up
the air is as dark and cold as night
let me go
i'm not done
i swear i'll take just one lifetime and i
i won't lie
i won't sin
maybe i don't wanna go
can't you wait
maybe i don't wanna go
i should've asked
i could've helped
at least a fucking 1,000 times before
will this offer get me in
or does this prove that they gave more and i
"Letters to God" by Box Car Racer
All well and good, but taking time off to examine one's self results in not getting any feedback. I enjoy the comments posted about my work more than anything else. Not creating means no posts about my work.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHuh, how I got into this? I actually originally learned about the premiere for Friendship is Magic while I was watching some other show on the Hub. I watched when it premiered, then I kept missing the following episodes and lost interest. (Busy schedule.) About a month ago, somebody on a gaming website linked a Youtube channel that had the whole first season. I remembered I liked the first two episodes and decided to watch the rest and was amazed at how good the rest of the season was. (You know how long it's been since I've seen a North American cartoon aimed at girls that didn't stink?) I'm still more of a lurker though. I'm not much of an artist and I don't really write fanfic. Still, I'm enjoying the great things the community is producing! And the lovely atmosphere as well. Too many fandoms end up full of stupid fighting.
ReplyDeleteI approve, even if nopony else does.
How did I find the awesome show that is Friendship is Magic. Well, I have to owe it to Bill Clinton. I heard on the news that he answered questions about My Little Pony, and he even got them right! So that raised my curiosity. I eventually gained the nerve to sit down and give it a try. So I watched the first episode. After viewing the theme song, I immediately wanted to just close it, but forced myself to keep going. After the first episode was over, I found myself intrigued at how a children's show intended for little girls could end up being so good. Noticing the first episode ended on a cliffhanger, I had no choice but to watch the second one. After that, I wanted to see what they would do with the series after that, So I watched the third episode... then the fourth... then the fifth...
ReplyDeleteand it kept going until I noticed I had watched the entire first season!
I was stunned by how good it was! The characterization was superb, animation stunning, and just how bright and cheerful it was! So I decided to look more into it on the good 'ol Interwebs. After some paroozing, I discovered I was not the only guy who enjoyed the show! I found Equestria Daily, started reading fanfiction, entering contests, and now I find myself here commenting on an article.
I still can't believe how awesome this show is. After watching the first season, I went back and decided to watch it again! I couldn't help myself! Ever since I started watching this show, I've noticed that I've been a more upbeat person. The show just has a positive vibe that makes you want to smile!
I've now told my friends about the show, and now it's got them hooked. One of my best friends now watches episodes with his sisters! The show is so good, it's even brining families together! I can't describe how much I enjoy the show, and all the happiness that it's brought me. I've found an awesome community here on Equestria Daily, and I've decided to get more involved! I'm even starting on my first fanfiction (hopefully it turns out good)!
So, that's my story of discovery. I hope you enjoyed it. And I hope that you all continue to be awesome! I know the show won't last forever, but the fandom will live on, and I can't wait to become a part of it! =)
Well, well, well, it seems we have some neigh-sayers in the audience!
ReplyDeleteOh well, that's okay. Not everypony's going to be happy about this.
However, I do find it funny that ponies get so worked up about not getting one potential fanfic/news update 2-3 times every month. With the site being updated 10+ times a day, why not?
To those who say that it's "Opinionated" or to start her own blog, I highly doubt that this wasn't okayed by Sethisto where she's doing this without his permission.
Two out of two have been good lessons so far. One talking about how we shouldn't be afraid to enjoy and like the show and ignore anyone who says otherwise, the other talking about knowing when to take a break, keeping yourself from burning out and hurting your work.
Now for the "how I got my cutiemark" story of how I became a brony.
It was a regular day like any other, randomly browsing the internet, eventually checking out Halolz for a good laugh or two. Next thing I see is none other than the Starcraft 2 Pony Trailer. Seeing the bright vibrant animated pony image preview and deciding to watch it, which is weird since I rarely ever watch video's on halolz, I suddenly found myself compelled to find and give the show a watch.
From there it was almost like any other bronies induction into the herd. "Wow, the animation is nice. Huh, the art style is nice and vibrant. Hah! That part was actually pretty funny. What? It's a two parter? Where's the next video!"
Next thing I knew, I was done watching a sleep deprived Applejack at 4 in the morning. The rest is history.
I'd be lying if I said I could remember when I found this site, but however it happened, I'm glad I did.
To this awesome site, the blog ponies that run it, and the great community that I've found following it, keep being awesome!
Ooooh, letters to MLP characters.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure NOBODY'S thought of THAT before.
*heavy sarcasm*
ReplyDeleteMy Story? Has anypony here ever scene that to scale replica of the Starship enterprise recreated in Minecraft, using Blueprints that were found god knows where? Well even though I don't like Startrek much, I did appreciate such a massive undertaking.
ReplyDeleteAt the end of his video, he randomly posted a picture of RainbowDash, so I check the comments and nobody really knows anything about what he's talking about. A week later and he's favorited an AMV for MLP (The one with If You Seek Amy and I kissed a Girl in it.) Seeing the colorfulness of it, I thought "Anime My Little Pony? This is gonna be freakin' hilarious" I was blown away, so I sought out the first episode on AnimeCrazy (Still under the impression that this was an anime), and couldn't find it...So I searched Youtube, found the first episode, and was blown away again. Well not really, it was more of an aqcuired taste, the second episode was amazing, then the third one nearly killed it for me, but by the end of AppleBucking Season I was hooked for life.
Two days later I finished the series, looked it up on KYM, learned the memes, and found EqD as a bonus. A totally delicious bonus!
And that's how Equestria was made.
I'm confused. Is "The story of your bronydom" the theme for the letters to Celestia, or just for the comments section here? Are letters to Celestia even supposed to follow a theme?
ReplyDeleteWrite two letters! Or six! I'm sure Phoe's inbox won't mind.
ReplyDeleteReally truly I had almost nothing to do with the internet before becoming a brony. Sure, I'd HEARD of 4chan. But the filth that are 4chan and other such forums and boards really hold none of my interest.
ReplyDeleteThis past year I was a freshman in college. One of my roommates was always telling me about all the hilarious memes he'd come across and I'd usually check them out. So when he told me about the Pony Wars on 4chan I became intrigued. I mean, fighting over My Little Pony? That hilarious (and the 'stupid' brand of funny)! A few weeks later he told me the fire had died down a bit.
That was all I knew about the show: only what I'd learned from my roommate. Then, one day, he convinced me to sit down and watch an episode. I admit I couldn't stop laughing for probably the first eight minutes of Dragonshy just because I was watching FREAKING MY LITTLE PONY! This show is for little girls! Then something happened: I started laughing at the show. Not the ridiculous prospects, but a joke in the actual script. Wait, what? That couldn't have been funny. This show is for little girls!
It was another week before we watched another three or four episodes. Then the weekend came and we finished out the season. By the next week I had downloaded every episode thus far (up to A Dog and Pony Show) and couldn't wait to get back from classes on Friday to see new pony.
I was hooked. No, I was hooked, gutted, cooked, and digested. I started lurking Ponychan. Heck, I still do that. Sometime in late April I saw this site on the Ponychan front page and now pony IS my spare time.
Now I'm done.
Once upon a time, I was surfing the net and came across this story about a brou-ha-ha taking place at a website called Cartoon Brew. Seems some dude there had written a rather snide article about Lauren Faust taking on a remake of the old toy-based cartoon "My Little Pony", and how her doing so meant the end of "creator-driven" cartoon shows. The article sparked a storm of comments both pro and con about Lauren's project, and then Lauren herself appeared in Cartoon Brew's comments section and defended her decision - and did it so well, and with so much energy and vision, that I found myself cheering her on. She wanted to create a GOOD cartoon show for girls, one that didn't pander to them or talk down to them, one that was the technical and creative equal of any cartoon show directed at boys. Yeah! I said to myself after reading her comments. Good for you! You go, girl! After all, why should plastic ponies be viewed as lesser playroom entities than plastic dump trucks? Why should girls' stuff be sneered at and denigrated while boys' stuff gets movies made about it? Way to go, Lauren! Of course (I added to myself) I don't like My Little Pony, never did, but hey, if you wanna take it and improve on it, more power to you!
ReplyDeleteSo I was rooting for Lauren and happy about her worthy ambitions. But as enthusiastic as I felt, that was NOTHING compared to the way I reacted after seeing a few clips of her rebooted pony show. I was amazed by the cartoon's visual charm. It looked like something Walt Disney himself would have envisioned, possessing an amazing color palette and sleek character designs that display a kind of sophisticated cuteness one doesn't see much of in other animated TV offerings. But as wondrous as the show was visually, the writing is what impressed me the most. It has real wit and heart and never stoops to the cruelty and crudeness other cartoon shows employ in an attempt to amuse its audience. My Little Pony:Friendship Is Magic, is better than that. It respects its target audience so much that its vision has entranced viewers far beyond its projected demographic. And that is a miracle. AND a blessing, because MLP:FiM is inspiring, enchanting and uniting disparate groups of people with its simple message of friendship, tolerance and the strength that arises from diversity. I think there's a hunger out there for real magic, and while there's been a lot of programming on the big screen and the small that contains magic, it's mostly been of the darker, more militaristic sort. Happily, the "Disney dust" kind of magic that was mocked in the Shrek movies and once seemed hopelessly out of date had been gloriously resurrected in Lauren Faust's little pony show. And a lot of people just can't get enough of it. I think that's wonderful. It proves that the yearning for what's good and true and magical and beautiful lives on in people's hearts, even in this cynical age. It's been a balm to me as a person and an inspiration to me as an artist. And it's introduced me to a bunch of great people, and proven that friendship is indeed magic!
ReplyDeleteHmm, I think if you sit down and write an article-sized letter about something tangential to the brony fandom or something about or in the show you feel deserves more airtime, you'll be heading up the right alley.
If you want to comment immediately, go for that too. It's always interesting to hear "how I found bronies" stories...
Ponycraft 2 starts my story as well (but from Kotaku.) Then I happened across Derpy images, then other Youtube works crosslinked from Ponycraft 2 (Pinkie Pie Loves Space, Fluttershy Screams Inappropriate Things, etc), then knowyourmeme... It wasn't until last week though that I had actually watched any episodes of the show. Four days later, I was watching the credits roll on The Best Day Ever wondering why it wasn't a different song or was any different than previous episodes, being the end of a season. Now I hunger for further story development since I usually draw in several decades of canon at a time when I pick up something (you know there are 8+ Ender's Game books?)
ReplyDeleteif I weren't so averse to the idea of Fanfic, I would probably fill the gap myself. On the other hand, I find RPG transcripts to be plausible, but is that really any different at a basic level (non-canon fiction. double fiction º.o?) For now, I guess I'll start over and see what else I can figure out.
My story begins with my very first Mega-Convention: Origins Game Fair in Columbus, OH. Not even a few weeks ago. Not everypony in my group of friends has seen MLP, however one of them was already an avid fan. On the evening of the Saturday that Mr. Clinton was featured on Wait, Wait... Don't Tell Me (A show that I am also an avid fan for), he introduced me to the show.
ReplyDeleteI was instantly hooked. Perhaps it was the fact of the vacation with my friends, but more certainly in the dedication, wit, and of course, intelligence placed behind the writing (and animating) of the show. The very first thing to catch my ears was Twilight's offhand comment, "Cool it, Cassanova..." which was clearly a more sophisticated joke, needing an older audience to catch it (in general).
It ended up with me watching 4 episodes of the show that night.
The Monday we returned, I watched the rest of it in its entirety, without pause except for food and chore. I then immediately hunted out this site, one which I had seen before seeing the show that fateful Saturday.
Since that time, I have watched the whole show again, gone to a MLP Panel at Connecticon, and devoured whole sections of the fan-based materials on this site as well as a few others. The show has inspired and captured my affection that I have even begun the inklings of Fan-Fiction (something i was never brave enough, let alone inspired enough to do).
I am only bound by my quiet nature on the internet. While I am normally, quite reserved and well, silent online, I have been itching to be woven into the community. A community which genuinely cares, and tolerates everypony else. And while the show has had many effects on my life (including a quiet knowledge that I act like Pinkie Pie at times, especially at work among other things), I am hoping that I will at least be able to shed my apprehension towards such a wonderful group of fellow fans.
You ponies are awesome.
A buddy convinced me sit down and watch it.
ReplyDeleteAnd that, my friends, is how Equestria was made.
Maybe next time I'll tell you how I was convinced to follow the overwhelming fanbase that My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has garnered.
My story is rather simple. I have an account on a certain furry art site and MLP became a 'thing' on there mere seconds after its premeire. Ponysonas were common (even from artists that otherwise aren't drawing pony) and some still pop up every now and then.
ReplyDeleteBut I didn't watch my first episode for quite a while. Just took time for my curiosity to get the better of me.
And now I have a Rainbow Dash shirt being shipped to me. And life shall be good when it arrives.
The boundless creativity of this fandom amazes me, but that's probably more because this is the first show fandom I've ever really been a part of.
(I scoured our local wal-mart for merch but they didn't have much besides the horrific pink Celestia. And the aisle the toys were in was the most awfully saccharine shade of pink imaginable)
How'd I get into this? I found a Pony version of "Want You Gone" by JoCo, watched an episode, and tjpught it was funny. Tl;dr, I found a PMV and turned into a brony.
ReplyDeleteDear Princess Celestia
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! You are the winner of the bulgarian international winners lottery fanstatico! You have won a grand prize of 47,000,000(FORTY FIVE MILLION) US Dollars!
Please send us your bank account number and sort code so that we may transfer your prize wirelessly into your account
Well as for myself from my point of view, I had nothing really against my little pony as a show to begin with, I just didn't think it to be interesting enough as a whole to pay much attention to really. I'd having not yet heard of it being 'updated' since the last I had seen anything previously about the older series, movie, etc( MLP show had been out possibly a year or so by the time I discovered it, i'd guess).. ^^;
ReplyDeleteAnyhow it was two Youtube links that one of my younger brothers was randomly sent over x-fire chat from some random person there and thinking it amusing, i guess, he decided to pass it on to me as well..
For me, it was suddenly clear that this looked nothing like the old stuff i would have expected. (the one bit in those youtube videos that comes most to mind would likely be that of Pinkie Pie acting out one of Rainbowdash's aerial routines while Twilight watched from a bench..)
Or in other words, I guess you could say that after seeing the updated bits of the show there, I'd pretty much already decided to hunt down the show itself even if only because of the possibility of my having been over-looking an entire series worth watching while thinking it all comparable to what little i had seen of the older pony related stuff and thus figuring it likely equally as boring if not more so.. ^^;
Course once I had discovered the show I didn't stop there, as before i'd even seen very many of the shows i'd already started searching out more related youtube videos, etc often sharing the best stuff i found on a little forum place of ours that a few of us like to play around with called "zeroforceforums" with my brothers and least one other fan of MLP there by the name of IsisStormDragon... Probably took me maybe a day or two to find who knows how many related youtube videos and other stuff about MLP seemly more then even Isis appeared to know about.. ^^;
So of course it was probably only a matter of time before I eventually discovered this place and ever since I've been keeping an close eye for anything of interest that might pop up here, fan fiction or otherwise as the case might be.. ^^
Oh dear Celestia!!! Your the same pony who made Elements of Discord!!!!! I am a HUGE fan!!! lol i loved that article up there as much as your works on said fan fic! both well written! Also I'm sorry your on the moon~ T^T kk, well keep on keeping on~
ReplyDeleteI found out about ponies from SecondLife.com when someone was passing out free pony costumes/avatars. I went to some of the regions in that virtual world where ponies were gathering and ran around with them. I had no idea it was about a TV show. Eventually I discovered the show on YouTube and then ended up watching the show. I enjoyed the lack of violence and conflict and the focus on understanding and working things out. I passed the show on to my girlfriend so her daughter could watch something decent. Kids need good myths for role models.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone wants to run around a virtual world as a pony try out SecondLife.com then once in, search for "brony". You will find a few places to teleport to, including the official ponychan.net location. It might take a while to locate someone to guide you. But hopefully somepony will be nice and help. Let them know you are new.
It's a community where I can fit in perfectly with people of the same interests and no pony is left alone in the dark, we just lend a hoof into the dark to grab more~
ReplyDeleteDear Princess Celestia,
ReplyDeleteIn the Equestria Daily banner, what the hell is Rainbow Dash doing to Rarity and Twilight Sparkle that is giving them those expressions?
Anon who reads into things too much
Wow like really? Really? you oblivious asshole. Thinking like this actually matters. Living your life for some bullshit that on your deathbed will be but a blink in your eye. You'll never live. NEVER. You'll never go out to see what there is. To see what life can hold. You'll just sit hit Lying in the fetal position, hugging on to the past, hoping that It will show you the light. The light will always be just out of reach. Always escape you, until you accept what must be done. Heaven help you, and heaven help your soul.
ReplyDelete... wtf? That seemed to come out of nowhere.
How I became a brony?
ReplyDelete>go on /b/
>see ponies
>watch three episodes
The first time I found out about FiM was on Cartoon Brew, when the pilot had been put up on Youtube. This may or may not have been before the show aired, I can't recall.
ReplyDeleteThe guy who wrote the article (Amid Amidi, notorious for hating almost everything after the 50's) was ranting about how creator driven shows were either awful or non-existant, or something. Dude likes to rant.
Anyway, he used FiM as his example. I watched it, because I like to give new cartoons a chance, regardless of what they are.
I remembered MLP from the 80's, my sister had a few ponies and a vhs tape (I remember an episode about magic coins that grant wishes, one pony accidently wishes the rain would stop, it does and drought ensues forever), but despite my memories of the show and its stigma, I watched it anyway. It was good!
However, I completely forgot about because I didn't see any other episodes and I had univeristy to deal with.
Then around Januaryish, I noticed all the pony on 4chan, all the memes and references made me very curious. Why were these people on 4chan of all places watching this? An animation blog makes sense, but 4chan?
Commmence viewing of every single available episode! It was up to ep 16 by then I think.
And now I'm here, writing all this out, reading numerous fanfics, saving tons of images each day for my pony folder and my iTunes recently added list is mostly MLP for the past five months.
Like many, I never would have assumed this situation would have ocurred. But I'm glad it has. I haven't been on 4chan since, I haven't needed to. This community and fandom is the best I've ever been a part of.
@Anonymous Um... what?
ReplyDeletePersonally, I enjoy these letters. I wish the comments section would act slightly more sane, though. Ah well.
ReplyDeleteHow I became a brony? I'd heard a few things about the show from various web articles and a recommendation from Sherri Stoner on her Facebook page. I'd been meaning to check it out, but never got around to it. Then, while cruising for free stuff on iTunes, I found the giveaway of Episode 1. So I downloaded it.
A few hours later, I was on YouTube watching Episode 9. I had realized I was hooked at Applebuck Season.
@Narwhals' Bend
ReplyDeleteobviously needs an addendum:
Tuesday, January 4th: A long-time friend tells me that these ponies are CRAZY. She implores me to watch episode 3 first, but I ignore her and go into episode 1. I didn't even need the cliffhanger to be willing to try episode 2. Pinkie Pie singing (and the lampshading of the event) was already enough to hook me; Ticket Master was just the icing on the cake. I watch ~6 episodes that night and pass out for work.
ReplyDeleteWednesday, January 5th: I get home and immediately resume watching episodes. Then... I was done. I was on this incredible pony high after Winter Wrap Up and then the rug was pulled out from under me! What would I do!? I started lurking the Pony General on 4chan, that's what I do'ed.
Thursday, January 6th: I discovered that there was such a thing as "Synchtube" and peeked my head in. Interesting... It was great fun hanging out and lurking the chat as an Unnamed while rewatching episodes. And omigosh, they would be airing the eagerly awaited episode 12 the next day!
Friday, January 7th: I rush home and dive headfirst into Synchtube to watch Call of the Cutie like three times in a row, and finally I realize I need a name. And then Pinkie Pie, oh Pinkie, she comes on screen and sings about Cupcakes, and innocent me... I choose a name for myself that, little did I know, would soon be besmirched by some evil, evil "writer."
And that's the story, all about how, my life got baked, turned golden-brown. Or something. Ponies. :D
Silly Phoe, "Celly" just sounds weird
ReplyDeleteIt's "Tia" all the way!
ReplyDeleteeeeyup, I'm still writing it, too! I need to get my write on with it - the end-game approacheth.
I'm a transfer from Knowyourmeme
ReplyDeleteI still can't work out why I like MLP as much as I do. There are shows I love and can't stop talking about, like The Wire, like Peep Show, like Futurama, but I've never been on a fansite for them. I know so many Simpsons quotes that it's probably stopping my brain absorb more useful information, but it's never occurred to me to check out Simpsons fan art, or discuss the show on a dedicated Simpsons web page.
ReplyDeleteBut Ponies... there's something about it. When I'm defending the show or bringing it up to a friend, I always make sure to stress it's not as complex or accomplished as Pixar or Studio Ghibli. Buuuuut, I like it way more than anything by either of those companies, and I love Pixar and Studio Ghibli.
I don't know why it's so addictive, maybe it's mind control, maybe it's how the show's just pure distilled joy, but it's the first thing I've ever been a genuine total fan of, and I'm delighted to be nerding out over cartoon equines with you people.
Also, you guys? You guys are amazing. I get the impression a lot of people on EQD are from darkened corners of the internet like 4chan, and the way everyone's so determined to act like they're not on 4chan is so great, the attitude of the fandom overall is wonderful.
ReplyDeleteI remember there was some massive argument over rule 34 or steamy fanfic or something contentious like that on here a little while back. By the time I woke up the next day, the comment count was at fifty million or something, and I figured it would just be a huge flame war.
But I looked through, and the argument ended a little after I went to bed, and that most of it was discussion and the different factions offering each other advice, and I can't think of anywhere else on the internet where that would have happened.
It all started last month with a biology assignment. I was researching some things about copulation in various animals, until I found a link to an article on evolution. I clicked on it, reading more. I ended up on an article for memes. Reminding me of the internet memes, I searched that up to have a look at the list of internet phenomena. One of them I didn't expect to see was My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Confused at this point as to how something like this could even possibly be popular, I decided see more. I eventually found a meme reference to Pinkie Pie in episode 25, and that was when I decided to give it a go with that being the first episode I watched.
ReplyDelete22 minutes later and I was sitting at my desk, silently asking myself, "What on Earth have I just seen?"
But then I realised that what I had just said was not my true opinion, rather it would have been the typical expected opinion of a male teenager who had just watched a little girl's TV show. Something unexpected was found in the episode, and, being honest with myself, soon I began to feel that what I had just seen was pure awesomeness. After that I fell in love with the characters, and proceeded to watch more episodes until late (1-3am) every night. And this was during a school week. And not just any school week, it was EXAM week. (I was even going to add an entire paragraph about MLP in an essay for one of the exams but I didn't have time.) I couldn't have enough pony. Heck, I was practically singing Winter Wrap Up in my head during a flight training lesson. At first, I felt almost ashamed to admit I loved a show like this. The secret got out soon though. One afternoon, my friends and I walked into the school library. And on the notice board, I saw the most amazing thing. It was a poster of Twilight Sparkle (from "Equestria Election") with the word 'READ' underneath. I said out loud, "Hey! It's Twilight Sparkle!" Of course I got a few incredulous looks, and I had to explain.
After I watched the first season, I turned to the internet and went through fan art, music and stories. Many just blew me away. And then I discovered this site; one which I now visit at least twice every day.
A week later and I was on a family reunion-vacation in Vietna,, where my cousins caught me while watching MLP. Needless to day, the holiday trip started with 1 brony, and ended with 7 bronies.
Now I am proud of this amazing show and encourage everyone to watch it openly, especially since now I know that there are more people out there who enjoy the show too, as over the past few days more of the Equestria Election posters have appeared around the school, including ones of Rainbow Dash and Nightmare Moon.
I may not have realised it at the time but MLP may have been the best thing that has happened to be this past year.
And to top it all off, my sister bought me a Pinkie Pie toy as a present. I'm happy.
Just wanted to say: Sorry about the glaring grammatical errors in my post. Wrote at 10 PM after staring at a computer screen much of the day. Brain addled, needed sleep. Danke schoen.
ReplyDeleteLet's see..
ReplyDeleteAn old friend suggested I watch the series - and I promised I would. I suspected even if it Wasn't all that good, I'd still enjoy it, given I still get enjoyment out of watching Carebears, Rainbow Brite and Tugs. Not to mention my earliest memory of animation was watching a little of the old My Little Pony film, not that I remember more than this awesome, subtle darkness. Still, it took me a while to get around to watching, however.. in large part because I was writing up a presentation of Puella Magi Madoka Magica at the time (man I should have recorded giving that.. terrifying though it was).
I really did not expect the new show to be so good, however; that really took me by surprise. The aforementioned friend was chucking fan art at me all the while, of course, which in turn lead me to Equestria Daily .. but the point I really got involved with the community? The two MMORPGs I'm really involved with at the moment, are EVE Online, and Final Fantasy XIV. As you know, EVE's external community is appalling, and FFXIV, wonderful though I find it, really has a rough time in the various communities and all, its own included.
After so much endless trashing of people who really were just trying to make something nice for people to play, and creations in which I saw so much potential.. well, the My Little Pony community was just this /awesome/ breath of fresh air. I've never known a community so generally positive, and brilliant at ignoring its few distasteful elements. That aside, the community and everything it's based on and produces have been a wonderful support lately, too. Moving to my late grandmother's house, paternal grandmother's ill health, looming dissertation.. being able to reliably look at any part of the MLP community with which I'm involved, and see something positive, has been a massive help.. discovering a decent roleplay community has only sealed matters, even if some of my RP experiences so far have been kind of frustrating.
Thanks you lot; I hope this community never goes anywhere and that I can start making positive contributions of my own, soon.
Oh, and, thanks to Phoe and midnight for the nice read, too!
ReplyDeleteBrony origin story GO! I had heard there was a new MLP series. I had watched the old one when I was but a lad, but I didn't really recall any of it except for ponies being caught with a big mouse trap. So I thought to myself "Yup, this'll be garbage. Not surprised they redid it though. Toy sales must continue!" So I ignored it until I came across that Ponycraft 2 trailer on youtube and thought "Woah, that was really fun. Good job by the creator. Perhaps I'll give the show a shot" Now, I am an avid cartoon lover, so it's not really a stretch for me to go and watch a few episodes of a show, no matter the expectations and decide from there. I watched the pilot two parter and fell instantly in love. "Shit!" I thought, "this is really good!" I also thought "It is really inappropriate for a man of my age to like MLP, hell cartoons in general" I do generally keep my love of cartoons the down low. I am currently a secret brony. Anyway, I torrented the entire season under the guise of getting them for a friend's niece to watch, then gorged myself on them til late into the morning. "Well shit," I thought (I seem to swear far to much in my head) "now I have to wait until season 2." I wonder if the internet has anything else for me to enjoy. I know its full of freaks and geeks if deviantart is any indicator (and it is). Digging through the metric assload of fanart led me to this place and to ponibooru, I must say, I have fallen in love with this community. Crazy, funny, stupid, talented, relentless. I love every bit of it. These last few years have been difficult and it is wonderful to have someplace, even though it is digital, to come, relax and read, listen, or watch something awesome. I absolutely love nerding out with you guys and gals.
ReplyDeleteHow did I get to be a brony? Well, first, I couldn't stand the old show. It really wasn't that entertaining, at least not when it was competing against that same era's Transformers, Gargoyles, and David the Gnome. Then I saw the MLP memes, and how pervasive they became.... And ignored it. Nothing turns me off to something faster than that much of a meme density. However, a good friend of mine convinced me to ignore the memes, and give it a shot (mostly by telling me who was behind it, and dragging up fond memories of PPG). So I watched the pilot. Then I thought "okay, My Little Ponies: Magical Girl Style".
ReplyDeleteI then watched the third episode, was surprised by it switching to a Slice of Life style, but honestly, Ticket Master was basically one of those things I've had to deal with personally (though in my case it was a Chuck E. Cheese birthday party, and my parents weren't able to spring for all my friends to come), so I enjoyed it. Then from there, I kept going. Watching it on YouTube while eating lunch at the college cafeteria, and whenever I had a bit of free time. And despite the memes, it's just plain enjoyable. Forget "20% cooler" and "10 seconds flat". Forget "ponies are manly!". The show doesn't need memes, it stands on its own as a good show, great for its target audience and its periphery demographic as well.
The basic innocence of the show, especially, feels absolutely great with all the depressing news in the paper and on TV. It's a basic requirement of being, well, MLP, but it doesn't interfere with the show as it did in the older one. All of the characters with enough screen time to get it have characterization, rather than single-adjective descriptors. And these fully-fleshed out personalities are what lead to the conflicts in each episode (at least for 3-26). Dash and Applejack's competitive streaks get between them. Applejack and Rarity being complete opposites turns out to be the glue that gels the sleepover. And episodes like Griffon the Brush-off and Boast Busters provide an invaluable lesson for the intended demographic (and even one that is useful to us 26-year old men), that it is possible to deal with bullies without becoming one yourself.
The MLP that Lauren Faust has created is witty, smart, and filled with great lessons for young girls who are all-to-often ignored. It's okay to buck some expectations and be a tomboy. It's also okay to be a girly-girl and enjoy frilly dresses. (Shows that teach both of those are few and far between.) And most importantly, and definitely the lesson for everyone, male or female, young or old, is that a true friend is one of the most precious relationships you can have in your life.
Us bronies down under. We weren't forgotten. :D
ReplyDeletei became a brony like most but a little differently i was browsing youtube when i saw a short of my little pony fim and i loved so i started watching it for up to 4 hours straight till i reached serious bronydom watching nothing but pony