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Behind the scenes would be so amazing. Not to mention the lack of Transformers logos. Confound it Hasbro! Hurry up and take my money!
And with that, we begin a new competition: Design a DVD/Blu-ray Cover!
There are various templates around the internet that you can use, or you can do it the hard way and bust out a case of your own to measure.
The Deadline will be: Wednesday, August 3rd at 11:59 PM
Send an email to [email protected] with DVD COVER in the subject field.
If you need vectors, hit up the MLP Vector Club!
66 kommentaari:
VastaKustuta>Inb4 "Twilight is an unicorn"
VastaKustutatwilight looks like, you know what... im not going there. someone else will
VastaKustuta>inas "Twilight Sparkle is an unicorn pony"
VastaKustutaWhat is this "Twilight is an unicorn" business?
VastaKustutaCounfound it Seth, I saw the pic first, and when I read the title I read 'competition' as 'completion', so I just about shat myself.
VastaKustutaPlease, somepony tell me I'm not the only who thinks that that cover makes it look like Twilight has a tree growing out of her butt....
VastaKustutaOhmigosh, i was in the process of typing a request to have a DVD competition!
VastaKustutaAn anon on Ponychan used two of my vectors without telling me.
VastaKustutaOh well.
W8 a sec wasn't this under the Fluttershy story??
VastaKustutaTypo much? I diddn't know Twilight was "An unicorn."
VastaKustutaWait. Twilight's cutie mark on the side of the case...
If this was the first pony thing i had ever seen i would think fluttershy was athletic,rainbow dash was emo, twilight sparkle was a scaredy pony,and rarity was shy,everything else is pretty much the same.
VastaKustutaAlso: Blame the faulty US education system for teaching students the wrong rule regarding a/an (I didn't know of it until my freshman year of high school when I wanted to write unicorn in a sentence)
VastaKustutaIts going to take a lot of work for somebrony to beat that mockup from a month or so ago using that John Joseco wallpaper image (which is personally my "ideal" cover), but I'm looking forward to the results nonetheless.
VastaKustutaWant Blu-Rays! DVDs.. smaller degree of want. I mean, really, the show's Flash animated, higher-resolution makes it look significantly better!
VastaKustuta.. plus you can fit more bonuses on a BR then a DVD..
Great idea for a contest, Seth! I can hardly wait to see the results.
VastaKustutaRainbow Dash doesn't seem to care for this DVD cover :/
VastaKustutaTee hee. Oh, you!
I don't think I've seen that. Do you have a link to it?
The idea: Brilliant. I surprised there hasn't been dozens of these before this.
VastaKustutaThe execution of it here however... leaves a lot to be desired. It reminds me of something that Hasbro would put out. Granted, I completely lack in artistic abilities myself, so I can't complain too loudly, but I will be eagerly awaiting to see what the community can do with this.
the design is ok but I have to question why twilight is acting scared
VastaKustutaand why is rainbow all like "fuck this shit"
do they not like posing for DvD covers
VastaKustutaIs anyone else kind of disturbed by Celestia's size?
VastaKustutaShe's got to be at least 20 feet tall here.
@Ho oh pono!
VastaKustutaU SUHT UHP
*wishes I had photoshop on laptop*
VastaKustutaI hope they accept not vectors. I would be all over this! I guess PaintTool Sai is the best thing I have right not. Maybe I'll give it a shot if I'm not busy....
All this ponies in this DVD are CRAZY!!!
VastaKustutaRight here.
So... No one else noticed the "Equastria" Girls video?
VastaKustutaI spent an entire year of learning how to use graphics programs and a year of media studies, most of which I still remember how to use, so I'm pretty confident in my chances at winning this, I just have to remember this by the time I wake up tomorrow so it doesn't pass me by.
VastaKustutaAlso I'm thinking of making multiple covers to enter because when most TV shows come out on DVD it's almost never immediately as a boxset, they usually come out in volumes, building up to the boxset.
Bonus features include a soundtrack?
VastaKustuta... This is every Internet I own. You may have them.
Hmm, that could be a fun competition.
VastaKustutaThat DVD cover looks alright. Maybe a little random in pony placement in my opinion for something professional. Plus, yeah, the ponies all seem a bit odd in their moods too. Especially Twi who does look like she has a tree growing out of her butt. lol I didn't notice that until others mentioned it. Hilarious. But I'm sure if this is becoming a competition now, there's going to be a lot of great covers.
Uh... I want my Dash looking more... Dash-like. What's with this "I hate my life" look?
VastaKustutaAnd I'm not touching that Twilight.
I was going to make one anyway since I do that for some series I've downloaded/burnt (I buy them too! I just like my things looking pretty while I await their release) but I don't have much to work with, only open office writer, paint and Paint Tool Sai for some other things.
VastaKustutaI doubt I could get mine as professional as the entries that are bound to show up XD
The official cover should include Derpy. It's a nice shout-out to the bronies without forgetting the core audience.
VastaKustutai must become an her-
an unicorn.
They should make a "Collector's Edition" case that's a replica of the book at the beginning of the pilot. With creator commentary, recording sessions, and much, much more!
VastaKustutaBut...I'm betting that will get as much priority as show-accurate merch.
>An anon over on Ponychan created this.
An unicorn? Equastria? Fridnship Is Mgaicz!!!
VastaKustutaEven ignoring typos, that blurb is way too long-winded and plot-heavy for a DVD case.
VastaKustutaOkay, I know some ponies have a strange attraction to Derpy, but there is NO WAY she should be up there beside Rainbow Dash, who looks appropriately disgusted. Fluttershy should be there! Plus, Twilight looks like she's trying to pass a kidney stone, and Rarity looks embarrassed for her. I declare that DVD cover design to be: Dumbass.
@Lupus Albus
VastaKustutaHave two paragraphs, one with a synopsis, the other with notable cast and crew members (and the other shows they worked on), review blurbs, a subtle reference to bronies, and a corny pun.
Hypothetical bonus features should include interviews with the voice cast and creative team and commentary tracks (if there were a track where voice actresses did commentary in-character that could be really entertaining).
VastaKustutaMe gusta.
VastaKustutaHmm... I'm tempted, if I've time I might do something :)
VastaKustutaWhat are the prizes?
VastaKustutaSubmitted. Just so people can see, here's mine.
VastaKustuta> http://tinyurl.com/3pbs5dg
Tell me what you think, if you wish.
Added to list of artsy things to get done within the next 5 days.
VastaKustuta-Draw Kanye West for a friend
-Do this
Allnighters, here I come. :L
By the way, what's the name of the FiM font?
I'm going to do this, but I feel bad about using other artists' stuff to make it.
VastaKustutaIt's called Celestia Redux, but I think you have to pay $20 for it now.
I dunno, at first glance that DVD cover is quite appealing. We have interesting setting and few awesome visual things (Pinkie). But there are few oddities there. Like giant Celestia, and tree growing from Twilight's arse. And apparently the characters have no shadows there either aside from AJ's ofc. Good job non-the-less, and most definitely on the style most of us would like their DVD covers.
VastaKustutaBut knowing the level of fan arts in the interwebs I know we (and they) could do a lot better (awesome) DVD covers. I'm really looking forward to this contest.
VastaKustutaThe FiM font is Generation B. http://www.fontbros.com/cgi-bin/commerce.cgi?preadd=action&key=HAFO-GENB
Celestia Redux is a different font. It is free, but it is also different (and inferior) to the real font used in Friendship is Magic.
@ Dylia
VastaKustuta>Submitted. Just so people can see, here's mine.
That looks like a real DVD cover. Good job.
VastaKustutaThat's actually not a half-bad idea for a cover. Not going to win, but good for some laughs. I'm not calling it, not good with image editors. They don't like me.
The blurb on the back is really annoying to read. The cover itself is really nice though, I like the Twilight CM on the spine, this can only mean 6 seasons MINIMUM
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaI still got a copy in my email. Probably appropriate that you removed it
whats with twilight?
VastaKustutahow do i Fallow this blog?
I want to enter this, but I cannot, for the deadline is in 2 days....
VastaKustutaInb4 NC-17 ratings across the board.
VastaKustutaI'm legitimately worn out after two days of designing the layouts.
VastaKustutaBoth DVD and Blu Ray submissions can be viewed here: