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Celestia has officially been branded the ONLY pony in Equestria with both wings, and a horn. Clearly, there is an IMPOSTER lurking among us.
Just who IS this Luna? It's obvious that she never was part of the actual script for the show! The Great and Powerful Trixie has a few theories, all of which have been extensively studied and are on the verge of being upgraded to one hundred percent fact!
- This despicable little moon pony obviously wears a fake horn!
- Luna is ANOTHER spy from Stalliongrad (THOSE FOALS!)
- She's Lauren Faust's OC pony.
- Animation Error

The Great and Powerful Trixie can only hope that one day this fanboyism dies off, and everypony finally comes to their senses...
Written and Edited by: The Great and Powerful Trixie - (The hero we need, but not the one we deserve, our silent guardian, our watchful protector.... our dark knight)
ReplyDeleteWhat the heck is this
ReplyDeleteSomeone is crazy and it's you.
ReplyDeleteWhat just happened?
ReplyDeleteTrixie, Y U NO TELL THE TRUTH?!
ReplyDeleteI think trixie is jealous of luna
ReplyDeleteAnd Trixie strikes out at the only pony willing to cover her flank yesterday.
Really Trix? In your own comments section? For shame.
ReplyDeleteBut I love the ground she walks on.
Especially in SOCKS!
I think this is their way of explaining Luna's "Disappearance" >.>
ReplyDeleteWhat is this I don't even...
ReplyDelete...Did Trixie just insult Eurobeat Brony?
ReplyDeleteI think she did.
This means war.
You jelly Trixie?
ReplyDeleteAlso i see what you did there in the title....WHY IS THE FLAG WAVING?!?!
I would more believe that the video in question is propaganda you produced Trixie, to defame Luna as you defamed Fluttershy previously. You seek to undermine all those who would compete with you for attention, those who are assuredly more deserving.
ReplyDeleteFind better tactics Trixie, because I'm on to you.
Jealousy is such an ugly thing...
ReplyDeleteTrixie is just jealous because Luna is best pony.
ReplyDeleteThis is going on the list of things that make me dislike Trixie. It's a list that's growing larger quickly.
ReplyDeleteThe article was lulzy, but the first/second/etc chain really made me laugh.
Also, that commercial was weird.
Hey where's Seth? He's missing The Great and Powerful Trixie!
ReplyDeleteOh Trixie... I really hope we will see you again in season 2. Because, you know, Luna is certain to return, imposter or no. With you... Well, I am certain you'll be back, right?
ReplyDeleteHow long until she bashes Seth's obsession with her for being "unworthy of the Great and Powerful Trixie"?
ReplyDeletedont worry luna at least you will be in season 2 unlike trixie
ReplyDeleteSeth is Trolling us. AT A BOY SETH!
ReplyDeleteMy dearest subject Trixie,
ReplyDeleteEnclosed with this letter are 2 tickets to this year's Grand Galloping Gala. It is such a singular event that you're the only pony I am inviting. It will be held on the moon.
Your loving ruler,
Princess Celestia
Is how I see this going.
This has nothing to do with Trixie. Sehtisto, I am disappoint. Is it really so hard to try and be funny without roleplaying?
ReplyDeleteOh Luna, she has an account now...
ReplyDeleteAlso, you've insulted my two favorite ponies. You're lucky I'm the forgiving type, even for blasphemers like you.
Sethisto did you stop taking your pills again?
ReplyDeleteDid you just compare Trixie to the Dark Knight?
ReplyDeleteinb4 shitstorm
I can tell I'ma have to slap a bitch to defend my Glorious Luna.
ReplyDeleteAnd now for something serious:
ReplyDeleteThey really f'ed up that commercial...
ReplyDeleteIf this is really official Hasbro, that was good.
Really funny.
This will allow for more conspiracy theories among us Bronies...
"The only alicorn"
Lol: OBEY.
(Go Lunar Republic!)
LIES! All lies and speculation! The Solar Dictatorship created this abhorrently false evidence to attempt to shake the New Lunar Republic's willpower. Well WE. SHALL. NOT. BE. SILENCED! Luna is the rightful ruler of Equestria! Down with Trixie! Down with Celestia!
ReplyDeleteI'm getting reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal tired of trixie.
ReplyDeleteI find it kind of funny how people take Seth's roleplaying as Trixie so seriously.
ReplyDeleteAs for the Celestia propaganda video, I love it. Long live the sun goddess.
My liege! Surely you cannot be serious? Can't you tell that this... this... this monstrosity of a video is false? It wasn't even uploaded to Commander Sethisto's account! Thus, it's false propaganda designed to bring Luna down in our eyes!
ReplyDeletePlus, she taught you most of your magic after you lost to that scoundrel Twilight. And she was flying then too. Clearly, Celesita must be punished! She is the false god! LUNA AND TRIXIE ARE THE ONLY GODS!
Hasbro funds My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - The New Lunar Republic vs. The Celestial Empire?
ReplyDeletePretty please?
I wish there was a Not-Trixie label.
Trixie: Clearly in order to get to the bottom of this we're going to need somepony to go undercover and get close to this "Luna". Somepony willing to take he risks, somepony strong enough to come what may, somepony willing to deal with the massive cheering crowds when she exposes this ploy. Trixie, you know what you must do. You must woo Luna. You must get lull her into false security and get her to let down her guard. I know you will make this sacrifice, because only you can. Godspeed.
ReplyDeleteThe Dark Herd shall hear of this travesty...
ReplyDelete@Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony
ReplyDeleteWell done, Seth, me old, mate. I really enjoyed it when Trixie said "Third" that was my favorite part.
I sent this to sethisto
ReplyDeleteI am proud of want he did with it.
It's funny because some people actually think that Luna is better than real mane characters with actual canon personalities.
ReplyDelete...so...uh...Luna is still best alicorn, if shes not canon shes fanon :3
ReplyDeletethat is your new name, oh Boastful and Controversial Trixie.
you are nothing but a parasprite to me now.
Guys, don't you know that this was one of Twilights' old school reports? She was only In the equivalent of second grade for us... Needless to say, if you have watched the show, she had no clue Luna was in existence before she was a young adult. Also, she didnt have any way to know Celestias' birthday, considering Celestia is an old lady (You know how ladys like to keep their age a secret...)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWho is this Luna everyone is talking about?
ReplyDeletePrincess Celestia is the sole ruler of Equestria.
Well I think the video speaks for itself. This is exactly why we get pink Celestias. They don't even know who the pony they're shipping their pink Celestias with are. (Pun Intended)
ReplyDeleteliar lies from a lying liar
ReplyDeleteyou little lying foal
For the lunar republic¡¡¡
ReplyDeleteOne of the best posts ever
@S.Aura Knight
Cast down the idols! Destroy the temples! Knock out the priests! Show these foals that they worship nothing more than a rotting vegetable!
I do believe that Trixie is poking a beehive best left alone. There are ALOT of ponies loyal to Luna, I being one of them.
We are many.
We are everywhere.
For the Lunar Republic!
.....getting real tired of Trixie.
ReplyDeleteWow... You guys are taking this WAY too seriously. Did anyone happen to notice that all the Celestia clips are from the first two episodes, and no Luna was shown? This was used before the knowledge of the first two episodes, and it was an informational video for Celestia. Don't take it seriously guys...
ReplyDeleteBtw Seth, nice troll effort ;)
Oh, for the love of Celestia...
ReplyDeleteHasbro, I know you're probably too busy counting money, but at least PRETEND you give a shit.
This is an old Celestia video. I think it was premotional for the show, back before we see the first two episodes and find out Celestia has a younger sister.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Get out Trixie. Your cutie mark marks you as a stage magician, not an investigative journalist!
Why is everyone bashing on Trixie? Hasbro/The Hub really screwed up this commercial (majorly really), and Seth decided to post about it. He just decided to use his 'Trixie detective' from the other day.
ReplyDeleteReally guys, get over it, Seth is gonna Trixie, that's all there is to it.
the whole Trixie thing is getting pretty obnoxious by this point in time
I am always happy to hear about the greatness of the SOLE ruler of Equestria.
ReplyDeletePrincess Celestia is the Only alicorn and the best pony in existance.
....Luna? who's this pony everypony is talking about?
Orbital Luna cannon online...
ReplyDeleteLocking onto The Great and Powerful Trixie's coordinates...
ready to fire...
according to youtube, the video was uploaded today(July 15). It's still possible that the creators don't want to spoil the first two episodes for anyone who hasn't watched though.
ReplyDeleteOf course Trixie would buy into the propaganda. It makes sense. Oh well, since her sense for deception seems to match her talent for magic, it's better she's on Celestia's side.
ReplyDeleteFor the New Lunar Republic!
Maybe it was made before the Summer Sun Celebration?
ReplyDeleteNo one is bashing Trixie.
It's just that neither this one or the other one have anything to do with her.
And it's annoying.
@Anonymous His Blog he can do with it what he wants
ReplyDeleteFanboys need something to rage over, and Trixie is their scapegoat.
ReplyDeleteBut to all the people getting tired of Trixie, just you wait. One of these days, one of the admins is going to start posting as Gilda. Then you'll be begging for Trixie to return.
I was with you yesterday, Trixie, but now you have gone too far!!!!!!!
(Eh, let us have our fun! :D No one here's really taking it seriously (At least I hope so... O_O) and it's all in good fun)
ReplyDeleteWhat I was doing while watching this video...
*Sipping iced tea*
...ONLY pony with wings and a horn!...
*Spit take* WHAT?!?!?!?!?!? Hasbro, YOU KNOW NOT WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!!!!!!! A THOUSEND, nay, MILLIONS of fanboys shall now be at your doorstep! To arms men!!!! We attack at dawn!!!!
ReplyDeleteThere isn't really any reason to say "only" since it simply isn't true. It's possible to say Celestia is exceptional for having both wings and unicorn horn, making her sound exclusive without explicitly stating it as such. It's just lazy, if anything.
@Anon indeed, and "what he wants" also includes chasing off blog readers with his ridiculous character fellating.
ReplyDeleteI can see Cereal doing that.
I think, Ms Stagecoach Trixie, you should partake in some undercover work for us. I feel it best that you do this in the home world of the 'Luna' - the moon - and even if 'Luna' isn't there I'm sure there would be some sort of record set or communications outpost that you could investigate for us.
ReplyDeleteIt shouldn't take too long, about a couple of days, give or take a millenia or so.
ReplyDeletegilda? do want!
This video is a pre release promo piece, it was on the hub site when the series launched. Seeing as it predates the pilot, everything it says is true, as Luna was not in Equestria at the time, and Celestia was in fact charged with both sun and moon duties in her absence.
ReplyDeleteThat and...you find out that there are two alicorns right at the very beginning. Making any sort of spoiler hiding on that subject pointless.
But that video looks like it's in the exact same style as the promotional videos made before the airing of the pilot episode.
ReplyDeleteThough if this leads to the beginning of a Lunar Revolution I don't think I'll mind.
@Twilight Sparkle
ReplyDeleteAs can I.
Hint hint.
@Shadowdemon137 is correct. If you look at the HTTP headers the hasbro.com server sends for the .flv file, you'll see this:
ReplyDeleteLast-Modified: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 18:51:55 GMT
So this video was made before the first episode even aired.
Seriously, all the people that are bitching about this? Learn to calm down. It's all in good fun, honest. Sure, Cereal is probably the one more likely to make a post like this, but Seth isn't allowed to have fun once in a while too?
ReplyDeleteNow, if you'll excuse me, I need to warn the rest of the guard to ready Canterlot's defenses. I am a servant to both Princesses, after all, and I am expecting an attack after this video on Trixie, whom is currently staying with Luna, and Celestia for this propaganda. Such is the life of a soldier.
@Twilight Sparkle While you are a heathen with "Wanted" posters all over Canterlot, and I should lock you up right now, I must agree with you and let you go. Cereal is the one most likely to go about yelling at people as Gilda. And THAT would be funny as heck to see.
I would like to point out that Trixie's talents, formidable though they may be, lie not in the realm of magic as she might have us believe, but of showmanship. In other words, attention-getting. Clearly she is turning to unscrupulous rumor-mongering in pursuit of this.
ReplyDeleteI say we ignore her until she goes for reputability, justice, and truth.
I personally love these Trixie posts. Seth totally nails her every time.
I meant her character. Get your minds out of the gutter.
First Flutterby, now what? Princess Luba?
ReplyDelete>only one with Trixie's savant level detective abilities
ReplyDelete>Trixie's savant level detective abilities
>Trixie's savant abilities
From Wikipedia:
"According to [Darold]Treffert, about half of all people with savant syndrome have autistic disorder, while the other half have another developmental disability, mental retardation, brain injury or disease."
Shit I bet everypony else will feel really bad about treating her so rudely.
On side note, no wonder why she connected so well to Snips & Snails
The Great and Powerful Trixie
ReplyDeleteMakes good comments ^^
@Pimps McGee
ReplyDeleteWell, she technically didn't say she was a savant. Just that her abilities were savant-level. I'm sure The Great and Powerful Trixie is perfectly capable of being awesome without any flaws.
i laughed pretty damn hard, for, like, two minutes at least. god knows why. well done, trixie, and well done, sethisto!
ReplyDeleteApplejack here. Could j'all stop yer fussin' fer one measly little second? Sometahm's, ponies m'hake mist'hakes. It ain't much of a big mist'hake here, so could ev'rypony just simmer down a bit?
ReplyDelete'Sides... Ah'm the best pony.
Don't listen to all the neighsayers, Mighty and Illustrious Trixie! They're just jealous of your talent, looks, and razor-sharp investigative skills.
ReplyDelete@Twilight Sparkle
ReplyDeleteIt could be worse. Pinkie Pie could be hyped up on an energy drink...or two instead of sugar...
ReplyDeleteSilly Applejack! That's not how you spell "Luna in socks!"
Hmm, while Applejack IS the best pony, I have my suspicions about you, "Applejack".
ReplyDeleteI like those roleplay posts ^^
ReplyDeleteAnd... this can only be described as propaganda!
Um, Trixie, you might want to be careful what you sa-
Oh. Too late.
Um... Applejack? You need to lay off the apple cider if you seriously think /you're/ the best pony. I mean, how could anyone not think /I'm/ the best. I'm the fastest, coolest, bravest pony in all of Equestria! You're pretty tough; I'll give you that, but no pony comes close to being better than me.
ReplyDeleteLooks like the Luna fanboys are jelly. :D
ReplyDelete"Lauren Faust's OC Pony".
ReplyDeleteI love Trixie so much.
This pernicious heresy will not be countenanced by the Church of Equestria. Trixie, your credulity in embracing and spreading falsehoods serves only to make you look foolish. Anypony with even a passing interest in natural philosophy knows that, just as the flow of luminous aether is governed by Princess Celestia, so the currents of tenebrous aether by their nature are bound to Our Filly, Luna. Even those who have never seen her with their own eyes can clearly see the truth: the existence of darkness itself is sufficient evidence of her existence and power!
ReplyDeleteWith the recent thankful lifting of the Anathema against the Cult of Luna throughout the Kingdom, we are all free once more to celebrate the great glory of Luna. Nightly services at the Templum Lunae are now available for all!
And when you visit, please consider donating to the Templum Restoration Drive. 1000 years without maintenance have left the Templum in a, hm, somewhat degraded state.
Oh... um... hey, girls? We don't /really/ need to fight over who is the best pony, do we? I mean, if you two don't mind.
ReplyDeleteFluttershy is right. This fighting is absolutely barbaric! Besides, it really is an unnecessary quarrel considering /I'm/ the best pony.
ReplyDeleteI think bot Trixie and Luna are overrated, but Trixie has more screen time,
ReplyDeleteOf course we don't have to fight, we all know you are the best pony
ReplyDeleteYou have the best singing voice, but nopony can compete with the adorable goodness that is socked Luna.
Maybe they were talking about the second season.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry. We've already decided that you were the best.
The Trixie and Luna fanboys are just jealous of your obvious superiority that they have to constantly jabber on about them to make it seem like they are best, even though you are.
Rarity... you aren't helping. There's no sense in fighting over who the fans think is best. Their opinions differ as individuals, and we should all be thankful for our respectful fan-bases.
ReplyDeleteShut up Twilight!! No one likes nerds!
ReplyDelete@Twilight Sparkle
ReplyDeleteBegone imposter.
Who are these fakers now? If the real Ms. Sparkle is still about, I will pretend I never saw you and won't report you to Trixie and Luna if you help me remove these not-actually-the-real-pony ponies. Crazy anons are getting dangerous now, and we're already on the verge of a total civil war.
ReplyDeleteAh don't sound anythin' like that...
ReplyDeleteI do!
Okay, Trixie is now worst pony.
ReplyDeleteThe best pony? That's easy! ME!
ReplyDeleteThese ponies fight, and these ponies wine,
But the title 'best' is always mine!
So let 'em fight, and let 'em scream,
Because if they think their best,
It's surely a dream!
Phew! Thanks for that Trixie. I almost liked Luna, but you were there to show me the error of my ways. How can we ever thank you for this, oh great and powerful one?
ReplyDelete@Twilight Sparkle
ReplyDeleteI can assure you, Ms. Sparkle, that opinion does not enter into. On the objective grounds of moral and natural philosophy, Celestia and Luna must be acknowledged as the Best of Ponies.
I am not amused.At all,with these imposter ponies.
ReplyDeleteWhy are you trying to sully the reputations of my friends and I?
@The Great and Powerful Trixie
ReplyDeleteOh and Trixie the only Dark Knight i need is BatPony
Epileptic Trees is all I see. Luna is Lauren Faust's OC pony, c'mon! XD
ReplyDeleteAnimation error. Definitely.
ReplyDeleteWell this made me think that Trixie is more of a bitch than anything else in the world
ReplyDeleteno pony defies princess luna the punishment for that is angry comments from all bronies!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete@Twilight Sparkle
ReplyDeleteIt's ok, we know they are imposters. Well, most of us anyways... Not to mention they sound too much like Trixie's boasting.
@Twilight Sparkle
ReplyDeleteI am not an imposter! If anything, Pinkie's the imposter! I'm the premier Party pony in Equestria, not her. It's just I'm only in on the Communist Party.
I sincerely hope Trixie steals the FIRST posts in every Blog post now... XD
ReplyDeleteOh you dun goof'd Hasbro.
ReplyDeleteYou dun real goof'd.
For the Lunar Republic!
@Twilight Sparkle
ReplyDeleteTrixie probably created these imposters to defame you as revenge for putting an end to her plot against Fluttershy.
Really? After all this hard work Trixie's doing to look out for us, and make sure we know where those filthy Stalliongradian spies are hiding, you speak to her like that?
You sicken me >:-(
Can we please get a filter for this crap?
ReplyDeleteThat makes sense.
Dear Celestia what did I start...? O.o
ReplyDeleteSorry everypony. I didn't know a little role play could be met with such hostility. Aren't we supposed to practice friendship?
The article was fun but what's really hilarious is the reactions to said article.
ReplyDeleteI'd almost forgotten about those old Hub promotional vids.
Though it does make me wonder how Celestia explained her little sister's absence or the fact that she had a sister to the rest of the Royal court and country after the pilot eps.
ReplyDeleteThe Great and Powerful Trixie will not be filtered! She may be second best to socks!Luna, but she's still far too glorious to be stopped by something so crass and lowly as a filter.
I'm not an Imposter, I AM A WILD PARTY!
Stirring up trouble again, eh Trixie? My colts have got their eyes on you, so you had best shape up!
ReplyDelete@Anon 6:12
ReplyDeleteOh this is NOTHING! :D You should have been here when Celestia sent everyone to the moon. Twas crazy for all involved. This kinda thing happens every once in awhile, it let's the RP crowd break out of their designated area for about a day. *Shrug* It's harmless really, if you don't like it you COULD just ignore it y'know... >_>
OBJECTION! Clearly the creators of this commercial were drugged by Princess Celestia into forgetting who Princess Luna is. We also found Princess Celestia's hoof prints ALL OVER THE STUDIO this commercial was made in and an empty bottle of amnisia pills was found in THE EXACT SAME STUDIO! I also met with luna a few minutes ago and gave her wings and horn a hard tug (no innuendo intended) and I can confirm first hand that her wings and horn are real as can be. YOU WON'T WIN THIS TIME TRIXIE, ONE MORE FALSE ACCUSATION ON YOUR BEHALF AND ITS PRISON FOR YOU!
ReplyDeleteWho's a silly pony? Seth is :P
ReplyDelete@Imposter Ponies
ReplyDeleteIt wouldn't be a problem if the mane ponies hadn't already created pages for themselves. Don't take it personally. You're roleplaying was all in good fun.
ReplyDeleteand thus Trixie exploded twice
@The Great and Powerful Trixie
and you are just plain jealous of us oc ponies
By the way, Luna is only going to appear for three seconds next season, with no lines.
ReplyDelete@Phoenix Wright
ReplyDeleteYou sir are a legal genius and all around awesome human.
though how did you make it to Equestria without being turned into a pony?
ReplyDeleteAh don't really mind 'em, they're more than welcome to it, why should we have all the fun. Ah was just givin' other me a hard time.
@Twilight Sparkle
ReplyDeleteHe objects to pony logic.
ReplyDelete@Pinko Pie
ReplyDeleteI WAS tempted to post as Ayn Rand for lols, but I don't want to make a flame war over Comunism and Randian Capitalism to start... It would be bad, and not end well for anybody... O_O
Everyone knows me, right? I'm part of the Elements of the Proletariat! There's me, Twilight of the Bourgeousie with her helper Fastener, Appledrink, Ubiquity, Flutterby with her friend Golgol Bunny, and Beige Charge. And, of course, who can forget the Cutie Mark People's Army, Red Seed, Trainaloo, and Potato Belle?
ReplyDeleteI hope he continues to do so.
I don't normally say this but he is made of too much awesome to be contained in a pony form.
All we are saying is, LET PULL SOME MANES, BITCH!
ReplyDelete@Pinko Pie
ReplyDeleteOH MY CELESTIA. This post made me lol.
ReplyDeleteI know. Just reassuring the love of all (I think?).
@Twilight Sparkle To be honest I have no idea how. I guess I'm immune.
ReplyDelete@Pinko Pie
ReplyDeleteHNNGGG!!!!! I... No... NOOOOOO!!!! I... Won't... be drug into.... Rand!!! O___O
@Twilight Sparkle
ReplyDeleteI agree. Though seeing a Pony Wright would be pretty cool.
Artists, you know what to do.
ReplyDeleteDon't you mean the "Sol" ruler of Equestria? :D
Silly Seth, if you're going to troll, YOU NEED AN AWESOME TROLL THEME SONG IN THE BACKGROUND! And this is the theme song of one of the ULTIMATE trolls...
@Phoenix Wright
ReplyDeleteKeep being immune then!
What have we done?Equestria will explode from the awesomeness that is Phoenix Wright.
....*Is amazed at peoples tableflipping*
ReplyDeleteAnd I would rather follow an imposter than Celestia!!!
'Oi... my day never gets easier when I am on the shift. Mr. Wright, I'm going to need you in court sometime soon. Because, welp...
ReplyDeleteMiss Twilight Sparkle, former personal student to the Princess Celestia, you are under arrest. You have the right to say anything you want so long as it's praising our Sun lord, and may say nothing negative about Luna and the company she keeps.
You are charged with *pulls out scroll* two counts of Grand Treason to the Crown, one count of arson, three counts of disturbing the peace, and six counts of resisting arrest. You will be escorted to prison by whichever guards are nearby immediately following the reading of these charges. From love to my favorite pony, Princess Celestia.
Hey, hey, Trixie? Since Luna is in control of the whole moon thing I'm preeeeeetty sure she can do some banishing herself. Pack your bags, you're going for a little trip.
ReplyDeleteOh, I'm sorry Trixie, I forgot your stuff was all smashed after Twilight called your bluff. Can't really pack your bags with nothing to pack, can you?
Didn't think so. u mad?
@Twilight Sparkle
ReplyDeleteAnd then explode again when ponies go into Wright's world.
It said that she IS the only pony with wings and a horn, not that she always was. Luna used to have wings and a horn, but than Pinkie Pie added them to her collection.
ReplyDeleteAs usual, Trixie's logic is infallible.
@S.Aura Knight
ReplyDeleteWhat the hay?
I never did anything of the sort.
And Mr. wright is a defense attorney.Not prosecution.
@Blue Breeze
ReplyDeleteThat's just cruel...even for one as misguided as Trixie, though a week or so on the Moon might give her an attitude adjustment. Maybe.
Either Trixie is jealous that Luna is said to appear in Season 2 and she hasn't, or she has seriously been hiding under a rock for the past 22 some episodes?
ReplyDeleteTrixie, how could someone so great and powerful be so clueless? Please enlighten me!
Technically, if this video is to be viewed before the first episode, then that's true.
ReplyDeleteThen there were two ponies. Then one of them got blasted by friendship.
When the Elements of the Proletariat fought Haute Bourgeoisie, the Mare in the Head Office, we made her the equal of all other workers!
ReplyDeleteIn the new Equestria, there will be no more divisions between Earth Ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns, all ponies will be equal! Each pony will have 1/3 of a horn, and 2/3 of a wing!
ReplyDeleteFool, this is Troll Music
Okay Trixie, I can get behind you discrediting Fluttershy, but once you start harassing Luna I'm done with you.
ReplyDeleteWhy is everybody so Butthurt?
ReplyDelete@Twilight Sparkle I have the letter from the Princess right here, Miss. *hands you the scroll* See, right here. Your name. T-W-I-L-I-G-H-T-Space-S-P-A-R-K-L-E.
ReplyDeleteAnd I need him to defend you from these charges, since attourneis are expensive. I'm not a complete idiot.
@Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony
ReplyDeleteNo, no, no...THIS is troll music:
Also...I'm getting real tired of Trixie.
ReplyDeleteYeah, you're right, a short banishment would be fair. I admit I got a little hot headed, my favorite Princess' honor is on the line!
@Phoenix Wright well your always right so i guess luna is innocent.
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid i'm going to need a "no trixie mode" button to filter the news out of these type of posts.
ReplyDelete***It's obvious that she never was part of the actual script for the show!***
ReplyDeleteOn a more serious note...
that might explain why Luna only gets featured for 30 seconds in the pilot episode in the entire Season 1...it might be possible that Lauren added her in the last minute, with no character development, and that originally there was only Nightmare Moon in the script and no Selene/Luna
Thank you, Seth for making me spam Lauren with another set of questions
@S.Aura Knight
ReplyDeleteI have no memory of ever committing any wrong doings against my teacher.
And what motive would I have?
BTW, guys, what is all that thing with Luna in socks? I only found a wallpaper posted 2 days ago, but from coments I feel it's a bit older thing...
ReplyDelete@S.Aura Knight HOLD IT! Speaking on behalf of the most powerful unicorn in all of Equestria (stop wingeing Trixie) I have gone through a complete list of all the spells that Twilight Sparkle knows and read through all her books (ALL OF THEM) and the only one that involves the creation of fire creates a very weak flame that only just manages to ignite a birthday candle for 6 seconds, which eliminates the possibility of arson, I have also talked with the royal gaurds of Equestria and the only bad thing they said about hers was regarding how one gaurd is jelous of her, would a gaurd remember having to arrest a very purple unicorn? The only time Miss Sparkle has disturbed the peace was for a good cause, helping her friend to overcome her work addicion and accept a helping hoof, and tell me mr. Aura Knight, why would someone who views her ruler as a loving mother figure and only wanted time to talk to her during the largest social event on the Equestria calendar ever attempt treason, hmm?
ReplyDeleteI rest my case.
ReplyDeleteOr, you know, since they only happen every few days and it's obvious as hell what they are as soon as you see them, you could just scroll past them.
Really now. I understand the no fanfics mode, since fanfics really push other updates down the list and some people aren't into them. But these posts don't deserve a filter. You can suck it up and deal with it.
As far as I know, it happened pretty recently but caught like wildfire.
Probably because it's adorable as hell.
@Pinko Pie
ReplyDeleteENOUGH! You're crude, vulger practices is destroying the human spirit! Your kind gives equally to all, even the parasite who does not work for his meal or the even larger parasite who blames his failure on others! Can't you see that your system is the same, flawed system you had before? Only NOW you're Proletariet is called the Bourgeiousie and vice versa. And even worse, the system you so desperately cling to drives the human freedom to excell at one's passion from one's soul! In a pure Capitalistic society, one un-governed by petty regulations and politics, a man would be free to build his wealth, to build his dignity. Parasites would be weeded out, fired from their positions unless they tried to change their ways... We do not owe our lives, our souls to any Great Collective, we owe them to ourselves...
@Phoenix Wright
ReplyDeleteThank you Mr. Wright.
@Ayn Rand
ReplyDeleteMy name is Andrew Ryan...and I'm here to ask you a question.
Note, I only paartially agree with what I said in my little Rand rant there... Pure Randian politics wouldn't work, though neither would pure Comunism. Just don't lynch me! XC *Cowers in fear*
ReplyDeleteYes, Mr. Ryan?
ReplyDeletewhat are you guys talking about? who is this luna you speak of? everypony knows there's only one sole ruler of Equestria and that is the kind, wise. and just Princess Celestia! LONG LIVE PRINCESS CELESTIA!
ReplyDeletec'mon guys... we must obey the wise princess celestia. She cares for us and protects us! We need her, if her troops and guards didn't keep watch over everypony there would be chaos!
ReplyDeletethere is only one pony who has both a horn and wings and that's the great princess celestia
ReplyDelete@Twilight Sparkle *shrug* I'm just doing my job. My job is to follow the missives I'm given by the princesses. This one here was given to me by Trixie, who said it was straight from Luna, who I heard from Trixie had it straight from Celestia.
ReplyDelete@Phoenix Wright Mr. Wright, you can make your case in count against the prosecution. I'm just a guard, and I've got an arrest to make. Sounding fishy though already.
ReplyDeleteI just refreshed the main page and noticed a fanfic about Luna and socks that got uploaded... after this "scandalous" post...
Since I can't find abything else on it... Then the starter must've been that bloody wallpaper O_o