This video is a demo of some of the final female roles that will be showing up in the game. The people chosen for male voiceover work will be announced on July 18.
Anyway, you can find it all after the break! And check out their Youtube channel here if you haven't already seen the last few announcements for it.
122 kommentaari:
Amazing. But AJ's voice is really of. Couln't they get some Texan girl? Oh, that's right. Texas is mentally retared. (No offense, but Ghost lives there.)
VastaKustutapinkie has to talk faster
VastaKustuta@Pegasi: TEXAS IS ALL POWERFUL!
VastaKustutaAlso, I LOVE THIS!
this is awesome.
VastaKustutaThere is so much win in this video it cannot be said in words so I'll just say this: Win. Simply win.
VastaKustutaI spy... with my little eye... one of my vectors.
VastaKustutaI kinda felt their voices were ALL really off... especially the more time they gave me to listen to them.
They're all quite good. At first, Rarity's VA seemed a bit off, but then she really hit her stride, and I was instantly convinced.
VastaKustutaAJ's voice is a bit too... throaty for my liking. It sounds like it might be a bit of a mic issue, though.
Dang, this game is looking really good.
VastaKustutaKira has the best voice, followed by Bree
VastaKustutathe others... eh, they're okay i guess
Pinky has the right pitch, but needs to be sped up.
VastaKustutaI'd have to say Kira and have Vera have some of the best voices for this. Twilight is probably the most show accurate out of them all.
VastaKustutaThey are close a little tweaking but they are close
VastaKustutathis is fantastic but i do agree that pinkie has to talk faster^^
VastaKustutaYamino! I love her art. And now she's voice acting! Yay. fantastic!
VastaKustutaIt was really good
VastaKustutaI don't really like the voices. Don't get me wrong, they're brilliant impersonations, but they just seem... Off. Too slow-paced, at some points too nasally. It just isn't right in my opinion.
VastaKustutaWow, at 1:22, when she says "Spike?", she sounds EXACTLY like Tara Strong.
VastaKustutaSpike's voice is a bit too high
VastaKustutaTwilight sounds like a valley girl
Rainbow's voice is good
Pinkie's is good, a bit deep
Rarity's is really deep, she sounds like an old woman
Fluttershy is pretty deep and rough
AJ's voice is, on the other hand, a bit too high
Celestia sounds like a Valley
Girl too, too high
But I suppose I can't complain. Good job!
@Pegasi I need to kill that guy Ghost so people will stop talking about my state? :(
Anyway, damn these voice actors are great! But yeah :s
EEE. I thought this was awesome :D Also, Kira/Rina-Chan's voiced one of my animation projects recently, so that's awesome too ^.^ She has a really good range of voices...
lol! Pinkie Pie is perfect!
VastaKustutaHonestly, for a fan project, this is about as good as you could hope for in terms of voice actors. Twilight's voice was perfect, and Rarity's got better as it went along.
VastaKustuta@Pegasi: Oh you, it's not fun to stereotype a group of people based on one of its members. I'm from Texas, yet I'm neither mentally retarded nor do I have an accent.
the voices are all just a little bit off. but thats understandable.
VastaKustutaI think Twilight's is the most spot on. Other than that.
VastaKustutaAgreed, but hey, what you gunna do?
get these people to help with a fallout equestria animated series type thing
VastaKustutaAwesome to see other Texan Bronies on here, btw!
VastaKustutaSpike is too low-pitched, Twilight sounds too girly, Celestia overacts, Applejack didn't have an authentic accent, Pinkie was just a teensy bit too slow, And Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Rarity sound nothing like themselves.
VastaKustutaI really hope the voices are optional.
oh god this felt SO phoned in >.<
VastaKustutawould have been nice for this to have been written to feel more like a conversation and less like a presentation... just sayin otherwise AJ and spike were too far -- wao just heard celestia shes on this list too -- off and shook me out of it
but i think it'll be less noticeable while actually playing the game... i hope
omg those voices sound amazing
VastaKustutaThey were all great voices, sure, some of them weren't *exactly* like the shows but you're not going to get that level of impersonation (so don't hope for it).
VastaKustutaTwilights, Rainbows, Pinkies and Celestia's were all absolutely top notch in my books. Everypony elses was great but those four were my personal favourites.
I auditioned for a couple of the male rolls, will be interesting to see who got/gets picked.
All of the voices were great!
VastaKustutaThat was awesome! These update keep getting better and better. There's no exact release date to this yet, right? I seriously cannot wait for this game.
VastaKustutaat first I was O.O
VastaKustutathen I became n.n
Excited! WOW
Great job actors. really!
anyone notice that AJ's voice sounded a bit synthesized, like it went through a voice morpher
VastaKustutaIt's close enough to the pro VAs for me. No-one can exactly imitate the originals.
VastaKustutaEveryone seemed pretty close to their character voices. There were some parts that seemed a bit off, but it's still a good group collectively. I have to say that as the video continued, their voices seemed more and more off though. Everyone's first lines sounded spot on though.
VastaKustutaWell, that's pretty darn good! I'm excited to hear them in-game.
VastaKustutaIs anyone else amused that Rainbow and Applejack ended up with the same VA?
Spike: too feminine
Twilight: Good vocal quality, not so good on style (too whiny)
Dash: again, too feminine. Dash should have kind of an adolescent boy thing going on with her voice.
Pinkie: Alright quality, a bit more squeaky than I'd like
Fluttershy: way not soft enough
Rarity: good style, not so good quality (sounds a bit older/slower than Rarity)
AJ: accent sounds forced, but the vocal quality wasn't bad
Celly: Same as Twilight, decent vocal quality, but not so good on delivery
Hoity Toity(?): it worked
I agree with most of the other comments just a couple of things I noticed.
VastaKustutaTwilight (Kira) needs to channel Timmy Turner just a tad. That underlying part of Strong's voice is always there and is missed most of the time with Kira's impression.
Fluttershy needs to be breathier.
I'm no expert, but I voice double as a hobby and can sometimes see the connections between voices. These are the connections that I see are missing.
But great job! I was waiting for somepony to do some good doubles of the voices. It's great to hear these talented fans!
I agree all the voices all sound a little off, but that's okay. I mean, it's just a fan-made game, it doesn't have to be perfect. And it's a lot better than not having voices, or using voice-clips from the show. (I've seen a couple animations that do that, and it's weird because I know where they came from.)
VastaKustutaNot much to complain about, just a few nitpicks. I found the dash voice a bit too astringent. And pinky's lines were being a delivered a little slower than I would expect. Twilight's actor slipped into a valey girl voice at the tail of a couple sentences. Other than those little things though, absolutely fantastic.
VastaKustutaWOW these are all really good!
VastaKustutaI am so excited about this!
VastaKustutaTexas aint so bad i live there!
The voices are slightly off, but it's almost impossible to prevent that sort of thing. The quality's great considering they probably had only a few hundred auditions, a thousand at most
VastaKustutaThis wasn't very good at all. Professional VAs? Puh-leez. Kira was very good and the rest paled in comparison.
VastaKustutaOverall this is some VERY impressive voice acting, but I think that some of the VAs need a little work on capturing the subtleties of the characters' mannerisms.
VastaKustutaSpike - Too raspy, needs to sound fuller.
Twilight - Needs to be more commanding.
Rainbow Dash - The spirit is there, but I think her voice is too high pitched. Interestingly, your voice reminds me more of Gilda than Rainbow Dash.
Pinkie Pie - More energy, didn't seem to fully capture Pinkie Pie's extremely hyperactive demeanor. Perhaps a tad too high-pitched.
Rarity - Needs more of the aristocratic accent. More energy.
Fluttershy - Voice needs to be softer. You really need to be able to hear the shyness. Fluttershy seems to always speak with a decrescendo.
Applejack - More energy. Where are you supposed to be from anyway? It certainly doesn't sound southern yet.
Celestia - Softer, more reserved. Celestia speaks in a comforting monotone (if that makes any sense).
Overall, I think the cast could a little more energy. Really give it your all when you're recording! I find it's much easier to tone down the energy than it is to work it up.
Also, please don't think I'm being overly negative. As I said in the beginning, I'm very impressed with what you've already done, and I _do_ understand that it's impossible to sound _exactly_ like FiM's voice actors.
I'm surprised; Hoity Toity was spot-on. I guess it's easier to immitate a show voice that the fanbase hasn't gotten so used to hearing.
VastaKustutaRarity and AJ were off... characters were spot-on, though! :D
VastaKustutaSome excellent voices here. Twilight especially, although she sometimes had a weird accent.
VastaKustutaSpike was pretty good, so was Fluttershy.
Pinkie Pie definitely felt like Pinkie although she did a lot that wasn't quite right.
Rarity bothered me a lot at first, although she did hit her stride later. Not sure about her.
Rainbow Dash I didn't really like, although she had her moments.
The recording quality on Applejack was questionable. She wasn't too bad.
I liked Hoity Toity [?] ... Celestia I didn't really get.
I loved these!
VastaKustutaAnd for all of you complaining about how the voices sound, I say this. What did you expect, Tara Strong herself to lend her voice?
Yes, they aren't perfect, but this is a fan project. Personally, I think Twilight's VA in this is nearly spot-on.
I can't wait until the final product is released. :D
Call me biased, as I did originally try out myself (but not the second time with the new requirements) but:
VastaKustuta-Their Twilight Sparkle is fabulous. Really quite good. Sometimes she broke character while acting, but when she stayed in, she was perfect.
-Spike and Rainbow Dash were both fine, and probably the best impersonations you are going to get out of this fandom. Spike was a little better than Rainbow though.
-The other three were not great... Rarity lacked almost all of her charm and her voice squeaked up and down trying to get ahold of the character.
-Fluttershy was soft as she should be, but she totally missed the pitch of the character, making her sound really nothing like her. Just like some other quiet character.
-Pinkie Pie was too high pitched, also her mike quality sounded pretty bad... I don't know whether it was that she was too slow or not, but she definitely had some weak spots... Sorry, I'm not sure what else to say.
-And Applejack was... really un-lively, it sounded like Applejack on sleeping pills. The others are right that the accent was faked kinda bad too. But her lines were also really lackluster and she had maybe 1/3 the speaking parts of the other ponies. Applejack should be up there with Pinkie Pie in liveliness. Something I practiced a lot when I tried an audition for Applejack was to really get that first "YEEHAWW" of hers right. You need to be that level of energy.
-As for Celestia, get Kira to tone it down a bit. We know she can act, because she aced Twilight, and her pitch was alright, but she was over-acting way too much. The real Celestia is much more calm, even when she's trolling.
(Apologies if I offended anyone, none of these critiques are meant as personal attacks on any of the team.)
I wonder if they need a Doctor Whoof >=3
VastaKustutaI wonder if BaldDumboRat auditioned for Derpy, Rarity and Fluttershy.
VastaKustutaNot that Yamino doesn't do a good Fluttershy. I've read her tumblr before.
All of them sound decent, but I must say they really got lucky on Twilights voice, she sounds remarkably close to Tara Strong at times.
VastaKustutaFluttershy's voice needs some work.
VastaKustutaI'll say this as someone who Voice Acts online. It's impossible for these girls to impersonate the FIM cast to a tee, there is just no way, everyone voice is unique, it's like trying to get tuba trying to sound like a trumpet. People should be judging the voices on how well they emote,their mic quality, and delivery of lines, this is why I tend to avoid fandubs and voicing characters that have well established voices.
VastaKustutaBah, I really need to get a better mic so I can audition for more roles in these fun little projects. But a headset mic just doesn't cut it well.
VastaKustutaI think they're all very well done for a fan-game, Rarity's voice is probably the most accurate.
VastaKustutaConsidering the fact that the VAs for the show were/are amazing to begin with, I think they did about as good a job as they could have here. Sure, sometimes the voices were off sometimes, but with my expectations lowered by reading the comments ahead of time, I found myself reasonably satisfied with the end results.
I am extremely curious to see if they've cast Big Mac yet, though. Because I was supposed to play him in the first abridged series, and that never worked out, so...time to resend an audition tape and hope for the best, I guess. XD
IMHO, they were all pretty good. Except for Pinkie Pie.
VastaKustutaWhich is ironic b/c she's the whole reason VAs are getting put in.
Ya see, with high squeaky voices its very difficult to make it not annoying. That's one reason why Andrea Libman is one of my favorite voice actors. She pulled off one the most difficult voice in all of MLP:FiM spectacularly.
But this voice actor just sounds like an annoying chalkboard-fingernails scrape, or worse, Fred.
Sorry if that sounds harsh, but I believe that the voice would sound more Pinkie Pie (and thus better) if the VA had a more bouncy voice and talked faster (Remember you can always speed up the tempo on sound files). It is the high-paced energy, and the variability in her voice that makes Pinkie Pie sound awesome. Think of how Pinkie says each of these things differently:
Hi! My name's Pinkie Pie!
Oooh, she's good.
Ooh! Ooh! More guessing games! Um... Pokey Smokes! How about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty!
Give her time. . .
Welcome to my cave Rarity, care for a diamond? ROAR
Give look up the Pinke Pie Compilation.
What's so great about her is that her voice is extremely flexible and constantly 'bounces'. That's what gives her her distinctive voice, and that's what makes her high-pitched squeaky voice a sort of surprising tolerability.
Don't give up, Bree. With practice you may achieve your inner Pinkie. :)
I love Fluttershy's image in this video. She's too badass for video games.
VastaKustutaI'm gonna throw my name in yon' hat and hope for the best.
This was awesome, but I think the real question is... how did they actually find so many FEMALE fans of the show? I didn't think there were any! :P
VastaKustutaI'm surprised to see so much criticism. Is there some sort of precedent for perfect fan voice acting I don't know about? I mean, it's just a fan-made video game. To have VAs at ALL is above and beyond what I'd expect, and to have VAs that are anywhere near as good as the originals? There are no words.
VastaKustutaBut I guess a lot of people were expecting perfection for some reason. Next they're going to want Jayson Thiessen to direct it or else it's a piece of crap.
Wow, I was wonderfully impressed by this. All these girls have done a great job with their parts even if there's some critique to be given.
VastaKustutaSpike - A decent impression, but needs more energy. He's a little kid after all.
Twilight - Spot on. This one was by far the best and most accurate to Tara Strong.
Rainbow Dash - A little too deep, but the attitude is there. Good acting, but work on the pitch. RD's voice is a bit higher and she cracks when she's excited.
Pinkie Pie - Another spot on performance in terms of acting and overall sound. She even got those little squeaks on the high pitches. Just speed up a little and you're set.
Rarity - Not accurate to the original VA, but I still felt it was a good representation of the character. Rarity's always struck me as being older and more mature than the rest anyway. She started out kind of weak but really hit a good stride halfway through. Try lightening the pitch and practice some French pronunciation.
Fluttershy - A very cute voice, but as others have already said, needs to be softer and breathier. Fluttershy always sounds like she's talking on the exhale, giving her a small and airy tone. This Fluttershy sounded good, but too bold.
Applejack - I actually liked this one's accent. It had a nice drawl to it, but does need a bit more energy to get that brassy tone AJ has. I think how sedate she sounded was because she was being the straight man playing off Pinkie Pie's excitement -- she probably would have been more convincing if she'd had better lines to read.
Celestia - Not bad, but this one had a distinctly 'Disney' sort of sound to it, if that makes any sense. The voice was good, but the tone and performance needs some refining. Though part of me is really tempted to see Celestia chew on some scenery...
Guys the voices aren't gonna be perfect imitations. Thats nearly impossible for professional work and this is a fan made game. For what they're working with the voice actors are all surprisingly good.
VastaKustutaI thought Rarity's first line was subpar but she really grew on me as the clip went on. Applejack needs the most work. Rest were fine.
VastaKustutaThe voices match PERFECTLY. Applejack could use some work, but Erica Mendez still does a terrific job. Now tell me: what game?
In the undeniable words of Fluttershy
VastaKustuta"It's ... um... nice ..."
Most of it is very good, and by the time the full game rolls around all the kinks will probably be worked out. However, I have too much OCD too listen to this and not cringe at every little flaw.
Punch Time Explosion: Commercial game with paid Voice Actors that sound nothing like the original characters.
VastaKustutaThis game: Fan game with fan voice actors that sound a lot like the originals.
As many commenters have said, a few of the voices could use a bit of work to get closer to the originals, but for what it's worth these are great.
The voices are pretty much there, this is as close as anyone can get without getting the original VA's in.
VastaKustutaThat said, AJ's voice needs to be more Texan and lively. At the moment it is severely lacking when compared to the other VAs.
Other improvements:
Twilight needs to refrain from going too high-pitched, Twilight rarely goes high-pitched in normal dialogue. She only goes high-pitched when excited or angry or surprised (think "That wasn't the doozy?!" and "Yesyesyesyesyeyes").
Pinkie Pie is spot on, except her speed. She needs to speak faster and with more energy.
Rarity just needs more practice with the character in order to nail it. I suggest studying the several episodes Rarity appears in.
Rainbow Dash needs to be a tad lower in pitch, besides that, it's perfect.
Fluttershy is almost there, I can't place what's missing myself, so I'd look into other people's comments for pointers.
Spike is just about there, just control the pitch a little more.
Basically, every VA needs to just spend more time with their characters to adjust to their pitch and speaking style. AJ's VA, however, also needs to really work on adding more Texan to her voice.
Twilight is awesome, Rainbow pretty but can be better, Pinkie should talk faster, Rarity good, Fluttershy voice should be little more quiet, Applejack same as Rainbow, I think should be more difference between voice Celestia and Twilight.
VastaKustutaBut anyway this is awesome.
Before more people jump on those who have been giving criticism, this project said that it was not going to have voice acting initially because they believed they couldn't match the quality of the show. (If I'm remembering correctly...?)
VastaKustutaThen they found/received(?) an amateur voice reading of Pinkie Pie and were so impressed at how identical she sounded that they opened up voice acting, presumably hoping to get people who sounded identical.
So, it was the project's desire of talent that causes us to critique it for "not being perfect."
In addition, with such high visual quality and fidelity that this game has, coming really close to professional production values, why are we not allowed to critique their voice acting as if it were -not- a near professional production effort?
VastaKustutawho the hell is ghost?
Please keep in mind that there's a big difference between constructive criticism and just ripping on someone. Overall the comments here seem to be more supportive than anything else. We like what we hear and are offering tips to help the actresses bring their game up another level. That's not a bad thing at all.
VastaKustutaOK, I am about to be critical, but I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, just some constructive criticism:
VastaKustutaTwilight Sparkle - pretty good. Sounds like she's trying to be sexy though which is so off character.
Spike - also good.
Rainbow Dash - :/ I don't really like this one. Rainbow Dash is more like a normal voice, but with voice cracks/kind of husky. Difficult to describe but watch the Gala song; when she says "They'll shower us with diamonds," you'll hear it. To be honest, I think this person (Erica) is trying too hard to be... aggressive. Someone said she sounded like Gilda; I can hear that.
Pinkie Pie - needs to be faster, otherwise perfect. I'm sure they could do that with software.
Rarity - perfect.
Fluttershy - OMG PERFECT. Could not do better.
Applejack - Uhm... :/ She sounds like she's faking the accent.
Yeah, in the end, I think they're all good except for Rainbow Dash.
I think Spike's voice works for what it is, and Twilight, Dash, Pinkie, and even AJ came through amazingly. With Applejack's voice, I think it's just the quality that makes it sound off. I'm not certain about Rarity, personally, but there's still plenty of time for me to get used to her. As for Fluttershy... Ideally, I know she's working on that abridged series, but I would try and get in contact with BaldDumboRat, her Fluttershy is the best in my opinion. That said, looking forward to this game!
VastaKustuta@Everyone not happy with the VA's being spot on:
VastaKustutaRemember that even official games based on franchises often miss the mark by a good mile on the characterizations, and some go as far as reinterpret or conspicuously recast characters entirely. The Batman games, anyone?
Bros, keep in mind that this isn't trying to to be an episode of the series. This is a game, a fan-made on at that. So far, it's spectacular that they've rustled up so much talent that manages to hit so close to the original VA work for these characters, and let's not forget they're not only doing this for free. but it can be guaranteed that everyone involved is doing it out of love and respect for the series and the characters.
Why is everyone picking on Celestia?????
VastaKustuta@Vermillion Twilight
VastaKustuta~So far, it's spectacular that they've rustled up so much talent that manages to hit so close to the original VA work for these characters~
Agreed. We also need to keep in mind that these girls aren't professionals either, so they get even more points for being this talented without a career in voice acting.
That's why Twilight's voice impressed me so much -- Kira is matching up with Tara-frickin'-Strong, for Celestia's sake! Does anybody really grasp what a monumental challenge that is? She's been doing amazing VA work since the 80's!
@The Linker
VastaKustutaYou're acting like criticism is a bad thing.
Yes, there are some people who have posted with nothing more than "I don't like it" or "They sound way off". But the majority of comments have been more polite and have offered their opinions on what could help the VAs improve their voice acting. That is constructive and it is very important to offer such criticisms so that the artists have an idea of what their audience notices and thus, find an easier way to fine-tune their craft.
Noone is expecting perfection, if anyone here is then they are silly, and we're all glad that what there is so far is so amazingly good - it passed my expectations, for instance.
Even though it passed my expectations, I still offered my opinion, why? Because improvements can still be made, and I'm quite sure they released this video to get feedback on their choices.
Still not convinced? Look at it this way: This game is getting TLC that matches and possibly rivals that of professional, big-business dev teams of the most popular games on the consoles and PC. It is being made professionally on virtually no budget, with every team member volunteering their services. When this game is released, it is likely to attract a lot of attention from people outside of the fandom - a lot of it will be critical.
This attention could become a great thing for the fandom. If the game is amazing, and clearly a testament to the dedication of the team behind it and their love of the show, then it's going to bring a lot of positive PR to the fandom as a whole.
I'll use "Story of the Blanks" as an example, it's a very popular game on newgrounds, and many people have played it and loved it despite having no knowledge of the show it is based on. It has actually made people want to watch the show to see where the inspiration came from. The game has been covered by at least one blog site outside of the fandom and has been given a positive review.
Now imagine the potential of "The Fiends from Dream Valley" when it is released.
It may seem harsh that we're being critical of a fan-made project, but the project is a serious one. The team behind it want our feedback, the professionalism displayed is something that we all want to see throughout the course of the game's development and gameplay, and this game could very well become an icon in the fandom and a true representation of the type of people the fandom is made up of.
Constuctive criticism is important, it may seem like we're setting the bar high, but we're only offering our opinions. Whether the VA's and the game's team decide to take note of our opinions or not is completely up to them and how they feel.
AJ needs just a smidge more of an accent. Other than that, this is AWESOOOOMMME!
VastaKustutaSpike: Ranges from too low to too high.
VastaKustutaTwilight: On key, a little valley girl in some places, but on target.
Rainbow Dash: Too high, not raspy enough.
Pinkie Pie: Perfect pitch, needs to speed up a bit.
Rarity: A tad low, bring up the pitch a bit and it'll be perfect.
Fluttershy: Way too low.
Applejack: Not bad, the Southern accent sounds a little forced though.
Spike- that was great!
VastaKustutaTwilight Sparkle- only a litttlle tensy bit off.
Rainbow Dash- AWESOME!
Pinkie Pie- pretty decent, but I'd like her to talk faster...
Rarity- More like Photo Finish at the beginning, but then it sounds better.
Fluttershy- PERFECT! =D
Applejack- pretty good!
Celestia- (troll in red letters there was epic) Sounds off. Probably because it's the same person who voices Twilight...
whoever that guy pony's supposed to be- Pretty nice guy voice! ("UGH! Spike, give me that!")
and then people bitch about almost all of them.
@The Linker
VastaKustuta"I'm surprised to see so much criticism. Is there some sort of precedent for perfect fan voice acting I don't know about?"
There is a precedent but it is certainly not perfect - voice acting tends to be incredibly poor in most fan works.
Which is why this is pretty remarkable. Anyone expecting exact impersonations is being completely unreasonable and almost all the criticism here seems unwarranted.
Maybe all critics here can fire up their mics and record a little something to show us all how "real acting" sounds.
Haha love it!
VastaKustutaGOD TIER:
Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Rainbow Dash
Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy
Rarity, Applejack
Well, they're not as good as they could be, but I think they just need some time to get a hold of the characters, in both voice and speaking patterns.
VastaKustutaAlthough Twi did sound like a Valley Girl.
Is that a pun, based on the game? You will never know....
If you guys want to help them improve, that's one thing -- but if that's true, shouldn't you be, say, e-mailing them? Or commenting on their video directly?
VastaKustutaRight now you're commenting on an article written ABOUT them. If you want this game to be the best that it can be, and so want to help them in any way possible, then send them off an e-mail. Right now it's more like talking to the air -- and when that talking is criticizing, it just comes off as angry venting.
I realize what you're saying can be taken as constructive criticism only for their benefit, but not when it isn't actually TO them.
Meh. If I'd've known about the auditions, I would've tried out for Fluttershy. I can get her pitch almost perfect, or at least, better than the girl who won the part. The others were pretty good, and I'm freaking jealous of the girls who can do Spike and Rarity. I just can't get my voice to sound like either one. X3
VastaKustutaThe only ones a little off were Pinkie and Fluttershy.
VastaKustutaPinkie should've talked faster
@Pegasi Ghost is just a wing nut radio host (solitarily broadcast on the internet from Austin to my knowledge) His fan base is small and does not speak for most Texans. Personally, I never heard of this guy before last thursday, seems he has had and lost more than a few radio shows.
VastaKustuta~ Native Texan
Twilight Sparkle wasn't voiced by Kira. I want to hear Twilight Sparkle taking a potato chip and eating it.
VastaKustutaTexas is disappointed in you Pegasi ಠ_ಠ
.... my jaw literally dropped. These voices are about as close as anypony will get without hiring the actual voice actors. Everypony was almost dead on, but Rarity was (I normally don't swear, but such content really deserves it) fucking amazing. I was already very excited for this game, but this is now at the top of my watch list. Very great find. :)
VastaKustutaPinkie needs to be about 20% faster. Also Rarity is just... urgh. And I dunno about fluttershy. She sounded too loud.
VastaKustutaYou guys do realize that they are going for voices that resemble the mane cast not copy them exactly right.
VastaKustutaI'm in awe. I knew when I clicked on the video that none of the voices would be perfect, but to be honest, they were pretty close. So many haters hating these actors need to get a reality check. The only people who could do these characters perfectly are their original actors. The fact that these fans have gotten this close is a wonder.
VastaKustutaIt's a little jarring hearing the ponies talking in voices that aren't the same as normal, but seeing as this is a fan game, its way better than anyone really has the right to expect. Can't wait for it to come out!
VastaKustutaI don't see why so many don't care for AJ's voice. I thought it was really close. The parts she were given were in character, but didn't really showcase AJ's trademark enthusiasm. I'm sure the actress will be able to pull it off, though. On the other hand, I felt her Rainbow Dash was a tad bit too low, and almost too scratchy (Is that the word?). And yes, Pinkie's voice is amazing, but she does need to speak a lot faster.
VastaKustutaI thought these were very close - if I just close my eyes and didn't think about it, I'd be just about fooled. Works for me ;)
VastaKustutaNaturally, it does feel different, but I can easily get used to these voice actors since they're so great. I really wouldn't mind if there weren't any changes, actually. Celestia's voice does need to sound more soothing, though, unless she actually is Trollestia in this game, than it would be perfect.
VastaKustutaAlso, AJ's mic sounds slightly funny. It almost sounds mechanical at times.
Well... crap. I wanted the role. Meh.
VastaKustutaDear Princess Celestia,
VastaKustutaToday I learned that when somepony offers you an amazing gift--like volunteering their time and talent to imitate somepony else's voice for a free fanmade game for your enjoyment--you should appreciate their efforts and focus on how close they ARE to the original voices, instead of nitpicking about every little way they don't EXACTLY match the originals.
In other words, you shouldn't look a gift pony in the mouth!
Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle
I never really expected the voices to be all that close... After all, they aren't getting the actual FiM voice cast for this game. But after listening to that, they're actually a LOT closer than I expected! While I was impressed by Twilight and Pinkie the most, I still think the rest were pretty darned good.
VastaKustutaI hope that the voice actors, if they read some of the comments in this thread, take it as constructive feedback instead of condemnation for not being "perfect" (like I said, I don't think anyone can expect the voices to be 100% accurate, that's crazy). But mostly, I think practice, and getting used to the roles, will make these voices just wonderful!
Nice job, everyone!
VastaKustuta>I was supposed to play him in the first abridged series, and that never worked out
Well I'd say you dodged a bullet there, my friend.
I'd say they were all pretty close. Well done!
VastaKustuta[insert overcritical opinion of others, knowing full well that I can't do better here]
VastaKustutaThat was amazing, during the back and forth between Twilight and Spike near the start, it could have been out-takes from the show in places. Really looking forward to this.
VastaKustuta>is native Texan
>is not aware of this Ghost's existence
Seriously, dude? First comment I have to see is this slander? Sorry, but offense has been taken. Not cool, pony.
That aside, I agree that Applejack's VA needs a more natural accent. I would recommend some people, but they don't have a...favorable stance towards ponies. Very nice work with the rest, though, and good luck to the group making this!
Despite what others have said, I think these were really well cast! Considering most other attempts at the characters' voices haven't come close, this is really really well done. :)
VastaKustutaWell done, everypony!
Pinkie needs to talk faster, and be more excited D<
VastaKustutaand Rarity needs more....Rarity drama :')
Twilights very good but needs to be a bit more commanding
AJ needs more accent D<
Princess I didn't even recognise without Twilight saying "Princess"
And Dashie sounded really off to me but I don't know if thats just me it probably is >_<
Fluttershy ummm....just sounded like somone whispering >>
BUT overall these are all very good for voice actors and things :D as in I couldnt do them :')
That was really pretty darned good. AJ's voice sounded... Funky. Mostly because of whatever background effect that was; good that it was the same person who did Dash, though.
VastaKustutaOne way to counteract the forced accent is to find somebody who actually does hail from the southern US, but the chances of finding somebody with the requirements are next to none.
Fluttershy's voice is good, needs to be a tad higher though.
Everypony else is good. I was absolutely blown away by Twilight's voiceover. That one is... Well, perfect.
and also I LOVE how everyone is moaning about people giving their opinions,
VastaKustutaIt is just constructive criticism you know :')?
Normally when people do ANYTHING creative in life they need to get a good deal of that, it helps people improve and to grow in their skills.
I mean if someone is being downright mean then yeah go poke em'! But helping these people out may actually make them more confident and more developed when this game comes out :')
soo MER :3
Not bad for a fan attempt. I wasn't expecting them to be spot on but they are close enough. I was only listening to the audio and I was able to tell who they all were, so I guess thats a pass grade from me.
VastaKustutathose voices are very good!
VastaKustutaTwilight is a little too spaztic and a bit to high. And whoever is doing AJ better project a little better. Accent is ok but it needs to be more forceful. AJ's voice demands the room's attention when she speaks. Loud but not crude. Pinkie impersonator is pretty awesome. Little faster perhaps. I think Dash is ok but she needs more practice with real Dash' speech patterns. Maybe sound a little less like an ass, more brash. Also, needs to be about 20% cooler. The Rarity does a good job with the way she annunciates, needs a little work on the accent. Also, she needs to put out a dog/pony show vid becuase I wanted whining! Fluttershy was pretty great, maybe a little quieter, and we definetly have to hear your Flutterguy impression. That was the same voice actress on the show right? :-p
VastaKustutaWow, I think they did a pretty good job finding the right people for the job. Sure some of them are a little off but they are close enough that with a little more practice they will be pretty spot on.
VastaKustutaPinkie's voice isn't nearly bouncy enough.
VastaKustutaFluttershy's voice has too much tone (needs to be a half-whisper)
Spike's voice is missing that pre-pubescent sound that puts a slightly higher tone amidst the depth
Applejack's is fairly accurate, but whether it was manipulated in Audacity or the mic was just bad, there's some audio issue making it sound awkward.
Other than that, though, I thought they were spot on. Especially Twilight. Rainbow Dash and Rarity were a bit off but still pretty close.
Reading through this, I noticed that everyone is saying pretty much the same things about the voices.
VastaKustutaI feel so irrelevant.
Alright, here's my thoughts on their voices.
VastaKustutaSpike - A little deep, but great otherwise.
Twilight - Pretty much spot-on, just a wee bit high.
Dash - The slightest bit deep, otherwise also spot-on.
Pinkie - Too high-pitched for my tastes!
Rarity - A little too stuck-up...
Fluttershy - Spot-on. 'Nuff said.
Applejack - Why are people complaining about her? She's just fine!
Celestia - Like a previous poster said, she needs to be toned down a little bit.
??? - Can't really judge this one, since I don't know who it's supposed to be!
All in all, pretty good.