• Brony Documentary from SlateV.com

    SlateV.com has done a quick 6 minute documentary on the brony craze.  It's nothing we haven't heard before, but at least it's positive this time around.

    You can find it after the break!

    Also on their main page!

    55 kommentaari:

    1. MLP:FiM is NOT designed for little girls...

    2. Hey, seth... You either typoed the title or the description... SlaveV.com or SlateV.com?

    3. The intro pretty much turned me off of taken them seriously. While I don't find it that bad. But why dose everyone feel the need to push this only as a girl show. I know its easy but come on.

    4. aw, look, first time i don't get overwhelmed by 45 comments, anyway, very nice view on our stuff... fu*k, hasbro, when u gonna see us, lil' bronies

    5. My little Pony, Friendship is MANLY!!!!!!!

    6. Heh, didnt expect to see Scribus on there!

    7. Now this is a decent report on the fandom.
      I like they chose to interview a fan who looks and acts presentable unlike the dregs at ponychan.
      Speaking of which SlateV gets bonus points for not mentioning that cesspit by it's name, they just briefly show a screencap of one of their signature hugbox threads but that's no big deal.

      I wish all reports on FiM were like this one.

    8. I think they could have interviewed a different academic for their detailed explanation segment. The professor here tossed around some terms that went right over my head or were not as hashed out as I would have liked. Not to mention that I disagreed with some of her (the prof's) points... but other than that, pretty good video. Bonus points for using a nice-lookin' brony, too.

    9. "Want me to teach you how to skin your horse?"


    10. I will say I'm glad to see a fan who was a good representation of the positiveness of the fandom. The line "Well nothings for everybody" I think that showed the kind of message we should push as a community. That hey if you don't like what like its cool. I will say I wish they would have left gender roles and feminism out of it. Not everything has to be about intertwined with feminism.

    11. @CrayolaBrony

      I have to agree. I wasn't really happy to see gender roles brought into this discussion. We have enough of that already and I personally am not a fan of feminism shoved into my face. That and she was fair to well quit to really hear clearly.

    12. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    13. Ponychan thread on the topic:

    14. @Shaun Hegney

      Put bluntly, the "gender roles" argument is an old meme in bronydom now. I wasn't really annoyed that it was brought up, but it was her presentation of it that bugged me. It seemed like she hadn't really made her mind up about us. Or which detailed explanation was best to try and explain us, either.

      I dunno. *Ponyshrug*

    15. Agh, FiM compared to Teletubbies? Not a fair, FiM is awesome because it is awesome, not because it is a big joke.

    16. @Anonymous
      As Lauren states:
      "Honestly?? I feel that people who call them that are ignorant a-holes. That's how I feel.

      I didn't create this show for little girls, I created it for little girls and their parents--including male parents. It only stands to reason that adult animation fans without children may like it, too.

      The belief that boys shouldn't be interested in girl things is the main reason there's hardly anything decent for girls in animation--- or almost any media, for that matter. It's a backwards, sexist, outdated attitude."

    17. I have not given up on my dreams of omnipotence!

    18. Pretty lackluster video. I found it humorous the little girls' reason to liking the show is "their funny and they teach you a lot of stuff about what you should do in your life". Proves what I've been thinking for a while now that children won't be able to grasp the true quality of the show.

    19. I love how she just bombarded the kids with long words and complex sentences at the end.

    20. Well, that was awesome.

      I have to say, the ending with the girls playing Red Dead Redemption was hilarious. I have played that game a lot lately >_> Especially Undead Nightmare. Gotta love that unicorn XD

    21. @Inconspicularity

      Ah, there's nothing like stumping a 6 year old, eh?

    22. @Anonymous

      lol @ insulting people while hiding behind anon.

      so pathetic.

    23. I´m okay with this.


      Yeah xD did she really expect them to get that?

    24. That was a pretty good video, it had some character.

      I really like both the show and the community... they are both fantastic.

    25. @Anonymous
      Hey now, the grasp a different quality of the show. we appreciate the technical work and references to stuff, and they get what ever it is little kids get out of it. Like, role models, new ideas, and all that junk. i cant really word it, i've forgotten, to my shame, how to see like a 5 year old. All I know is its the same quality, just a different angle.

    26. Anyone else think the older woman towards the end sounded like she was slightly auto tuned?

    27. @Anonymous

      When I was in elementary school and watching television, I wasn't always able to grasp what I was watching, either, but that didn't mean I wasn't entertained by what I was watching. Now that I can look back to the shows of my childhood, I can view what I used to watch in a different perspective but still receive enjoyment from it.

    28. @kefmaster You're using that quote out of context to defend an argument that Lauren Faust wasn't making.

      MLP may not have had a young female audience exclusively in mind in the design, but the statement that "MLP:FiM is NOT designed for little girls" is flat out untrue.

      It's totally legitimate for people outside the target demographic to be fans of the show (that was one of Lauren Faust's goals when she set out to make it). But please stop throwing a fit whenever it's pointed out that, yes, the primary demographic does exist.

      It's possible that you were trying to say that the show wasn't designed with so narrow an audience in mind, which is true. But it certainly was designed with a young female audience in mind, and the video didn't misrepresent that.

    29. I think this was pretty good. Yes, they started out with the little girls, but it is a little girl's show, people. They didn't make bronies out to be pedophiles or anything, and I think they did a pretty good job of explaining why bronies like it. Not the best video I've ever seen, but still pretty good.

    30. i feel that the kids at the end dont know what skinning is. else they wouldnt want to do it to the horse

    31. They picked a brony who knew what he was talking about, looked presentable and 'normal', and they actually covered it fairly and in a balanced nature. The only bit I wasn't a fan of was the comparison to Teletubbies, but... C'est la vie.

    32. Tears of a Valedictorian12. juuli 2011, kell 14:57

      That was actually pretty okay... Slate's one of my favourite sites, but they can go pretty hard at stuff if they decide that's how they want to spin it.

    33. That older woman towards the middle kind of lost me on her thought of why we liked it... What was she even jabbering on about? Also comparing it to Teletubbies is insulting.

    34. I never quite understood why there HAS to be such a strong division and separation of genders and what one gender does or likes as opposed to the other. I don't see anything wrong with some guys liking some things that are portrayed as being "girly" or some girls liking some some things that are portrayed as being "manly". I say like whatever you want to like.

    35. Hehe, credits feature! *flutteryay* I wonder how long it took Taylor to find the interviewed brony. It's interesting how she messaged me for suggestions rather then somepony else.

    36. Not entirely sure how I feel about the psychoanalysis. I feel that bronies as a whole are relatively open enough to see beyond traditional preconceptions and after hearing the great music, seeing the great animation, and witnessing the witty dialogue and sharp characterization simply decided that FiM was a great show and developed a community- damn the traditional notions of what men could and should like.

    37. Someone needs to make an account and correct that Zhukov character in the comments.

    38. Everypony, I am Helldiver450, and I have GREAT NEWS TO TELL YOU ALL ABOUT MY LITTLE PONY SEASON 2!!!


      I snapped a screenshot of the original production studio. SPREAD THE WORD! HELLDIVER450! MLP FIM SEASON 2 will be ready by December!!!


    40. "Want me to teach you how to skin your horse?" XD

    41. Did she really just let a 6 year old girl play red dead redemption? wow, and btw seth Its another pink celestia for goodness sake? how did hasbro publish that?

    42. That was interesting.. a bit ill-informed, clumsy, uncomfortable, or downright disturbing in places, but..

      .. And Teletubbies? Since when did Teletubbies get anything more than a fringe following outside its intended audience that wasn't just mocking it? I mean, that series had a few.. curious little things I sometimes liked to wonder about (.. Seriously, did.. did they live in a reactor?) but mostly it was almost as vapid as Boobaa (which I lost a half hour of my life to, once. Seriously, it came on, and I came to a half hour later wondering what on earth happened).

      But, oh well, at least they're trying, and I liked the fellow they brought on to speak for the community even if he might have made a few points better.

      I can't help but wonder if she would have 'gotten into it' as many do, though.. I do think the most positive and likely to stick way is to be shown a few episodes by a friend. And then a few amusing pictures. And then a few awesome pictures. And then get told there's this site called Equestria Daily that archives this stuff...

      .. And then said friend tells you there's a MUSH for it now at which point you're basically trapped forever.. >.>

    43. Well, okay, that, and coming depressedly from two of the nastiest MMORPG macro-communities on the internet, I fell instantly in love with the one that actually has 'love and tollerate' as its watchwords, but anyway >.>

    44. @Florentine

      There's a MUSH for it? Link.

    45. Gotta say I didn't mind this at all, though the Teletubies thing could have been left out.....Those things are just creepy. All in all I thought this was well done, and the Brony interviewed did an outstanding job to say the least.

    46. While I'm hardly unbiased, that smelled too much of a social scientist who's received an five minute briefing on bronies and asked to give an analysis or something.

      Which I guess amounts to "you don't understand me, you're not my mom!", but my point is that given the size of the following, I think it's less about bronies working out gender issues and more about counteracting something that's wrong with today's society with regards to interests and perceptions thereof.

      Ah hay, I can't say it better than Ms. Faust herself, who's commented on how backwards the attitudes are, sometimes.

      Hackles raised/overreacting to a perceived attack aside, it was interesting!

    47. At least it's trying to be informative and not taking a side on whether or not Bronies are "creepy or cool."

      People that say "My Little Pony is intended for girls" is like saying "Red Dead Redemption is intended for boys." And while MLP is a "family show" (and RDR isn't necessarily a "family game"), it really doesn't matter what you do and don't like.

    48. That was pretty good. I thought they did an alright job representing bronies. Certainly better than some of the other ones I've seen.

    49. I need to remember this video for later.
