After a week and a half of all out war, Drawball #2 is finally at peace once again. Various factions clamored for victory, but in the end, peace was the only true solution.

Members of, Ponychan, and 15-18 all joined up to create an honorary friendship flag, with Trixie representing the bronies, and the rest representing the other groups.
For now, Tensions are low, and everyone is taking a break in their respective bases of operations. But who knows how long this tenuous relationship will last?
If I have learned anything from various battles across the internet over the years, its that: War. War never changes.
More images after the break!
Ponies, ponies, ponies, SWAG!
ReplyDeleteAlso, first!
ReplyDeleteneato. Really kinda is.
ReplyDeleteWay to be pony artists! With our sheer numbers we shall cruch those who oppose us and our adorablosity! MWAHAHA!!!
ReplyDeleteTrixie is just so fricken awesome on there!
ReplyDeleteYou forgot to put a link to Drawball. ;)
ReplyDeleteno one screencaped the Derpy one?
ReplyDeleteI remember popping on to see what the deal was. So much pony!
ReplyDeletelol, 1-518 used to be my old phone code.
ReplyDeletePeace, peace at last.
ReplyDeleteBut no peace lasts forever.
Everyone give an applause to Couch Rellek, the brony who organized /oat/ into drawing those projects.
ReplyDeleteThe bronies from the MLP:FIM topic on Minecraft forums helped as well!
ReplyDeleteSo... Peace was made because of Pepsi?
ReplyDeleteGood job every brony that helped us out, and thanks for posting this Seth it was a pretty epic battle. :D
ReplyDeleteAlso, you took a picture of drawball at one of the worst looking Fluttershy's eye so far.
ReplyDeleteSo bronies are like the Red Army?
It's insane how that Vinyl Scratch is so clear and vivid and no one touched it
ReplyDeleteWar, war HAS changed!
ReplyDeleteFinally, I had been fixing Trixie's eyes for days!
ReplyDeleteI don't know about the peace, trixie is getting attacked... and applejack.... is losing her spot. D=
ReplyDeleteWell that ended fast
ReplyDeleteI think that Vinyl Scratch screencap is mine :D
ReplyDeleteIn case anyone missed how absolutely crazy this is: Ponychan allied with what is basically the french embodiment of 4chan. 15-18 has been one of the massive controlling forces of drawball for a long time.
ReplyDeleteWar... War now has ponies. Seems like a mighty bug change to me. Unless you get into the philosophical section, then I suppose blah blah off topic dah'ling blah dribble Equestria himhaw blank war changes... Yep, that about sums it up.
ReplyDeleteI drew The Great And Powerful Trixie's Beautiful Iris. PLEASE LOVE ME TRIXIE!
ReplyDeleteWhy the suggestive wording in the article?
ReplyDeleteAlso if any did not notice, somepony fixed one of trixie's legs... i just help fill it in =)
ReplyDeleteWhat is 1518..?
ReplyDeleteThis finally made the front page =D
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed being a part of this, I did a lot of the fill-in painting and actually got to choose the vector for the giant Trixie. Couldn't possibly be happier right now after this and the past sins story
Great job guys! I was happy to help and be a part of this!
ReplyDeleteTBH, I couldn't care less about the conflict over who gets to draw what on this one public wall on the Internet.
ReplyDeleteI'm just here for the fuckawesome Vinyl Scratch.
I pretty much fixed a bunch of stuff, improved some stuff, etc.
ReplyDelete@PonyPonyPonyBrony This is not my argument, but this person made a good point, and it relates to the drawball war
ReplyDeleteI was browsing Memebase the other day when I saw a pony posted to the front page, there have been a number of pony posts before, but this one got a 1 out of 5 score in votes, so I checked the comments, and aside from the usual pony hate (I don't want to ever type that again :() there was one comment in particular that caught my eye.
It was a response to "All shall be assimilated, resistance is futile!"
It read as follows: "It's not that I hate the show itself, I only hate the arrogant bronies." (This wasn't the whole comment, just the part that stuck out)
I got to thinking, maybe part of the reason some people don't like the show, is us.
WE are inadvertently driving people away from the show. I think that guy was completely right, it IS kind of our fault, and if that's his reason, I don't blame him for hating it. Us saying "RESISTENCE IS FUTILE!" while all in good fun, it really is arrogent to say to a non-brony.
To them we are trying to shove our way of life down their throats, we're just like bloody car salesmen, yelling in the face of our consumers.
I think we should really think before we post those kinds of things, we really can't KNOW they will like it. You literally CANNOT force someone to like something, you just can't. Plus, it gives them unrealistic expectations, like it will immediately blow them away or change their lives.
Heck, I didn't like Transformers 3 that much BECAUSE of everyone shoving how amazing that movie was in my face, it really makes you NOT like something if someone else decides that you do.
Yeah, sure the war is over, except for the guys defacing Trixie's mouth and eye area as we speak.
ReplyDeleteWow my really poor attempt to dray a Doctor Whooves hourglass is till there I am amazed.
ReplyDelete>fallout 3 instead of "Only time will tell"
I spent over 9000 ink on fixing Trixie's eye this morning, at the least the white reflection in her eye remained untouched
ReplyDeleteI just got off Fallout 3 and decided to check EqD before bed.
ReplyDeleteYou cannot imagine the lulz I had when I read this article
Woo saved me an Applejack.
ReplyDeleteAlas, Ferrarity logo, you shall live on in my imagination.
ReplyDeleteCurse whoever put in the ink limit!
i was there.
ReplyDeletethe noel pony was epic.
"So what now?"
ReplyDelete"Cry havoc and let loose the hogs of war..."
silly seth! every one knows that..
ReplyDelete(David Hayter vocie)
war has changed...
I colored in most of Rainbow Dash (and helped bit with Trixie) yesterday..and I come back earlier today to find her today gone..I almost threw my laptop...
ReplyDeleteThere's a picture of Applejack currently in the works on there, if you guys are interested.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous While I agree about that, it still stands to reason that the person who probably said that was ignorant enough to base bronies according to humorous, inner-joke comments; not bothering at all to look into the community itself.
ReplyDeletePerhaps it's our fault? Perhaps it's their fault? The honest to god thing here is that it's no one's fault and we shouldn't care that no one, outside of our community, gets the joke we usually express (Yep, I believe it really is a joke, i.e. 'Resistance is futile' as the shocked revelation in every one of us bronies once we were first immersed in the show, that even if we resisted the ponies, the ponies took over nonetheless. That, in itself, is funny since it's like we're making fun of ourselves).
Let it be, fellow brony, let it be. Haters are still haters, and are always gonna hate.
At least this ended better than most fights on the internet I've seen. No one was Raided, No one had their website hacked, I say this ended pretty well.
ReplyDeleteLuna survived a few hours. It's so late it's early, but maybe I'll upload a few more captures from the great and powerful drawball sometime tomorrow, after Celestia raises the sun.
Phew, I was afraid Applejack was going to be completely wiped from Drawball, but it was just one or two people after her. Thanks, whoever fixed her right eye. I just recolor, refill, and, occasionally, redo easy outlines. Glad to have someone that could do the eye. Not to mention the cutie mark...
ReplyDeleteWhat has happened to me? I never even knew Drawball existed, and now I lament the sight of an empty inkwell... Ah ponies, you work in mysterious ways! Night everybrony :D
I was stuck inside working for most of this weekend, and this whole thing turned into a weird tv show for me. "Is 15-18 keeping to the truce? How are negotiations with Kongregation going?" I haven't seen Game of Thrones, but I imagine it's exactly like drawball.
ReplyDeleteNeutralising a 4chan-esque group with friendship, to the point where they leave Trixie alone during their big raid and actually help maintain her, is pretty cool.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete@Tears of a Valedictorian
ReplyDelete>haven't seen Game of Thrones
>implying it's a TV show over a book series
I got too emotionally distraught over that comment to remember what the original post was about. I'm sorry.
@Tast(Dammit, last comment, I promise) Heh, I think that was me. No prob. Anyway, Applejack's whole face is getting messed up now, and I'm out of ink.
ReplyDeleteHaha, apologies, I just don't trust those long-running fantasy epic writers. My sister got burned pretty bad by Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series - he died before he finished it, if he was ever planning to finish it, so somebody else is writing the last book. Only, the last book is a trilogy.
ReplyDeleteHaha, apologies, I just don't trust those long-running fantasy epic writers. My sister got burned pretty bad by Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series - he died before he finished it, if he was ever planning to finish it, so somebody else is writing the last book. Only, the last book is a trilogy.
@Tears of a Valedictorian
ReplyDeleteYeah, Brandon Sanderson is finishing the series, using extensive notes from Robert Jordan. Every one who's seen said notes has basically agreed: Robert Jordan's claim that there would only be one more book in the series was based more on him realizing he'd only have time for one more book (if that), and less based on the reality of the situation.
The way you phrased that comment makes me feel like you think it's bad that Brandon Sanderson is finishing the series. When really, his "Mistborn" trilogy is basically the second best goddamn series ever made, after WoT, that is. I've only reread Mistborn twice, I've reread the entire WoT series about ten times. Some of the books I've read as many as twenty.
15-18 Is just awesome!
ReplyDeleteThere's something fascinating about the random K's on the Drawball. I find myself drawn to protecting them.
ReplyDeleteReading your response makes me think I might have been a little flippant about Jordan in the past. It sounds like it's actually being pretty sensitively handled.
It's just the way the length of these type of series just seems to explode, like Wheel of Time was going to be eight books, and then it was thirteen books, and now it's going to be sixteen, maybe?
I guess I'd like some assurance that a series is actually going to end before I start it, which is why I'm holding off on George R.R. Martin's opus. You've inspired me to check out the Mistborn trilogy though, thanks man.
actually,there is no peace...there will never be...
ReplyDeletebeen fixind dash yesterday->today dash gone ....
fixing trixie today->to many french griefers...
srsly we need more people there
@Tears of a Valedictorian
ReplyDeleteBrandon Sanderson was actually specifically chosen for the project by Robert Jordan's wife. She'd originally considered not allowing the series to be completed, but after reading Mistborn, she approached Sanderson over it. He was a fan of the series, and made a point of reading the entire series through again before even touching Robert Jordan's notes.
Also, it's going to end with book 14 (A Memory of Light) for sure. I highly doubt that there will be an announcement of another expansion in the series when the last book is as close to being released as this one is.
As for the "assurance a series is going to end"... I can't really speak for GRRM's ability to finish it, but my opinion is that it doesn't matter. Hell, I'm always a bit let down when I finally finish a series (especially a long one), because it means I'll never be able to escape into that world in quite the same way. I figure, as long as you enjoy the books as you read them, it doesn't matter if the story finishes.
ReplyDeleteI'll never forget the awesome leadership held by our Couch. Without the Couch, we would never have reached this conclusion of peace and friendship.
some burns just want to see the world pony
ReplyDeleteAnd thus an armistice day was created. Let us not forget the brave ponies that fell in this epic battle: Rarity, applejack, sweetie belle, rainbow dash, fluttershy and many many more. Internet peace never usually lasts long. Perhaps it won't be long until the peace is broken.
ReplyDeleteI don't expect that drawball will get all peaceful and lose the griefers, but its nice that we made friends out of some other boards.
ReplyDeleteID tagged bronies fighting with ID tagged tablets (and mice).
ReplyDeleteRarity.... RARITTYYYYYYYYY.
ReplyDeletelet's draw Pinkie now
ReplyDeleteI made a WHY WOULD YOU POST THAT?!?!? D: Rarity! :D It's underneath that "H L" In the lower left hand of the ball :D I'm proud of it :D
ReplyDeletepeople i need help, i started a big derpy under that trixie, i just need some help, one pony can only do so much
ReplyDeleteThis was one of the most fun I've had with the ponies, doing spying jobs, getting intel on our enemies, planning how to appease and befriend them, crossing language barriers (I speak french too).
ReplyDeleteIt was all too awesome. It really felt like one of those spy movies except with a happy ending where everpony is friends at the end.
The first one was attacked horribly.
ReplyDeleteBeing a member of Kongregate myself, I am saddened.
EDIT: Here's a link:
ReplyDeletenew drawball video that shows more of Trixie and other pony win: