You like ponies in socks?
I guess I'll compile them for you then!
2 Poor Twilight... Shes stuck
4 I don't usually like Applejack, but when I do, I prefer her in socks.
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5 Fluttershy destroys luna in socks, sorry guys.
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6 Oc pony in socks? Shes kinda cute.
8 The OG BALLER socks image right here.
9 Crossover socks!
10 Neither do I Dash, It's fun to play along though
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11 How much do pony socks cost anyway?
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12 I love this story so much
13 More proof that Fluttershy is the best in socks.
16 Ego in socks!
17 I don't think it works like that...
176 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaLol, sock on a horn! It makes me think of the Brony Review of the 80's movie, My horn itches..
..........this sock thing is getting out of hand
VastaKustutaPonies in Socks.
VastaKustutaSub-Meme in the making? Yes.
This is awesome
VastaKustuta13 is the best. I'm going to have to start keeping a closet full of replacement D'aaaawwww meters.
VastaKustutaPonies in socks is best pony. =P
VastaKustutaBut 8 still makes me d'awww.
VastaKustutaSocks edition? More like X-TREME HNNNNNNG edition.
VastaKustutaWould perhaps be a good idea to also include that newest Nyx pic, just sayin'.
Rarity in socks is cutest lol
VastaKustutasoooooooooooooooooooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!!!!!!!!!
VastaKustutaThere are a couple "Ego in socks" images you missed.
VastaKustutaI died... Twice XP
VastaKustutaPonies in socks - very cute!
Counfound these ponies
VastaKustutaTheir driving me to cuteness
it's random posts likes these that make you epic seth
Manly Squees,dawws,and giggles were had :D
I like this. This is good.
VastaKustutaYou're a cold person if this doesn't overload your cuteness sensor.
"Oh god yes, these ponies in socks are so fucking sexy, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah *splooge*"
VastaKustutaDon't deny it, that's what you just did.
Seth, you are my hero!
VastaKustutaTwo drawfriends in less than 24 hours? I approve!
VastaKustuta@Dave Mustang Where have you been? did you go on Vacation?
VastaKustutaanother reason I fcking Hate you Seth!!!
VastaKustutaand that is all.
I love this trend, so much.
VastaKustutaI started work! I get weekends off though :D
Actually, Fluttershy is the OG socks-pony. I have proof right here.
I wouldn't exactly call myself a Luna fan. But damn does she look awesome in socks.
VastaKustutaThe question isn't why have socks on ponies; it's why NOT have socks on ponies. ;P
VastaKustuta@Anonymous 10:17
VastaKustutaDon't feed the parasprite.
He probably just acts likes this online because in real life he's the guy who gets picked on a lot or suffers a lot of negativity toward and around him and, thus, has low self esteem and has to release his feelings of hurt towards others in the form of perverted phrases on the internet. That's usually how it works.
That or his testosterone is abnomally low so he has to overcompensate.
At any rate, LUNA IN SOCKS!! FREAKIN' CUTEST THING EVER!!! Saved that first Luna picture
The blog can officially end now. My life is complete.
VastaKustutaWe need Sock puns, ASAP.
VastaKustutaYes to all of them XD ~so cute
VastaKustutaI'm none of that. Actually I'm a well known guy here, I'm very infamous. Anyways, how is your sex life?
I guess these ponies will sock it to you...
VastaKustuta@Dave Mustang
VastaKustutaAlways an exception to every rule.
D'awww! But after reading the Butterscotch fanfic I was changed. Forreverrrr!
VastaKustutaMy goodness, this sock meme is bigger than I thought. I'm not a fan of it, but dang it if those filly-in-stocking images aren't the most adorable things I've seen all day, Nyx pics included!
VastaKustutaI love all of these, but my favorite has to be Number 9 just because of the crossover and the Kneesocks name/pun.
VastaKustutaCan you just post all future sock pics in separate drawfriends like this one? And then you can add a "No socks" button like you added a "No fanfiction" button.
VastaKustutaI'm a TF2 player. I see people die around me every day. I have seen heads cut off, people turned into plasma, ripped apart, and anything feasibly possible. I'm also an interveteran. I have seen shock site after shock site after blinding image. Yet, still, my answer to ponies in socks, a direct quote: "SQUEEEEEEEE! SQUEEE! EEE. PONIESINSOCKS! EEEEEE!" Eee.
VastaKustutaMost of the times people who troll lives don't suck, we do it cause it's hilarious to see people overreact to stuff.
VastaKustutait's missing nyx with a sock on her head :( that image made explode and the explode again
VastaKustutaThere is no better way to put it, thank you.
...Actually the Derpy one (#3) is more creepy than cute... *shudder* I hate to say it, but she's too derp-eyed.
VastaKustuta@Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony
VastaKustutahah i think you're the first troll i really like reading the comments he makes dunno why but you always get in everyone's nerves and yeah people often overreact
Omg socks@!
VastaKustutaD'aaawww I love Luna.
VastaKustuta...socks in 7, 10 and 11 be sexy...
And then Seth was banished to a world where socks never existed...
VastaKustutaWhat, no Minty? The pony who canonly collects socks?
VastaKustutaGood, let the lulz flow through you.
I-I don't want to be "that guy", but.....I don't get it.....and apparently 10, 13, and 17 share my confusion to an extent. Honest question: Is it just that they're cute or is this some strange fetish thing?
VastaKustutaCutest drawfriend ever! So much d'awwwwwww was given that day. <3
VastaKustutaSocks Everywhere...
BAKED BADS OF A COCKATRICE!!! The near-blindingly adorable equine bearing cotton-hoofwear invasion has finally begun!
VastaKustutaI warned the world's governments, but how did they respond? They didn't. They were too busy arguing over which pony was best!
Everypony is doomed...Unless! *quietly formulates plan*
If anypony else out there was able to look at the mesmerizing ponies beams of sock-clad cuteness and escape mentally unscathed; prepare yourself for one heck of a hayride. The fate of Equestria hangs in the balance!
Cuteness overload!
Technically your right, but that's assuming her G4 counter-part shares the same hobby.
#17 Sock are fo' yo feet, silly.
VastaKustutaMy horn gets cold at night.
VastaKustutaI dunno why, but ponies in socks is undeniably awesome.
VastaKustutaAlso, Luna in Sock > Fluttershy in Socks. Respect the OG.
Why? Just out of idle curiosity. Is this how sub-memes get started?
VastaKustutaSOCKS! The latest fashion craze in Equestria!
VastaKustuta@Mr. B
VastaKustutaI'm not really well known into details but my guess is that this whole socks thing started out with Luna being the first to be shown wearing socks- #8 if I remember correctly- and from there it became a fetish.
Why socks? I don't know.
This is starting to get outta hand, Pretty soon socks are gonna become a MLP fetish or something.
VastaKustuta@ Satan
VastaKustutaWell gee Satan, I always thought socks can go on your horn instead D:
Best drawfriend ever.
VastaKustutaLike kwj said, why is there no sock Nyx!
VastaKustutaHere I even got the link for you :D
Nyx is best pony now.
@Dave Mustang
VastaKustutaPlease GTFO
The hilarious part in all this is that socks over horse hooves would be so completely unworkable in reality. They'd be ruined in 10 seconds flat.
VastaKustuta#11 - I LOVE that Pinkie's socks don't match! What a perfect detail.
VastaKustuta@Dave Mustang
VastaKustutaI now need a good an through mind wipe
How typical of Pinkie Pie, wearing mismatching socks. XD
VastaKustutaYay, Nyx! :D
VastaKustutaYESSSSS!! Ponies in socks, Love it!
VastaKustutaLooks like we're STOCKING up on pony socks.
Has a fairly large time-fame gap for it to accumulate and become what it is now.
If you read it enough, "sock" becomes a really weird word.
Sockity sock sock.
There's not enough Twilight in socks.
Guys. Really?
VastaKustutanever thought i would be so happy to see socks
VastaKustutaYou forgot Scootaloo
"...I don't usually like Applejack..."
VastaKustutaYou are dead to me, Sugarcube.
2nd season better have socks
VastaKustutaAt least it's not Lingerie
VastaKustuta@Mr. B
VastaKustutaWell if I were to say for me, its because I honestly find ponies in socks to be super cute. Not sure why but they are c: That's why I drew #14
but like most things on the internet, I'm sure its a fetish for someone...
this is the greatest drawfriend ever
VastaKustutaBesocked Nyx ftw.
VastaKustuta*Look at foal Luna in sock... dies from a cardiac arrest fro watching too much cuteness.*
VastaKustuta@_@ X________X
We need Cutimark Crusaders Sock Fashion Models! GO!
VastaKustutaOk, we get it. Everypony is at least 20% cooler in socks.
VastaKustutaCan we stop now! I feel like I'm about to give i-- dawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
could somepony please explain this whole sock thing?
VastaKustutaI don't get it D:
explain concept of socks.
VastaKustutaMy name obligates me to second this motion.
Hilarity ensues when a sock gets stuck on Sweetie Belle's head.
If you have to ask what the appeal is, you'll never understand.
VastaKustutaI can honestly say I laugh and d'aww every time I see #1. Every (period) time (period).
VastaKustuta!!! HNNGGGGGGGGGG *dies*
VastaKustutaAs Richard Nixon famously put it, "Sock it to me!"
VastaKustutaTime for a new internet rule? "If it exists, it can wear socks, no exceptions"
The cuteness! Aaaah! It burns with sugar and fire!
VastaKustutaMy Blood is now SUGAR!
VastaKustutaReminds me of a time as a kid, when I used to put socks on my hands.
VastaKustutai like women in long boots.. but ponies in socks? I CAME BUCKETS
VastaKustutaThis beats ponies in undergarments by a long run.
VastaKustutaexcellent, now that Nyx has socks, she can officially be in the running for best pony! she is the greatest OC pony to ever exist!
VastaKustutaMy face when I wrote an OC story about a pony in socks before anypony started drawing these.
VastaKustutaI'm... I'm having some severe heart problems right now. This is so overwhelmingly adorable I can't stand it.
VastaKustuta#9) Now I have a mental image of Luna and Celestia yelling "RRRUUURRRUUUU" over and over =P
VastaKustuta#18: D'awwwwwwwwwwww
VastaKustutaNyx is best OC pony ever. I think she goes into my top pony tier with Twilight Sparkle and Fluttersy. We need even more art of her! The scene where she is walking back to the library from the Learn and Play Day while playing the kazoo in particular demands illustration.
Um... not to be a bother, but where did the luna/ponies in socks fad come from? I understand the hype given the adorableness and all, but what was the origin picture/post?
VastaKustutaSOCK NYX.
VastaKustutaBEST PONY.
#5 OH GOD...
VastaKustutaI think i just came...
VastaKustutaWe kept Luna up for hours on drawball. She was tiny, but that made her extra cute, easier to hide from the trolls, and easy to repair... Until a troll took her out with a big fat scribble of white.
Luna in socks is best pony. LunaShy in socks is deadly cute... You Will LOVE THEM!!! This must happen. Casualty lists and dawwverflows be damned!
What have I done???
NYX IN SOCK?! her D'aww levels are... *head as-plodes*
VastaKustutaNapa: I think it's over some really high number that can't be measured by the human brain!
You know, out of all the memes that come out of this fandom, I think I like this one the best. Its completely silly but just so cute.
VastaKustutaI have a permanent tab on my browser just for the Woona in sock pic now.
VastaKustutaWow, people really like their ponies in socks, don't they?
VastaKustutaIts times like these that make me wonder just how long ago I sacrificed the remaining tattered shreds of my masculinity to these ponies.
VastaKustutaThen, I look at woona in socks, and wonder why I didn't do it earlier.
WHY DO I LIKE THIS SO MUCH... THIS IS EVEN STRANGER THAN WHEN I WAS IN MY DENIAL... wait... I skipped the denial phase... so I guess this is kind of like being in the denial phase... but I like this too... I don't know what to say. :/
VastaKustutaOk I may be a die hard Twilight Sparkle fan, but Damnit! Luna is uber cute here.
VastaKustutaNice post! I like luna, fluttershy and rarity the most! lol
VastaKustutaHonestly, I think this socks thing is a little forced. It's not even that cute.
VastaKustutaMaybe it's a fetish, you never know.
^ oh but it IS that cute. maybe YOU just have a fetish for NOT ponies in socks.
VastaKustutaanyway, best drawfriend post of all time
This is all cool and all but I don't see the point... oh god why is Nyx wearing a sock on her head? That's just too cute.
VastaKustutaPonies in socks....:) Definitely gonna start drawing that!
VastaKustutaNyx in socks. Why must the world torture me so? That hurts to look at...
VastaKustuta4. Stay classy, my friend.
VastaKustutaI dont know what to think about this... but my daw sense is tingling!
VastaKustutanyx is socks was the most HHNNNNNGGGGGG for we need nightmare moon is socks!
VastaKustutaThis socks!
VastaKustutaMinty is invading G4? Good thing or bad thing?
VastaKustuta10 needs coloring.
Hey! Dave's back!
VastaKustuta@Dave Mustang
Hi Dave, I missed you and your trollish ways, always good for a chuckle.
VastaKustutaHey guys, Father Adam Blade from that manga series, Needless, just contacted me... he says he's a brony now!
VastaKustutaCuteness overload D:
VastaKustutaSocks are cool and all, but I'm not really sure why people like this so much. To me it's not really any more cute than other fanart.
VastaKustutaWhere did this meme-ish thing come from?
VastaKustutaMore of Fluttershy is socks, plz.
VastaKustutamy head exploded about 30 times from the cuteness.
VastaKustutaI just found that Ponies in Socks has a page on Know Your Meme:
VastaKustutaP.S.: I loved Nyx in socks.
I need more Rainbow Dash in socks.
VastaKustutaThat is just too cute.
Seeing all these ponies in socks...kinda makes me want to sing.
VastaKustuta//They can be plain or fancy
They can be short of long
The simple white kind
The glow-by-night kind
With socks you can't go wrong!//
...okay, I'll stop.
For everyone asking where this began, there was a post about pony socks in the Target dollar aisle a while back in a nightly roundup. Then, image 8 showed up in a drawfriend. It had Luna wearing the socks with Celestia on them, and I guess the rest sprouted out from there.
VastaKustutaOG Baller Sock Luna (Seth, this should be an official title) first appeared in Drawfriend 120:
VastaKustutaAnd again on Nightly roundup 27 as the theme.
VastaKustuta"Soon, my plans for world conquest will be realized and no pony will be able to resist.. THE SOCK!
Gnng... stupid sock, HOW DO I PUT YOU ON!?"
OMG, LUNA/FLUTTERSHY in socks is the cutest thing ever.
VastaKustutaMy comment was deleted? O.O apparently my NYX IN SOCK! with d'aww levels too high for a human brain to process, leading to much head explodings, and a certain bald Saiyan commenting on high numbers was not loved or tolerated?
VastaKustutaI ain't mad, just sad =_=
NYX IN SOCKS IS BEST OC EVAR! *head as-plodes*
VastaKustutaYou mean this comment?
VastaKustutai am 18 and i declare this mi anty-drug!!
VastaKustutahell YHEA!!
I don't care what you guys say. luna in socks is the best. fluttershy in socks just doesn't do it for me.
VastaKustutaequestriadaily just got 20% cuter
VastaKustutai have the wingest boner
VastaKustutaOther than 2, 3, and 15
VastaKustutanumber 9 is my fav
You know how prisoners and mobsters and such sometimes fill socks with soap or coins and beat people with them so there's no obvious weapon after the deed is done?
VastaKustuta#3 had me imagining some hitman swinging a sock full of filly Derpy and hitting a guy, but because we all know ponies are part-marshmallow, filly Derpy just lightly squishes and makes a squeaky noise on each impact. And then filly Derpy starts giggling inside the sock because getting swung around is really fun and she doesn't get it. And then the hitman gets frustrated and swings faster and there's this constant stream of giggles and squeaky sounds and then he finally gives up and lets the guy go and goes home to rethink his life. And then filly Derpy curls up in the abandoned sock and falls asleep.
...This is your brain on ponies.
Nyx in socks... to soon :'(
VastaKustutaNyx wearing a sock on her head just exploded my d'awww meter. I repaired it, but I left the pic on my screen, and when I switched it on to test it, it exploded again.
VastaKustutaNyx is best filly. Hasbro should really jump on that and make an MLP:FiM movie of 'Past Sins'. I would DEFINITELY pay to see that.
I don't get it . . .
VastaKustutaI want Bloomberg in socks. Now.
VastaKustutaEmo pony, win.
VastaKustutaI just don't get it. Why the hell do socks suddenly have this kind of power? One day, there's a picture of Luna in socks, and all of a sudden we're all reduced to babbling lunatics by some unknown d'aaw factor. Before, I never gave socks a second thought. I still don't, but for some reason these pictures are adorable. WHYYYYY?
VastaKustutaSocks do not work that way. Good night!
Cookie for those who get the reference, but seriously that is too cute.
Ok this needs to stop. This is entering the level of furry-ness.
VastaKustutaSeth. you too need to calm down.
no. 17: Luna wears protection?
VastaKustutaLuna in socks = Dawww
VastaKustutaEverypony else in socks = meh.
Luna socks dawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww(w's reach the moon)
VastaKustutaOther ponys ugh
Gah, my heart, the too much!