I can't put this into words edition. Seriously.. What is going on here? I love Twilight Sparkle, but seeing this come at me would be absolutely terrifying.
Anyway I missed yesterday, things are getting pretty crazy right now!
Have a really large drawfriend post!
Source 1 Moe
Source 2 Moe
Source 3 Moe
Source 4
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Source 7
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Source 9
Source 10
Source 11 moe
Source 12 cerebro
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Source 22
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Source 25
Source 26 Tess
Source 27
Source 28
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Source 31
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Source 33
Stupid mayor..
Source 34
Source 35
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Source 38
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Source 43
Source 44
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127 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaAmazing first pic
VastaKustutaLyra looks very happy in #9
VastaKustutaDitto derp.
VastaKustutaWow; there is not a single picture in this drawfriend that I can not give a healthy round of applause to
VastaKustutad'awwwwww @7
VastaKustutaawwwwwwwwwww kawaii! @26
That is the best Twilight pillow armada in the history of Twilight pillow armadas
VastaKustutaI did email this to you, but it was just an attachment, so this is probably more useful.
VastaKustuta31 & 37 yes yes..yeeeeesssss
VastaKustutaEpic edition Seth. I like Leon and Twilight in their fight pose, the Harry Potter parody thing, all of Moe's and Joseco's work, and that #12.
VastaKustutaOr, instead of Epic edition, bonding time edition, with the number of Celestia and NMM/Luna pics near the middle.
#28 Are legs supposed to bend that way?
VastaKustutaI never posted this before, but
VastaKustutadawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww @ 7
That is the single most adorable thing I've seen in this fandom so far. And given we're talking about My little Pony here that says something...
The Twilight October has surfaced! Prepare to fire!
VastaKustutaOh yeah, and Lunavia. THE non-existent ship.
moe is my new god
VastaKustuta#14 is awesome!
VastaKustutaCan't believe I forgot to add the link -_-'
All of these are amazing.
VastaKustutaFavs are 7 and 26.
That first picture has me...baffled.
VastaKustuta#2, 3, and 11 are some awesome work. Love the painting like look of those.
Yay. So much coolness.
VastaKustutaWho cares. #28 is ridiculously cute. I think I have a cavity
Who is that next to the emperor in pic #43?
VastaKustutaI don't really post much pencil stuff.
Moe is amazing.
VastaKustutaAlso, Lunavia equals ungodly amounts of Yes.
VastaKustutaBetter watch out Dash beause your a flying type & chances are with your friends being electric type that they might know some electric type moves.
Why does #38 look so familiar? It looks all the world like it is referencing something I've seen before, but I can't place it (and the DA page doesn't mention anything).
VastaKustutaSpike looks like an old man with glasses on.
VastaKustuta#37 YYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ponygasem of unparallel size just occurred.
VastaKustutaFIRST... naw jk.
VastaKustuta#26 Nightmare Moon pouting with angry ice cream cone lick is funny.
VastaKustutaReports show that Celestia's initial attempts at quelling Nightmare Moon were as basic as they were effective for many years.
1,2 and 3 just... amazing.
VastaKustutaShould've been called Grown Up Spike edition.
VastaKustutaSeriously, I was running across a lot of that in this drawfriend
VastaKustutaOh well. Thanks for having a look though.
#1 Meanwhile, in my head...
VastaKustutaI just have to say, Exdeath Fluttershy in #36 is the best thing ever.
VastaKustuta#42 was posted in a previous draw friend
VastaKustutaThat first pic...I wish I had that as a painting to put up in my room. It is so surreal and perfect.
VastaKustutamoe is so talented! Is he trying to make Twilight narwhals? lol.
VastaKustutaI hate to say I don't get #4 :/
#1 Twilight Narwhal?
VastaKustuta#37 .... O_O awesome....
VastaKustutaSo what happened to all the Sauce? You guys just not posting that anymore?
'nough said
VastaKustutaKloudmutt was pretty much the only person creating the stuff that was borderline enough to be posted.
28 is so "Daaaaaaaaaaww"
VastaKustuta37--No, Twilight! Of all the douchebags in the Final Fantasy series!
9--What's that big goofy grin on Lyra's face for?
3--Griffin Riders of Pernyville?
8--Cutie Mark Crusaders Coal Miners. Funny. I was JUST watching Stare Master earlier today.
16--So conflicted. One part of my body is telling me to stare at her eyes. The other, her plot.
#21 You get that owl Spike!!
VastaKustutaYou gotta love #26. Favorite drawfriend yet!
VastaKustuta41 & 42
VastaKustutaPokemon + Ponies are like the best combo ever
Looks like the Nightmare Heresy is in full swing in #43, there. I share Sangwhinnius' concern.
VastaKustuta#41 *Balloons detected. Inserting positive comment here.*
VastaKustutaThat first pic... I... I have no words...
VastaKustutaExcept that it'd go really nicely with some epic marching music.
Number 37 was the best one here, and one of the best pictures I have seen in awhile. Thank God. :3
VastaKustuta1 and 21... I have never laughed so hard.
VastaKustutaAnd for #33, I believe you mean stupid SEXY Mayor. :V
I was going to comment on them individually, but there's so many awesome ones in this edition.
VastaKustuta#42 She wants to be the very best. Like no one ever was.
VastaKustuta#32 is a picture made for the fanfic "It's Dangerous Business, Going Out Your Front Door" if I'm not mistaken. It's beautiful, and you can tell by the Gildedale(abc?) insignia on the flank.
VastaKustutaRe: 31 & 37- Frack. Yeah.
VastaKustuta>Fluttershy as Exdeath
Oh God, I lol'd so hard.
Seth. my friend did 34
he also did a few request from me(AJ, Dash and fluttersjy in pjs). dude awesome!
Number 37 just became my fav pic of Twilight Sparkle. Figures that Squall is a Brony.
VastaKustutaI am officially dubbing this Drawfriend "Pokemoe Edition".
VastaKustutaArgue and be shot with a healthy dose of friendship.
VastaKustutaOh, hay Ray
Another great group of pics =D
VastaKustutaoh, and #5... your almost begging someone to write a fic titled that(if they haven't already, I can't be sure there isn't already that fic) xD
VastaKustuta@Sethisto seth, i whole heartily agree with that inspiring first comment.
VastaKustuta@Torrential Rains
VastaKustutaWell, Sethistroll knows his stuff
VastaKustutaMakes me wonder if it means cute-moe as well as being a name.
Also, already had 42 in a draw friend, I think
#1's petty weird, but moe's still awesome.
VastaKustutaalso wtf is #43 a crossover with?
I remember seeing a color version of #43 on Know your meme.
VastaKustutaWow there is so much here. I immediately d'awwed when I saw #34. But so much amazing stuff here.
VastaKustutaIt's a group of Twilight Ness Monsters.
13 has to be one of the most adorable things I have ever seen
VastaKustutaWell, since no one else said it. . .
Oh and #28, D'awwwwwwwwwww!
VastaKustuta#7 is sad to me... I mean, I'm pretty sure Rarity just wants that fuckhuge pile of gems, and spike thinks she's sincere. And Rarity is my favorite pony.
VastaKustutaMy, my, my, my, my, my, my, my ,my ,my my, my, my, my, my, my, my ,my ,my my, my, my, my, my, my, my ,my ,my my, my, my, my, my, my, my ,my ,my...
VastaKustuta#32 EPIC WIN glidale armour <3
VastaKustuta#7 It is just all I imagined. Kudos to the creator.
VastaKustuta#1 - The UTSR has dispatched their submarines of the coast of Lunagrad.
VastaKustuta#28 - mom!Celestia is my favorite Celestia.
21 - MLP has plot for da ladies too!?!
VastaKustutaSpike tryin' to buff up for Rarity with Owl boxing. I guess fighting is magic!
First off, anything by moe is awesome.
VastaKustuta#7 - What a happy old couple, I dawwed.
#12 - See above comment re moe, it applies here too
#26-28 - Love em! Especially 28, its adorable
#34 - Also adorable
Great drawfriend overall!
I cracked up at 21, is that bad?
VastaKustuta#2 - My favorite pic :3
VastaKustuta#30 - Wait, Spike has no wings :p
#37 - That guy has a pistol that shoots knives?
#44 - :3
Once again, why just the names and no LINK?!
VastaKustuta# 5 D’awww
VastaKustuta# 15 Good lord, Pinkie figured out how to craft dynamite... Nowhere is safe.
# 36 I like Rarity in this one.
# 39 That looks like so much fun.
There are some really epic pics in there!
VastaKustutaI like Rarity and Spike Canon couple. EPIC WORDS FOR EPIC DRAWFRIEND!!! ...and some exclamations.
VastaKustutaDude, seriously, Moe.
VastaKustuta1)Get a deviantart account (I'd settle for any other site, too, actually)
2)Upload your stuff to it.
3) Make the world 20% better
# 1 my new wallpaper 10 seconds flat
VastaKustutaThat game Derpy is so cool.
VastaKustutaThe first 3 are great too.
What up with TNT Pie?
VastaKustutaEven if it isn't yet, IT IS NOW.
VastaKustutasomething about #7 i find really cute
VastaKustutaCreepy first pic indeed... Great drawfriend nonetheless!
VastaKustuta32- Awesome artwork for the best fic ever? OMIGOSH HELL YEAH!!!!!
VastaKustutadat 21!!
VastaKustutaI liked a lot of them, but #43 amused me the most. I remember having that conversation with someone recently about 40k :P
VastaKustutaHowever, my favorite Muffin Princess is the one to make my desktop this go-round, #44.
#2 Needs to be the picture attached to the fan fiction story "Blood, Sweat and Tears" by Somber; someone please make that happen.
VastaKustuta@D'Artagnan Rossfeld
VastaKustutaWarhammer 40k. In the grim darkness of the future, there is only war. And ponies.
On to my comments:
#7: Aww.... old Rarity makes me sad. But this is cute at the same time...
#23: Falcon PAWNCH!
#24: I know that's supposed to be Doctor Whoof, but it totally looks like Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney.
#26: I don't know what's going on here, and I'm not sure I care.
#28: Sleepy Twilight is the cutest Twilight.
#32: Oooh, AJ's Gildedale armor? That is AWESOME.
#34: Once again, sleepy twilight is the cutest twilight.
Someone finally drew Fluttershy as ExDeath. My life is complete.
VastaKustutaAt first I "Teehee d'aww"
#21 It looks like Owlowiscious just got "Spiked"!
VastaKustutaWow... Moe sure has a thing for the Epic setting...
VastaKustuta#15: Celestia save us all.
VastaKustutaAll great pics! #2 is breathtaking :D
VastaKustutaI'm surprised I appear to be the only one who thinks 21 makes Spike appear... feminine.
VastaKustutaYeah, it does make him look kinda feminine.
VastaKustutaWhy does #26 amuse me so much?
VastaKustutatoo much awesome- lost count of awesome. drumk. yaaaay pon3333
VastaKustuta#7 It all makes sense :O
VastaKustutaPo - neeeee
VastaKustutaWho the hay is the Moe, why can't I find his page, why are his pictures so awesome !!!
I have no idea what's going on in #1, but it may be the most awesome thing I've ever seen.
VastaKustuta14-just adorable! Awwrr... there are just so many cute ones in this Drawfriend
VastaKustuta17-Squee! Flutterdraws are so cute
19-just spent a day at the shore and this makes me happy! Derpy and Dinky are so precious.
27&28-I would give my right ring finger to get tucked in by Tia. My left ring finger to get tucked in and snuggle with her.
39-Maybe the cliffdiving has my adrenaline flowing, but I would sooooo cloudsurf. That seems ridiculously awesome.
30 is so goddamn true xD
VastaKustutaAlso, look at #1 while listening to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V92OBNsQgxU
VastaKustutaIt is.... unnerving, to say the least
Should have been "Old Spike Edition"...
VastaKustuta...i'm on a pony.
Where can I find Moe? Does this pony have a website of sorts?
VastaKustutaI could have sworn that the first time somebody posted the screencap of Twilight surfacing from the pillows in "Look Before You Sleep", somebody had commented, "For some reason this picture makes me imagine Twilight as a submarine" or something like that.
VastaKustuta#43 and those landscapes are amazing.
VastaKustutalol at #1, when i stared at it all i could think of was the dramatic war marching music
VastaKustuta#5: Lighten up Twilight, even the G&PT's getting in on the fun! ...I think.
VastaKustutaOn that topic, I've considered a MLP/Harry Potter cross-over. Couldn't make it work in my mind.
among ponies thats great and is my new desktop wallpaper.
VastaKustutasomeone do a pony version of gears of war