This is fantastic. I'll copy-paste the Facebook message, because it does a better job of explaining this than I will, because I'm just making incoherant noises at the moment:
We’re all so excited to be in San Diego for Comic-Con International! Are any of our fans here too? Visit us at booth #3329 and you could snag 1 of 5,000 exclusive Comic-Con 2011 posters, while supplies last! Act quickly, these will only be available at Comic Con and once they’re gone, they’re gone :)
Pretty much every major and minor and background pony is proudly featured on this poster. Some of the notable ones are our ever-present mascot Derpy, Lyra and Bon-Bon, and, to my utter delight, Octavia. I'm serious, Octavia is back there, and she didn't get a single line in the entire show. I'm so happy.
I have a mission for you all. If you go to Comic-Con, please, grab me one of these posters. You'll pretty much be my best friend forever.
EDIT: For those wondering, the QR code on the bottom just leads to the Making of Season One video we've posted here already.
Want! Too bad I won't be going to comic-con :(
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh how awesome... a offical poster ! By the way... look at Lyra and Bon Bon ;)
ReplyDeletethe question of the year is:
ReplyDeletewho is in the balloon??
So when I noticed this the first time before sending it.
ReplyDeleteSomething struck me as odd.
but no NMM.
Why can't we EU bronies have stuff like this <.< .
ReplyDeleteAnyway Great job!!
Have fun all!!
Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!
ReplyDeleteI think they have everypony there. They even have the Shadowbolts, and they don't even really exist in-story!
Holeeeyyyy Shitttt
ReplyDeleteI'll grab you once, Cereal. And sell it to you for $30.
ReplyDeleteOk anyone who gets one i will give you anything for it.
ReplyDeleteI like how it has little nods to the fandom. It's got Dr. Hooves, Octavia and Vinly Scratch in there, as well ad Lyra and Bon-Bon together.
ReplyDeleteDear lord, They even included crazy pinkies party guests.
ReplyDeleteThis is incredibly awesome
Could I have one for me? and the rest for my 4,999 other friends?
ReplyDeleteI love how Colgate has a massive smile... so fitting...
ReplyDeleteAlso im sure that these will end up on ebay real quick.
ReplyDeleteThank you Cereal! I WAS wondering about the QR code!
I wish I could leave my Canada and go to San Diego, and I'd do it too, just for this.
Hm, they added the fan praised characters.
ReplyDeleteOctavia, Doctor Whoofes and Derpy.
So awesome.
Dangit... I NEED that shot of Ponyville from that angle, without Steven's mug in front of it...
ReplyDeletedesktop wallpaper FOREVER !
ReplyDeleteI don't remember seeing gray Pegasus guards.
ReplyDeleteI really want one....but oh wait, I'm 9000km away from San Diego :-(
ReplyDeleteLyra and Bon-Bon's expressions are priceless. I love little things like this, that show the producers notice what we're doing without being overt fanservice. :D
ReplyDeleteSeth, you DO realize that you'll end up with approximately 4000 of these 5000 posters, now?
ReplyDeleteThen again, this means you can host contests!
This is equal parts hilarious and incredible! Derpy in her cross-eyed splender, Octavia and Vinyl Scratch making an appearance despite being there for all of 1 episode, Lyra and Bon-bon grinning beside one another...
ReplyDeleteThey even have Rocky, Mr Turnip, Sir Lint-a-lot and Madam Le Fleur!
G4 is filming there, make sure the bronies get on television.
ReplyDeleteSomeone is going to make a killing on ebay. I am full of so much want right now, and I know I'm not alone.
ReplyDeleteExcuse me while my head explodes!!!
ReplyDeleteDude, even the freakin' cockatrice is in there :D
ReplyDeleteThat's because it's not a pegasus, it' a unicorn.
I love how they put Lyra and Bon-Bon together.
ReplyDeleteOh wow, this is awesome. Shame I live in the UK and have no way of reaching Comic-Con. Also, I predict Cereal is going to recieve about 6 of these at once from multiple people.
ReplyDeleteAll those references to the fandom...
Thank you Hasbro! You guys are the best!
I like the flower ponies staring in horror at the cockatrice.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletelyra and bon bon <3!!! xD
ReplyDeleteand who the hay is in the ballon?!
I think Colgate just best Lyra for goofiest grin.
ReplyDelete@ Flutterfan
ReplyDeleteI KNOW, RIGHT!?
Also : Trixie is clearly going to continue to be smug because you all recognized her without her hat.
ReplyDeleteClearly, her fame extends.
ReplyDeletedood if you pick one up for me ill pay 50 and the shipping on it.
I'm prepared to pay a rediculous amount of money for one of those posters.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could go. Alas, I have commitments keeping me on the East Coast this weekend. Ah well...
ReplyDeleteThat's some might fine Pony right there.
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to work a poster buddy out, but it's proving tricky. Should anyone here be able to grab me one, I'd be most appreciative. And coudl pay you money! Oh so much money.
Darn! I sometimes hate living in Canada! We never get stuff like this either.
ReplyDeleteI would pay good money to get my hands on one of these posters. Hopefully something like this will show up at the Canadian Fan Expo.
They even put Madame Le Flour next to Rarity LOL!!!!
ReplyDeleteI really hope there will be Hi-res version of this in the net so we (those who are living on another continents) can print it by ourselves.
ReplyDeleteOh, how much I want to be on Comic-con +_+
but only in my dreams
ReplyDeleteNow why would they give the character fan-named after toothpaste a huge smile...
EPIC /)^ɛ^(\
ReplyDeleteI like the fact that all three of the flower trio are there, together, and looking suitably scared of something.
ReplyDeleteThis is great
ReplyDeleteToo bad it's exclusive though, I'd buy one if they sold them.
Lily, Daisy and Rose's expression for the win.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad everyone likes it. A lot of work went into it, and I tried to get all the fan favorites in there (I'm really really sorry I forgot Caramel).
ReplyDeleteOther notes:
-NMM isn't in there since Luna is there.
-The Unicorn Guard, while not in any episode, is from the opening credits.
-Big dragons and ursas aren't in there. Can only fit so many characters... I wanted to make the poster even bigger with every, and I mean EVERY character for season 1, but alas, deadlines.
-I'll leave the Balloon passengers up for rampant speculation. :)
No Dinky though. :(
ReplyDeleteSo much win...
ReplyDeletedon't worry - some crazy brony is definitely going to vector-trace this... Dinky Hooves?
ReplyDeleteAnyone notice that the toothpaste unicorn (colgate/aquafresh/romana etc) Is giving a dentist's smile? Show off those pearly whites you silly girl.
ReplyDeletethre's even the cockatrice
ReplyDeleteoh my god so much want
ReplyDeleteClearly the people who make the show know bad fanon when they see it.
LUUUUUUNAAAAAAA!!! maybe, since she's on this poster, she'll return in season 2, though i'm pretty sure she will, let's hope in a non-evul return!
ReplyDeleteIf I can't get it...
ReplyDeleteI'LL PRINT IT!
Me want, Me want so much. I would gladly buy a print of that.
ReplyDeleteI do love that Lyra and Bon-Bon are next to each other, looking at each other too. It's even got Rocky.
Epic pony poster is epic.
ReplyDelete>colgate and OPPP together. "okay, whateve-"
ReplyDelete>lyra and bonbon exchanging glances. "THEY KNOW!"
Oh, man. All the want in the world.
ReplyDeleteAwesome! Shame I wont get one but I love the little nods to the fandom. And @Anonymous the grey guards are seen in the intro just before Trollestia receives the pic of Twilight and her friends
ReplyDeleteDinky is the only thing that could make this better.
ReplyDeletelarger file download link :
I literally can't find a character that's missing...
ReplyDeleteLints-a-Lot is there...
Both types of royal guard...
Even the Shadowbolts.
Ridiculously awesome.
I don't see the janitor/Hayseed.
ReplyDeleteTragedy struck this morning at Pony Picture Day. Ponyville was destroyed by a Hydra while everyone who could possibly stop it was posing.
ReplyDeleteDang, although you'd probably not wanna give one of these up...
ReplyDelete...imagine what they'd sell for if someone puts it on e-Bay.
ReplyDeleteOkay! I'll get your info after I get the poster.
ReplyDeleteNew on my wall ^^!
who is the pegasus pony above Big Mac?
ReplyDeleteShe is a very common backgrounder that just nobody seemed to pay much attention too. Most prominent during the baked bads incident, and the one that told Dash about Ditzy Doo going the wrong way in Winter Wrap Up.
Best poster ever of all time.
ReplyDeleteDistinct lack of this grape pony:
I need to move to America, you have all the good stuff.
ReplyDeleteI'll pay anyone who can get me one of these!
So who do you think is flying the balloon back there??
ReplyDeleteDo want! But can't haz
ReplyDeleteOh well maybe next time.
If there are any Comic-Con bronies out there, could you please pick me up one? I'll buy it for $100 plus shipping, I need this poster so badly.
ReplyDeleteHoly night, are you the creator of the poster?! Take ALL OF MY MONEY!!
It's missing a Wonderbolt...
ReplyDeletewheres caramel?
ReplyDeleteDarn it me living in Mexico at the moment.
ReplyDeleteIt figures. The first Comic-Con in 21 years I can't afford to go to (lost my job last month) has a freebie I really, really want.
ReplyDeleteI'll be trying my best to get as many as I can for you guys!
Unfortunately, that means no promises. They are limited, after all.
I long for the days of a I could go to friggin' Comicon and get this POSTER!
ReplyDeleteI am a low-key brony who owns no merchandise but for this sweet gem, I'd paste it on my wall for all neighsayers to see!
Needs moar Dinky but.
ReplyDeleteALL OF MY MONEY!!!
ReplyDeleteI'll be your best friend.
Or pay for shipping.
Either one's good.
Guys, I absolutely want this in my room. So whoever has access to a massive scanning device, let us have th hi-res of this beauty ASAP ^^
ReplyDeleteHave fun at the Comic-Com!1
Nayuki, you're a true bronie hero!
ReplyDeleteI wonder what brony will be awesome enough to get an HD scan suitable for wall prints?
Why hello, new addition to my wallpaper collection! I am so glad Windows 7 lets me automatically rotate wallpapers.
ReplyDeleteThink about it. This is COMIC-CON, the fanboy central of the year.
ReplyDeleteIt's a given if there were ponies in it, Hasbro would have given a massive shout-out to the brony peripheral demographic rather than their usual "little filly" fanbase. In short, don't expect them to do more obvious merchandise towards us. This is just because it's Comic-Con.
Now, to revert to my squee mode:
ReplyDeleteIf you could get some it would be so appreciated you have no idea, thanks for trying to help out your fellow bronies! Also, if it costs anything at their booth I'll stack that on my $100 offer, so you won't have to pay a thing!
I would definitely pay for one of these. How much, I'm not sure. I wish I just had the money to head out to San Diego, but school payments screw with me.
ReplyDelete......Excuse me, I need to go buy an overnight ticket to San Diego.
ReplyDeleteI would say they should've sent a poet to describe the beauty of this poster, but I don't think they can find one that could do it justice.
Can someone grab me one and I'll buy it!!! Seriously!!
ReplyDeleteHoly shit, this poster rules! I wonder how Hasbro will react to all the Bronies at Comic-Con?
ReplyDeleteOh the fates of being far away and being under aged with little money.
ReplyDeleteAlso, i call someone is gonna try to get more than 1 copy,a large amount of people are gonna be depressed and about 80% of the people who will get the posters will lament how the accidentally crumple their poster in some way.
So you guys better be extra careful and quickly get a frame for it before something happens.
@Thanks, Nayuki!
ReplyDeleteYou did a beautiful job, especially under what I imagine was a tight deadline. (I’m a professional graphic designer myself, so I know all about that!) If you missed a character here or there, I’m sure anybody with a grain of sense will forgive you. And the nods to fan conceptions of the minor characters is indeed appreciated, especially the understated way you handled it.
I don’t know if anyone else noticed the subtle light and dark auras around Celestia and Luna—but I did. Nice touch!
Also, if you’re the person who provided the JPEG-image link, thanks again. I grabbed it (of course!), converted it to TIFF, and changed the resolution to 300 ppi. It is, of course, much smaller that way, but should print up as a nice little postcard-size image suitable for framing.
—Dave Bryant
So very awesome. This is the first time I really wanted a poster. Too bad I live on the other side of the world.
ReplyDeleteThis......THIS...IS AMAZING.
ReplyDeleteEvery character is there, everyone...(well, expect the dragons, but that's beyond forgivable compared to the charac. that showed up)
So...anypony who happens to get one of these at Comic-con, wanna trade for my kidney? I am dead serious XD Well, not really :(
Here's hoping they'll have it at NYC comic-con. I better get tickets if they aren't sold out yet!
@ZAquanimus possibly because Luna is already there...I Suppose they don't consider the shadowbolts part of her transformation
ReplyDelete11 AM Anon:
ReplyDeleteAgreed. It's also important to know just how big it's going to be to prevent any crumpling or tearing. Especiall of so many scrolls of it.
Which brings up the next point: How many posters would Hasbro have at their booth? Let's hope quite a lot as many would end up taking more than one...
Sucks to live in the Midwest sometimes. The good cons occur everywhere else. *sulk*
ReplyDeleteGod I love this poster. Especially because lovely Luna and sweet Celestia share equal status. And Spike is mooning over Rarity (cute!) And Rainbow Dash is raring for action. And Dr. Whooves!!!!!
ReplyDeleteactually, in interviews, they have stated they are working on brony oriented merch.
ReplyDeleteLike I said, I'll try my best!
ReplyDeleteThis drove me nuts to the point of having to consult the FiM wiki. Apparently her name's Rainbow Day. She's the one that suggested Rarity enter the best young flyer competition.
Holy friggin' karp! They've even got Pokey! /)(^ε^)(\
ReplyDeleteHow the heck can Luna and the Shadowbolts be in the same picture? :-P
ReplyDeleteIt was stated in the link that there are only 5000 prints of this poster. As for the size, it should be around 11x17 inches.
Ah, the rest of the Apple Family is missing. D:
ReplyDeleteNot even Caramel's in there.
Great poster would be epic if twist wasn't in it, J/K.
ReplyDeleteursa major?
ReplyDeleteAwesome, I live near San Diego!
ReplyDelete*Realizes SDCC is this week, when I'm nowhere near San Diego*
...Maybe it's time I get an eBay account.
ReplyDeleteApparently, as the months have gone by and the fan response has grown, ponies have infiltrated more and more of Hasbro’s booth planning until they have relegated everything else to the sidelines!
—Dave Bryant
I effing love this, i need this poster!!
ReplyDeleteAnd notice anything different? No godawful vectors were used =D
And indeed, Bloomberg is missing =(
Glad to see Carrot Top there, but I'm a little surprised she's not next to Derpy.
ReplyDeleteWho else heard the squ~eak sound when they looked at Colgate?
You dont have the right to talk about octavia cereal. you sick fucking bastard. I hope you die for what you've done
ReplyDeleteI can't travel that far to get one.. well, it could be wor-NO IT COULDN'T
ReplyDeleteWell, it's good to see some of the guards got out, anyway. Poor buggers do nothing all day but stand around looking intimidating.
ReplyDeleteOkay, so it's an easy paycheck, but still...
O my gosh! Want! but can't have! ;_;
I always wondered if MLP workers checked out ED. Continue what you are doing because whatever it is, I'm in love with. Thank you so much.
P.S. Was that enough sucking up for a free poster?
I have a question
ReplyDeleteWhere's Waldo?
Want so bad. Sigh, I hate being underage.
ReplyDeleteAlso, zooming in on the balloon, Twilight must have a cloning spell. (no really, it's definitely a purple unicorn, with what appears to be Twi's hairstyle)
Next season begins with a shot of this poster zooming towards the balloon...the S2 villains are inside.
ReplyDeleteFandom explodes.
Also, Owlowiscious' pose hints at him becoming Luna's pony pet, which would make him amazing in my eyes.
Oh, anon! You cheered me up :hug: ^^
ReplyDeleteI lol'd at the way Lyra and Bon-Bon are grinning and looking at each other.
ReplyDeleteI'm also intrigued by the absence of Nightmare Moon. Going by that "There's a pony for that" commercial, it seemed like they were suggesting Nightmare Moon was a completely separate entity from Luna ("princess-napping").
If someone would be so kind as to grab one for me, I'd eagerly pay the cost of the poster plus shipping 'n' handling! :oD
ReplyDelete...I think you mean that NMM isn't there because the Shadowbolts ~ARE~ NMM. Even an Eldretch Abomination Soul Parasite from beyond Time and Space can only stretch the laws of physics so far.
You guys better grab me one of these
ReplyDeleteIt looks like they've just re-used Twilight and Spike in the balloon from some promotional stuff. I couldn't find the correct image, but this gives a pretty good idea:
The artifacts really distort it though. Maybe it's clearer on the actual thing?
I'm REALLY impressed by all the side and background characters included (there are even some BG characters I don't think have gotten any attention from us). This is pretty great, wish I had one. :(
ReplyDeleteWhat makes you so special? :D
I said earlier that I'd try my best to get some for people here.
ReplyDeleteThat looks more like some sort of Racoon-fox thing and maybe twilight with green curly hair and glasses...
Maybe these are characters from season two?
ReplyDeleteI can assure you it isn't Twilight and Spike in the Balloon. I had fun adding it in, and hope that it's still small enough on the poster to keep you all guessing.
ReplyDeleteWhen did they ever suggest such a thing?
NMM "Napped" Celestia, it's not like she was doing nothing on purpose -.-
Once again, living in the uk is the cause of all my problems. Guess I'll just have to settle for the jpeg of this so very awesome poster...
ReplyDeleteThe gray unicorn guards have been in an episode; they were in Twilight's flashback in "The Cutie Mark Chronicles"
ReplyDeleteThank you, Nayuki! You are amazing for doing this. :D
They are aware, oh yes, so very, very, aware. They didn't even make the faux pas of not putting Lyra and Bon Bon together, which I know my ever-unrelenting eyes first looked for. Anyone else love the interaction between Mr. and Mrs. Cakes? :P
ReplyDeleteIf someone picked a poster up for me, I'd pay for shipping and I'll pay you extra just for picking one up for me!
ReplyDeleteHelp a Brony out!
This is amazing. Like, I have no words. Absolutely nothing to say other than that this is literally the most amazing thing I have seen all day.
ReplyDeleteTo anyone coming to Comic-Con. All of my hate. ALL OF IT.
HeyheyheyHEY. Leave poor Ditzy alone!
ReplyDeleteHmm is it those guard dogs from "the dog and pony show"?
Hmm no that can't be.. they're not the same colour, but they have the same hat... if those are hats... darn it's too small to see.
@Anonymous Um, Celestia?
ReplyDeleteAnyway, any chance the creator could get us a version without so much jpeg noise? It's particularly noticeable around the logo.
Oh God I want that poster so much. O.O
ReplyDeleteIf somepony makes a vector of this I will give them all of my money.
ReplyDeleteIt must be season 2 ponies! I'm calling it.
Now you can test your knowledge as well!
No world can describe how much i want this.
ReplyDeleteBut unfortunately i don't live in the USA so getting this is nearly impossible.
I'm kinda sad to see Derpy kinda off away from the other background ponies, but at least she gets to hang out with the Wonderbolts.
ReplyDeleteI think the only thing that could make this image more epic is Dinky, preferably next to Derpy.
Also, for that purple pegasus next to Rose and Mac, does she have a fanon name? I know I've seen her in show before and the one who gave us the name Ditzy Do, but does she herself have a name?
perhaps some brony should set up a buddy website wherin anybody going to comic-con can take up requests from bronies that can't make it.
ReplyDeleteLooks that I have to take a journey to San Diego
ReplyDeleteDude, Applejack's smirk is right up there. So awesome. I also enjoy how Steven Magnet still has Rarity's tail as his mustache :D
ReplyDeleteOh man that is such a sweet poster. :D
ReplyDeleteI... I wish I could go to Comic-Con. QQ
My heart is now filled with fanboyish glee. <3
ReplyDeleteCan't make it to San Diego. Most likely won't be able to buy it from ebay or something either. *sigh* Oh well. Simply seeing them all together like this is still so awesome! <3
Hmmm. I don't see Cloudkicker. She must be in the balloon.
ReplyDeleteYES! I'm going!!!
ReplyDeleteDamn. I'm going to be there but Im a guard for the con. Won't be able to pick it due to rules against accepting bribes from vendors an exhibiters. NOOOOOOOOO!
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome. I'll probably have to settle for a high resolution electronic version of it though *sigh*.
ReplyDeleteAlso should I be worried that I can name all but two of the characters in this poster by memory?
Seriously, SOMEONE GET ME ONE OF THESE! I'll pay you good if you do.
ReplyDeleteI love how Lily, Daisy and Rose are looking at the cockatrice. You just know they're itching to cry "THE HORROR"
ReplyDeleteI forgot to mention... Colgate's smile. Man, that face. Colgate is now best pony. Forever.
ReplyDeletewhat has two thumbs and a new desktop background?
ReplyDeleteThis brony right here
This is amazing, they really do have everyone! Pokey, the cockatrice, Steven Magnet, everyone! But the Great and Powerful Trixie is missing her stuff.
ReplyDeleteJust adding my voice to the large choir of other proclaiming 1) How awesome that poster is and 2) how much I am saddened by the fact that I am nowhere close to San Diego.
ReplyDeleteAwesome, awesome stuff. All of the details, all the characters... This was a ridiculously amazingly excellent way to start the day (wake up, boot up PC, go to EqD, see this as the top entry, MIND IS BLOWN AWAY!)
The amount of want I have must be expressed in increments of infinity.
ReplyDeleteRainbow Day is the only pony I had to look up.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy about Octavia showing up, as well as Lyra and Bon Bon exchanging their little glance. So adorable.
That is obviously Pinkie Pie in the balloon. Remember she was flying one in fall weather friends?
ReplyDeleteI don't know who is with her though...
OMG! i want this so badly..
ReplyDeleteRainbow Day
She suggested Rarity enters the best young flyers competition and has appeared in the background numerous other times in various eps. She is probably the biggest BG pony with the smallest amount of fanon, she's been practically ignored. :(
PS: I love the exchange between Mr & Mrs Cake, very sweet :)
ReplyDeleteI cant help but look at this poster and smile thanks for your hard work!
There are so many details on this that I love. But I'm sure you'll notice that Twilight is front and center and right next to her is Applejack. Applejack is basically second in command of the Element of Harmony Squad, guys.
ReplyDeleteLyra and Bon Bon together, Dr. Hooves, and Derpy! None of those characters have had a single line, so now I completely believe that they know about the fandom!
ReplyDeleteGuess who's going to Comic Con and lives in San Diego....This Pony!!!
ReplyDeleteThe people in the balloon are gonna end up being a new race or something.
ReplyDeleteLyra and Bon Bon together, Dr. Hooves, and Derpy! None of those characters have had a single line, so now I completely believe that they know about the fandom!
ReplyDeleteOh and Octavia too! X)
ReplyDeleteMy sister's going to Comic-Con, so I'm hoping she can pick one up for me.
ReplyDeleteparasprite eating phoenix which i dont remenber the name, ANYONE????
My money is on Twilight's parents being in the balloon.
ReplyDeleteAugh! I would do pretty much anything I can to get one of these. :(
ReplyDeleteoh man..i want one of these so badly! I'll be willing too pay 100 for one! Maybe more, i really want this!
ReplyDeleteNayuki, thank you for this poster. This is very awesome thing, and I'm sure everyone will agree of that. You guys are doing amazing job.
ReplyDeleteJust BTW, I can't count that many fandoms that have their authors openly discussing with their fans. Let's take for example Fausten, FIM director and his Twitter, animator who have posted various making-of videos, and I recall hearing background artist's opinion of making this show. You everyone have my biggest respect of that.
ReplyDeleteAnd that's why I hate living in Poland... Somone will have to do a really high resolution scan of this... Please?
Just out of curiosity, anyone know how big the actual poster is?
ReplyDeleteThis is an official poster!? SO AWESOME! EVEN POKEY IS THERE!! AND BERRY PUNCH!! =D
ReplyDeleteI love you Hasbro.
I am now officially sad that I cannot make it to Comic Con :(
ReplyDeleteDr. Whoofs is in the front. They've got plenty of other background ponies mixed in there, but he's in front. He's in front with all the primary speaking parts.
ReplyDeleteYes. Yes yes yes. Hells yes.
I am so jelly.
ReplyDeleteAnd by that previous long post, I meant to say Faust of course. Feeling shame for that typo.
ReplyDeleteI think Hasbro would be making a wise decision if they decided to sell this poster at a later date. I'd happily give 'em my money to get it.
ReplyDeleteToo bad I couldn't get a pass to Comic Con even MONTHS ago. Those passes sell like wildfire.
is it me or is DjPON3, enjoying the wonderbolt back there a bit to much and visa-versa.
ReplyDeleteReaction 1) *fanglee*
ReplyDeleteReaction 2) *realizing I live in the middle of Europe*
Reaction 3) *despair*
Reaction 4) *notice all our favourite background ponies are there and coming to the conclusion Hasbro might be damn well aware of our fandom and what we like*
Reaction 5) *fanglee No.2.*
Reaction 6) I love you all and I'm happy for everypony who is lucky enough to get one of these :)
ReplyDeleteConsidering the person who made the poster had posted a comment about it earlier on the page (scroll up), I'd say they are very, very aware of us. :)