• Comment Subscriptions

    One of the pre-readers pointed out that you can actually subscribe to the comments on blogger posts.  I can't believe I didn't notice this...
    So if you want to be emailed every time someone comments on something, instead of sitting there and spamming f5, head on down to the bottom of the comment box and click "subscribe by email". 

    Yes, it's that simple.  You might need a blogger/gmail account for it though, I'm not 100% sure. It seems to just do it automatically. 

    33 kommentaari:

    1. wait, what have i just done...
      anyway, thanks.

    2. Word of warning it gets old real fast if the first things you here are several people spouting 'FIRST'.

      I prefer refreshing over my email account getting flooded with comments.

    3. lol Yeah, I can imagine it being upsetting getting many "first", "second", etc notifications in your inbox. I thought about it, but that'd just mean deleting a bunch of emails too. So I'll just read what I can when I can and keep it at that.

    4. I love you Seth.

    5. I always wondered how some people managed to hold conversations over comments.

    6. @Octavia

      So very much.
      I also love Octavia.
      She plays Cello and ehs doesnt afraid of anything.

    7. Pinkamina Diane Pie30. juuli 2011, kell 15:29

      Um, no. This is ridiculous. Do you get emailed every time a specific person comments, or is it for every comment? If it's for a specific person, stalkerish, much? And if it's not, why would you want to know every comment posted?

    8. Greetings fellow brony, if you are reading this from your e-mails you have just won an imaginary Trixie hat. Congratulations!

    9. Thanks for passing this along, Seth! Handy for me to keep track of any new comments made on my fanfiction stories here on the blog. Also, it gave me the choice to send it to my yahoo or google emails, so if people have a more junkish email account, they can use that one.

    10. @Pinkamina Diane Pie

      If the stuff featured on the blog post was yours?

    11. @Pinkamina Diane Pie ... if you're waiting for replies to your post during a discussion/debate?

    12. how does one actually do this, i am confuzz

    13. It's down below Newer Post, Home, and Older Post.

    14. >mfw when I figured this out months ago


    15. Also, in the same spot when you are not on a comment page you can subscribe to posts. That way if you are busy for a while you just subscribe and delete everything you don't want to see, and follow the links of what you do want to see. I wish I had noticed it before I was on vacation for 8 days with no internet.

    16. @D. Shadows Amen brother pony, why must we do these "First" comments? Seth, we need to vote on stopping the madness!

    17. I find the slowpoke picture appropriate for this!

    18. Eeyup; I've got hotmail, and all I see at the bottom here is the comment box, "comment as", "post comment" and "preview". I imagine it works only for Gmail or something.


      it's just a little further down -_-...

    20. ...
      I still don't understand how you ponies could have not seen it. It's RIGHT next to the Post Comment and Preview buttons.

      How do you even post w/o seeing it?

    21. You didn't know that? I have used this for a long time now.

    22. @Pinkamina Diane Pie
      Don't use email, that would be insane, use a news reader on your computer, tablet or phone.

    23. No matter how useful it may be, I'm still not signing in with my Google account, I get enough mail as it is. Plus, it's got my real first and last name in it, and I'd prefer that not to get out. I'll stick with my trusty old F5.

    24. @eaglehooves
      create ne gmail account
      set auto-forward to old account

    25. Silly Seth! I've mentioned this in emails when I thought the College Bronies post was getting overrun with spam, because I was subscribed by email and the filter didn't stop those.

      In fact, that's a tip for everyone: if you subscribe by email, the spam filter won't stop notifications from getting sent to you, even if the posts get removed right away.

    26. @Kits I really don't feel the need for another email, I've already got three. Plus, I tend not to check my email as much as I visit EqD (Um, just realized my priorities might be off), so F5 actually works better for me. I've had no issue carrying on some long conversations so far. Might try subscribing to the feed via Firefox if I make a habit of them.

    27. I ''GUESS'' this can be useful for stories that gets 1 comment per week, and the like...

      Because those who gets like 10 per days, well... ''email flood''.

    28. It tends to compile them all into one email thread if you have gmail.

    29. Exactly. That's a great idea, and I've been using it since the first time I got something posted here <3

      Thanks for pointing it out Seth.

    30. Hello to anyone subscribed by email to this, have a great and wonderful day :3
