It fascinates me.
Anyway, Purple Tinker has asked me to drop some copy pasta off for you guys to dig through. If you are at all interested in brony meetups, this is definitely something to read. You can find it after the break!
Hello again, everypony!
Purple Tinker here with a meetup group update. Since I created the bronies meetup map and it got a writeup on Equestria Daily, group membership has EXPLODED! We now have dozens of meetup groups, many with dozens of members!
Some groups are relatively new and relatively small, and thus need your help! If you see a group near you... JOIN! And get your local brony friends to do likewise.
North American groups are at and presently include:
Canadian groups: Calvary, London (ON), Toronto, Vancouver
Western US groups: Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Portland, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, Seattle/Tacoma
Central US groups: Chicago, Colorado Springs, Dallas, East Texas (regional group), Kansas City, Midwest Bronies (catch-all regional group), Green Bay, Iowa City, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, North Dakota (state-level group), St. Louis, San Antonio, Tulsa
Eastern US groups: Atlanta, Boston, Indianapolis, Michigan (Detroit/Lansing region), Massachusetts (eastern MA and southern VT), Miami, New York City, Ohio (state-level group), Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Raleigh (NC), Savannah (GA), Tampa, Virginia Beach, Washington DC
If I forgot any groups, let Sethisto know so he can update the list. There are a LOT of groups! :)
Another possible near-future group (not yet on the map) may be coming to College Station, TX (Texas A&M).
European groups are at and presently include:
- Bourgogne (Burgundy), France (regional level group)
- Budapest, Hungary
- Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
- Netherlands (national level group)
This map is updated all the time! So if there is no star (or box) on the map in your location, STAY TUNED-- one may be coming soon! So be sure to check back periodically.
In the spirit of friendship,
Purple Tinker
yay green bay
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteShould be Calgary not Calvery
ReplyDeletePicksburgh bronies woo~
ReplyDeleteThe Milwaukee one interests me. That's nice a nearby.
ReplyDeletewait wait wait wait wait wait wait.... there's a Vegas meet up planned? Or is this just saying it's a viable meeting place? I am so confused.
ReplyDeleteNone anywhere close to Nova Scotia...
Do I want to drive all the way down to Toronto to dick around with guys I only have one thing in common with? Nope!
ReplyDeleteand STILL nothing near me. dang
ReplyDeletehigh hoof for living in the place that gets nothing
hmm... i made up my mind. bronys! e-mail me if you want to help set up a brony meet-up in nova scotia!
Who would be interested in a Mid-Tennessee meet up?
ReplyDeleteGrr.... Nothing ever happens in Kentucky....
ReplyDeleteYes, Green Bay! Only 2 hours away!
ReplyDeletethats what I was thinking! Yay Green Bay!
ReplyDeleteYay, Calgary
ReplyDeleteCause Bronies are Xenophobic!
If theres ever one in Hawaii I will hug every single person that attends like hardcore D:<
ReplyDeletenearby for me too. Milwaukee bronies better sign up, we can get our drink on!
Didn't even know if calgary had a brony group. Must look into this.
ReplyDeleteWait, there's a meeting in Vegas. Somebody please dress up like Elvis.
ReplyDeleteKansas City? Color me surprised/excited.
ReplyDeletehmm, looks like the Virginia Beach one is not actually setup yet
ReplyDelete>The particular "shape" of the ponies?
ReplyDeleteYes, it was the plot all along
Can one of the toronto Bronies email me some info?
ReplyDeleteBoston isn't to far from where I am...
ReplyDeleteIndianapolis bronies make some noise!
ReplyDeleteVirginia Beach??? That's where I live! YAY!
ReplyDeleteNewfoundland needs some love im lonely bys
ReplyDeleteI feel saddened.
ReplyDeleteI usually don't think much about the convienience of living in the New York Metropolitain area (thats fancy talk for New Jersey). However, all this talk of people being unable to find a group near them really puts into persepective how much I take for granted living in such a population dense area.
Let's see... four hours to the nearest meet in San Jose... hmmm...
ReplyDeleteSomeone please, PLEASE luanch a club near London, UK
ReplyDeleteYES! ATL Represent!
ReplyDeleteI guess I'd get a hug then? If there was one in Hawaii, I'd actually go. As hard as it would be to drive somewhere to meet up, crossing the ocean to go to a mainland meet-up is even worse.
Okay. This looks awesome. But meet-up places away from my house is like the most hardest thing for me to do...
ReplyDeleteUnless I ask my mom to use the Metrolink (in California), then that's pretty much my only way to LA. X_X; An next issue is to convince her to hang out with amazing "strangers"... (Quotation in what my mom's eyes sees as to people she does not know....)
Plus i'm broke unless use Debit card to shop Pinkie Pie. (And/or trade normal Rarity for a Shine Bright Rarity. *Gurgle*)
A Green Bay meeting area! Mmm I will have to keep an eye on that!
ReplyDeleteyou should shoot Purple Tinker an email if you are interested in starting one there. I'm sure she'd be able to tell you how to get started.
I've had one pony email me about founding a Hawaii group! They've gone AWOL for a few days though. Email me at if you want to take over.
ReplyDeleteY u no make an EL PASO, TX brony meetup! I would definitely attend!!
ReplyDeleteCome On Aussies where the Hay is all our groups?come on what the hell guys
ReplyDeletei feel foreveralone down here i need some Brony love down here
Remember, guys, you can always try and start one of your own up if there's nothing close to you. I'm Steves_Minty and I attend the Brony Meets there and they're a blast.
ReplyDeletetheres a meetup division in tulsa? AWESOME!!
ReplyDeletenesesitamos hacer una en mexico mmmm, propongo torreon para hacerla XD
ReplyDeleteHey man, Melbourne Bronie (MelBronie?) here! I'm with ya, we need a meet up group of our own. Problem is it'd be city for city - driving from Melbourne to Brisbane isn't driving from London to Birmingham or something.
I am interested in starting an Orange County group so bronies don't have to drive out to LA. We'll do some events in tandem with LA, but I'm sure many will appreciate the convenience. If any pony wants to help, email me at
ReplyDeleteIf you guys want to start an Orange County group, create an RDN group 'ocbronies' and shoot me an email.
ReplyDeleteAnd remember, ponies... these groups don't MAGICALLY START THEMSELVES. Every group-- up to and including the massive Bronies-NYC with almost 200 members-- started with a membership of precisely 1. It takes ONE pony with the chutzpah to stand up and start a group to make said group a reality!
ReplyDeleteSo, if you have that chutzpah, email me. (
Woot for texas bronies!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete@Purple Tinker
Filly bronies.
ReplyDelete'nff said.
No Malaysia (or Asia, for that matter)? :(
ReplyDeleteWhat a coincidence. I'm building out the Asia-Pacific page as we speak. If you want to start a Malaysia meetup group, email me ( Sounds like we have a volunteer! ;)
ReplyDeleteWhile I'd be too lazy to help set it up, I'd like it to go on record that I'd love to attend one.
ReplyDeleteAnother Malaysian brony? WHOOO~
ReplyDeleteY U NO CLOSER
Iowa City meetup? There are no words to express my joy.
ReplyDeleteDang D: still no Nebraska group...
ReplyDeletemaybe soon? xD
This is one of the few times I regret living in Saskatchewan.
ReplyDeleteWow! there actually might be a Brony meetup in Minnesota.
ReplyDeleteY U NO LISTED?
hell yea, atlanta
ReplyDeleteDang, we're getting a lot of Brony Meets here in Texas. Makes me kinda sad I have to move. :( Maybe I'll start one up near me after I move. Unless there's already one there by then. Which would not surprise me one bit looking at the map. lol
ReplyDelete@SteveUpNorth Im only about 40 mins away
ReplyDeleteAsia-Pacific map posted, with the first group being Melbourne (coming soon). Calgary meetup group in NA is now live. Okay, nite nite!
ReplyDeleteY I NO FIND THESE TEXAS BRONIES? I thought I was all alone in Austin! MESSAGE ME. IWANTTOGOTOONE.
Woo, Memphis! The one place where nothing ever happens!
ReplyDeleteLondon ON and Toronto are both close enough to me :D
ReplyDeleteone problem: I can't legally get my learner's permit or driver's liscense yet so I probably can't go D: plus my mom isn't willing to take me up there for a couple days, lovely innit? >.>
I'll be there in spirit though ;3
No Mexico or Baja California meetup?
ReplyDeleteI am disappoint
I would LOVE if there was a New Zealand or Aussy one there. However Europe and NA are only to be seen.
ReplyDeleteLike Purple Tinker said, someone has to start a group! It could be you! I was tired of there being no Milwaukee group. I'm starting one!
ReplyDeleteI'm a bit of a Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle type, but I don't let that stop me. If I can do it, anyone can! :D
Truly, the way I see it is that I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. :)
So, does this mean there will be a Calgary meetup/meetups? 'Cause that'd be awesome! Particularly if one happened around the beginning of school since that's when me and my friend will be there again. We'd definitely go to one if possible.
ReplyDeleteSeth you still need to RSVP to the event in your neck of the woods
ReplyDeleteTulsa has a group? That's funny Oklahoma usually doesn't get anything awesome, I was overwhelmed with joy though
ReplyDeleteI live in Hawaii. This sucks.
ReplyDelete[Psychoshy]YOU WILL COME TO INDY!!![/Psychoshy]
Remember: August 27 at Brookside Park Shelter #3 (next to the Water Park), Noon to 7:30PM. Food & Drinks will be provided, but guests are invited to bring some as well. Out-of-state Bronies and their families are invited too!
Facebook Group: Hoosier Bronys
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to get together, my fellow Pittsburgh bronies!
I joined the Pittsburgh group *g*
ReplyDeleteYinz'all ready fer da Ponies n'at?
ReplyDeleteAs soon as we get enough bronies..
Man, my inbox exploded last night with people jumping onto the PittsBronies Facebook page.
Now, its still not enough... so can we get it to explode again? And bigger this time! :P
ReplyDeleteAnd that's EXACTLY why I started the Group. XD
Hoorah! A meet up in my town, Tampa! If not to be a broken record: date, time, location? Place to find this information?
ReplyDeleteThis sucks because of no children, I have a meetup happening 6 blocks away but I can't going bacause I'm 12
ReplyDeleteAnyone know when the Minneapolis event is? I live like 30 minutes away!
ReplyDeleteI should go to the VA beach and the DC ones.
ReplyDeleteNearest one is 5 hours...dang
ReplyDeleteTo those who keep asking 'WHAT IS THE DATE OF THE NEXT MEETUP' and 'WHERE IS THE NEXT MEETUP'... that is what the individual meetup groups are for. :) There is no way that a single map page could contain this kind of information. It would be way too crowded, and it would have to be updated constantly. There are around 40 meetup groups now! :)
ReplyDeleteSo, if you want to know when the next meetup date is for the group near you, join that group and ask! Usually, if you just read back through group chat history, you can suss out when the next meetup is, if one is planned.
Also, Malaysian bronies-- please email me at so we can set up a Malaysian group!
ReplyDeleteNo Madison?
ReplyDeleteThere's a whole city full of college-age guys... there should be dozens here.
Wow, one in Minneapolis? I could go. Is there an age limit?
ReplyDeleteNeeds moar Matagorda County :(
ReplyDeleteThat's right, bronies. FLOCK TO MY GREAT BUCKEYE STATE!
ReplyDeleteI'll try to make the Dutch meet. Hope to see more bronies there... It is a bit of a mystery to me exactly how big the brony community in our little country is.
ReplyDeletemy little pony: friendship is Spreading.... not like that.
ReplyDeleteYAY! ones finally coming to the Pittsburgh area. Sure hope I can attend.
ReplyDelete>mfw I'm probably the only brony in Montana
ReplyDeleteI thought I was the only Brony in Utah. Sweet.
ReplyDeleteHow do we know when the meetups for our area will be? I clicked on the one for Indianapolis and it doesn't have a date anywhere.
ReplyDeleteIf no date is posted, ask! That's what the groups are for... communication. Socialising. Don't be shy! :)
ReplyDelete>Moved out of Miami a about a month and a half ago.
ReplyDelete>Find out it has a brony meetup
PROFOUND SADNESS ... wait, where are you now? Chances are there's a brony meetup there too!
ReplyDelete@Anonymous @July 13, 2011 9:41 PM
ReplyDeleteWhere are you in Kentucky? I'm in Louisville, so I'm considering going to the Hoosier Brony meetup. (I'm originally from Indiana, anyway.)
I think people need a tutorial on how Rainbow Dash Network works, how to send messages so that they appear on the groups and understand that just because a group exists doesn't mean there is already a meet-up planned.
ReplyDeleteOk... English pony here. Seriously? No London event....? Anypony? I will start one if no one else does.
ReplyDeleteI live in indianapolis, there's a meet there?
ReplyDeletePLEASE answer.
English poni: PLEASE email me at! A great city like London needs a brony meetup!
ReplyDeleteIm a hoosier too! :)
Yes another Social Group I cannot participate in because of my screwy schedules and last second changes..
ReplyDeleteLife is uber hard on the road. Will be in NYC- Bronx Saturday.
Pity you won't be in NYC tomorrow night (Friday)! We're having a Brony Appreciation Day mini-meet.
ReplyDelete@AnonymousYes Sir/Ma'am!
ReplyDeleteKansas City bronies it is! Visit for the info!
Which one shall I go to, Manehattan or Fillydelphia?
ReplyDeleteGo to BOTH Manehattan AND Fillydelphia!
ReplyDeleteAnyways, I run the Manehattan meets, and we are having a Brony Appreciation Day mini-meet tomorrow for dinner in Little Italy. You should come! :)
I live in central San Antonio, and where is this at?
ReplyDeleteFUCK YEAH
I do wonder if other fandoms do this sort of thing. I'm betting not. (If I can get the Touhou community's attention, it may catalyze progress on our end as well... I think we should form an alliance, but that's for another day. I have more lurking and research to do on the matter.)
ReplyDelete*Puts on General's outfit with a letter pointer* I believe our next objective should be to establish communities near each major higher educational facility in the U.S. and Europe. Ivy League, Big 10, Oxford, and any other, especially ones with significant liberal arts colleges! I'm out of U of I Urbana-Champaign myself, so Purple Tinker is going to hear from me. We are one step closer to CGS (Complete Global Saturation ala Resident Evil); I am proud to be one of you.
ReplyDeleteKansas City bronies?! :D
ReplyDeleteKansas City group link is LIVE! Go join!
ReplyDelete@Anonymous to the pony who said "y u no make an el paso brony meetup!" I COMPLETELY AGREE. LET'S MEET UP!!!
ReplyDeleteI'ts a two hour drive to my nearest meetup location, and I have no car T_T
ReplyDelete :)
i want one in glasgow
ReplyDeleteY U NO TENNESSEE!!!
ReplyDeleteI can already tell season 3 is going to be great!
ReplyDeletei hope this happens again next year
ReplyDelete@Andrew Malcom 2013 that is
ReplyDeleteI wish there were more Malaysian meet-ups Dx I kinda missed em all lol
ReplyDeleteAgreed. Im in louisville, can't find a group :(
@Anonymous It shall be done someday XD