• Cereal Receives a Pony Shot Glass

    Well, Cereal and the other two responsible blog authors, in any case.

    Yep! We were all once again gifted some free pony stuff by a very, very generous pony by the name of Bermuda Brony, to avoid using his real name- just in case. He's actually in Bermuda, so, the name makes sense! You're awesome, BB! I would just like to inform you that it is indeed the best thing you could possibly fill with your favorite adult beverage. Or soda, depending on your age.

    In the spirit of totally embarrassing yet another kind and talented member of the community who was nice enough to give me free stuff, I have taken the liberty of unboxing his package for you all to see.

    Pictures galore, ordering and pricing information, and Seth's glass as well after the break!

    So, there I was, minding my own business, when this box came out of nowhere actually the postman brought it to me. I was kind of confused because I hadn't ordered anything- and then I remembered about the glass. So, of course, I was giddy with excitement. Also, for some reason, the names were pixelated out. It was very strange. It came that way, I promise.

    You don't say, box! That's really neato.

    Time to open this thing! Under the paper, there was... a box! Whoa.

    And then it exploded everywhere not really.

    And then out came a Rarity glass! At this point I was still trying to figure out the best way to photograph the glass so I could get the wax applied to the etch to show up, so excuse the bad photography for a moment.

    Here it is next to my Applejack toy for comparison purposes.

    It was at this point that I totally derped and remembered that I could just put it in the windowsill and, lo and behold, it worked much better for capturing the etch.

    Seth's glass also arrived. We would have pictures of Phoe's glass, which was etched with both Rainbow Dash and Lyra, but sadly she doesn't have a working camera.

    That's your cue to tell her to get one.

    And that's the glasses! Like I promised, here's the ordering information, taken straight from the email:

    I have actually started selling the glasses now but I don’t have a ‘store front’ site or anything, but anyone who wants to order one of the existing cuts or even custom glasses can send contact me at bermudabrony@derpymail.org, I’m charging $12 for shot glasses and $15 for Rock Glasses (I’ll be getting larger glasses soon), and the shipping to the USA usually ranges around $7 for a single glass in a box to $25 for five glasses in a box. Also since I’m out of the USA I’m only using Paypal to handle the transactions.

     Once again, a big thank you to Bermuda Brony for his generosity.

    58 kommentaari:

    1. Get a camera, Phoe! Dx

      Anyways, neat. I totally want to grab one of these...


    2. Would love one of these

    3. Wow, those are beautiful! I think my grandfather has a glass etching kit out in his shop somewhere....

    4. >mfw aperture laboratories cup

    5. OhCelestiaIWannaSeeTheRainbowDashOne.

      Bermuda Brony's probably reading this going, "All this to get my freakin' fanfic accepted!"

    6. Hmmm seems this coin the phrase...

    7. The shine on the first Twixie Pic makes it 20% cooler than it would've been.

    8. Your all so lucky!

    9. Phoe: Get a camera!

      I'm so ordering a few right now. Would go great with some of the drink recipes!

    10. Wow, that's great! You guys really deserve these little gifts, but I'm so jelly now that I think I'm gonna have to buy one >:D

      Oh, and get yourself a camera Phoe, I wanna see your Lyra glass! (assuming that's what you got)

    11. I would feel guilty drinking out of that.

    12. According to my dictionary, pony is another word for shot glass.

    13. Damn it I want these, but I can't order any.

    14. Lucky :P

      Well, at least I'll be legally able to drink in March. I'm gonna have to get one for my B-day! Rapidash Twilight FTW :D

    15. Sweet as all fudge!
      I take it Phoe's shot glass makes her drinks 20% cooler automatically.

    16. These are [RainbowDash]SO AWESOME[/RainbowDash].

    17. Welp. Now I need to assemble large quantities of money so that I can get a collection going.

    18. Now you can get drunk in style!

      It can be not only magical, but great and powerful as well.

      And of course, with Dashie on it, it will also be 20% cooler!

    19. The big thing I'm getting out of this post is that both of you have nicer houses than me. Even if I get a camera I don't have any awesome countertops to show mine off on. Maybe if I put it on top of the Super Nintendo?

    20. Heck, that's just my desk.

      My messy, messy desk.

    21. Phoe! Get a camera! I want to see said shot glass with the two best ponies on it!

    22. And then Trixie was proven to be Great and Powerful for sparkling in that first picture.

    23. I jelly....

      Nah, not really, since I don't drink, I'd much prefer a Luna plushie. ;-;

    24. 20% drunker :)

    25. I wunt a rainbow and Dj Pon3 one =DDDD

    26. Anyone got a link to these on like DA. I can remember finding them there, just don't remember where or what the name was.

    27. @TGPFluttershy
      aslong as you play the album by silva hound called Drinks on da House which is based on the drink recipies XD

    28. Ohoho, I am so jelly. I really wouldn't mind an Applejack one. :P

    29. I give you all of my internets for having that cup.

    30. Where's Tekaramity's glass? :(

    31. Larger glasses...rock and shot are fine, I'd be after cocktail, wine, beer and fluted champagne glasses if that's what they mean by bigger.


      I don't have a problem!

    32. Classy. Rarity will haunt you if you drink anything that cost less than 50$ out of that glass you know.

      Expect funny looks when you go to high end bars and you've brought your own glass.

    33. @Anonymous
      You know...
      I think you have a problem.
      The problem being NOT owning one of these fantastic glasses!

    34. Really happy to see my stuff going to good use. :D I still need to decide what I want to get on my glass, though.

    35. The Rarity glass is best.

    36. @DareDreamer
      ...You DO realize drinking will destroy precious brain cells... right? DON'T FLAME ME!!! Just... just throwing that out there...

      All other things aside, the glasses themselves are pretty neat. I also definitely like the cameos in the unwrapping pics. ;)

      Git 'chersailf a cammer, Foe!

    37. Lol....Real Bronies drink from Pony shot glass PETROOOOOOOON

    38. This seems like a really appropriate time to mention these cocktails I found!




      Although you'd have to pay me to actually drink the Rainbow Dash shot.

    39. Bermuda Brony, that's hilarious.

    40. Hmmm, if it helps, I'll post what I would like to buy. 7 Glasses. One for each of the mane six + Spike. Every glass would optimistically be around 2 cups in capacity... Ane the package maybe to cost around... 30 Dollars.
      If it was posted on EQD that I could buy this, I would follow any links... And of course: Buy it!

    41. What, that was the first name that came to mind ;)

      I'm just glad they all arrived safely, always fun packing glass :p

    42. Skylark, the contact info for the seller is at the end of the blog ;)

    43. Oh my god. I need a rock glass with Fluttershy's "You are going to LOVE ME" face. This is happening RIGHT THE FUCK NOW.

    44. Oh man, or what about Photo Finish?
      I am going 45 kinds of crazy right now.

    45. @Senn555

      I like how nobody else seemed to realize this as well. Good on ya for thinking of all the blogponies

    46. I don't think any of the 'custom merch' sellers linked here on Daily Equestria have permission from Hasbro truthfully.

      If he's savvy however he could uphold the premise that each and every glass he's selling is a 'custom etch by customer request', in that case he's not selling a brand, only applying art for the customer. In that case Hasbro has as much power over that as they do stopping someone from airbrushing rainbow dash on their Car.

      Imo at least.

    47. @Anonymous

      There's another Blogger? I was only told of the three :/

    48. The snippets of your battle station that we can see look divine. I'm jelly - mine's such a mess of wires, controllers, dust, and mountains of empty cans and bottles. Also, I'm totally ordering these for brony friends' birthdays.

    49. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    50. So getting one of these. Rainbow Dash or Big Mac would be awesome to drink with, so they would be ideal designs.

    51. I'm loving Rarity's sheepish grin :)

    52. How would I find you guys address's?I might want to mail something....

    53. ^I agree. Would love to send you guys something for all the hard work you do on the site/all the lost sleep.

    54. Get a Camera, Phoe!

      I think I might want a Pinkie shot glass.


    55. Maaaan. I gotta get some of these for my birthday. Right in time for my 21st. Heehee.

    56. I would kill for a Rarity one with a better expression.

    57. Wheres the original picture of rarity? I want it :D
