• Flash Game: Trinelight Beta

    A while back, a game called Trine was included in one of those humble indie bundles, and for a good day and a half, I found another obsession to fawn over that finally didn't have anything to do with colorful equines with anime eyes.  Sadly, the game was pretty short, but I enjoyed every moment of it, and spammed pretty much everyone on my steam list with praise about how amazing it was.

    Fast forward to a few weeks ago,  and you can find a post about a physics based flash game someone was working on for school. 

    Imagine how amazed I was when I opened my mail today and saw that he was turning it into Trine with ponies. 

    So far it's looking really awesome! He needs beta testers though.  Have some links!

    You can find the new demo of the game here!

    If you want to help beta test, send an email here, with "Trilight BETA participant" as the title.

    He also opened up a blog to track progress for the game, which you can find here!

    54 kommentaari:

    1. NO! I have to leave right now. :( I'll be back with a real opinion later.

    2. That was sorta cool :P maybe ill give Trine another look...

    3. "Trilight"? Now I kinda hope it includes Twilight/Trixie shipping.

    4. I would switch to a unicorn if I knew how...

    5. Any instructions? I can't switch either, tried every key (or so i thought)

    6. It was super fun, that waterwheel took some getting used to.

    7. Switching characters seems to be done by pressing R + 1, 2 or 3. Just to clear things up for others.

    8. "Switching characters seems to be done by pressing R + 1, 2 or 3. Just to clear things up for others."

      That did nothing for me

    9. I'd love to switch to a unicorn, if you'd kindly tell me HOW TO DO IT PLEASE.

      Missing a 'how to play' screen would probably be my first bug report. :P

    10. how in the hell do I change characters?

    11. To change characters, simply click the screen then press 1, 2, or 3 depending on what you're going to.

    12. @Anonymous

      Yeah, doing nothing for me either

    13. @anonymous: The how to play can be found here:

      Should have mentioned that. Sorry.

      Fast answer: just scroll with your mouse or use the numbers 1,2 or 3 on the keyboard.

    14. To change the character: Tab + 1, 2, or 3 worked for me.

    15. I switched characters fine, I can't draw the box!

    16. So far tab+1/2/3 and 1/2/3 themself havent worked. Going to go find a mouse with a scroll wheel to test that

    17. This is a pretty cool concept.

      One glitch I encountered: On the level with the actual puzzle, I got wedged between the water wheel and the platform with the first checkpoint on it and couldn't get out.

    18. The 1, 2, and 3 keys at the top of your keyboard will switch characters as Earth, Pegasus, and Unicorn, respectively. No R was required for me.

    19. Well, I got everything to work fine. I had fun except for the fact that the water wheel in the first non-tutorial level is very glitchy...

      Guess I should report that!

    20. Scroll wheel worked fine

    21. A quick tip: Draw the box from the top left corner. That should be easier. I'm still tweaking the shape detection. ;)

    22. wait Trine? the game bout the warrior mage and rogue?

    23. It lagged too much WAY TOO MUCH i couldn't dp much of anything even though it could just be my piece of shit computer

    24. Looks neat.

      controls are kinda twitchy though, really easy to go farther, or faster than you meant to. Hope the developer irons that out or it'll make jumping puzzles a bit frustrating.

    25. Either that's my computer, or there's a major slowdown during the Earth Pony part. Other than looking good so far.

    26. For those experiencing fps lag, I recommend you lower the quality. This can be done from the menu by pressing escape and adjust the quality setting.

    27. The physics engine is good, but horrible for framerate. I was running the game perfectly on highest until the earth pony part, then FPS dropped to like 20ish with minor upsets. And the water wheel seemed to be a tad more reactive to the pony than it should have, making the jump hard. Also I could hook on walls with my face :P

    28. Why can't i draw a stupid box? I drew a box 10 times and nothing appeared

    29. I've gotten swapping characters in two different ways.

      Mouse wheel
      1,2 or 3 ( above the standard letter keys )

      Seems fun, hope to see it improved in the future...

    30. Man, now I wanna play Trine again.

      Flash is so horribly unoptimized for physics engines!

    31. GAME


    32. The thirth level lags a lot but it's going alright!

    33. And and holy shit, as Rarity I can use the giant wheel! lol

    34. Umm, I'm playing the game the second time with the lowest quality
      And I'm now stuck at the Pegasus part
      No, not the 'I have no idea what to do now' stuck, my pony is literally stuck there
      And my cursor keeps giving out sparkles [the ones the Unicorns use] without even clicking when I move it around

      Other than that, looks pretty good ^^

    35. I got through everything after I figured out the character change problem. It just needs to run a bit... smoother or something. Obviously its a beta though, so I'm sure that'll get fixed.

      Also, I found that I didn't need to DRAW the box, just sorta move the mouse a bit and the box appeared wherever I let go of the button.

    36. Heya Michiel, I'd email you about this but it seems you're reading the comments here so I'll jsut post this here instead.

      On the level with the water wheel there's a barrel, and you can drag the barrel under you and then lift up the pony. Doing that you can just fly around the whole level :P

      It looks very neat so far though, I'm certainly interested and would be willing to test it further if you'd like. I'll shoot you an email later once I'm back.

    37. Lost Viking and Lost Vikings 2.

      That's what this is more like, the only trine element is Rarity making boxes.

    38. Works good for me, though there is that framerate chop others have mentioned. This looks like it's got potential, keep up the good work!

    39. My computer is from 2003 so I probably shouldn't be commenting, but the water wheel level is so laggy that it's nearly unplayable for me. FPS went down to 3 even on lowest quality, drawing boxes almost never worked, extremely slow performance etc. Drawing boxes should be a simpler process that always works. I turned the quality down to lowest and shrunk the window, but it was still pretty slow. I wish Rainbow Dash was less useless as well. All of the ponies seem a lot less powerful than they should be. I know that would make the puzzles have to be harder, but so be it.

    40. i tried ctrl+1 2 or 3.

      worked for me.

    41. the starfield background spinning was making me really sick, couldn't play sadly

    42. Pretty god man, pretty good! I really enjoyed it. Short and all, but it is still a demo, so I can't wait to see the rest. =)

    43. teamwork is friendship!

      i miss these games ;)

    44. I found that I could climb up some paltforms by jumping at them and getting stuck on the edge and then jump up from there. I'm pretty sure ponies can't clime like that. Also the frame rate was way too slow that I kept thinking that the game froze while I tried to change characters.

      Not a bad idea for a game, just needs work. Could be good but I never played Trine so I don't have any reference to go on.

    45. Everything seemed to work pretty well. The jumping was a bit temperamental at times though.

    46. It was a good game but I found jumping a little unresponsive. Fix the jumping and you've got a good game.

    47. It's cool how you can beat the whole game without using Applejack at all.

    48. The bridge broke when I crossed it with a box. It "rolled", which caused a corner to split two of the planks apart, and the block and pony got stuck under it. Luckly, I managed to get out.

    49. Derp, no one figured out how to scroll* through characters? Silly ponies!

      Also, my fps halved on the third level, holy crap

    50. Instructions PLZ.

    51. Uhh. . .
      Tried the demo link but got a blank page
