Hey! Hey guys! I know how to call an international agent of intrigue and mysery! Scootaloooo! Scoot Scoot Scootaloooo! Also works on chickens for some strange reason. The above awesomery from everypony's favorite flight-challenged filly is brought to you by Aalevgor. Below, find Twilight Flopple's super ultra mega realistic depiction of Celestia and Luna's reaction to seeing their toys. It's so real, I think it may have just been recorded with a video camera. Real!

That second one was awesome.
ReplyDeleteNot first.
ReplyDeleteAlso, the first one was great. Scootaninja is best ninja.
Lol loved the comic
ReplyDeleteThat second one.
They forgot about the light up fairy wings!
ReplyDeleteI love you Phoe. Mostly your voice though. it is a nice voice.
ReplyDelete/hugs both Luna and Celestia
ReplyDeleteIt'll be alright, some pony will make great figurings of you two I promise!
These were both awesome. The first on an epic level, the second on a LOL level.
ReplyDeleteAlso, yay, it's Phoe!
Ment to ask what scoots is attacking. Hard to comment from lack of information lol. ( well, other then awesome scoots is awesome )
ReplyDeleteFor once i agree with celestia, it had to be done
ReplyDeleteThis is the first time that Celestia banishes someone who deserves to be in the moon.
ReplyDeleteBest chicken assassin ever?
ReplyDeleteAnd lmao! Oh, the second one was hilarious.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteDisregard currency
ReplyDeleteAcquire banishment
Also, Luna never gets fat, just more cuddly.
I dare the haters to say that the first comic isn't any gram of epic.
ReplyDeleteTO THE MOON!!!!!
I like how Hasbro is just this one guy
ReplyDeleteWhy is Princess Luna wearing Princess Celestia's tiara?
ReplyDeleteOne guy who owns ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING.
The true question is: why wouldn't I be wearing sis's crown?
ReplyDeleteOther then trolling, I've never heard a good explaination to why Celestia's toy is pink.
ReplyDeletePink for girls and yet the show and even on the box shows a white Celestia, doesn't make sense.
Been funny if they would of included the nails on a chalkboard phrases the Celestia toy says.
Oh no! My cover's been blown! Hurry! Send-in Agent Show Mare for a distraction while I make my escape!
ReplyDelete- Super Secret Agent Scootl-Double-O
Haha these are great.
ReplyDeleteThat guy doesn't have to wait for a thousand years. Too many guys will be going up there to try finding if Sentinel Prime indeed crashed on the moon.
ReplyDeleteSay, can anyone explain this new "X, grab my Y!" meme to me?
how does everyone know who's posting these. Above, people are saying that Phoe posted this but I don't see any indication she did, or anypony else for that matter.
ReplyDelete@Jelfes nevermind, just saw the indication, i derped
ReplyDeleteHasbro! Why must you torment us with such toys? Where's Celestia when we need her to counter-troll?
ReplyDeleteMore Ninjaloo art? AWESOME!
ReplyDeleteHasbro guy who sucks at making toys,
ReplyDeleteSend 'im to the moon.
Marketing research that fails,
send 'im to the moon...
ReplyDelete> Ninjaloo
This is the greatest name.
It also sounds like an Indian curry dish.
Which makes it even greater somehow.
@Anonymous The reason the toy is pink? Look closely at Celestia. She's NOT white, she's a very pale pastel pink.
ReplyDelete@kriss1989 regardless, at a glace you would claim she is white. The reason she is a tint is because of she was pure white she'd look flat to us. Hell, this background isn't white, it's a very close shade of white. That doesn't give one teh ability to say "Celestia is pink" or "The background is blue"
ReplyDeleteIt'd be okay if the Celestia was just a tint of pink, that's perfectly fine... But she isn't tinted, she's full on pink.
ReplyDelete>Other then trolling, I've never heard a good explaination to why Celestia's toy is pink.
The answer was posted on Equestria Daily a little while back. Hasbro in fact originally designed Celestia to be white, but while showing off the prototypes at industry trade shows there was considerable feedback from the toy retailers that 'pink sells better'. Hasbro simply changed the color so they could at least get the toys in the front door to sell them. There were pictures posted here that showed the original white Celestia figure, and Pinkie pie for example with slightly different, show accurate colors.
That's why I think so much energy is wasted on trying to get Hasbro to make better merchandise, when it should be the retailers that we focus our letters and petitions towards. If THEY know we want to buy off their shelves, they'll tell Hasbro what to market. We need to stop bitching and moaning to the makers when they can only make what they have a chance to sell.
@Vermillion Twilight
ReplyDeleteI'm fairly sure this was Lauren's theory that she posed to a DA inquiry back in November. As she and all the other crew of the show have stated, they have no influence or insight over the toys.
A response did come pretty direct from Hasbro at the Ponycon Q&A however, and it basically boiled down to "our demographic buys pink ponies over all other colors". The implicit point being that bronies or indeed even the adult MLP Gen 1 collectors that convention is geared to are not included in their demographic.
I'm sure the real reason is somewhere between the two, but I do think it's important to note that nearly all the graphic representations of Celestia on all the MLP product show her as white. Retailers have no problem buying and stocking those toys and probably have no problem selling them.
My theory is that Hasbro basically flinched. Here was this new wave of MLP merch and here they are introducing a brand new pony character - a real Princess, not just a horse dressed as one - and there's no guarantee that the toys or the show will go over well. So make her pink. I'm sure that pink ponies are failsafe, just like how Hasbro requested that Celestia be demoted from "Queen" to "Princess".
Pinklestia doesn't enrage me as much as their callow response to an adult fan's question. That's where this comic came from. Once I saw the awful eyes on the Luna toy in the new Target 2-pack, I knew they had it coming. TO THE MOON
- Twilight Flopple (Foxxy)
ReplyDeleteThere are so many archived news posts that I couldn't find the one showing the original color Celestia and Pinkie Pie prototypes. Ah well.
Hasbro definitely dropped the ball by changing Celestia, but they didn't design her that badly to start off with. I still think that retailers are the first and last line for getting better merchandise, and should be the focus of our Rarity-level whining.
Actually, Hasbro would be the hero of the day if they would put out a prestige line of ponies that they could sell in limited runs and online only, or even easier have another company experienced in marketing collector oriented figures handle the design, production and marketing of such a line. I would gladly pay a premium to have a full set of show accurate, molded ponies and side characters, without all those recolored ponies with their cloned poses.
Cool, now all Celestia needs to do is use Seth's space sattelite ray to change the color of all the celestia figurines to white easy as getting another ten million views.
ReplyDeleteScootassassin?! I think so.
ReplyDeleteIn other news, step up Hasbro!
Wow. I just don't know what to say. I posted that Scootacomics as a WIP (it isn't nearly done - just some character poses) in order to get some feedback on one specific forum. Was quite shocked (in a good sence) to find it here.
ReplyDeleteHope you will enjoy the final version when it's done.
The last panel with Scootaloo makes an epic wallpaper.
ReplyDelete>second comic
ReplyDeletegnu debugger;
operation cancelled to avoid infinite recursion.
-the function "Hasbro" shouldn't call itself.
If anyone gets this I will be proud of you all.
(I suppose technically it should be DDD instead of GDB)
Scootaloo with Katana > Luna in Socks
ReplyDeleteNow we need Scootaninja in Socks.
The first thing I though when seeing the first comic was: "Meet the Scoot!"
ReplyDeleteThe second one made me feel sorry for Habro. They are doing their best! The get a toy approved and finished takes months, guys. I bet they are working on the toys of white Celestia and Derpy as we are talking.
I just imaged how hard it would be to wield a sword in between your teeth would be. Just keeping it level after a swing would be a nightmare, let alone trying to hit something. That why I would use gauntlets as my pony weapon of choice.
ReplyDeleteWell, its good to see memes being used to solve problems instead of random jokes. Though you can never know with Celestia. She could have organised all this as an extremely complex plan to mess with us and Luna.
#2 It's soooooooo truuuuueee......
ReplyDeleteI feel bad for Luna.
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha! Those were great. But why is it that Scootaloo is always being featured as a ninja? I can't deny she makes a pretty cool one, but it's pretty clear that Sweetie Belle is the real ninja of the CMC's (Staremaster anyone?). In the end, Scoot would probably make a better samurai.
--YOU up!!
Is it weird that the first one with Scoot kind of reminds me of Sucker Punch?