• Game: Spike's Quest

    Another pony game has popped up, this time with Spike as the lead role for once.  The creator is aiming for a Metroid/Castlevania style side scrolling action game, with a story focused on saving the mane 6 from the Diamond Dogs who have once again captured everypony.

    Progressing through the game unlocks different powers based upon which pony you have rescued, such as telekinesis from Twilight Sparkle, or Rainbow Dash for transportation. 

    If you are interested in following the progress of the game, hit up their website here!

    Or the Ponychan thread here!

    32 kommentaari:

    1. Aww it's not Done yet?!

    2. What is up with people posting news about games if they're not even near completion and won't hear from them after 1-3 months?

    3. Indie developers trying to build up some experiance

    4. Wow, what is this? The tenth FiM vidya in development? Hopefully some of these will actually get finished...

    5. Just wanted to let everypony here know that no the game isn't near completion (sorry for the disappointment) but I will be releasing progress logs almost daily and a few simple demo tests once every Wednesday.

      The game is coming along swell and I'd like for everyone interested to join me in this little adventure in the development of this game.

      So please stay tuned! I'm putting many hours into the making of this game every day and with every day the game comes closer to its full potential :)

    6. Ye know...one of these days, every single game maker on ponies will receive a nice Shout Out on JOIN FORCES TOGETHER TO ACTUALLY COMPLETE AT LEAST ONE MEASLY GAME, BEFORE STARTING A NEW ONE ON YOUR OWN AND THEN TELLING ME REAL LIFE DOESN'T LET YOU COMPLETE IT(Dumbasses)

    7. Oh calm down Vegeta. I sense that your rage is over 9000 agrowatts.

      So far I've only heard of one game project that's actually gone under, the others are still plugging away.

    8. I wonder what power Pinkie will grant...? So many possibilities.

    9. @Vimbert the Unimpressive

      Pinkie is the Navi of the game she pops up at random to give advice. She breaks the fourth wall to tell the player what buttons to push. Confusing poor Spike while at it xD

      Also once you rescue her she'll host a few mini-games back in Ponyville

    10. @Vimbert

      She'll probably allow some form of 4th-wall-breaking enemy/terrain manipulation. That, or if I remember reading correctly, she'll be the game's (hopefully far less annoying) Navi.

    11. Yes! Those old-school Metroid and Castlevania games are awesome, being ponified can only be a good thing. Hopefully this gets finished soon; so many games to wait for it's driving me crazy!

    12. @MisterBull

      Hey, thanks for making this game. I've been wanting an MLP Metroidvania game ever since I first became a brony.

    13. @Anonymous

      No problem! I'm glad I could contribute in some way :)

    14. Metroidvania Pony game- awesome idea. Good luck and don't wear yourself out. I can't wait to play it.

    15. Metroidvania? I'm sold already. Let me know if you'd like any beta testing / proofreading / other QA feedback. I'm not a coder, but I'd like to assist in what small way I can.

    16. @Tekaramity

      Check the links! I post up test demos every Wednesday for testing :)

      Your help is very much appreciated. Thanks!

    17. Wow, lots of MLP games in development. This is great! I'll definitely want to see progress on this one. :) Metroid is one of my favorite series ever, and this sounds like it has some great ideas!

    18. @MisterBull

      Mister Bull, best of luck with your project. I am one of the members of the team working on the FIM RPG posted a few days ago. Hope your project and mine reach completion, for the sake of the community, and to silence all naysayers. Give it your best!


    19. @Darth Equus

      And all the same to you, friend. :)

      your project looks awesome btw!

    20. @MisterBull

      Thanks. It's all because of the awesome team of ponies and bronies joining it.


    21. I love this community. So fucking much.

    22. Gawddammit! I think I was getting a new game just now. :(

    23. @Vegeta

      I'm afraid sir, it is 'you' who is a 'dumbass'.
      We're LUCKY these people are MAKING pony games. -.-
      Who cares if it's not going to be finished. If they at least release a demo, we're 'in the zone'!
      Also equestriaonline are soon releasing their alpha! =D

    24. I foresee a great game from this, and Spike looks perfectly like Mario's Yoshi.

      Upgrades from each of the six ponies rescued? I have great hopes for this game.

    25. I hope I'll be able to find some way to make this run on my DS or PSP like the Super Fluttershy Land mod. It looks like the kind of game that would fit it perfectly.

    26. @Anonymous

      the only way I know how to do this (using a PSP) is to run it through PSPDisp and stream it from your computer to your PSP. I may actually map the buttons to make this work but its the only thing I know to do...

      Unless some pony wants to try and port it to the PSP. I'm willing to make this an open source project just for that reason

    27. @MisterBull
      Thanks for the notice! I'll look into those options. What file type will the final product be?

    28. @Anonymous

      it'll be a simple .exe if that's what you mean. o.0

    29. @MisterBull
      Well umm...yes. That's what I ment. I guess I'll look into how to modify the source code. I've never done something like this before, it should be a fun experience! (No guarantee I'll know what I'm doing.)

    30. @Anonymous

      lol, well I'm not sure how hard it would be either. I'm coding this in Blitz 3D which is a simple Basic coding language.

      I've been told before that its not hard to convert code to another language but I really dont know :P

    31. @MisterBull
      Thanks for your help! I found some resources to at least get me started once you have the source code done. I can't wait for the finished product!

    32. @Anonymous

      E-mail me your contact information (instant messengers and stuff like that) and we'll talk :)

      >> [email protected]
