Ah Pinkie and the 4th wall. Always good for a laugh. As for the first comic, in the timeless words of Rainbow Dash: "BWAHAHAHA!!!!" Seriously, though. I laughed hard. Water came out my nose, hard. I love dem Derpys. =D
so (from uk) what does that ei mean anyway? and why do they need quite so many graphics flasing around the screen all the time? i mean one should be sufficient for anti-piracy, the rest just makes it so annoying i prefer to watch the low-res but clean versions on youtube...
huh? huh?
And when oh when will the blurays for season 1 be released? It's a no-brainer we're all going to buy it, right?
My name is Luna, and I approve of cross-eyed pegasi flying-down my sister in the middle of the stupid sun party festival thing for muffins.
Seriously, it's stupid. No pony ever comes to my Winter Lunar Rememberance *sniff*, so why would they want to go to sis's *sniffle* stupid *sob* thing...
@StrangeNoise It's an abbreviation for "educational and informative": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E/I
Terrestrial stations are required by the FCC to show at least 3 hours of E/I programming a week. Even though The Hub isn't a terrestrial station, they still show the E/I bug for many of their programs, possibly to have them stand out in the children's sections of program listings.
@StrangeNoise As for the flashy graphics... well, that's just the network being your typical American network. It's pretty common practice now, sadly. I've just learned to mentally tune that sort of stuff out over the years.
xD I must say I love the second one. When I was very young and foolish I always wondered why the characters on the TV notice that. Now I know why they aren't as wise as Pinkie Pie.
Blame it on Celestia and her forgetting to set out when the event is held. I keep looking for information from anypony and I yet to find one that knows...
I wants to attend!
Anywho, The first one is grand. Is that how Equestria was made?!
Second comic: ..and then Pinkie wrenched the logo from off the screen and proceeded to bludgeon Twilight into submission for 80% damage to win the round!
47 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaLoved the second one XD
VastaKustutaNot only does Pinkie break the 4th wall, it breaks her back.
VastaKustutaPinkie Pie you are so random.
VastaKustutaPinkie pie destroyed the 4th wall. She could escape at any se- OH GOD SHE'S BEHIND ME
Also, ouch, Hubble trouble.
VastaKustutaAnd thus the Summer Muffin Celebration was born!
VastaKustutaOH GOD HUB LOGO IT BURNS. Poor Pinkie, Hub tripped her up! Held her back! I'm callin' bullshit.
VastaKustutaPinkamena Diane Pie, Leave the 4th wall alone!
VastaKustutalol oh Pinkie Pie and your fourth wall ability
VastaKustutaThat comic was brilliant.
VastaKustutaSo...does that also mean that Twilight was watching Pinkie float a few inches off the ground too? Must be some pretty crazy stuff.
VastaKustutaPinkie gonna pink. The Hub bar does have a good choice of character for the image though.
VastaKustutaAlso Pinkie is the only one aware of the fourth wall and Twilight just looks confused.
I don't know how I should express my laughter without making myself look like a retard.
VastaKustutaAh Pinkie and the 4th wall. Always good for a laugh.
VastaKustutaAs for the first comic, in the timeless words of Rainbow Dash:
"BWAHAHAHA!!!!" Seriously, though. I laughed hard. Water came out my nose, hard. I love dem Derpys. =D
1. lol Oh, Derpy.
VastaKustuta2. Looks like Pinkie's taken yet another step to shattering the fourth wall entirely and walking among us....
so (from uk) what does that ei mean anyway? and why do they need quite so many graphics flasing around the screen all the time? i mean one should be sufficient for anti-piracy, the rest just makes it so annoying i prefer to watch the low-res but clean versions on youtube...
VastaKustutahuh? huh?
And when oh when will the blurays for season 1 be released? It's a no-brainer we're all going to buy it, right?
(pinkie cartoon excellent btw)
My name is Luna, and I approve of cross-eyed pegasi flying-down my sister in the middle of the stupid sun party festival thing for muffins.
VastaKustutaSeriously, it's stupid. No pony ever comes to my Winter Lunar Rememberance *sniff*, so why would they want to go to sis's *sniffle* stupid *sob* thing...
Both of those comics were fantastic. Awesome.
VastaKustutaThis can be the 'Happy 17,500,000 views' comic(s)
VastaKustutaIt's an abbreviation for "educational and informative":
Terrestrial stations are required by the FCC to show at least 3 hours of E/I programming a week. Even though The Hub isn't a terrestrial station, they still show the E/I bug for many of their programs, possibly to have them stand out in the children's sections of program listings.
VastaKustutaLinkified: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E/I
VastaKustutaAs for the flashy graphics... well, that's just the network being your typical American network. It's pretty common practice now, sadly. I've just learned to mentally tune that sort of stuff out over the years.
The 4th Walls deffense systems have had to activate to stop Pinkie Pie... that means she is starting to get dangerously close to breaching it! D=
VastaKustutaBoth are simply... hilarious. Period. XD
VastaKustutaxD I must say I love the second one. When I was very young and foolish I always wondered why the characters on the TV notice that. Now I know why they aren't as wise as Pinkie Pie.
VastaKustutaBlame it on Celestia and her forgetting to set out when the event is held. I keep looking for information from anypony and I yet to find one that knows...
I wants to attend!
Anywho, The first one is grand. Is that how Equestria was made?!
Pinkie pie, you so silly!
And now I have a screenshot of Pinkie saying "WAAGH!"
VastaKustutaOh lord.
One time I watching Dexter's Lab, and a pokeball popped out of the corner of the screen and scared the crap out of Deedee.
VastaKustutaNo, actually she thought "old Dexter" died. But at first it seemed she totally screamed at the pokeball. It was hilarious.
I'm walkin' on muffin, wo-oah!
VastaKustutaI'm walkin' on muffin, wo-oah!
I'm walkin' on muffin, wo-oah!
And don't it taste good!
In Soviet Equestria, fourth wall breaks you!
VastaKustutaIn Soviet Russia, Fourth wall breaks YOU!
VastaKustutaFirst comic: Out of nowhere, fucking Derpy!
VastaKustutaSecond comic: ..and then Pinkie wrenched the logo from off the screen and proceeded to bludgeon Twilight into submission for 80% damage to win the round!
Heh, Pinkie Pie vs. the 4th Wall, episode V: The Fourth Wall Strikes Back!
VastaKustutawho is with me for the muffin Rebellion!!!!
VastaKustutarevenge of the forth wall
VastaKustutaAnd the 4th wall breaks her back.
VastaKustutaIn Soviet Russia, 4th wall breaks Pinkie Pie.
VastaKustutaThe 4th wall has learned how to defend itself after its long battles with the Warner Brothers cartoon line up from the 90s. Its ready for Pinkie Pie.
VastaKustutaThen again Linkara weakened it when he started burning comics up there
VastaKustutaWhy are you even suprised about Pinky breaking the fourth wall? She does that ALL the time :P
VastaKustuta"To do this, the derper sister used her cross eyed powers to raise the MUFFIN! at dawn."
VastaKustutaI can see that the last one (with Pinkie) be used as an ad for MLP, but not in a episode.