Am I the only one who's noticed the Bronies aversion to Metal? Why haven't we seen pictures of Black Metal fans wearing Fluttershy shirts? Why are there so few Judas Priest PMV's? Why has nobody made a mashup of "Winter Rap Up" and a Dream Theatre song? I am so dissapoint. I think friendships needs to be more METAL!
"Friendship is Metal" is actually the exact name of a series on YouTube by the user Dethonator. If you're looking for pony metal, that'd be a good place to check out.
@Rowanne well there are evidently a lot of them out there to choose from. Course I would hop you have some other standards to filter them other then being a brony.
Come now, if you're going to critique something, you're not going to get any value to your point across in single phrase responses. One wouldn't want everyone to think they're a parasprite now, would one?
1. An interesting combination - I didn't notice the similarity in BPM, and I wouldn't have thought that it would provide such interesting harmonics by making disco ponies. A wee bit on the repetitive side, but I personally feel it doesn't detract from the overall quality of the song.
2. Provides an interesting look into the dynamics of the song for those who can't pick apart each of the *many* individual parts without some sort of visual aid. Though I may not use any of the stringed instruments in the document, I'm sure [i]somepony[/i] probably does (*glances boredly at Octavia*) so for some it's not only interesting, but useful to learning the piece. It also is kind of a neat visual aid to be able to watch the progress of the song along with the sheet music, and helps in keeping beat for novice musicians, and I can totally see the use in the product issued here. Brava!
3. I found the visual aesthetics of the video and the pacing to be good, though I have to sadly admit that while humorous, the music is not my cup of tea. Some of the vocalists project oddly, as well, and it's kind of distracting, but I watched it through and was generally impressed with the presentation.
#3. what the hell did i just listen to? why am i playing it again?
...if you gonna rap that slow and with such bad flow, you need to have a badass voice. like what the lonely island does, they just say shit really loud but it sounds cool
It's too bad Night Fever was ruined for me earlier in my life or that mashup would have been fantastic.
That rap was good, though it seemed a bit stiff in the delivery. You have to loosen up and let the rhythm flow, bro. (lol, I'm whiter than Rebecca Black)
42 kommentaari:
Hell yes to all of this.
PMVs....My favorite time of the day :D
VastaKustutaThat first one - I['m not sure whether I like this or not...
VastaKustutaAhaha that 3rd one....what? (ev'ry day i'm derpyin')
The sheet music is the most amazing fucking thing ever.
VastaKustuta1) I lol'd
VastaKustuta2) Now I just need to learn to read it...
3)The third one was nice but I was disappoint when it wasn't a parody of LMFAO's Party Rock Anthem.
1st: Ehh
VastaKustuta2nd: Love it! Just as much as the Winter Wrap-up one.
3rd: hahaha, what am I watching, it's actually pretty good.
@MuppetzThey're iron-ons made from pony vectors.
VastaKustutaEvery day i'm ponyin'!
VastaKustutaA lot of sheet music coming out for the pony songs lately.
VastaKustutaThis pleases me. A lot.
I thought #3 was going to be a parody of Party Rock Anthem.
VastaKustutaEr' day I'm shufflin'.
Am I the only one who's noticed the Bronies aversion to Metal? Why haven't we seen pictures of Black Metal fans wearing Fluttershy shirts? Why are there so few Judas Priest PMV's? Why has nobody made a mashup of "Winter Rap Up" and a Dream Theatre song? I am so dissapoint. I think friendships needs to be more METAL!
VastaKustuta@Dave Mustang (AKA the clophater)
Here's all the MLP videos I have bookmarked that I've tagged metal.
Sheet Music = My job Orchestrating At the Gala is a million times easier. :P
VastaKustutaHoly crap this batch was amazing. Best music post in a long time. All three were awesome.
VastaKustuta@Dave Mustang (AKA the clophater)
VastaKustutaI agree, what the heck is up with that? Everypony knows Friendship is METAL!!! I did find an awesome Dream Theater PMV though.
Fluttershy - The Silent Man
Yeah, Fluttershy+Dream Theater=Best. PMV. EVER.
:D I stumbled upon Everyday I'm Pony-in today earlier. I follow those guys because they made some interesting Pokemon music things.
VastaKustuta@Dave Mustang (AKA the clophater)
VastaKustuta"Friendship is Metal" is actually the exact name of a series on YouTube by the user Dethonator. If you're looking for pony metal, that'd be a good place to check out.
#3- okay that was just gay -_-
VastaKustutaThey're cute... I really just wanna marry a brony.
VastaKustuta@AliceInChains Now, now. Don't make us love the heck out of you for that kind of language!
VastaKustuta@Dave Mustang (AKA the clophater)
VastaKustuta ...?
@Dave Mustang (AKA the clophater)
VastaKustutayou want black metal?
this.. counts, right?
1. lazy
VastaKustuta2. was this even needed?
2. rap or should I say crap?
one star
VastaKustutaHells to the yes, it was needed. I was looking for something like that when I was working on a cover for it.
at the gala sheet music was so awesome.... I wanted to play FF Tactics with poni
VastaKustutaSo .pdf?
VastaKustutawell there are evidently a lot of them out there to choose from. Course I would hop you have some other standards to filter them other then being a brony.
Is it wrong to say that none of these videos impressed me?
VastaKustutaCome now, if you're going to critique something, you're not going to get any value to your point across in single phrase responses. One wouldn't want everyone to think they're a parasprite now, would one?
1. An interesting combination - I didn't notice the similarity in BPM, and I wouldn't have thought that it would provide such interesting harmonics by making disco ponies. A wee bit on the repetitive side, but I personally feel it doesn't detract from the overall quality of the song.
2. Provides an interesting look into the dynamics of the song for those who can't pick apart each of the *many* individual parts without some sort of visual aid. Though I may not use any of the stringed instruments in the document, I'm sure [i]somepony[/i] probably does (*glances boredly at Octavia*) so for some it's not only interesting, but useful to learning the piece. It also is kind of a neat visual aid to be able to watch the progress of the song along with the sheet music, and helps in keeping beat for novice musicians, and I can totally see the use in the product issued here. Brava!
3. I found the visual aesthetics of the video and the pacing to be good, though I have to sadly admit that while humorous, the music is not my cup of tea. Some of the vocalists project oddly, as well, and it's kind of distracting, but I watched it through and was generally impressed with the presentation.
VastaKustutaYes, dear, there is a pdf available.
Go to the youtube page and read the description. It's rather self-explanatory from there.
#1 Could use some tune modification. Neat concept though.
VastaKustuta#3. what the hell did i just listen to?
VastaKustutawhy am i playing it again?
...if you gonna rap that slow and with such bad flow, you need to have a badass voice. like what the lonely island does, they just say shit really loud but it sounds cool
I just danced to the begee gala song.
VastaKustutaGreat work composing the gala sheet music, very well done.
The composition of the rap video was good, along with the edition. But these guys lacked MEAN attitude...
1. Was well done.
VastaKustuta2. I didn´t really like this one. Nope. I LOVED IT!
3. Pretty cool, but could be a little more upbeat.
#3 my new chacarron macarron, but not in the sense of stupidity, in the sense of TOTALLY FREAKIN GANGSTA WITHOUT THA HATERS!!!!!
#3 i've had that idea in my head for ages, someone actually pulled it off! XD Sheet music is amazing as well, might come in handy sometime.
VastaKustutaAnd the only tag this had was Not-Fanfiction? Kinda makes it had to hunt down in an archive sweep.
VastaKustuta1. haha what the fuck is going on
VastaKustuta2. I can't play the piano, so this does nothing for me.
It's too bad Night Fever was ruined for me earlier in my life or that mashup would have been fantastic.
VastaKustutaThat rap was good, though it seemed a bit stiff in the delivery. You have to loosen up and let the rhythm flow, bro. (lol, I'm whiter than Rebecca Black)
I can't get enough of That epic Bee Gees disco mashup! iPod is now it's home! It's one of those tunes that makes you go /)6ɛ9(\
VastaKustutaYou're not sure what to make of it, and then you fall in love with it! Then you think of Spike's "moves" at the end of Party of One.
Everyday I'm Disco'in
Everyday I'm Disco'in