• Brony Slide Puzzles

    Those crazy Russian bronies have set up a bunch of crazy difficult slide puzzles for you all to fumble through! 

    These things have always driven me nuts.  Is there a specific tactic associated with dealing with them?  Counter clockwise or clockwise? 

    There were similar circle ones in Assassins Creed.  I literally took 10 minutes on one of the last ones. 

    Anyway you can find them here!

    32 kommentaari:

    1. They're easier to solve if you take them in steps -- solve the first row and first column -- now you're only working with a 4x4 grid instead of a 5x5 grid. Then solve the second row and second column, go down to 3x3, and so on.

    2. I took 16 minutes to solve the first one... I should have read the second post

    3. These things are awesome, but there is a problem with the larger ones. Since the pieces are scattered around radomly, there are times when the puzzle is actually impossible to solve, and you won't know it until you get down to the last three tiles.

    4. ShakeBunny I'm pretty sure that's still solvable, if it isn't send someone a pic about it.

    5. *has to update Java*
      I hope you understand what I have to go through just to play this!

    6. Well, those were fun. Pretty good art on most of them, too. Didn't run into any "unsolvable" ones, either, though I suppose it might be true that some exist.

    7. For some reason I can't play it on my iPod touch! Why? :(

    8. Oooh, I've always loved these. Currently storming through the second to last one.

    9. I couldn't get them to work, It was just a static picture of the puzzle. Help anypony?

    10. It said I needed to update java.

      I did and it still says I need to update. :)

    11. ...aaand that's all of them. Pretty decent artwork, actually.

    12. 4/7 of them so far, about to finish the rest. Thank you for making me spend time on these confounded puzzles ^.^

    13. Love these! They always take me about 40mins to do complete one though.

    14. These are fun. Though they seem to take me a good little bit to figure out too.

    15. These are IMPOSSIBRU! Okay, okay I solved the 4x4 rainbow dash one but it took me 60 mins. Hnngh.

    16. The "specific tactic" is to solve it row by row, and when you get to the last piece in each row, you maneuver the correct piece right below the position where it's supposed to be, with the hole beneath it, then do this shimmy to get it into place: down down right, up left up, right down down, left up. Once you get to the last two rows, you turn it sideways and treat it like a bunch of 2-piece rows. The bottom right 2x2 square then just needs to be shuffled around until it's solved.

    17. i'm surprised so many people have problems with these lol i've been doing these in record times since FFi gameboy had it to make me free money and pheonix downs :D (record is 16 seconds 4x4 grid it's not world record breaking but it's good)

      @sethisto AC spin puzzles are solvable by guess spamming them (i'm guessing you did too and i just got lucky)

      @shakebunny these are never unsolvable! just like a rubix cube sometimes its more beneficial to mix em up a little to get to the end

      if there's any interest i may post a screen cap of a solving method on ponibooru

    18. I always learned that you're supposed to solve the first three rows, then the bottom left corner followed by the bottom right corner.

    19. @Anonymous

      Yep, that's what I was going to say. I figured it out playing Cogs during the Portal 2 ARG.

    20. Fwee. Five minutes well spent solving the 6x4 Applebloom one. Brilliant work, Russian bronies!

    21. When I played RuneScape I got really good at these. The clue scrolls always stuck me and my brother with them, so I decided that I was going to find the secret! Turns out it's just "First row, second row, third row, bottom left 2x2 square, then the bottom six squares leftover". Simple, but memorizing all of the different ways to move tiles to get what you want where (they're called algorithms or something when used in context with Rubix cubes). Random chatter aside, yay! Pony Puzzles!

    22. dat.... website design.... *hurk*

      Tried to do Rainbow Dash in 10 seconds flat. Failed obviously. Then 10 minutes flat. Then I quit. :P

    23. I used to love doing these. Once you figure out the method, it's all about just how fast your fingers can move. My record for solving a 3x3 is something like seven seconds if I remember correctly.

    24. Hi all!
      This puzzle don,t have impossible combinations.
      It have check for impossible combinations and when it appears puzzle reshuffle.

    25. i finished em' all! and it only took me 1 1/2 hours :D horay for wasting my life!

    26. The second comment might be better in general, but for a 5x5 I've always used this method:
      Finish row 1 across
      Finish row 2 across
      Finish row 3 across
      Arrange the 2x2 square in the bottom left
      Dick around with the remaining 5 square (and one blank) until it fits.
      This is assuming the empty square at the end is in the bottom right.

    27. If someone actually does this in 10 seconds flat I will award them withe the entire internet.

    28. no Flutter-slide, no win...
      I guess I'll settle for Pinkie-slide

    29. Xandon-
      Is that a challenge?
