• CGI Compilation!

    I could live in this!  For some reason that kitchen just looks appealing.

    Edgar Allan Pony
    A whole bunch of bronies have been firing off these crazy 3D projects lately.  It's pretty impressive when you look at how much work something like this takes.

     Of course, we can't have the CMC without weapons and armor.   I actually had a dream the other night about a decked out scootaloo battling a dragon.  It was...weird to say the least.

    After the break you can find a blender portal pony project someone is currently working on.

    Still waiting on those rag doll source ponies! Get to it!


    1. Yeah, and what about pony themed maps for TF2 and other source games? I'd love to mess around with ragdolls in Ponyville or kill zombies at the gala! Also, You had a dream?!?! Glad to see you have time for that stuff Seth. Also, not first!

    2. Kimba the White LionJuly 8, 2011 at 1:04 PM

      Pinkie Pie found the cake, ha!

    3. I still prefer 2d art though.

    4. I'm with you, Fluttershy. When i first played Bioshock, I wouldn't leave the bathysphere for half an hour. I knew there'd be something like headcrabs out there, or the screaming damned from System Shock 2- don't EVER leave the elevator. That's just asking for trouble.

    5. I gave a laugh at all of the test subject descriptions. But I must disagree with Scootaloo's description. She's just... not a Cutie Mark Crusader Portal Gun User. Doesn't mean she's a terrible test subject.

    6. It's good, but the front legs seem out of whack.

    7. aperture pony still needs work, the animation is off

    8. Man, that Still Alive song is a lot more chipper than I thought it would be.

    9. The cupcakes are a lie...

      Well SOMEPONY had to say it!

    10. Maybe the kitchen looks appealing because there's two sources of sunlight?

      Which would mean two suns... I don't think Luna would approve of that...

    11. My only problem with the the kitchen is that light is streaming into the room at two different angles.

      The Aperture pony creeped me out at first, having a blank face... and odd movements... and that perpetual smile...

      Aside from those, everything's... nice.

    12. Beancakes I forgot about that.

      I was going to rig one of them, but then I forgot.

    13. On another note, this


      Might be helpful for those animators out there.

    14. More Portal stuff...

      It's almost like the the entire Internet is trying to get me to play Portal for the first time.

    15. reeealy creepy without eyes

    16. Damn imagine if they made an episode where all the ponies lose their mane and tail,
      They would look pretty creepy and awkward

    17. As an unabashed fan of GLaDOS and all her creepy maliciousness, I approve of the disturbing Aperture pony. Not to mention Still Alive is one of my favorite songs. X3

    18. I know the Aperture pony is a wip, but omg I hope they fix the walk cycle. Sorry to say, but it looks terrible. :/

    19. Ooh, those are nifty. I have Blender, I should put it to use again. Sadly I haven't used it in a good little while now. And that kitchen does look nice. I wouldn't mind that being my kitchen at all. :)

    20. Well... the Aperture Pony animation is NOT wip...
      That is the final version I decided to go with. Thank you all for the constructive criticism anyways but there won't be any new versions of it.

      I have learned from my mistakes and I promise that my next project will be much better.

    21. A lot of criticism on the animation, but I think it has just the right amount of creepily unnatural movement, much like GladOS herself. I await "I Want You Gone" with breathless anticipation...

    22. The Aperture Pony would be much less creepy with eyes,or at least one eye..

    23. @DragonCurse - Definitely something to keep in mind, the foreleg animation was really awkward, because the shoulder wasn't moving at all. Other than that, though, I quite enjoyed it. :)

    24. The problem with Aperture Pony is that its movements are neither natural and fluid, nor robotic, but somewhere in-between. It doesn't even look all that creepy, just weird.

    25. Haha, very nicely done. Beyond some awkward cutting, i quite liked that.

      The descriptions were awesome. Pinkie would totally find the cake. And Fluttershy let in the bird that pecked potato glados

      Brb gotta finish portal 2 after this.

    26. Creepy ass portal does not go w/ perfect CGI YO

    27. I can tell you right now that the opening picture is what they used for the g3 version's Ponyville's sweet shoppe.

    28. Why is everyone crossing MLP and Portal? Seriously, MLP is perfect as it is, we don't need Portal ruining it!
