• Discussion/Thing: Write an Episode Summary!


    You must present an episode summary idea for season three.  

    Think about what makes this show great!  The slice of life style is surprisingly difficult to write.  Remember, an episode is only ~22 minutes, so your summary needs to be about something that can logically be told in that time frame. 

    This may or may not turn into a script writing contest later on.  (Probably will, because I love events). 

    So below, take 3-5 sentences and explain your dream FiM episode! 

    328 kommentaari:

    1. I am so excited! I always wanted to be a writer for MLP!

      ...Oh wait, that wasn't literal. Darn.

    2. A pony with a taco stand comes into town and sells tacos
      his name is foolish

    3. Alrighty.
      Luna is already an established mane character. though perhaps not as miuch as the mane cast.
      She is sent by celestia to investigate a strange goings on in ponyville.
      She goes all scooby doo crew for a bit, and the discovery is a birthday party for her :3

    4. I like ZAquanimus' idea!

      Now to formulate a story...

    5. The title theme fades away to a scene of Pinkie Pie inviting Rainbow Dash over to help her bake cupcakes...

    6. Rainbow Dash wants badly to emulate the Wonderbolts, in doing so she becomes very self-conscious about her weight and starts to diet in a very unhealthy manner. The others attempt to steer her toward a more healthy style of living, but for the most part she brushes them off until a chance encounter with the Wonderbolts reveals to her that they don't engage in extreme dieting, but rather eat in moderation and work very hard at exercising.

      Throw in the food pyramid or something, and it'll be even better I'm sure.

    7. Twilight Sparkle goes with Rainbow Dash to Canterlot for a Weather Management Conference (Dash is going the Conference, Twilight and Spike are picking up "some" books from her personal collection). Rainbow Dash runs across a Weather Manager from another town who criticizes her work for Ponyville. Rainbow Dash gets annoyed as she takes it as a personal insult, but is it really?

    8. Trixie returns to Ponyville to regain her honor after the whole Ursa major incident. She challenges Lyra (my fave bg pony) to a magical duel. Things get out of control, and the real Ursa major wakes up and comes out. Trixie saves the day, because while she can't defeat an Ursa Minor, she can defeat an Ursa Major!!!! I thought of this evil scheme because I loveit when themes of previous eps come back :)

    9. Here I go:
      Rainbow Dash and Applejack find out who they really love.....EACH OTHER!

    10. First off, I'd say do an episode similar to the "22 Short Films About Springfield" with a whole bunch of Background Ponies. Quickest way to make characters for merchandise ever Hasbro, pay attention here.

      If I want an actual episode though. I'll go with an episode following Rarity and Pinkie Pie. Basically Pinkie Pie starts acting silly and slightly annoys Rarity, who has a big order of clothes to do. However this continues until eventually Pinkie Pie does something that makes Rarity Flip and kick her out. The Final act of the episode will involve Pinkie Pie apologising and trying to make things up to Rarity. Oh, and have a Duet involved between Rarity and Pinkie Pie.

      Whether I can come up with a better idea tomorrow when it's not around Midnight I have to wait and see.

    11. Rainbow Dash sprains a wing while practicing a reckless trick, and has to stay grounded for a week. At first, she likes all of the extra attention and time off she gets, but is slowly driven crazy about feeling 'worthless'. She tries helping the rest of the mane cast out with their routines, but just ends up getting frustrated. The episode ends with Dash taking her cast off and pretending she wasn't bothered by the experience, and Twilight writing a schlocky letter about helping friends in need.

    12. I'd like to see an episode where Twilight screws up a spell... and there's absolutely NO consequences!

      ... can you tell I'm annoyed by all the 'Twilight screws up' fic?

    13. Apple Bloom goes to visit to Zecora only to find the zebra has fallen ill. The only cure requires herbs from the zebra's homeland. So, Twilight and the mane cast must make the journey to get the herb, learning a bit more about their more mysterious friend at the same time.

      Possibly meeting some of Zecora's friends from the savannah land (assumption of that's where she lives)

    14. So the mane six have an argument over whose life is the hardest to live, and that they could do a better job in each others shoes. The next day, they wake up in each others bodies (Fluttershy would be Applejack, Rainbow Dash would be Twilight Sparkle, etc.) and must go through in each other shoes. They must figure out how they got there before something bad happens.

      Hay, I could write a fanfic for that. Don't be stealing my idea, now.

    15. season THREE?

      I don't even know what new information will be established in season 2! How can I make something relevant?

      Anyway, maybe an adventure in which the ponies have communication problems and all end up losing track of each other. Maybe one pony invites another who already invited yet another pony to do something unrelated at a different location. When they can't find each other, they all panic and start asking everyone they know, who just points them in a different direction, thus separating them further. At the end, they all end up together or something and some kind of cheesy moral I can't bring myself to think up comes up.

      But that idea can work on a lot of levels. It would also involve lots of speaking parts for background ponies, however, as well as the rest of the cast (ie: celestia, luna, etc.)

    16. Applejack falls asleep in the park after doing errands and gets her stuff stolen by... something/somethings. She chases the thief/thieves into the Everfree Forest and Zecora ends up helping her. Meanwhile, Big Mac and Twilight go into the forest looking for Applejack after realizing she's nowhere to be found.

      "Zecora and Big Mac get significant screen time" is pretty much my only reason for this, but I also think it could work. It also gives the writers a chance to introduce a new creature of some sort.

    17. An Action episode Kick Buttowski styled, with no loser characters, And Spy themed (With rarity as the spy), She breaks in a museum to steal a powerful artifact before Pinkie Pie does(Pinkie is the antagonist here), Rarity gets caught, and Rainbow Dash+Her Wonderbolts come save her by breaking through the glass ceiling but Pinkie & her henchmen escape with the artifact, they later confront Pinkie at a disco night club

    18. Part 1
      When Communist ninjas (Communinjas as it were) invade Ponyville Twilight and her friends must don their secret family samurai armor to save Equestria.

      Part 2
      When the Communinjas bring out their giant fighting mechs all seems lost until the mane cast use the Elements of Harmony to summon Equestria's secret weapon: THE STATUE OF LIBERTY.

    19. Pinkie pie falls victim to her own sweet tooth and starts gaining weight like crazy. The gang notices the change but don't want to say anything for fear of hurting Pinkie's feelings. Suddenly she's so obese that her hoovsies can't even touch the ground. Now an unrecognizable blob, and unable to move, she stays in the kitchen and begins to eat Sugercube Corner out of business. Her pals must work together to teach her the value of a good diet and excercise, and get her back into trim condition in a Rocky-esque montage.

    20. Oh blast, I didn't realise we were meant to post as a comment, and I actually e-mailed this to Seth...

      After helping with some barn renovation at Sweet Apple Acres, Applebloom discovers her knack for carpentry and gets her cutie mark. Now she's worried that because she has her cutie mark Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle won't be her friend any more and won't be part of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. She then hides her cutie mark. Eventually it gets uncovered and everyone finds out. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are pleased for her and the moral is about not hiding who you really are or something.

      Maybe it'd be better if it was Sweetie Belle getting her cutie mark rather than Applebloom, since there was already Call of the Cutie with Applebloom hiding her lack of a cutie mark. I don't really see it being Scootaloo however.

    21. @maxaminus
      I can see Applejack yelling at Pinkie that she's a bum, and she has to be fast enough to catch a Scootaloo.

    22. (Winter Episode)

      Rainbow Dash participates in a snowboard race, Pinkie, Luna, Vinyl, Spitfire, Lyra sign up as well

      (there should be a secondary story around here,

    23. Episode Title: Grudge Match

      Summary: Twilight is taking a stroll through the part with Spike when she comes across a frustrated Lyra on the park bench. After asking Lyra what the problem is she learns that her and Bon-Bon got into an argument. Twilight tries to fix the relationship, but neither are willing to talk to each other since they are still bitter. After get setting up a situation which forces to two to talk, Lyra and Bon-Bon are back together.

      The moral: If there is a disagreement between two friends, working it out is the only answer. Holding grudges will get you nowhere in friendship.

    24. Twilight is suckered into the Apple Family's annual road trip. She originally thinks the whole ordeal unfun and stupid, but ends up having fun and great times by the end.

    25. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    26. Rainbow Dash gets to follow the Wonderbolts around for a while (wins a contest or something?) as a kind of guest/backstage groupie around flight shows. Realises that all the flashy attention is something that she doesn't want to get caught up in, but she gets to hang out with the Wonderbolts themselves, which she enjoys. She reasseses her dreams of fame. Also, Steven Magnet is in it.

    27. "So the mane six have an argument over whose life is the hardest to live, and that they could do a better job in each others shoes. The next day, they wake up in each others bodies ..."

      No body swapping. It's a good idea if they have an argument about whose life is the hardest to live ... and then decide to switch jobs for a week. Fluttershy doing Rainbow Dash's work, Dash doing Fluttershy's, etc.

    28. See:- 'Sunny Skies All Day Long'

      Yeah, I know I didn't write it, but who cares? It needs to be an episode, if it isn't already being made into one.

      Also, anypony with anything less than 30 minutes screen time or 3 spoken lines needs moar.

    29. There has been a huge disaster in Ponyville, and the Mayor is dressing down Applejack, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy (a little), Rainbow Dash and the CMC for each of them have apparently contributed to it. However, no one knows who is exactly at fault, so Rarity takes it upon herself with Spike's help to figure it out by listening to each pony's take on the events of the day and construct the exact cause of the disaster.

      Yes, I am influenced by that Rarity as Sherlock Holmes fanfic series, mainly because it makes a great deal of sense to me for her character: Rarity is very detail oriented, intelligent, very meticulous but also very good at time management and focusing on priorities. She is also able to read others to understand their reactions and manipulate them with her behavior, like with the Diamond Dogs. All skills that a good detective requires.

      More than that though, it would allow us to see the world through each pony's eyes as they told their stories like a few other notable cartoon series. But by making it into a detective story it takes the trope into a new direction. It simultaneously allows us to see how the world looks from each pony, explore a different facet of Rarity's character and tie it up in one big fun detective story.

    30. Some episode introduces a Council of Evil. Gilda, Trixie, Snips and Snails (in fairness, only joining because they still adore Trixie), Photo Finish, Rocky, and Prince Blueblood all join forces to dismantle and defeat the Elements of Harmony. Eventually, however, they all grow to loathe each other, and their lack of cooperation ruins their plan and dissolves the League by the end of the episode.

    31. Octavia is sad because she thinks nopony likes classical music amymore. Her friends Lyra, Bon Bon, Derpy, Doctor Hooves, and Vinyl Scratch resolve to cheer her up by making her next concert her biggest ever. Meanwhile, we see the mane cast in the background at various moments, doing something upon which the fate of the world probably rests, but we never find out what.

    32. The ponies discover the Internet after pony Al Gore comes to town and crafts a magical router in the basement of his garage. They log on and discover the wonders of shipping. Confused why people they never met know them, they have existential crises. Pinkie Pie, who fears being watched at every move, develops a highly unstable psychosis and she kills everyone, and then herself out of twisted love and paranoia.

      Then, secret but fun.

    33. Any kind of character development story/backstory kind of thing. Especially with background ponies. I like the aforementioned "22 Stories of Springfield"-based idea, though it would more realistically be 5 or so, to give fuller development.

    34. I don't know if it would work, depending on what it is, but I would really like to know what happen to AJ/AB/BM's parents. Maybe include that in an episode? None of the fanfics I've read on the subject seem to give me a satisfying answer.

    35. The Mane Six are out of town on an unspecified adventure, leaving no one to guard Ponyville against danger in their absence. Which is of course when danger decides to strike (maybe the Diamond Dogs, maybe a monster, maybe something new). But what's this? It's the Faithful Companion Strike Team -- Angel, the fearless leader; Winona, the muscle; Opal, the girl; Gummy, the cold-blooded strategist; and Owlouiscious for airborne recon. They get rid of the menace, and when the ponies come home, they're none the wiser.

    36. We follow a few minor/background ponies while the Mane 6 have an adventure. We see how the Mane 6 affect the lives of those around them, and get a different perspective on their escapades. The Mane 6 pop up here and there throughout the episode, dropping the occasional hint as to the actual adventure they're engaging in, but largely leave it vague.

      I've seen an episode of this type done extremely well a few times on other series, Scrubs being the forefront example in my mind.

    37. I'd like to see an episode where Gilda returns to patch things up with Rainbow Dash, but the others are far from forgiving. They soon learn about Gilda's past as to why she's such a jerk, and it turns out to be far from perfect. They decide to give her a chance to redeem herself, but it definitely wont be easy. In the end, Twilight could report to Celestia that she learned that sometimes bullies are just really hurting inside, so they lash out at others. You need to show them the error of their ways peacefully, and give them a chance to change with kindness.

    38. Title: Musical Mishape... Summary: Pinkie Pie gets addicted to a techno song that DJ-Pon3 shows her, and sings it twenty four seven annoying ALL of ponyville. Feed up with her constant singing Twilight casts a spell that's supossed to wipe Pinkie Pies memory of the song, but instead wipes out ALL music. Can Twilight figure out why ponyville seems so different and save the day?

    39. This is tough. I was going to make a joke about politics but I got a conflicting edits error. I give up for now...

    40. The Mane 6 argue about whose life is the toughest.
      One of Twilight's spells goes wrong, and the ponies all find themselves in each other's bodies.
      This causes them to see things from inside another's horseshoe.

    41. CMC wants to become ornithologists and etomologists at the same time. And so they ask Fluttershy about the birds and the bees.

      Hilarity ensues.

    42. @Killsteal_Wolf
      A "22 Short Films"-style episode is my #2.

    43. The mane cast is spending a day in Canterlot, going through the exotic shops, the expensive restaurants, and the dazzling attractions. They get torn in where to direct themselves, and eventually split. Turns out it's not as fun as expected without your friends around.

      In the meantime, we learn more about the daily life of Celestia, alternating between, wacky reunions, guesting in important-ish events, and sometimes hilarious audiences.

      An earthquake strikes, and they immediately think of each other. They help some occasional Canterlotian along the way, but converge together to the previously established meeting point. They meet Celestia there, who thanks them for their efforts, lessons about friendship ensues.

      (I know, the plot is very similar to ep26 in some way, must be Canterlot straining one's sense of friendship xD )

    44. Rainbow Dash attempts the Bunkaneer Blaze


    45. I would make a 420 special. The gang find a strange plant while walking on the rode. Twilight decides to study the plant at her library. But the spike accidently lights it on fire. and smoke is flowed everywhere in the library. after the fire was put out, Twilight decides to take a walk in town. "Baked" as hell.

    46. Twilight invite her friends to her house and then they eat cookies.
      Da end.

    47. After being informed her latest report is a repeat of an older one, Twilight Sparkle asks her friends for help. While thinking, they reminis about how they all met. (So basically, Cutie Mark Chronicles only about how the not-Twilight Mane 6 met. Man this idea-having thing is hard)

    48. We find out that the mane 6 are all toys, and all of their adventures are a result of their little girl owner playing with them. Eventually, the girl outgrows her plastic ponies, but still feels a sentimental connection to them. She contemplates putting them into storage, but instead gives them to a 20 year old male college student whom she knows will love them the same way that she used to.

    49. an episode where we follow a storyline we've already seen from the perspective of some mundane and unenthusiastic background pony, solely to highlight the mane cast's eccentricities... well it's part of an idea anyway.

    50. Mane 6 conversation with Princesses sparks a reminiscing session where Celestia and Luna flashback to 1000 years prior, going over the events leading to Celestia's decision to seal her sister in the moon in detail.

      In the present they discuss their various faults and mistakes they made then, and how much happier they are now.

      Morals being Importance of compromise, seeing things from another's point of view, and the importance of not holding a grudge, especially against one who was once your friend.

      Dear Me, you know what I learned. Your faithful me, me.

    51. while helping out in the orchard, Applejack gets hit on the head by a falling apple, giving her amnesia. The mane cast try to help her regain her memory by showing her around Ponyvile. Flashbacks of their time together start coming back and Applejack eventually regains her memory.

      That or a sudden rainstorm comes to Ponyvile amd the mane cast are stuck in Twilight's house as they tell scary stories to pass the time. Soon, they become paranoid and think that the stories came true. And a cheesy moral about fear.

    52. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 18:28

      Two ponies named Mary and Gary Sue get invited to ponyville where they all have adventures and Luna now the ruler cause Celestia was killed in an uprising, and Trixie and Twilight are married and Derpy and Dinky are there AND LIFE IS FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC FOR MARY AND GARY SUE FOREVER

    53. This is mostly just pulled out randomly, and more of a general idea I typed as it came to mind than a true, comprehensive summary.

      After being featured by Hoity Toity and endorsed by Sapphire Shores, Rarity becomes a big name in the fashion industry in Canterlot. At first, Rarity is ecstatic, her friends are proud of her accomplishments, and she's more confident in herself and her ability. However, she quickly learns that a life of fashion isn't all it's cracked up to be -- she learns that all the tasks and quotas cannot be accomplished on her own, or else she can't expand her business, but trusts her own innovations can be expressed best by her own hooves than with dozens of workers. And, most importantly, if she were to expand her business she would risk having to move to Canterlot and no longer being able to see her closest friends.

      In the end, she learns that success should come gradually, or else she will become overwhelmed with the change of pace. In addition, she learns that home is where the heart is, and her heart, above all, rests in her home town. She can still operate her business in Ponyville, and while she won't immediately own a fashion empire, she knows she has the full support of her friends.

    54. a young pony comes to ponyville, wearing a helmet and boots, thinking that he can protect the town by scaring or turning violent towards the creatures of the Everfree forest, Zecora contacts the mane crew with both worries for the creatures and the young colts saftey. can they show him that action should only be taken you yourself are physically threatened

    55. @ Articerile

      I was thinking something similar, but instead of one of the CMC, would be better to have it from Twist's POV.

      Her friend applebloom hasn't hung out with her as much ever since she got her cutie mark, instead spending so much time crusading. Twist is uncertain whether they Applebloom still wants friends and feels guilty about bringing up the subject.

      During the ep, Twist confesses her guilt, and Applebloom invites her to join in the crusading.

      The moral being that sometimes life doesn't give its rewards to everyone you think should get one. But a true friend will look past the dissapointment and be happy for your success. And perhaps you can help them achieve theirs.

    56. It's summer time and the mane cast and the CMCs are enjoying a lovly day at the beach, then they discover the legend of the lost tresure of Captain Woodhoof (wanted to make a pony related Blackbeard pun but I coultn't think of anything that worked), the most notorious pony pirate in all of Equestria. It all goes down hill when pirates kidnap the CMCs and demand the mane cast to find Captain Woodhoof's tresure by the next day or they'll never see eachother again. While the mane cast search for the tresure the CMC's try to get their cutie marks by being pirates (unless they get their cutie marks during season 2, in which case... idk) and the pirates try to make them belive that they won't be rescued, but as it looks like they've lost all hope the mane cast deliver the tresure and have saved the day, and then it turns out the treasure box was really a jack in the box holding the sign "Gotcha! signed Pinkie Pie" it turns out to be a big prank Pinkie Pie came up with during a family vacation so long ago she forgot all about it. the pirates leave disgruntled and the moral is to always believe in your friends and do your best to help them any way you can.

      I personally think this episode idea reminds me of the diamond dogs but let me know what you think. :)

    57. star wars/back to the future/basically any classic movie ponified.

      Y'know... The same sort of thing Family Guy did...
      on second thought, that may be deviating too far from the core features of the show...

    58. Still wants to be friends*

      Dah, typo

    59. A new pony enlists the help of Rainbow Dash and Pinkie to prank Princess Celestia, with the help of Luna.

    60. Applejack looses her hat, and her friends learn why It is so important to her ;_;

    61. I want an episode where Rainbow Dash gets a pet.

      It could start the episode with Fluttershy treating a large amount of the mane six's pets, like Opal and Winona. After the theme, it could cut to when the pets are fixed up, and all the mane six are having fun with their pets. Rainbow feels left out and groans about it a bit.

      The episode could be a split plot, where the first half is the cast explaining their pets exploits/past, and the second could be Dash and friends going to pet shops/forest.

      Ending with either her finding a pet and the lesson being something like "you can find a friend in anything/one", or she doesn't and the lesson is "differences between friends is what makes a friendship interesting" or something of the like.

      I really do hope this turns into a scripting contest. It would be fun to write more.

    62. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 18:34

      All these summary's prove why fans shouldn't be allowed to write episodes.

    63. After discussing their respective businesses, Applejack and Rarity butt horns about how to go about things - magic or hard work. Rainbow Dash gets involved, and it ends up an argument about which type of pony is 'best', with each of them arguing the merits of the earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns.

      This culminates in them trying on the others' jobs for a day, with disastrous results. In the end, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie have to help clean up the mess. The moral? Ponies are different, but they're all great in their own way, and Equestria needs everypony to prosper.

    64. My little pony meets Mr. T. And end of episode has Mr. T do public service announcement on the dangers of drunk driving. "I pity the pony who drinks and flys."

    65. Tears of a Valedictorian17. juuli 2011, kell 18:34

      There's a weather emergency in a nearby town, and Rainbowdash agrees to go check it out. Scootaloo sees this as an opportunity to get closer to her, and sneaks out after her.

      Camping out on the trail, Rainbowdash notices Scoot and lets her tag along, and they actually get to spend some time together. But the next day, the emergency at the town is tougher to deal with than Rainbowdash expected, and obviously Scootaloo's desperate to impress her idol, and in true CMC style she ends up making the situation worse, leading to Dashie yelling at her, and her running off in tears.

      Rainbowdash catches up with her and apologises, and takes her out for some flying practice.

      The moral being that the people you look up to aren't superheros, they make mistakes and have off days the same as anyone else, but that doesn't mean that you're not important to them, or that they're not looking out for you.

    66. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    67. @Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony

    68. Two of the mane 6(but not Twilight) start arguing for some reason, and it gets to the point where they are saying mean things and pointing out flaws in each others' behavior. Then the other 3 get involved. Eventually they all wind up at Twilight's just in time to interrupt a big spell. Suddenly everypony is not acting like themselves. They are acting like another pony(I'm thinking earth pony to earth pony, unicorn to unicorn, pegasus to pegasus). Eventually with a team effort they all go back to their normal selves, and have a better feel for the other pony.

    69. 1000Year flashback before Luna gets banished

      It shows Luna partying hard like a maniac with tons of lasers, stars, sprinkle effects in the night and keeping everyone from sleeping xD

    70. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 18:35

      An orgy.

    71. Pinkie Pie parents come to town, but they are not like they were described to the CMC. In fact they are even more Pinkie than Pinkie Pie...

    72. @Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony
      Really? All of them? A good number of them maybe, but there are a few which could potentially work.

      I mean, I'd like to think mine could work, even though it'd mean one of the CMC having a cutie mark, which would make it awkward for following episodes...

    73. While trying out a new spell Twilight transports herself to a alternate universe where Nightmare Moon rules over a Equestria drapped in eternal night.

      (Yeah cliche but I love the evil alternate universe episodes, I see this one as similar to the Buffy ep where we find out what would've happened if Twilight never made it to Equestria. More action oriented than the usual fare)

    74. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 18:37

      No matter how good quality you make yours, it'll never be as good as an actual episode.

    75. twilight gets exasperated at the CMC's constant barrage of enthusiastic mediocrity, and tells them what she thinks their cutie marks will be. She meant it in goodwill, but she ends up earning the scorn of her friends and causing problems for the CMC's. After a while, it turns out that Twilight was wrong about what the CMC cutie marks would be. The CMC's remain friends and all is forgiven, and twilight learns the importance of letting the young grow through personal experience as well as formal education.

    76. Getting a good view ideas now, I'm going to hit the hay and with any luck I'll have a nice few to read when I wake up.

    77. Luna and Celestia decide to walk a mile in eachother's horseshoes and switch who rises the sun and moon. This creates catastrophic weather in Equestria. Hilarity ensues.

    78. MLP meets Twister.

      No. Seriously, the 1996 movie with Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt.

      Rainbow Dash and Twilight join the Wonderbolts and Rainbow Dash's mom (who looks like Firefly from G1) to stop a series of tornadoes from destroying Ponyville. Pinkie Pie in the role of Phyllip Seymur Hoffman.

    79. An episode where it shows the mane 6's parents(Pinkie Pie was adopted), past lifes (Twilight in Canterlot learning), Rainbow Dash running from home, etc. not sure about the other ones...

    80. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 18:40

      Why do you think Pinkie Pie was adopted?

    81. @Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony

      In the morning...you will be proven wrong...what's fun about this fandom is that there truly are some professionals in it which know what they're doing

    82. The Diamond Dogs break into Celestia's castle and try to find her royal jewels, but Celestia and Luna set up traps for them around the castle ala Home Alone style.

    83. Well, I can definitely see why we're NOT writers on the show.

    84. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 18:42


    85. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    86. The mane 6 go on an epic advwenture to no doubtedly save ponyville from some evil without or within.

      In the final moments at the climactic confrontation, all hope seems to be lost, when suddenly... NOTHING HAPPENS and the mane 6 get captured.

      With the fate of the mane 6 in the balance and Celestia too occupied with her bottlecap collection, it is up to the background ponies of Ponyville to come to the rescue!

      The episode would be a two or three parter.

    87. @Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony
      No Grey combination of ponies could create that radioactive pink...besides her two sisters are grey, and faded out same for the mother and the father

    88. The Luna arrives in Ponyville to thank them for helping her turn away from nightmare moon, however her ideas of rewarding them are not exactly what they have in mind. Giving them gifts they really don't need or want. (Ex. A new assistant for twilight in the form of an obbsessive butler Or an automatic apple bucker for Applejack)

      However still slightly scared of Luna for nightmare and wanting to be polite and respectful they all use and pretend to like the gifts at least until Luna leaves.

      Eventually Luna finds out and confronts them about it. the Episode ends with a letter writtin to Celestia about how the thought counts with gifts and how it's okay to speak up to friends.

    89. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 18:43


    90. A full episode following Celestia and Luna thinking back on when they where little fillies themselves. The episode could show us how they both were before the nightmare moon incident and how they acted before becoming rulers of Equestria. Also as a last part of the episode could be some vague hints of Luna's future as the mare in the moon. As a moral lesson for the episdoe, well i got nothing too tierd to think of one right now.

    91. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 18:44

      Both my parents have dark hair, my brothers are both dark haired, and I'm blond.

    92. Vetinarian's Day

      Opal comes under a bout of food poisioning, and Rarity is distraught as she takes her cat to the local equivilant of a vet, Fluttershy. A case of worry infects the rest of Ponyville, and more and more cases come in. Applejack bring Winoa for a checkup. Pinkie thinks Gummy's acting lifeless. Twilight brings Owlowicious for a broken wing. And finally, Angel himself seems under the weather. Fluttershy's got her hooves full! But why is Dash scoffing at the entire thing?

    93. A new little pony, even younger than Apple Bloom, goes outside for the first time ever. He is put under the care of Twilight Sparkle and Spike while his parents go out for a night on the town. However, an issue comes up where Twilight Sparkle has to help Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, and she leaves the young foal in the care of Spike for five minutes. Within those five minutes, he is GONE. Now, the Mane Six have just under an hour to find the little guy before the parents come back!

    94. Oh!

      Part 1
      Twilight has almost never had much excitement in her life. The events that have happened in ponyville were unwilling, so she doesn't really reminisce those. So, when she decides to accompany Rainbow Dash for a change of scenery and lifestyle, she becomes addicted to adrenaline rush. (Is that right? Makes no sense to me.) She decides to give up studying and leave Ponyville to live life to the fullest.

      Part 2
      Twilight's friends chase after her in hopes to convince her to come back. Rainbow Dash takes the lead, for she was the one who initially did this to her. They chase her to an old library, where the ponies end up trapped in a large maze intended to keep trespassers from entering. The only way to leave the maze is to follow clues based on knowledge(what?). Rainbow Dash finds Twilight first, the other ponies not far behind, and tells her that they need her eggheaded-ness to leave this maze alive...

      Now I'm drawing a blank here.

    95. Another pony moves to Ponyville from a different locale and the mane six want to make sure she is welcome in town. Each of the man six lavish attention and gifts and invitations on the pony. The problem is the pony is a little shy and feels uncomfortable with being treated like royalty. Wacky hijinks later, the pony gets a little fed up and tells the mane cast that she just wanted time on her own to settle in. In the end, the ponies make up and a lesson is learned in communicating and respecting other's wishes.

    96. How about a music episode:
      The two friends Vynil Scratch and Octavia get together to hold a music concert. Because their music styles clash (Scratch: Disco/techno/dj stuff, Octavia: Classical/orchestrated stuff) They get into an argument about how to hold the concert. Their friendship is in jeapordy until some of the mane six cross paths with them and ask why they are upset. Ex: Ts,Fs,and Rarity find Octavia. Rd, Aj, and Pp find Vynil Scratch.
      both groups of four talk about how they had similar squabbles in the past and have always gotten over them by working together. (Maybe include flashbacks of the sleepover and the falling of the leaves and the like.) So; the mane six talk the two back into cooperation and help them put on the best show that Ponyville has ever seen!

    97. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 18:49

      @Skylark Torch
      If your going to come up with a musical episode, at least know something about music. AND THOSE ARE BACKGROUND CHARACTERS!

    98. The Diamond Dogs seek a magic talisman that will restore their civilization to its former greatness. They demand help from Twilight, trashing her home and library in the process.

      They drag her on a quest, and she shows them that in the ancient past the Diamond Emperor's only "talisman" was his regard for honor and kindness.

      The episode ends with the Diamond Dogs sheepishly rebuilding Twilight's house.

    99. The main cast spend a day in Canterlot. The main conflict centers around Twilight interacting with her old acquaintances and how the other characters take to the city.
      -Everybody who used to know Twilight is surprised by how she's changed. The primary conflict comes from her old 'friends' trying to convince her to stay in Canterlot, since they don't approve of her new friends.
      -Applejack surprises everyone with her ability to fake being part of high society (as a callback to The Cutie Mark Chronicles)
      -Rarity thinks she'll fit in perfectly but has a hard time of it.
      -Pinkie just keeps being Pinkie.
      -Fluttershy is shy.
      -Dash spends most of the episode being tactless and making fun of people.
      -Spike knows and is on good terms with just about everybody.

      ...You know, I think it's time to put my money where my mouth is and fire up Celtx.

    100. @Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony


    101. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 18:51

      Cool story, Brony.

    102. @Andrew
      It's not a new trope exactly (it's Rashomon, basically), but it, or a variation, could be interesting. I like this idea. The show creators have already demonstrated a willingness to experiment with narrative structure, so we may actually see something like this.

    103. Tears of a Valedictorian17. juuli 2011, kell 18:51

      @Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony

      A lot of the episode concepts are just "Applejack and Rarity end up having a sleepover at Twilight's after having an argument", or "Rainbowdash enters a flying competition and is scared", though.

    104. Applejack's ne'er-do-well cousin (Applecore?) comes to town. AJ realizes that she is planning to mildly scam some of the mane cast, and has to figure out how to stand up for her friends without violating her sense of family loyalty.

      Kind of rips off from the Gilda ep...

    105. White Lightning is one of the weather ponies working under Rainbow Dash, and his reckless behavior and refusal to listen to Dash result in another weather pony being injured. Meanwhile, Hummingway has fallen ill, and Fluttershy can't afford the medicine. Thus, Rainbow Dash offers Fluttershy a job working for the weather crew until their regular is fully recovered.

      White Lightning begins intimidating Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash, due to a lack of assertiveness, isn't able to do much to prevent this. Finally she gets fed up and asks White Lightning if he'd like to be in charge. She promotes him to captain to prove that they can't succeed without her leadership and leaves.

      Rainbow Dash spends the rest of the day fishing with Twilight and Applejack, but she begins to panic that the crew is in trouble without her, or even worse, that they're doing just fine.

      Meanwhile, White Lightning has been abusing his authority and accidentally creates a giant thunderstorm. Fluttershy seeks out Rainbow Dash for help, while Lightning finally realizes he needs to pony up and correct his own mistakes. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash return but refuse to listen to Lightning's plan to stop the storm, even though he knew the most about what started it.

      The episode ends with Twilight writing her letter to Celestia, saying that teamwork means respecting the leader, but the leader also needs to be willing to listen, forgive, and forget.

      That was thrown together, so it could be better and less plot-holey. Originally, it was supposed to be about Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash learning to swap roles (Fluttershy taking charge and Rainbow Dash letting others take charge.) I'm not sure what happened.

    106. @Articerile
      I had a similar idea. SLight differences

      Each of the CMC get their cutie marks. Fearing to lose their friends, the ALL hide their marks. The episode is about some of the awkwardness they go through trying to hide their marks while not alienating each other. It ends, of course, with the revelation that they all have their marks and the decision NOT to break up their group.

    107. Some sort of problem/threat is afoot and the Mane 6 are on the case. However, one background pony, resentful of the usual clique constantly getting all the glory, rounds up a group of other background ponies to prove to ponyville that Twilight and her friends aren't the only heroes in town.

      In the end, the Mane 6 save the day, but not without semi-unintentional help from the BP's. During the ensuing celebration, the Mane 6 openly acknowledge the BP's for their efforts and we all learn a lesson on not letting others feel left out.


      Apelblume and the cootiemarhk quesadors try to find them cutiemark, aftuh trying again and many fusterated attemps, they fine that teh cutiemark was inside demselves this whole time and et took a while because they didn beleive themselves, but wen they did they wus happyer than pinkie pie!

    109. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 18:54

      @Tears of a Valedictorian
      It has a lot more to do with people trying too damn hard.

    110. Okay, now I think, seeing as though this is a challenge to basically create an episode of MLP: FiM, and each episode revolves around a moral, perhaps I should try writing my summary around a moral.

      The moral would be: It doesn't matter how you look to someone, the only thing that matters is what is on the inside.

      Going up to a summary:
      After days of beseeching, Prince Blueblood finally gets another chance to date Rarity. However, Twilight needed the dress Rarity was going to use for the opening of the new planetarium. But when Rarity arrives to the location of her date with the dress Twilight wanted, she realizes she doesn't need to dress in a fancy dress to make people like her, she only needs to look good on the outside, and so she gives Twilight the dress and has a great date with Prince Blueblood, which now acts like a true gentlecolt.

      I know, it's a little OOC for Rarity (who's personality is solely about fashion, looks, and a touch of generosity), but I think it's rather good and fits in the moral.

      Hey, maybe this may even make a good script. Let me know if this turns into a scriptwriting contest; I'll be there.

    111. Oh, yeah. Rainbow Dash brings home Gilda to finally put Lightning in his place. Forgot about that part.

    112. Second the "22 Short Films" idea. Great way to arbitrarily set forth a whole bunch of characterizations in not so much time.

    113. I would love an episode where Twilight gets to compete in a magic talent competition, but she can't figure out an act that would be widely appealing. Meanwhile all of her friends are asking her for help, but she keeps saying that she's too busy to help them out. Only on the night of the competition does she realize that if she solves her friends problems with magic while on stage, she can win the competition and earn back the respect from her friends.

      It would be called "The Magic Show" Obviously Trixie would be a competitor. (Even though I kind of hate her)

    114. Rainbow Dash centric. With Flutterdash. That's all.

    115. @A1-1701:
      Dude!(or possibly dudette) that is a rockin idea! original and creative!

      Um, ok, I got one:
      Rainbow Dash and Twilight find a mysterious mirror in the everfree forest that causes their bodies to be switched. unfortunately, Rainbow Dash is scheduled to do a presentation at cloudsdale's annual fall flight festival. Can she train Twilight in time for the festival, or will Rainbow Dash's reputation be ruined forever?

    116. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 18:56

      I smell a TV trope!

    117. A mysterious illness affect the ponies of ponyville, paralyzing them and making them unable to move and every day more and more ponies fall victim to the paralysis. Now it's up to the mane six to find out what's behind the illness and find a cure to it...but things get complicated when they find out what the source of the illness is and it turns out to be Rarity's biggest fear.

    118. well, with the main six we got 2 earth ponies, 2 Pegasus ponies, and two unicorn ponies, but no pegacorn ponies. What if Luna joined the main six on their adventures. I mean the poor little girl needs to catch up on the time she missed while being stuck in the moon. Celestia can send her to Twilight in order to study with her on her lessons of friendship. At the end of the season, Luna returns to Celestia at the gala(which actually turns out to be the best night ever this time for the main 6), a changed and kinder pony, and returns to her moon lifting duty.

    119. A new unicorn pony (named Sola maybe?) shows up in town to study in Ponyville's library. Though every one is initially wary of this pony, Twilight convinces them to give her a chance. However, she changes her mind when she discovers that this new pony is not only more knowledgeable than her, but also rivaling, if not surpassing, her magical abilities. She spends the whole episode enacting various sabotage attempts on Sola to ruin her reputation, but after one finally succeeds, she realizes how awful she was, and decides to confess and apologize for her jealousy. Sola then leaves ponyville to study in a new town. It is at this point that Sola is revealed to the viewers to be Trollestia in disguise, arranging a test for Twilight to test her...friendshipness. Or something.

    120. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 18:57

      Cause Hasbro DEFINITELY will let Lesbianism in there show.

    121. @Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony
      Quit posting replies, it's already hard enough to find any good stories

    122. Rainbow dash finally falls in lesbians with applejack and the morale is don't judge us bro!

    123. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 18:58

      Just give up, man. You wont find one.

    124. Green Lantern Pony17. juuli 2011, kell 18:59

      Lightning in the sky:

      Rainbow Dash finally gets an audience with the Wonderbolts and they have her try out after recalling she saved them and did a sonic rainboom at the flying competition. They have her go through many flying trials and she learns that it is not easy to achieve one's dreams.
      Episode lesson: Hard work and determination will see you through the hardest of trials in life.

    125. An episode where Pinkie breaks the fourth wall, starting with the opening credits. Or Pinkie films a documentary about Ponyville for her relatives (may end with camera destroyed and Pinkie saying that "that's alright, they don't have a tv/projector anyways).

    126. @Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony
      Im sorry to be a nuisance, kind sir, but what is this "Tv Trope" of which you speak?

    127. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 19:00


    128. Twi, while digging in Canterlot's storages for osmething, discovers some stuff from Old Castle (ruins in ep02). Luna recalls those things and episode dedicated to falshbacks from the past and how the conflict happened.

      It's a long script, need to fit in 22 mins hmm..

    129. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 19:01

      In another mans shoes.

    130. That's how i hope Luna's presence will be in season two: part of the mane six (which would then be seven)

      Twilight is waiting for a special visit that Princess Celestia arranged, but it's not Princess Celestia who is coming to visit Ponyville. After banishing Luna for a Thousand years alone in the moon, Celestia thinks it may be her fault for what happenned, Luna never had real friends, so she is sending Luna to visit Ponyville with Twilight so that she can learn about the magic of friendship, but Luna's visit isn't received very well by the other five. While Twilight shows around Ponyville to Luna, the rest of the group are determined to prove that Luna is still evil, but failing at every attempt.
      In the end, Luna shows her gratitude, presenting everyone (I still don't know how) for being received so well and the five realize that Luna really isn't Nightmare Moon anymore. In the end, just like Twilight, Luna realizes how wonderful it is to have friends, and when Princess Celestia comes to see how her visit was, she offers Luna to stay, so that she, Twilight and the rest of the group can continue to learn about friendship together.

      Luna would live with Twilight and Spike on the library and would be present in the whole season, maybe even beyond that, I would like to see this happenning :)

    131. @Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony
      You already used that on someone else, running out of ideas?

    132. Scootaloo has always been living at the local orphanage since she has memory of it, and it's always been alright with her... until she starts to feel like she's missing something the other two CMC members have: a family. Scootaloo then decides to start her own quest to find out more about her parents... it will bring her sad news, but also her cutiemark.

    133. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 19:02


    134. @FriendshipisMagic
      That'll teach me to post before reading everypony else's entries first! Sorry about that, had no idea the idea was allready thought up. ^^;

      Here's a different one from me instead.

      Double-you, Double-me

      Maggie Pie visits her big sister Pinkie Pie the day before April Foal's. When said sister accidentally gets into a vat of food coloring, the party pony realizes potential for a stupendous prank. The sisters set about town, confusing everypony they meet. Are they dealing with Pinkie Pie? Or are they facing with the dour, ill-tempered Pinkemina Diane?

    135. How Diamond Tiara got here cutie mark is revealed.

      Princess Celestia comes to town, and plays some pranks that Cherilee feels is a threat to her students. They run to a hiding spot in the everfree forest, but Diamond Tiara's flank gets pricked by a spiky plant, and her cutie mark comes right off. She admits to twist, the CMC, and silver spoon that it was just a sticker so that she could rise to the top of the pack. the CMC and Twist forgive her, but silver spoon decides that she can't be friends with diamond tiara because she is a blank flank. Diamond tiara joins the CMC, and Twist hangs out with the CMC more.

      Diamond Tiara learns that lying can cause you to lose friends, but when you are completely honest, other ponies will give you support and your true friends come to light.

    136. @Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony

      Nice job insulting everypony who posted their ideas here and tried.
      I thought my idea was at least halfway decent, too.
      If you're just going to be here in the comments section just to hate on others, it's best you leave.

    137. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 19:04

      Because, no onscreen family=ORPHAN OMG! And that plot is too damn dark. Remember everybody, no matter how much you like the show, IT'S STILL MY LITTLE PONY!

    138. Tears of a Valedictorian17. juuli 2011, kell 19:04

      @A Pony Farce

      That is great, could easily see it as an episode.

    139. @Anonymous
      What's up with soo many ''forgiveness'' episode ideas?

    140. @Anonymous That'd be the best episode EVER.

      My episode idea is that instead of being focused on the mane cast, its with Celestia and Luna. Celestia plays a prank that goes too far, and then they have a prank fest that goes to far.At the end Cele writes a letter to Twi instead :D

    141. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 19:05


    142. I'm hoping for an episode where Luna is in Ponyville looking for Twilight for help with something, and another Pegacorn shows up and Luna falls for him.... badly. SO! Luna wants Twilight to help in this... She tells her to simply act herself. Luna simply goes to another of the mane 6 and tries out their way, and so on and so forth, until Twilight sees her doing this, and Luna decides to try Twilight's advice, which is what she should've tried first, considering she went to Twi for help...

      Well, since there really is no history or what-you-call-it between Luna (not Nightmare) and the mane 6, so this could be near the end of the season, so like there could be an episode where Luna is in Ponyville for another reason...?

    143. I see four major categories here, and I'm willing to wager that 95 percent of these stories fall under one of them. Either the story is far too mature for the target audience, is a joke post, contains large amounts of the fanon's interests, such as excessive Derpy, Luna, or background ponies, or is incredulously out of character for any of the mane cast.

      I get that it is difficult to write this kind of show, but you could at least try...

    144. (An expanded version of a WMG I posted on TVTropes)

      Twilight asks her friends for help with a new spell, but when the Cutie Mark Crusaders try to get involved, she tells them that it's too dangerous for younger ponies. The CMC wish that THEY could be the older ponies, and in an attempt to prove that they "aren't babies", they ignore Twilight's warning. As you might guess, the spell goes horribly wrong, which results in the Mane Six being turned into babies. The CMC are forced to babysit while Spike tries to find somepony who can reverse the spell, and after some wacky hijinks (and perhaps a Benny Hill chase scene) ensue, everything returns to normal, and the CMC learn a lesson about being careful what you wish for.

    145. @Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony

      Congratulations, subject 64699 you've been assigned as the troll soldier for the United States of America, this also means everyone will hate you, but that's beside the point, now good luck(not like you'll need any) trolling the asians

    146. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 19:08

      Cause somebody's getting really butthurt :D

    147. Rainbow Dash finally earns an audition for the Wonderbolts! But after having a less than successful first day of auditions, Rainbow Dash loses her confidence and goes into a depression.
      The girls are sympathetic towards Dash at first, but when she starts to avoid practicing, the girls start to express a desire for Rainbow Dash to just buck up before it's too late. They avoid telling Rainbow about their thoughts because they don't want to hurt her feelings. Tension rises as Rainbow continues to avoid practice. It isn't until just before the final day of auditions when Fluttershy, surprisingly, tells Rainbow Dash to get over it and get back on the horse. This inspires Dash into giving everything she's got for an incredible performance. Rainbow Dash isn't selected to join the Wonderbolts, but she is commended for her effort and earns a recommendation for a spot in the Wonderbolt's training program by Spitfire. The episode ends with Twilight learning a lesson about distinguishing when it's a good time to be sensitive and when it's a good time to be honest.

    148. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 19:09

      @Sergeant Anderson
      I'm not American though.

    149. Unfortunately, the few bronies that know what to do and how to do it correctly are not on right now. That leaves us. Can we get a guide to MLP episode making in here, please?!

    150. Applejack and Pinkie Pie compete in Iron Pony Chef.

      Guest staring Alton Brown as Colton Brown.

      That is all.

    151. @Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony
      No need. Welcome to the army, we take what we can get

    152. @Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony

      Ahh, the Internet.
      Where butthurt = sticking up for friends, the way the ponies told you to.

    153. @Linkeh24
      Make that 5, forgot the obligatory, 'Idea that's already been done,'
      Repeating an idea from an already done fanfic kind of defeats the purpose, a television show that copies others isn't really a great idea, and if I had a dime for every cartoon that's failed because it was repetitive...

    154. Looking over some of these episode ideas, I think there are a couple of things people need to keep in mind when it comes to what actually makes something viable as an episode of the show.

      1. Background characters are not going to feature prominently in any actual episode. They might get a few lines or be in the foreground for a couple of seconds, but I can almost guarantee you that they're not going to take a starring role.
      2. If your idea requires new significant characters to be introduced, we need to be able to understand who they are and what their relationship to the main characters is in a very short period of time. Think of the one-shots we've seen on the show; characters like Trixie, Gilda, the Diamond Dogs, and Hoity Toity can all be sufficiently introduced with a single line of dialog.
      3. In a similar vein, if you introduce a character you need to write them out of the show by the end of the episode. There have been a couple of exceptions to this (the CMC, Zecora, however the fuck you spell the owl's name), but I'd still stick to it as a general rule.
      4. This show isn't big on backstory. The Cutie Mark Chronicles was a huge exception, and I doubt we're going to see much else like it.
      5. At least one member of the main six needs to be involved in some significant way throughout the episode. You [i]might[/i] be able to get away with only having minor appearances from the main cast if it's a CMC episode, but that's about it. This is mainly a concern with people's Celestia/Luna-related ideas; it's not too far-fetched to think there could be an episode about the princesses, but it wouldn't be just about them.
      6. In general, if it sounds like bad fanfiction, it's a bad idea.

      There are a billion other things I could mention here but that should help you get started.

    155. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 19:13

      Yes, cause for all we know some of these guys could be Neo-Nazis, but they're out friends cause they like Ponies.

    156. um, sorry if im intruding in other peoples business but...
      Dave Mustang, the Cynical Brony, I think I speak for the whole of the community in this specific thread when I say could you please tone down your responses a bit? I mean, its great that youre giving constant feedback, but could you just try to be a little bit kinder about it? Thanks! and sorry if i sound like a jerk...

    157. Celestia appoints the mane cast to investigate a running series of missing ponies in Equestria. Further investigation reveals that the mastermind behind the kidnappings is Krastos. The mane cast must then use their cunning to outsmart the evil gluemaker and free the captured ponies. Twilight learns that even when confronted with your deepest fears, friends can light the way out of the tunnel.

    158. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 19:14

      @A Pony Farce
      YOU DREAM KILLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111111

    159. Solaris90 here.

      Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy are on their way to visit Zecora, when the sudden appearance of that green dragon from Spike's episode forces them to run away, off the path and into the deeps of the Everfree Forest. Lost, they try to find their way back to Ponyville, in the process going through several encounters with things both have a powerful fear of. Twilight with snakes and bats, Fluttershy with...well, anything really. In the end they learn a little something about the other, what it means to be scared of something, and how being with friends can help you overcome your fear.

      There can be a secondary plot going on of Spike and Angel teaming up to fight vampi-I mean, find the two ponies.

    160. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 19:15

      THIS IS METAL AS FUCK! Brohoof for this, man. DIO WOULD BE PROUD!

    161. @ linkeh24

      Agreed ... too many of these are just wish fulfilment. You need to remember that they build each story around a strong, relevant moral for kids to learn about friendship.

      So far, only 2 or 3 of the above stories fit that description.

    162. @Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony
      Yep. That's exactly what I'm saying. :P

    163. If this idea has already been posted, then I'm just gonna play the "Great minds think alike" card and move along 'cause I'm too lazy to ctrl F key words.

      Spike catches a dragon cold! Unlike normal colds, dragon colds make it so they can't breathe fire. So, Twilight asks the local Mail Mare, Derpy Hooves to hoof-deliver it to The Princess. Shenanigans occur! And Princess Luna gets a letter.

    164. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 19:18

      So these guys you could have nothing else in common with, and you probably could stay in the same room with them for two minutes, but you call them your friends cause they like Ponies. THAT'S SMART!

    165. A musical festival is hosted in ponyville, but when pinkiepie has too much sugar, she gets onto the stage and begins to play some polka music and starts stealing the show. Then, after he was late getting ready to perform, then hitching a ride with Celestia and Luna, Pinkie' Uncle Al shows up and tries to get her to stop by proposing a polka-off to see who would take the stage. Uncle Al wins, BTW. lesson learned: you may have a talent that people enjoy you using, but you should never get carried away and hog the spotlight for yourself.

    166. Great...4Chan + A list with a wish fulfillment for episodes...

    167. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 19:20


    168. An episode about Twist. Twist is now about high-school age, and is nerdier then ever. She gets a part time job at sugarcube corner, and thinks that pinkie pie is a bit irritating. At the end of the episode, Twist lerans that anypony can befriend the strangest of ponies.

    169. Twilight runs out of money to pay the electric, and after a week of unsuccessfully trying to use candles in a wooden house, she gets a job at Ponytown's local pizzeria. Hijinx ensue as she delivers pizzas to the rest of the mane 6.

    170. Shut the hell up Dave, you're being an ass. I have nothing more to say to you.

      Anyways... episode summary?
      Something with Rainbow Dash...

      Rainbow Dash is depressed because the wonderbolts did not accept her auditions... wait... this sounds too grimdark... also could not be resolved inside of one episode...

      Lots of cool ideas here!

    171. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 19:22

      @FRiNKEL The Amused Pony

    172. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 19:23

      You know you love it :D

    173. Sweetie belle wakes one morning to a levatateing bed to find she has finally started to tap into her magic ability. However Rarity is going to canterlot to personaly display her newest designs and twilight has gone to cloudsdale to help rainbow dash do a display for the flight acadamy.
      as all hope loses out she finds the aid of a mysterious magician living a short ways north of ponyville who begins teaching her how to cast a spell that will boost her magic control only to be used by said magician (trixie) to get back at twilight (not knowing she isn't around)
      can spike scootaloo and applebloom save sweetie belle from herself?
      moral along the lines of power is responsability
      note: ok kinda wordy but deffinatly half hour-able also i think trixie would make an awesome villian for the CMC (since they would be easier to fool then the mane cast now)

    174. A very mundane mystery/"crime" is perpetrated (like an insignificant item suddenly goes missing or no one knows where one pony went for the day, something like that) and the Cutie Mark Crusaders try to be junior detectives in the Nancy Drew/Hardy Boy's fashion. Scootaloo acts like a renegade cop who plays by her own rules (because her idea of what a detective is comes only from bad movies), Sweetie Bell acts more like the archetypical, plucky young adventurous Nancy Drew type who tries to deduce what happens yet comes to the wrong conclusion every time, while Apple Bloom being kind of the straight man with the most common sense in all this. Hilarity ensues and they end up causing much more mayhem than the "mystery" even warrants.

      I just love the idea because of how funny it would be to see the CMC try to interrogate someone.

      Sweetie Belle: "Don't worry, we just want to ask a few questions."
      Scootaloo *with noir detective hat*: "Yeah. Where were you this morning?"
      Dinky Doo: "Um ... at school?"
      Scootaloo: *violently shakes Dinky for no reason* "Listen scumbag we are through with your mindgames! You better start singing, Jack, or you'll end up in the clink. You dig"
      Dinky: "Why are you shaking me? What's a clink?"
      Scootaloo: "I'm the one asking the questions here!"

      Huh ... I might actually have to do something with that ...

    175. Oh and guys, Dave might be acting like kind of a dick about this, but he's pretty much spot-on. Step it up a notch and start coming up with better ideas.

    176. @Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony
      Hmm... then again... I think this is already how the world works...

      Typical Senator: Hey there.
      Typical CEO: Hi.
      Typical Senator: I like money. Oh, and votes.
      Typical CEO: I'll give you money if you help give my company what I want in the Senate.
      Typical Senator: GREAT! I can tell we'll be great friends!

    177. @DSNesmith
      ...and then she accidentally stumbles into a cryogenic freezer and wakes up 1000 years in the future?


    178. Here's one:

      A visibly crazy professor with seventeen cutie marks comes from Canterlot to perform some sort of experiment on Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack sees a few of the scientist's more explosive failures and is uncomfortable risking her land in this; Twilight is adamant that the pony is a genius and her friend should let the experiment continue. Meanwhile, the CMC desperately try to figure out why the pony has seventeen cutie marks and whether they want as many , providing hilarious hijinx. The lesson is on how technology is a tool, not good or evil in itself; Twilight gives Applejack some machines from her own lab that will help the farm somehow.

    179. Dave Mustang, the cynical Brony17. juuli 2011, kell 19:27

      YAY! Neo Nazi Ponies!

    180. Fluttershy meets Gale, a griffon that happens to be Gilda's brother. However, because Gale is also timid in nature, the two become friends. The two decide to meet again in the Everfree Forest (because Gilda and Rainbow probably won't find them there and Gale hangs out there all the time). However, what they don't realize is that is that Gale was followed by Gilda (because she thinks Gale is up to something/hiding something from her) and Fluttershy was followed by Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie (after finding out from Angel Bunny that Fluttershy went into the Everfree Forest, they fear for her safety). Unfortunately, this brings Gilda and Rainbow Dash face-to-face and a heavy argument ensues. Unbeknowst to them, though, their arguing wakes up a Scylla (a giant two headed-wolf with the tail of a snake and vine-like tentacles protuding from its back; it's from Greek Mythology). The Scylla attack the three and binds them in its tentacles. Fortunately, Fluttershy and Gale hear the three screaming and find them and the Scylla. Fluttershy and Gale come up with a plan and are able to trick the Scylla into freeing Gilda, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie. However, after they escape, Rainbow Dash and Gilda begins arguing again. It is at this point that Gale and Fluttershy finally decide to become assertive and tell them how stubborn and childish they're being. They say that the two of them that were such great friends before and the two of them could be good friends again if they simply showed a little humility and forgave each other. With that said, Rainbow and Gilda apologize and forgive each other, with Gilda promising not to lash out against any of Rainbow's new friends and Rainbow promising not to pull anymore pranks on Gilda. The episode ends with a signature Pinkie Pie party for the arrival of Gale and the reestablished friendship of Rainbow and Gilda.

      The moral of the story is that you should always be willing to apologize when you know you've done something wrong and you should always forgive someone when they apologize.

    181. Spitfire injures her wings before a big, professional race against a rival team, and it requires a full 6 member Wonderbolt team for some reason. She calls upon our favorite rainbow maned pegasus to fill her spot for the race.

      Rainbow Dash is of course excited, but as it turns out the race is against the greatest flying team of griffons, with none other than Gilda among their ranks! She's still angry about her flip-flop filly friend.

      Action, drama, comedy courtesy of Pinkie Pie!

      At some point Gilda's life is in danger, and Dash has to make the choice between winning the race or saving Gilda. Of course she chooses Gilda.

      The Wonderbolts lose the race, but Rainbow and Gilda reconcile, Spitfire tells her she made the right choice, heartwarming is had by all.

    182. Pirates of the Maribbean

      A letter from Princess Celestia arrives, requesting Twilight and her friends take on a new mission. There are pirates on the Maribbean Sea, and for some reason they steal a lot of candy. Pinkie Pie is especially unhappy with this, and soon the gang sets sail to track down the infamous Captain Sugarbeard. But when Twilight Sparkle starts being too bossy, will the gang be able to put up with her orders? Or will they find themselves in danger on the high seas?

    183. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    184. Oh, by the way, pretty much all of the ideas that are based on one-off characters making another appearance sound like bad fanfiction, so maybe you should leave those to the professionals.

    185. @Aaden Lynch Esq.

      Oh man, what are the odds we both post epic Gilda episode ideas at the exact same time?

    186. @Corey W. Williams

      Solaris90 here. That is a brilliant idea! Definitely one of the better I've seen around here. Doesn't seem very wish-fullfillmenty to me, and I could easily imagine Scootaloo acting like that.

      In other words, you deserve a clap on the back! *claps on the back*

    187. Pinkie Pie has gone insane and is secretly killing ponies one by one but no one can prove it. Then a brony is transported to Equestria and tries to get used to life in Ponyville. Meanwhile, Fluttershy is the seed of Yggdrasil and starts mutating into a giant flesh tree corrupting Equestria. Before all this, Luna starts a rebellion against Celestia, but both sides have good reasons for what they've done. Trixie, Octavia, P0n-3, Ditzy, Big Mac, and the CMC sides with Luna as the Elements of Resonance. But once Applebloom was the only one left without a cutie mark, she leaves and later shows up with a blood splatter cutie mark and one Element of Discord. Doctor Whoof convinces Ditzy Doo, Octavia, and P0n-3 to join him, Lyra and Bonbon to time travel over the history of Equestria to find out exactly what's going on and how to fix all this. Ditzy Doo betrays them from her own insecurities but in the end... umm the Doctor... stuff happens, whatever---

    188. Rarity insists on making a new bow for Apple bloom. For months, rarity has apple bloom over to work on the new bow, Apple bloom is bored out of her mind and is separated from her friends. Apple Bloom escapes and runs into fluttershy. Fluttershy tells Apple bloom the events of the episode "Green is not your color". Apple bloom finds Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, who now have their cutie marks. When Rarity finds the CMC again, she insists on taking apple bloom away. She even tries to convince the CMC to disband. in the end, the cutie mark crusaders learn that just because two have cutie marks, they can still be friends. Rarity learns that she can't separate friends no matter what.

    189. @A Pony Farce after reading some of the OC stories here that involve the mane cast i think one off returns are a safety net

    190. Ponies play dungeons and dragons with twilight as the DM. Hilarity ensues.

    191. Trixie is back in Ponyville and want her revenge!
      She challenge Twilight Sparkle in a magic competition. The mare who will be the most fabulous win!
      No mater what happen, Trixie alway seem to win all the challenge she give, being the coolest and the more effective... until Twiligh's competitive spirit take over and give Trixie some impossible challenges to realize. Trixie ask for a time out so she can prepare herself.
      Later, she then win everything! Twilight Sparkle finally publicly admit that Trixie is the best magician ever.
      Twilight's friends ask her why did she gave up. Twilight answer she know when she's being defeated and it was all part of the game.

      Late in the night, we see Twilight and Trixie together. Trixie thanks Twilight for organizing this contest and to have helped her to create all the subterfuges and illusions. Twilight said she was happy to help a friend in need and that's Trixie's talent as a showmare deserved to shine. Trixie muzzled Twilight while thanking her deeply and accepting her friendship. She then get out of town with her wagon, pride restored and hapiness reniewed.

    192. Twilight recieves a letter from her parents, which she reads to the group prompting Applebloom to ask the question about her own parents, who she never met.

      After avoiding the question for a while Applejack and Big Macintosh give in and tell her, leading to the three of them touring the farm and recounting their memories of their parents and how they died.

      In the end Applebloom builds a hope chest for the collected memories, carving the family tree on the cover, earning her cutie mark.

    193. Pinkie Pie's uncle Al (voiced by Weird Al) comes for a visit. Pinkie remembers when she was a small filly the fun they had together playing tricks, singing songs and Uncle Al playing his accordion. But during this visit, one of Al's practical jokes goes wrong and hurts a pony. When the other ponies tell Pinkie about it, she refuses to believe it was Uncle Al's fault. Eventually she finds out the truth and has to confront Uncle Al. Al feels remorse about what he's done and promises not to go overboard on the practical jokes anymore.
      He even throws a party to help the injured pony feel better. All of Ponyville comes to the party including Princess Celestia. Uncle Al plays a trick on Celestia and everypony is in shock... until she laughs and says "You got me!" The party keeps going well into the night. The End.
