• Fimfiction Beta Launches

    A new pony fiction site has popped up!  I have been following this one for a while now.  It really is an impressive piece of coding. 

    The creator (You may know him from various projects like the custom graphics engine) has set it up as an alternative to Deviant Art/Google Docs/Fanfiction.net, with a bunch of bells and whistles missing from those sites.

    It's currently in beta, and could use some testers.  

    Also Trixie.  Not that this was the selling point or anything... Even if that is a really epic Trixie...


    I will still be covering fanfiction as usual here, but feel free to send links from this site instead of the typical docs/da/fanfic.net trifecta. 

    You can find it here: Fimfiction


    1. So many options for fanfics now! It's overwhelming!

    2. Thanks for the link guys!

    3. Looks like there's only one story on there at the moment...and it's by Sethisto.

      Seth, are you sure you're not just promoting yourself with this?

    4. The effect that occurs upon clicking on Trixie is pretty awesome

    5. > google docs
      > fanfiction.net
      > deviantArt
      > FiMfiction
      > go old school and paste your fiction into an image.

    6. Well shit, that site design is the SEX.

    7. Thanks for posting :D

    8. Is he accepting submissions now?

      Dangerous Business is done, and I could send it to him with a bit of cleanup.

    9. @Zarkanorf

      Honestly, you just hit the nail on the head why EqD is so essential to any fan of FiM fanfiction... it's the only place that I I know of where all the great stories from all of those other sites get showcased on.

      While I applaud the efforts of others trying to make centers for the fanfiction community to rally around, the only way you'll get a better consolidation of the stories is if some of the other sites start disappearing, which isn't going to happen.

    10. This site looks really nice, I hope a lot of people start using it.

    11. @Jetfire THE UPDATE WHEN IS IT?

    12. @Anonymous But the fanfiction might be slowly fazed out of EqD until the blog only highlights certain popular or high quality fics.

    13. FimFiction.net, haha.

      Original idea was fimfiction.com back then, but the owner never was able to develop it fully even being given a good domain name I came up with. Nice to know someone did catch up the idea and finished it.

    14. EqD is still saturated with garbage stories from the early days when the blog was new and accepted anything, regardless of quality. Is that going to be rectified anytime soon, Sethisto? Stories of actual merit that have been properly looked over by pre-readers are sharing four and five star rating groupings with horridly inferior stories that were star-spammed over many months. Put them under the chopping block already.

    15. @Anonymous

      The actual archive drops the really low stuff, but general consensus is that people want those for nostalgia purposes.

    16. SO is the idea that some authors of older stories will repost some stuff on the new site?

    17. In the top section there's a Twixie shipping fic under your name.
      Why haven't I seen it before?

    18. Looks interesting. I've already signed up to put in my own, but that'll wait until later.

      It looks good.

    19. @Sethisto

      I don't see the value in keeping the stories around for nostalgia if nobody is rating them, or commenting on them. They are just rotting away, taking up space. Especially the /co/ stories which are often just a handful of paragraphs capped from a thread and are hardly considered a proper story at all. At the least consider condemning those old nests. Many of them are seriously bad beyond belief. Some of the authors even commenting on how bad their own stories are themselves, yet the stories remain.

    20. I reported a bug and the guy fixed it in ten seconds flat. Well, it was a couple of minutes actually, but still.

    21. @Sethisto No, not really. You let anything though that is "good enough."

      With this site here now, you can narrow that focus down to just including the few fics that stands above the rest, either according to the community or your pre-readers.

    22. Thanks for the comments guys! As the above guy did, please email me with bugs or (preferably!) talk to me on #fimfiction on irc.irchighway.net

    23. I'm so happy to finally see an unfiltered MLP fanficiton environment. I'd like to see personally that all my future submissions come from here, and I encourage others to do the same.

      Equestria Daily is good for promoting and displaying the best the community makes, but I'd like to see more fiction with limited appeal (some of the stuff I read other places is really good, even though I'm sure it wouldn't fly here)

      Looking forward to see where this goes!

      >brb, transferring my fiction from docs to this.

    24. Better than DA? I already like it.

      Still, I have one complaint.
      Y no Lyra in character selection? (Or most of the background characters for that matter.)

    25. Dang, this site's crazy fast. all those uploads and no lag. It's as fast, maybe faster than google. You heard me; not google docs which is really kind of slow, but google the search engine!! Did the guy who made this code in binary, or does he just have a homemade supercomputer? Must know a ton about program optimization n' stuff.

    26. Yes! Finally! A real pony archive! Now ED can point to the best of the best, and we readers of fanfic won't have to deal with stuff like too many googledocs readers, or the crappyness that is FFN and having to dig for stuff we half-remember! Brohoof to the brave brony who did the coding!

    27. Aww man, when the commenters were talking about it being better than GDocs because you wouldn't have over-crowding, for a moment I thought that FiMFiction would have a live chat space for the stories!

      Now I know how the mane cast felt at The Gala...

      Still, it does look and run awesomely, so I guess there's that...

      >goes proof-read his chapters to upload them.

    28. @Gravekeeper

      Live chat is somewhat planned. The main issue is where I put it...actually making it work shouldn't be more than a few hours work.

    29. @knighty
      >Live chat is somewhat planned.

      And in one fell swoop you've invalidated and destroyed GDocs.

      Were you planning on a single central chat for the site (maybe with rooms like the EqD IRC?), or a document-specific chat a la GDocs?

    30. Now if that site could add an RSS feed and some sort of tracking feature, it'd be perfect.

    31. Other fanfiction sites might not need to die for fimfiction to become the centre of fanfiction.

      Seth could keep posting the same amount of fics he always had or even more. He could make full blog posts for the most highly rated fics (5-6 or 5.5-6), which he sort of does now. For all of the other decent/good fics (3-4.5 star), he could combine the fics into one giant blog post which would refer to fimfiction.

      That way the new site could get the much needed support to become the hub of future fanfiction as well as the much needed exposure to succeed where other sites normally fail.

    32. @knighty

      Dude, I envy your programming skills. I would be decent if I could just figure out levels of indirection in C; its pretty messed up logic. what programming language do you use?

    33. @chiselite <--- this. Definitely a strategy to consider.

    34. Also, LOVE what you've done with the Trixie icon in the corner, especially if you click it. Never get rid of that, it is awesome.

    35. Might have to wait until fimfiction is finished. I think I just broke my account...

    36. @chiselite

      Send me an email with what happened and I'll fix it.

    37. It will need a complete vs in progress search option, but other then that I'm pretty excited about this. It looks very user friendly. :)

    38. Meh, another site with promise that falls short. Bugs aplenty, thats to be expected, but on top of that, no rating system for content, so I can't label my horror, shipping ect. And yet another mickey mouse site not accepting NSFW stuff. Even if they did allow it, i wouldnt post my stuff out of consideration. I don't think it;'s fair that a visitor cannot tell that a story is going to contain explicit content before reading.

      I detest censorship, but I support giving the reader the right and information to choose. If i have a story with blood and gore, the reader should know before hand. And the same goes for pornographic fiction. If ya don't wanna read it, pass it by, but this site has no way of warning them.

      Sadly, I will be passing this site by until these things are fixed.

    39. @knighty

      Will you add a PM system?

      And also, is there a way to change chapter names after naming them?

    40. @Drax

      I assume you were the guy who emailed me. As I said, I have not determined my stance totally on the stuff you are talking about. It is a complicated issue, and I certainly agree with letting the user know beforehand. For shipping/horror there are category tags for that.

      Thanks for the feedback (negative helps too).

    41. also, cant seem to delete chapters either.

    42. @Wanderer D

      Accidently forgot about that, it's on the list. (chapter names that is). Regarding pms, yeah they should be on the list too.

    43. Hey, anytime man, I may sound negative, but I'm just bluntly honest like that. Anytime you want an honest review, or help finding a problem, lemme know.

      I understand your stance, its fine, as long as you stick to it and don't use double standards like some sites I have dealt with. I'll be happy to help you when I have more appropriate stuff for your site, but for now I don't wanna start any problems by posting something that will start trouble. Right now my portfolio is 1 story with 2 explicit chapters, a followup story, and a really graphic horror I am currently writing. Not sure that will fit.

      Also not sure where the line is on NSFW. Some sites don't even want implied stuff, and my characters tend to imply the hell outta adult themes even in my clean work. So yea, better to steer clear for now. Lemme know if things change, or if you need more help testing.

      You may want to post a statement somewhere though as to what is and isn't acceptable. And if there are tags, I couldn't find em. I did ask in my email, but you may have missed that part.

    44. @DraxYeah I had intended to mention that, but I guess I derped.

      @knighty Cool! I also noticed that editing the chapter is not very intuitive, since if you toggle it it does not reflect the final changes in the actual published story. (When it comes to tabbing to center text and such, I didn't really add any BBcode to the story for lack of time.)

    45. Hey Seth, any chance of "dumping" a lot of the fanfics here to over there to help out. I think that it'll be a great site once it's up at full speed. Also maybe linking/use our usernames from over there to here. (I just signed up over ther and would like to use my name over here as well, and don't now how to post under it if I can use it here)

      @Knighty any chance of taking and adding some sort of check system for what fanfics you've read as a users. What I mean is, some indication of which one's you have read and which ones you haven't, also the one's that you've already read have an indication of any new updates?

      P.S. cupcakes would make it 20% cooler, yay I like cupcakes.
      from Sgt. Brony

    46. Yeam a favorites system would be nice, you can mark what you have read and receive update notifications.

    47. @ Drax I know, I'm constanly reading new fanfics but can't keep track of all the one's I've read since new ones keep poping up. Besides, when was the last time EqD fanfic archives been updated (example Luna versus Microwave isn't there)with all the new fanfics?

      Sgt. Brony

    48. Actually the more I look at it, the less I like this site. Yes it's super fast, which is great, and it initially looks slick...

      But, the simple lack of simple functionality kills it. I mentioned lack of RSS feed for starters. There's also so way of filtering by category, just sorting (and searching doesn't do it). Yet there IS a filter for characters, but no sort mechanism for them.

      Beyond this, the amount of space text takes up is small. It's easily under half the screen, at least on my resolution. This isn't horrible, but it's silly.

      So yeah, it's just over all very...disorganized. I guess it's nice to have a non-FF.net place that'll accept anything (except the usual "zomg sex is bad, let's chop everyone's head off"), but...as it stands I'll probably forget about this place in a couple days.

    49. @Melodia You realize it's not finished yet, right?

      It's still in beta.

    50. Very good! It is a classy website and you should use it.

      There's also http://www.ponyfictionarchive.net which has been running full-steam for a while. It is also classy.

      Both have their strengths and weaknesses, shame they had to unknowingly split up, like FiMchan/Ponychan.

    51. @Anonymous

      The story is called "progress", it's not Luna Vs Microwave :p

    52. @Melodia

      How does sorting by category not do basically the same thing as filtering? Although, I do also plan on doing a /category/[cat_here] type of thing to do the equivelent of the "Latest" and "Top" pages by category. And RSS is in the works, but right now I'm doing story tracking.

    53. @Melodia

      I've actually added the categories in the side bar now. It's basic for now but I agree it was needed. You'll be able to sort it soon enough.

    54. Nice design I like it !

      *notice Trixie at the edge of the screen*

      Oh hiya pretty one. *click*

      ARGH Purple dots purple dots MAKE THEM GO AWAY !!!

    55. Any section with multiple pages, you can't get off of page 1 for.

    56. Huh, kinda funny seeing this now.

    57. @Azarias same here....
      i was reading the fimfic faq and end up here...

    58. Huh, guess that idea worked.

    59. Looking at this thread makes me wish i came into the fandom a few months earlier... Seth replied to individual comments so much in these old posts.
