The Canterlot toys that were originally scheduled for August 1st have made it out on shelves early over in Seattle. I don't know much about toys breaking street dates, but I've been told it's much less strict than games/movies, so you might want to give your nearby Target a call if you plan on grabbing these.
Sadly, Celestia remains pink. What can you do though? At least Luna is available.
Thanks to Chivahn for the heads up!
More pictures after the break for those that have no clue what I'm talking about !
first and target is now closed
ReplyDeleteLuna has derpy eyes.
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm sort of glad there's a Luna. Sorta
ReplyDeleteThe eyes look fine on celestia, but on luna they make her look a little,.... slow in the head.
ReplyDeleteWhy is Luna sized like a regular pony? And that Celestia would be pretty good if it wasn't frickin pink.
ReplyDeleteStill waiting on the individual brushable Celestia and Luna packs, but... it is extremely tempting to go buy it right now.
ReplyDelete"Starbeam Twinkle"?
ReplyDeleteWho the heck is that?
*sigh* I miss my home-town I can not belive Seatlle has the Canterlot ponies!!! Grr times like these I wish I was back there, well I always wish I was back there, but now i want to be back 20% more than usual
ReplyDeleteStarbeam Twinkle. Season 2.
It's nice that they're paying attention to Luna, I guess. Too bad I don't care about the toys though.
ReplyDeleteI thought something was off when I first saw the Celestia Luna pack, and it just now hit me. Luna is missing her chest plate thing! And Celestia's is replaced with a scarf?
ReplyDeleteSometimes I wonder if Hasbro is really taking this show seriously
ReplyDeleteHasbro should just hire this guy to sculpt the toys.
>Pinkie toy has straight hair
...don't mind me. I'll just be sitting here quietly, thinking about how mind-boggling awesome a Pinkamena playset complete with imaginary inanimate object friends would be, should the stars align and such a thing ever become a possibility.
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ReplyDeletePrincesses Pinklestia and Derpluna.
ReplyDeleteI'm not
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What is Hasbro doing? Why give Ms. Faust full creative liscence if theyre gonna flip her characters up this badly!
Dear Hasbro
ReplyDelete1. Twilight Sparkle is suppose to have a HORN
2. Pinkie Pie doesn't have A STAR CUTIEMARK (referencing picture 1, yes I know, it's not Pinkie)
Hasbro i'ma disappoint, I would burn your factories with the lemons, but seeing as thou i'm not Pinkie Pie and have absolute power over everything in the universe to do that i'll let you off with a warning
- Sincerely Everypony who was thinking this.
Wow, her wings really twinkle
ReplyDeleteAges 3 and up? YES!!!!!
ReplyDeleteStarbeam Twinkle: Twilight's long-lost twin sister. Turns out, Twi's adopted. ;P
ReplyDeleteChivahn, your nails look great.
ReplyDeleteThe toys, on the other hand...
Today on Attack of the Show I saw Hasbro talk about a "goth" pony for Comic Con. It looked stupid to me.
ReplyDeleteYeah, it was a pretty serious eyesore. I'm sure folks will buy it to have an 'exclusive'.
Well, glad there's a Luna at least I s'pose. Her eyes aren't really derped, I think it's more the angle of the pic. These toys are... meh. Okay. But nothing I really want a lot either.
ReplyDeleteYou guys do know that you can style their hair to make them look accurate, right?
ReplyDeleteAlthough cutting the hair ruins the toy, you can still make it look nice.
Either that or I'm just really skilled at hair styling apparently *pinkie shrug*
fuuuck canada, COME ON TOY'S R US release it early..you know you want to...Im tempted to go bribe an employee to go release it early ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm mystified as to why Hasbro packaged brushable-hair Luna with molded-hair Celestia. So inconsistent.
ReplyDeleteI'm not even surprised by pink Celestia anymore, I just roll my eyes.
The Luna toy is pretty cute, though. And hey, that Twilight is actually in a new pose!
+1 for actually acknowledging Luna
ReplyDelete-1 for the FiM ponies looking generally awful when applied to the "standard" pony models
-5 for pink Celestia
Meh, these aren't meant for us anyway. I guess they'd be great for the little kiddies? Probably. I will continue to wait semi-patiently for Hasbro to make merch for the bronies.
They are looking to please the target demographic rather than the pereferal one. As far as Hasbro is concerned, as long as the 5 year old girls are happy who cares about the 20-somethings
ReplyDeleteI was so excited when I found them I had to email them right from the store!
ReplyDeleteOh wow, Celestia has molded hair. That's a surprise.
ReplyDeleteOr alternatively target can finish taking over all the zellers in canada... :P
ReplyDeleteThey ALSO had a stuffed Twilight Sparkle, the brushable Luna/Celestia Set, a couple different Canterlot ponies, and the pony Lily Blossom
ReplyDeleteHehe thanks :)
I swear Starbeam Twinkle looks like G3 Rarity.
ReplyDeleteWait a minute, Starbeam Twinkle? New character for season 2, maybe?
ReplyDeleteIf it's Twilight's sister, I bet there's serious sibling rivalry going on, what with Twilight being Celestia's student and all.
Yea, I saw these guys last week, I thought they've been out for awhile.. Oh well. The awkward knock-off pony is damn adorable so I was tempted, but dat tinsel. And spending $20 on a pack that has a majority of things I'm not interested in.
ReplyDelete..Now to find a Cheerilee..
Imma buy dat Luna, even if she's derped.
ReplyDeleteThen I'll complain to Hasbro that the Luna I bought don't look NOTHING like the cartoon, and tell them to make the next one right!
I would be so jazzed to see actual MLP:FiM toys on the shelves.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, what I see here are toys nothing like MLP:FiM... T_T
I mean, seriously, Celestia is pink!? And what in Celestia's name is Starbeam Twinkle (would the average brony even want to love that kind of a name?... maybe, but I'm not too sure)!
I just wish Hasbro would have given the MLP:FiM name some dignity.
Now if they started making toys with the kind of appreciation to detail like how this previous post stated:
"Hasbro should just hire this guy to sculpt the toys.
...then the toys would be 20% cooler than what we see now. And you could imagine the kind of profit Hasbro would make if they were to make a move like that (it's an obvious win-win!).
Oh well, it will do for now. Hopefully we'll see progress in the future. ^^
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ReplyDeleteMakes me wonder...
ReplyDeleteHow would the ponies feel about their new toys?
If Twilight Sparkle has a sister named Starbeam Twinkle then their parents should be shot. It's a feckin' tongue twister.
ReplyDeleteI think it's more amusing that Hasbro still refuses to paint Celestia's hoof decorations, whatever they are, even though they are clearly molded onto the figure.
ReplyDeleteMST3KFan: I know a lot of toys like that.
ReplyDeleteI do like the toys, though, and it's nice to see that this Celestria is different from the one in the gift set. Her crown is transparent, and her wings are a different molded plastic completely. Still sorta dumb, but if I get that set maybe I'll just paint the Celestria I already have white. The dress seams pointless though.
I'm worried though about Luna's glitter horn. Do you think it's embedded into the paint, or will it come loose?
Luna IS much smaller than celestia. Watch episode 2 again, when she reverts to luna from nightmare moon, she is indeed much smaller than clestia, closer to the size of a regular pony, but still has the horn and wings.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like the only way we'll get an accurate Celestia OR Luna is to paint one ourselves.
ReplyDeleteOh man I can finally buy this now!
ReplyDeleteSo I can fucking set this shit on fire!!!
So is this officially not the DVD release Hub has been commenting on?
ReplyDeleteOh great, yet another Pink Celestia for my Pink Celestia collection. XD Thanks Hasbrolla.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous The bitch that took over the castle
ReplyDelete@Anonymous The bitch that took over the castle
ReplyDeletePinkie Pie looks like she's high.
ReplyDeleteOh wait, that's how she always looks.
Well... So that was the first and the last time I send a submission to Seth. Those toys are everywhere in the US, but my cute and awesome MLP Twilight's balloon (photos sent to Seth and somewhere among the replies of the Hasbro report entry) doesn't even have a little mention =(
ReplyDeleteoooh cool that twilight sparkle is poseable and has a light up horn thats pretty neat but who the hay is starmbeam twinkle? Luna dizzy doo called said she wanted her derp face back
ReplyDeleteHey, soon as I find a decent, non-string-hair Celestia, I'm going to do a complete repaint of her.
ReplyDeleteAnd not by hand-brush like I keep see everypony do.
Has professional modelers gotten a hold of these toys yet?
Well... I would say these are rather disappointing. Still sorta want.
ReplyDelete... Well, this is convenient. I was just heading down in that direction to pick up the rest of the Mane 6 from a Toys'R'Us....
ReplyDeleteO___o I work at Target and I can tell you right now this is a big "no, no". Someone in stock messed up and no one caught it. We still have ours waiting to be put out; but don't call and ask for it yet as we aren't allowed to sell them/display them till August 1st. All I can say is DOH! LOL! XD
ReplyDeleteI don't understand why these things always have to come with eight billion cheap plastic "accesories" that will be lost in about ten seconds and hurt like hell when someone inevitably steps on them.
ReplyDeletepfft, another Twilight. i already...
And yes, it's VERY VERY BAD to sell or put out product that has a date. i used to work at TRU and we could get sued by the manufacturer if we put release-date stuff early.
however, most toys DON'T have release dates, so this in itself is kinda special.
I don't get the "little girls like pink so Celestia toys must be pink" argument. The Rarity toy is white, right? RIGHT???
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen a Rarity toy. Please tell me I'm right!!!!!
Hah, I was just at Target two days ago in Seattle (after stopping at TRU) and saw this set, didn't even realize it was something special. I couldn't find the famed dollar bin with stickers and things though. :(
ReplyDeleteAlso TRU is a lot cheaper for things right now especially with the sale.
ReplyDeleteLast week they had a ton of Dollar section MLP stuff @ the Northgate Target (where I found these) but I may have bought like 75% of it).
Who the hell is Starbeam Twinkle? O.o
ReplyDeleteAlso Hasbro strikes again with the pink Celestia toy. -_- I will buy the 6 mane ponies (and fix them up of course!) but I can't paint to save my life, so I will not buy a Celestia until they make her the right color.
All pony princess or Hasbro has gone mad, that he sculpts crown
ReplyDeleteWho is this "Starbeam Twinkle" whore?
ReplyDeleteRarity IS white, but her hair is purple and magenta. >:(
Seriously, Hasbro? The fans can make better toys than you can.
Starbeam Twinkle looks like Celestia if she were a normal pony.
ReplyDeleteWhy are they even making toys to please the little girls? (Wait, I'm actually of of them. Whatever, I still hate these toys.) If Hasbro really wants to sell ponies, they should actually make them look like the show.
How I hate that pink Celestia...
At least Celestia is a more subtle shade of pink, and otherwise more correct to the show.
ReplyDeleteAlso, the fact that they made Luna at all gives me (at least a LITTLE) hope for Hasbro.
WOOT! Early release in Seattle! Suck it Bronies!
ReplyDelete>implying I buy little girls toys
So glad I live in Seattle right now :D
ReplyDeleteIf they won't make Celestia white for this line-up the usual brush-able MLP toys.
ReplyDeleteThen I really hope that they will consider making plastic figurines for us die-hard MLP:FiM fans.
I want this so bad:
Hasbro please make it happen!!!
ReplyDeleteYeah I was just at the northgate target on Monday but missed wherever that was entirely. Where in the store is the dollar section? I found the 'jumbo activity book' in the stationary section upstairs mixed in with random stuff and got that because poni, so I guess I was sort of successful maybe.
I think everyone who is complaining about Starbeam Twinkle is forgetting what we're dealing with here. It's My Little Pony, and it has been like this since the 80s- Hasbro releasing toys that have no relation to the actual show that is.
ReplyDeleteAnd also stop complaining about their hair not being acurate. The point of the toy is to brush and style their mane, and the molded five packs was just to advertise the show.
They should have a Luna single or a Luna+Nightmare Moon set, I'd also like to see a cutie mark crusaders set. Is there even an Applebloom or Scootaloo available? I know they have Sweetie Belle, but I love Applebloom. I'd love to see a set with her and Big Macintosh. A buffalo or two with Braeburn would be nice as well. There are so many toys I would buy, but I don't want their Celestia. Also, a Nightmare Moon as an exclusive rather than a goth pony would be cool except that I wouldn't be able to get her. Ooh! And Owlowishous and Gummy plushies. I want those.
ReplyDeleteIf Nightmare Moon were the exclusive pony I would fly out to California right freakin' now
ReplyDelete"I think everyone who is complaining about Starbeam Twinkle is forgetting what we're dealing with here. It's My Little Pony, and it has been like this since the 80s- Hasbro releasing toys that have no relation to the actual show that is."
ReplyDeleteWell, yes and no. It's true that not every G1 (or G3) pony toy appeared in a pony show. But in large part that was because the toyline ran longer than any of the shows, and also because of the MASSIVE numbers of ponies released. There were over 20 So-Soft ponies in the fourth year of G1, and that was a SINGLE SET of ponies! And they did manage to put *most* of them in the cartoon.
Anyhoo in previous generations, if a pony DID appear in a cartoon, you knew there was a toy version of her out there. So this trend of having ponies like Lyra or BonBon who are in a MLP show but don't have toys is very new.
Anyway, I went to that Target and got Princess Luna--she's very cute, even without the proper horn length. But her eyes make her look completely evil. I can't decide if I deplore or am delighted by this.
ReplyDeleteThe dollar section in the Northgate target is upstairs RIGHT by the entrance. They were all on the bottom shelf of the middle isle, but when I bought it all was a few weeks ago. When I was there yesterday they still had a few notepads and sticky notepads, but that was it, no stickers left.
The Target I work at would kill me if I gave it out early.
ReplyDeleteLuna Luna Luna Luna Lunaaaaaaaa
ReplyDeleteCanterlot Pinkie came out about 2 weeks ago here...Must have that Luna.
ReplyDeleteWHY CAN'T ARKANSAS HAP ANY NEW PONIES *buries face in a pillow*
ReplyDeletethere have always been special comic con ponies before FiM existed. they're keeping with the themes they've always had pleasing their g1 fans.