• Huge Oregon Brony Meetup

    Organizers: Nathan on the Left in front, PK on the Right
    On Thursday, June 30th well over twenty bronies descended upon Guardian Games in Portland, OR to partake in the first big meetup for that area.

    Various fan artists, fic writers and fans of all kinds came together to watch episodes, talk shop and share in the community from 1-5pm. Among the things featured were a Jeopardy-esqe trivia game made in flash, iron-on shirt decals, and hot off the press fan art. One of the biggest highlights of the event was a Q&A sessions with Eurobeat Brony via Skype in which he confirmed that he will be doing a remix of Singing Telegram, the song featured in the episode Party of One!

    More pictures can be found here.

    (Copypasta Courtesy of Nathan!)

    45 kommentaari:

    1. First :D
      Also, there needs to be a get together in Alaska D:

    2. I see you with that Pinkiepie puppet in the background there Mister guy on the left :P

    3. > "Singing Telegram" Ponybeat confirmed

      All I needed to hear. =) Oh, but these meetups are pretty fly, too! Might look into any near D.C.

    4. Oh, hey look, my picture is on equestria daily! lol. Awesome. and yeah, that interview with Eurobeat Brony was pretty cool. Turns out he likes Vinyl Scratch out of all the music ponies (you know, Lyra, Octavia, Scratch... I'm sure there's more, but yeah).

      I'm the guy in the hat. you know the one.

    5. oh god, why must the majority of bronies be so socially awkward and creepy? this is exactly why i choose to remain anonymous, because i don't want to be associated with any of the people in that picture

    6. repost :P

    7. @dude with the incredibly long hair (can't be seen well in group photo but in the other linked ones)
      I jelly - mine's just halve as long

    8. @Anonymous

      You can tell they're all socially awkward just by looking at them? You should become a profiler!

      and dat suite.

    9. The guy with the Jack Skellington hat in the middle is @#^$ing boss.

      Sounds like everyone had a great time!

    10. FFFFFFFFF I missed the meetup, and I live in Portland.

    11. @Anonymous

      Don't worry dude! The massive Northwest Bronyfest is on it's way!

    12. @BagOfChips
      well lets use our very limited judgment go left to right, top row first,

      Guy in green- shrugging away, on the side and in the back with. Also one hand in pocket is pretty much the most obvious way to tell someone your socially awkward

      Dark Green Hoodie - holding a pen in his mouth? really? socially awkward

      Button up shirt with green under- Looks to be very average and regular person, but decides to pop up a crazy face because he doesn't know how to take a good picture, still could be very either or.

      Guy in back with facial hair - tall so he went to the back and takes a regular photo, not socially awkward

      Next guy - regular photo but seems to take care of himself very poorly implying he doesn't get out much, likely socially awkward

      Leather jacket - Very regular looking other than the smile but it could be a camera issue or whatever,not socially awkward

      Next guy in back - Looks good to me

      next guy in back - looks good to me

      Ginger - looks good to me

      Girl in glasses - no smile whatsoever, likely socially awkward, but your so close! put a smile on!!!

      Guy with baseball hat on - looks good to me

      Person in rainbow hat - stop hiding, somewhat awkward

      Next girl - definitely an off the wall personality, cant tell if awkward or not since that personality is really difficult to define the source motivation

      Guy in blue - looking down with no smile whatsoever, slouching, socially awkward

      Next guy - looks good to me

      FRONT ROW (still left to right)

      Black - looks good to me

      Red/gray - off the wall personality but not socially awkward

      Next guy - first glance i say he is socially awkward, the more i look at you i'm convinced your not.

      Guy in suit - If your the organizer than i guess its ok, if your not; REALLY? im guessing your not the organizer due to the ridiculous amount of effort you took to look as fancy as you could, so im classifying you as awkward.

      Socially Awkward - 7
      Not Awkward - 10
      N/A - 2

      So there it is, with VERY limited resources we can tell the majority is not socially awkward based on this picture alone, hardly scientific due to the minuscule data but the numbers are there. Socially awkward people definitely stand out more so than others so that's why it appears they are in higher number, but bronies, we're not all that socially awkward! not that its a terrible thing, just something many of us don't want to be associated with.

      Oh and sorry for the ridiculously long post

      i'm pretty sure i'm gonna get a lot of hate for this >.> what with the defining people off of one picture,
      don't take this as a bad thing por favor >.<

      TLDR: less socially awkard than non-awkward bronies

    13. @Anonymous
      dude you better be trolling...

    14. nuclearsuplexattack6. juuli 2011, kell 14:06


      That's just like, your opinion, man.

    15. This is new.. instead of a ITG, its an IHG.. internet handsome guy. I'm sure you're way better looking than the average nerd. Ayup.

    16. Yay!!! I made it in a picture.
      .I'm the guy with black over shirt with white underneath, otherwise known as "Next guy" #1 (-.-), in case you were wondering.

      I would just like to say I had an amazing time there.

    17. Where the flying absolute f*ck did the guy on the left getcthat pinkie pie puppet? Just look at those eyes....i want one, but with pinkie pie in the..umm...whatcha csll it? Its the costume she wears when she sings her invitation song to Rarity at the beginning.

    18. Seeing all these gatherings is really encouraging. What a great fandom ( and fans ) Socially awkward or not.

    19. I just should state for the record that I tend to like socially awkward people. They tend to be a lot more fun to hang out with than "normal" folks.

    20. We need an Austin, TX meetup.

    21. @Anonymous
      You're pretty picky. I don't think you can tell half as much as that about a person based solely on their appearance, especially from just a single photo :P
      Remember the aesop from Bridle Gossip, lol

    22. Anon 1:32 - it appears to be a Pinkie Pie Bubble making thing as seen i.e here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODrAY2rdbJQ

    23. I'm the guy in the suit... Also known as the only one who took out his camera. I didn't dress up for the event, I just don't have much non-classy clothing. It only takes about two minutes to put on a suit if you know what your doing.

    24. "Red/gray - off the wall personality but not socially awkward"

      That's pretty much.... totally accurate. lol :D

      I also find it amusing that you defined me by my shirt.

    25. Bronies shouldn't judge ANYONE by their appearance.
      Martin Luther King said it best, judge a person absed on the content of their character.

      .....and yes, I think if he were alive today, he'd be a Brony.

    26. I love it how most of them are guys.

    27. These are bosses with the message of love and tolerance written on their faces. Rock on, bronies! ^^

    28. @Anonymous

      I've got lots of photos for you to analyze. I am impressed!

    29. As an Oregonian born and raised... ya done me proud, bronies!

    30. We musn't judge nobody just by the appearence, I'm sure that just the yankees thinks like that.

    31. I love how I (Vinyl Scratch) got 'off the wall but still unknown'. Was it because I hit you guys with chairs when you got our Jeopardy questions wrong? :P I don't normally do that.

    32. If this is what the rest of you out there look like, I'm never attending one of these. It's almost as bad as anime fandom.

    33. Haha, I totally didn't think that this would make the news.

      Btw, I was the tall one with long hair.

    34. Darn, I totally missed this, oh well- I was working then so it wouldn't have worked anyways, oh well.

    35. I'm the guy with the pencil in my mouth and I'm proud of it. Pencils are awesome.

    36. OMFG, I'm in Oregon and I missed this!?! I am so there next time around...

    37. I demand another chance to make it!

    38. I'm the "girl in glasses". XD Smiling for the camera is very awkward for me, and it felt like I was smiling a little, but apparently not. XP I do not deny being socially awkward, though, lol.

    39. @Anonymous
      @Mo Yeong-Su
      I don't get you guys. Maybe I just have low standards, but in the pic in this post, most of the guys seem normal *and* attractive. (To my great surprise. Because: yeah, anime conventions.)

    40. "Person in rainbow hat - stop hiding, somewhat awkward"

      Psh, I'm not too socially akward. We had to squeeze in for the picture and that was where I ended up for the second shot. I was so colorful~

    41. Yes you were~
      I'm glad you came with me, it was fun!

    42. Bronies man, my favorite is the guy with the bubble gun, what a pimp rocking the apple jack shirt.

    43. Also rainbow hats, men or women?
