• Brony Day Festivities

    July 15th is brony day!

    I know a lot of you have stuff planned for it, and I want to create a compilation post for tomorrow night that lets everyone know what is available for the event.  The nightly roundup is cool, and it's where I have been filing most of this, but I think a separate thing would be a bit more spotlighty (even if the roundups do tend to be the most read sections of the blog.)

    Send an email with BRONY DAY in caps to [email protected] with all information about your particular event. (note: I'm at about an email a minute right now, so I might not respond to it)

    If you want to be Trixie level great and powerful, make it copypastable!  Just sayin.


    1. July 15th is also my birthday. also, happy 18 mil everypony

    2. I'm just gonna be wearing my Fluttershy shirt to the midnight release of Harry Potter.

      Got work all day on the 15th x.x

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Just marathoning season 1 and buying one piece of merch.

    5. @Pinkie_Pie_fan471

      Pretty much the same here....

    6. watch all episodes and i don't know what else
      woohoo happy upcoming brony day

    7. I have to go to a wedding on Brony day...

    8. I will most likely have myself a pony marathon for myself on Brony Day.

      What's awesome is that Friday is the day I have off of work. YAY~

    9. I'm gonna be busy with family on the 15th, so no ponies for me on Brony Day. *desperately tries to hold back tears* :'(

    10. Band Camp :D Will July 15 be Brony day every year?

    11. Somepony celebrate my Birthday too, It's on the 17th. :D

    12. Me and a couple brony friends of mine are marathoning season 1.

      Then I'll be wearing my Twilight Sparkle "It's Magic. I ain't gotta explain $#%!" shirt to the new Harry Potter movie. :D

    13. A Brony Friend and I will be marathoning season 1 and make Papercraft ponies during the show (Trixie is first on my list ;3)^_^

    14. I'm going to party my flank off on the 15th lol.

    15. Anypony want to organize a mass omegle brony visit wishing everypony there a happy brony day, perhaps converting a few to the herd?

      I'm visiting my aunt and uncle pretty much all day on friday, so I won't be participating very much, but maybe I'll watch some pony videos.

      I know the hub is aware of brony day, so maybe they will give us something special. (like another AWESOME commercial)!

    16. @Anonymous
      @Pinch Harmonic

    17. The 15th is my day off! But I do have to go somewhere in the morning.
      I'll just see what happens during the day, maybe joining any online events.

    18. Ooh ooh! Idea from your friendly neighborhood anon here. How about we
      guys listen
      how about we change our
      everypony listening?
      we change our icons on every website we have an account on to a pony for brony day!

    19. Yay im not the only brony with a b-day on 15th during brony day. This brony is turning 22 and going to party like crazy. Cupcakes...Epic mealtime sized cupcakes, my little pony marathon, and harry potter awww yeah. I hope and wish the rest of you a happy birthday as well y'all

    20. ya im going to be wearing my rainbowdash tshirt to harry potter^^

    21. I'm working the Harry Potter midnight so I hope I don't sleep through the day. Gonna marathon S1 and consider some merch.

    22. Write as much as I can. Slip as many pony references as possible into conversation. Ponify the sh*t out of the get-together I'm going to that day.

    23. I can only think of running a Season 1 marathon. Woo hoo!

      Might go and check the local toy stores for ANY sign of FiM merchandise.

    24. I think i'll go with everyone else doing a marathon + pony merch.
      Thoe I have to ask what 15th are we going by ie 15th in the USA or 15th in NZ

    25. im gonna be doing no festivity, just a lot of hard work at a farm.

    26. I'm pretty much feeling a MLP:FiM marathon as well. I'll wear the Rainbow Dash and Spike pins as well as my pinkie pie key chain I got at Connecticon 2011. Gonna be sweet.

    27. Would like to watch S1 again, but I MIGHT be out with the boyfriend and my bestfriend watching Harry Potter. :P

    28. -Marathoning S1
      -Buying a new toy
      -Telling to my family that i'm a Brony (glup!)

      The day after 15 Im gonna have a party with some pals!

    29. >hookah lounge

      >get mad drunk.

      >watch some ponies

    30. Im finally gonna test my inter-dimensional traveling machine and will attenpt to go to ponyville. I will bring a laptop and if i survive the journey, i will send live feed from ponyville itself.

    31. inb4 i forget to and or cant think of anything special to do for the occasion partially because im not surrounded by any irl bronies, just like laughter day :(

    32. @twilightlover21
      Can't wait! Hope your laptop can broadcast across dimensions.

    33. Gonna buy some pony merch for a friend. Gotta spread some friendship on a day focused on it :P

    34. BRONY DAY OH YES!!!My brony day would be meh though.
      July 15th 12:00 noon is July 15th 12mn in the US so this is the start of Brony Day.
      12:00 noon - 10 am next day (July 16. July 15 10pm in the US so it's still Brony Day) My sister will be at my dorm to get her stuff then hog all the internet so I can't socialize or download the remaining episodes for the marathon since that's the only thing I can do. Also since it's a one bed dorm I get to sleep on the floor with a mattress she will bring (How nice).
      10am-12noon Eat at a buffet (< Only thing nice about my brony day *sigh* There's always next year though.)

    35. Bronies-NYC is having a mini-meet dinner in Manehattan! See http://www.meetup.com/Bronies-NYC/events/25481301/ for details.

    36. I'll release the Luna song I've been working on if I can get it recorded by then, I was going to wait but this seems appropriate

    37. If I was at home, I would go buy about 5-6 toys, and leave them on hoods of my friends cars (except applejack, she b da bestes)! Except none of my friends (or no one in my state it seems like) is a Bron...and I'm in Nashville. Oh well! I'll just have an all day FIMfiction read-a-thon

    38. Well, I have to visit the Dr. Office, but after that I'm gonna watch a whole bunch of S1 with someponies.

    39. Any Bronies in Melbourne Australia that want to go clubbing or something?
      Or even better yet...have a party with DJ playing pony remixes.

    40. Well my plans are. Go sailing with the rest of the CPYC laser group and sing to pony songs on the water, come back, derig, watch ponys on my iPhone while waiting to be picked up and maybe show my mom Dashie (just maybe)

    41. @CogWeaver Dude, it's my birthday too! Weren't you pumped to see it dubbed brony appreciation day?
      A bit a of trivia: we share a birthday with Joe Satriani the guitarist, Adam Savage of Mythbusters fame, and Terry O'Quinn who played John Locke in Lost.

    42. I'm gonna wear my pony-themed t-shirt to work and see how many stares or bronies I can run into. Unfortunately the second semester in university hasn't started yet so there's very few people around.

      Might start making the paper ponies tonight! /)^3^(\

    43. I'm gonna bring cupcakes to my weekly rpg night! I am excite!

    44. Hey, this would be great and all, if you had put this up days ago. See, living in Australia, Brony day will be mostly over by the time you make your last minute post on the 14th.

    45. by sheer coincidence, im starting an MLP roleplaying campaign with a few bronies on the 15th. Woo!

    46. Where in the crap do you all find/obtain this MLP apparel?

    47. @Anonymous

      The apparels are designed by people with accounts on apparel design websites, so they're independent from Hasbro.

      See here: "http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/External_links" for a few links.

    48. @Anonymous

      Buddy, I know it's a few days late, but shit like this is exactly why I threw together the meet-up group.

