• Custom Derpy / Nightmare Moon

    These tiny ponies sure are seeing a lot of custom love lately.  

    Apparently Lady Draconic is selling this Derpy on ebay to pay for some credit card stuff!  You can find it here if you want to help out!

    Also some Nightmare Moon below (also for sale on ebay


    24 kommentaari:

    1. Hooray!!!! Those are awesome

    2. Should I get in a bidding war with them and make the price skyrocket like I did with the sketches?

    3. Awesome work right there, truly.

    4. Isn't it against the ToS for Ebay to sell things like this?

    5. When I saw this my first thought was "woah, when hasbro said they would make more show accurate merch they weren't kidding, they win in that regard" but then I realized... custom. Ah well, they're still awesome.

    6. Dat Nightmare moon is IMPRESSIVE.

    7. This is exactly what I plan to do with all those nobodies I'll doubtlessly be stuck with. Those two are very nicely done.

    8. Yes crazyredemu you should :D

      DarkJester Why would it be against Ebay TOS, customs sell on Ebay all the time.

    9. Derpy's eyes...Derpy's eyes!They are correct!Blasphemy!BLAAAASPHEMY!

    10. That's the most adorable NMM I've ever seen

    11. @AnonymousThey're derped just the angle makes them look more correct than they actually are.

    12. Hmmm.

      If you're going to fancy up a Nightmare Moon pony like that, you'd think the artist would repaint the eyes too.

      Very very minor detail but it makes up a lot of Nightmare's look simply by setting her apart.

    13. That Night Mare almost makes me want to forgive her for what she did wit-... To. TO! me!.

    14. @AnonymousHow would you paint the eyes?

    15. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280712569873

      Direct Derpy Hooves Ebay link

    16. @Anonymous

      Same as you painted the body, no doubt. It's not hard. And it would have helped the look of the toy a lot to have her turquoise, slitted cat eyes... her eyes being the wrong color/shape was the first thing I noticed. "Heyyyy cool, Nightmare M..... wait, wtf is wrong with her eyes??"

    17. I agree about the eyes. The body is very adorable and well done especially considering how tiny it is, but repainting eyes isn't that hard, especially because they're not necessarily complex. It's just something that would have made it 20% cooler (or more accurate, anyway~)

    18. NO!!! SETH YOU FOOOL!!!!!

      I was gonna secretly win that NMM all by myself!!!

      BUT NOW!!! D''':

    19. Aw man! These are pretty SWEET! Props to the creator.

    20. I wouldn't mind lotting on those, but in 5 days we'll watch those toys be like 300-400 dollars lol through bids...

    21. @StargazerI doubt it, the Luna didn't go that high

    22. These are so nicely done. And judging by how much that custom Luna went for (think it was over 60-70usd), I'm sure these will go for a pretty penny as well. Amazes me sometimes what people are willing to pay for these. 6_9

    23. Saw a new Derpy Hooves custom on ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/Custom-G4-My-Little-Pony-Derpy-Hooves-Ditzy-Doo-FIM-Hub-/300580863374?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item45fc03fd8e

      Comes with a derpy pet...idunno. mouse? bear cub?
