In case you weren't aware, the bronies meetup group network just keeps growing and growing. Starting with three groups (NYC, Portland and Seattle/Tacoma) several months ago, we have now grown to EIGHT groups all across the United States!
And now there is a site that will show you exactly where the nearest brony group to YOU is. Now you have no excuse to not socialize with your fellow bronies! Don't worry-- they don't bite. :)
Just go to and click on the handy-dandy "group map" link, then select the area nearest you. It's that simple!
And if there ISN'T a meetup group in your area (Chicago and LA, I'm looking at YOU!) and you'd like to start one... well, step up to the plate and shoot Purple Tinker an email at [email protected]. She'll help you get started. We're always looking for new chapters!
Some reminders: The two big brony conventions, Northwest Bronyfest in Portland and BroNYCon in New York City, both have events coming up! Northwest Bronyfest is going to be held next on August 6-7, 2011, and BroNYCon on September 24, 2011. Start making your travel plans-- these are worth traveling for!
In the spirit of friendship,
Purple Tinker
A new website focused on bronies meeting up around the USA has popped up! Purple Tinker was kind enough to send me a good old copypaste information writeup, which you can find below! If anything, check out the map. It's amazing...
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154 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaThird! Wait...
VastaKustutaThe New York one is so close, I should buy my train ticket ahead of time.
VastaKustutaIt's times like this that make me sad to live in Minnesota.
VastaKustutaNo Nevada love?
VastaKustutaWhy no love for the Midwest? I live in the Greater St. Louis area, all of these are just too far out of the way. :(
VastaKustutaIn case anyone's having a look at the Seattle-Tacoma or Portland group, I should note that the date of Northwest Bronyfest has been officially moved to the weekend of August 6, a week later than the July 30 weekend it was previously scheduled for. Just in case there's any confusion. :)
VastaKustutaI kinda regret not going to BroNYCon this past month and might not make it to the Sep. one(depending if I go back to school in the fall). I just find it stressful going to the city, especially by my lonesome. I guess there's always next year :/
VastaKustutaI hosted an impromptu Brony meetup at CONvergence this past weekend. A couple dozen people hung out all evening, watching episodes and having a wonderful time.
VastaKustuta>NEAR YOU!
Haha, nope!
Near me? But I don't even live in the US...
VastaKustutaWhy do you keep mocking me Seth. WHY?!
VastaKustutaSan Francisco Bay Area REPRESENT!!!! :-D
And don't be ashamed to start your own group, wherever you are!
Aren't there any other bronies in Canada?
VastaKustutaNeeds more Florida. ):
VastaKustutaThis is the ONLY reason to be sad to live in Minnesota. But yeah... Me too.
@Roman500 Yes. Yes, you should get your train ticket. And RSVP. And join the group!
VastaKustuta@DareDreamer We'll also be having a BroNYCon in December. Also, you can carpool or travel with another pony! :)
VastaKustutaTo all the ponies regretting the lack of a group near you...
VastaKustutaSTART a group near you! Email me (prpltnkr at gmail dot com) and I will help you get started.
It takes a bunch of work, and depending upon the size of your group may even take money, but it's well worth it.
... I hate Kentucky.
VastaKustutaI feel lonely here in Boise Idaho.
VastaKustutaBronies meetup groups don't magically start up. It takes a brony with the gumption to say "You know what? I'm going to start a meetup group" to do it. :) So, who will step forward? Florida, Minnesota, Chicago... all of these are in need of leaders! Who will take up the challenge?
VastaKustutaFor the record, I am a Twilight Sparkle type myself, a total nerd and shut-in. And somehow, I've been one of the founders of the entire bronies meetup network, and head the largest meetup group by far.
If I can do it, you can too!
why cant their be one in LA, their should be a lot of us here!
VastaKustutaThere needs to be one here in Hawaii lol... no activity going on here! XD
VastaKustutaHmmm... which is closer, San Fran or Phoenix...?
VastaKustutaMaybe I could get a train to San Fran...
Holy crap, the DFW meetup is only 10 minutes away from my house.
VastaKustutaIs there one in Omaha, Nebraska >> my computer is being junky and won't load so I can't check...
VastaKustutaIm roughly 4 hours away from NY.
VastaKustutaNow I only need a car
VastaKustutaTime to start organizing?
I'd help where I can, obviously...
Wow, I'm surprised at all the Minnesotans commenting!
VastaKustutaI'm also from Minnesota c:
If I didn't have such terrible experiences with trying to create meet-up groups in past fandoms, I'd try making one in the Minneapolis area for sure XD;;
Why did you make up your own pony pun for NYC when there already is one?
VastaKustuta@Crimson Valor
VastaKustutaThe weather should be nice in the bay for the next couple of days.
First meetup is in Fremont, though.
No Ausbrony cons :(
VastaKustutaAlso Bronies in the Phoenix Area we are holding the first meetup here on July 30th at Gamer's Inn!
VastaKustutasign up at
After going to the first official NYC meetup hosted by Purple Tinker back in May, I must say it's wonderful to see this spreading. I want to go again on a BroNYCon date in the future!
VastaKustutaThanks, Purple, for being awesome.
Bronies! Y U no meet up in southern California?
VastaKustutaGreat post, I want to meet other bronies in my area but don't know where to start.
VastaKustutaYou are not alone! Canadian Bronies ftw! I know at least two others locally, and the FiM meetup at AN in Toronto had at least 300 people.
SoCal bronies! Minnesota bronies! Canadian bronies! You want a group? START ONE! Email me to find out how. (prpltnkr at gmail dot com)
VastaKustutaAll it takes is one pony to make the dream a reality! There is only one Purple Tinker. If I could clone myself to run all the pony groups nationwide, I would!
Are there any South Florida bronies? I'm tempted to maybe try starting something up, but I'd like to know if any bronies are in my area first. :)
VastaKustutaWe need one up here in Toronto, Canada!
VastaKustutaThat's the second Torontonian I've heard from! Who's going to be the first to step up and be a LEADER OF PONIES?
VastaKustuta@AnonymousWhere in FL? Speak up yo!
VastaKustutaI'm not actually in a position to do anything ATM... :(
@Puzzle Hooves
Arrgh! 10 hours from LA to Phoenix by train! Not to mention I think I'd have trouble finding a place to stay at 4 in the morning...
And very nearly a bank breaker, too.
There has to be an LA group. LA is a huge city. C'mon, LA bronies, somepony volunteer to lead!
VastaKustutaJust joined the Texas group. Maybe I can get in a meeting or two before I leave.
VastaKustuta@Purple Tinker
VastaKustutaI would!
If I had ANY idea how to DO such a thing.
I'M NOT A CLOSET BRONY! I take my ponies to work FFS!
@Crimson Valor It's not that hard :)
VastaKustuta@Purple Tinker
The Anime Expo Brony meet-up was a huge success. In all honesty I didn't expect so many to attend.
If that was just expo bronies, the amount of LA bronies is sure to be staggering.
I'll be sure to send you an email and I'll see how soon I can jump start an official LA meet.
Dang. Somepony needs to set up a brony meet in Tennessee somewhere. Or at least somewhere close like Georgia or North Carolina. I'd go to it. :D
VastaKustutaI'd attempt it myself, but I'm still in high school....and don't have the necessary funds to do so...heh.
@Steve Holt! : Wonderful! I will prepare to add Ohio (as a link to the RDN group for Ohio bronies) and LA!
VastaKustuta@Purple Tinker
VastaKustutaMaybe if one knows what they're doing. -_-
@Steve Holt!
Let me know, too! Please! I'll do anything I can to help.
Seriously, I'd organize an LA/SoCal meetup if I had the resources. I'm willing to help whoever does start it up however I can.
VastaKustutaThe LA group is being set up as we speak. :)
VastaKustutaSame here! :)
VastaKustutaThere was a MLP:FIM panel in Manetree-all Kickbuck during the What the Fur conference in Early June. About ten bronies attended, roughly 5% of the conference population of animal-themed animation fans. Next year I expect greater numbers.
Needs more Vegas.
VastaKustutaDo I see a volunteer to head a Bronies-Vegas group? :)
VastaKustutaThere needs to be one in St Louis, Indianapolis, or Louisville possibly. To serve the southern midwest and stuff.
VastaKustutaThe one in Portland is in my backyard, considering I live there. I'm Dragryphon/NightmareMoon.
VastaKustuta@Purple Tinker Well, I would be honored! -VegasAnon
VastaKustutaStill no word of anything planned for this years Otakon Convention which will be taking part at the end of this month in Baltimore. Tis a good size east coast convention too.
VegasAnon, if you want to start a group, email me. prpltnkr at
VastaKustutaUgh, nothing around my area except the Dallas event, and that's pretty short notice... Not sure if I can make that one on such short notice. :(
VastaKustuta@Crimson Valor
VastaKustutaThinking about a train from LA to Phoenix? now that's dedication! If any brony did that i'd personally give them a ride to the joint
Sadly the closer to where I live is the Texas meeting
VastaKustutaMexico Y U NOT have bronies
@Purple Tinker Gotcha~
VastaKustuta@Puzzle Hooves
VastaKustutaI'd be more interested in lodging than a ride; arriving in an unfamiliar city at 4am wouldn't do wonders for my nerves. -_-
Regardless, by that time I should have a bit of spare cash, at least enough to get a train ticket to Phoenix. Maybe I can make it. We'll see.
@Crimson Valor
VastaKustutawell if you do hit me with and e-mail @ [email protected] and RSVP to the group
@Purple Tinker
VastaKustutaYeah, I'm more of a Fluttershy. I'd have a hard time getting myself to go to a meetup if there were one here... Let alone start one.
It's not because it's about ponies. I'm not ashamed of that at all. I tell everyone I know that I like My Little Pony. I'd have the same trepidation for any sort of meetup.
AppleCider here- 1/2 of Bronyville Podcast and the Bay Area meetup group above. Love to have you join the 'broncos'. Have a meetup this coming Sunday in San Mateo. Come get some BBQ with Bronies! 25% because of an awesome brony manager. Go check it out!
@Puzzle Hooves
So sad, none near me, though I'm not surprised. Pennsylvania needs more, and I need to start one. I need to raise Pony and Aglet awareness in my area.
VastaKustutaWhy must I be south eastern!?
VastaKustutaSouthern California, I am disappoint. You need to have a brony meetup now.
VastaKustutaBronies, Y U NO IN MIDWEST!?
VastaKustuta@Purple Tinker
VastaKustutawhy am I so midwesternnnnnn
VastaKustutaThere's got to be some other Bronies here from Ohio; someone's been buying all the good merch near me. I'm not in a position to organize, but I'll be open to attend once college starts in the fall and I've got a bit of distance between the people I haven't told.
VastaKustutaI'd like to know more about the Ohio one :)
My face when no Austin, Texas group. Seriously, Dallas is nearly four hours of driving from here. No way in hell am I going that far to chill with 9 people.
VastaKustutaUgh...the closest thing to SC is Washington DC and that's just a bit too far for me.
VastaKustutaUPDATED MAP: Added Ohio, Los Angeles (coming soon-- check back every hour!) and London, Ontario (Coming soon-- check back every few hours).
VastaKustutaAnonymous in SC: I have an Atlanta brony organising a group in Atlanta. EVERYPONY: KEEP CHECKING BACK ON THE MAP PAGE EVERY DAY OR SO-- YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN A NEW GROUP WILL POP UP! :) I will, of course, update this thread as I add new groups.
VastaKustutaMIAMI HAS A GROUP LEADER. Adding South FL Bronies... will be up soon.
VastaKustutaHey guy, just a heads up if your group has a meetup planned remember to RSVP to it!
VastaKustuta@Anon and @Trishula
VastaKustutaStarshine and I are planning an Ohio meet for July 23rd!
I also started a Facebook event for it.
You can email me at [email protected] if you would like to help with the meet up planning!
If there were any Michigan bronies, I would consider creating/joining one. The Ohio one is kinda far.
VastaKustutaI live ON the south florida mark, cool huh?
VastaKustutaAwww, you have to be an adult....
VastaKustutaThe whole 'adult' thing is to avoid non-bronies-- who largely do not understand the whole brony phenomenon-- from freaking out and going 'OH CRAP A BUNCH OF PEDOS ARE TRYING TO LURE IN 6-YEAR-OLD GIRLS WITH PONIES'. It's pointing out that these groups are primarily focused on adults, and are not pedo groups, basically.
VastaKustutaKids are welcome, of course, within reason. Bronies-NYC has multiple under-18 ponies. They just can't attend the afterparties or sleepovers, that's all. But the cons themselves are all-ages!
The whole 'adult' thing is to avoid non-bronies-- who largely do not understand the whole brony phenomenon-- from freaking out and going 'OH CRAP A BUNCH OF PEDOS ARE TRYING TO LURE IN 6-YEAR-OLD GIRLS WITH PONIES'. It's pointing out that these groups are primarily focused on adults, and are not pedo groups, basically.
VastaKustutaKids are welcome, of course, within reason. Bronies-NYC has multiple under-18 ponies. They just can't attend the afterparties or sleepovers, that's all. But the cons themselves are all-ages!
I can't make the 23rd. :( Still at home till college starts at the end of August, and I don't think my dad will let me borrow the car/give me a ride for a pony convention. Why does public transit have to suck where I live?
Oh ok! I'll try an do that and maybe when I get older I'll be able to go to the other stuff! Living down South with a middle class family doesn't help though.
VastaKustutaHmmm, the closest choices I have are Texas and Ohio. Both are hundreds of miles from where I live. Somepony get a meetup going in the midwest, pleeeeease?
VastaKustutaWell we are going to have lots of other meets. So just join the RDN or Flankbook group to keep up to date.
One day... one day...
VastaKustutaEuropean map now OPEN! If you wish to organise a group in Europe, let me know! The first one up is Edinburgh, Scotland.
VastaKustutaI'll do that as soon as I get back to the full version of FB, the mobile one does not seem to like Bronies. I'm in Columbus now, but I'll be studying in Cleveland in the fall, so hopefully there will be a meet I can sneak off to in one of those places. I really want to be at the one on the 23rd, but I just can't get out of the house without coming out of the pony closet (stable?) in front of my parents.
VastaKustutaIf I'm going to be posting here this often, I really need something better than anon.
@Anonymous in Ohio: Check the map; it links to an Ohio group based on :) They should be able to help you! :)
VastaKustutaOh how i wish i could go to northwest bronyfest. My mom won't take me, not just becuase she's not into the whole ponies thing, but becuase she thinks all you bronies are creepy old pedophiles! I'm 18 so pedos wouldn't be interested even if i do look like I'm twelve. I swear parents are such a drag!
VastaKustutaHave your mom go with you! Seriously, she might enjoy herself. I can relate; my mom was terrified I'd get snatched away by a pedo even when I was in my late teens.
VastaKustuta--Purple Tinker (who runs BroNYCon)
I'd like to start up a group for Baltimore (Since DC is to far for someone without a car and at least I can bus to Baltimore). But I feel I should pry find a second in command for such a venture. SO ANY BALTI-BRONIES, STEP FORWARD IF YOU WANT TO HELP START UP A MEET-UP GROUP!
VastaKustutaAdding new links: ATLANTA and PITTSBURGH incoming!
VastaKustutaFor the record, Bronyfest Northwest is a gathering, not a con. If it does well, those planning want to make it a full-blown con for 2012 or 2013.
VastaKustutaAC from the Bay Area meet. Do what I'm going to do. Set up a group, ask wheres a good place to host if you don't have one picked, host and find out who is willing to help.
I'm chilean ;-; I can't go.
VastaKustutaDamn, the closest location (Seattle) is TWO DAYS by car
VastaKustutaOpen one near you! :)
VastaKustutaPittsburgh and Atlanta now added!
VastaKustutaHey Tinker... The way I understand it, these meetups are just brony meetups, not actual cons... Is it possible you could create an official BronyCon annually (or something, regularly, at least), but in a different place each time?
VastaKustutaMost established cons have a set venue. There is already an established (albeit small) con, BroNYCon (which had 90 attendees last time; next time we hope to break 100, maybe even 150 or 200), and Northwest Bronyfest is trying for one in the northwest. I'm not sure if having a rotating venue for a con would be a good idea, especially in a community with relatively little spending-money. I think it's best to have one large con in the northeast, one in the northwest, one in the southeast, one in the southwest, and one in Chicago for the midwest. That's my ultimate dream, and would cover as many ponies as possible.
VastaKustutaWe already have the northeast well under way, and the northwest is nipping on our heels. Now we just need the southeastern and southwestern ponies to get in gear-- AND CHICAGO! SOMEPONY IN CHICAGO START A GROUP ALREADY! Yeesh. :)
VastaKustutaMy problem is that I have a very unstable schedule right now with work and very few transport options. I used to bus everywhere but now that's become an issue. I'd hate to start up a group and then not be able to go because of silly things like not getting to the bus, no car and my job.
I more or less want to help and encourage a Baltimore group to start up and when things get more stable for me I'd be a regular attendant. I mean I have a good location, the inner harbor, which has a variety of meet-up locations and attractions for our pony ways.
Though it would lack things like gaming and the ability to computer and watch ponies, so maybe we can eventually get a regular location that allows for such things. :3
Its stuff like this that makes me sad I'm out in rural Alberta, probably one of the last places on the brony meetup list. Heck, I'd bet this place has a pretty low brony ratio anyway. I'll have to convert people left and right or something.
VastaKustutaholy moley the map, its like the bronifest destiny
VastaKustuta**Why no love for the Midwest? I live in the Greater St. Louis area, all of these are just too far out of the way. :(**
VastaKustutaYeah, Bro, the closest meetup to US is in Ohio. :(
(I live in St. Louis too)
:D one of my friends from school is hosting the one for the DC area. I'm set:)
VastaKustutaThose places are no where near me :( asia
VastaKustutaOnce again; damnit Europe! D:
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaI'm hardly even 5 miles away from the southwest Phoenix, AZ one (read: Mesa). I don't know about doing bunches of organizing, but I'm sure I want to be there. I'd be more than happy to help somehow. Not sure what all we'd do, though.
VastaKustutaLakeland, FL sounding off here. South Florida's a bit of a drive but it might work and it's a fair bit closer than Atlanta.
VastaKustutaThere is one in the midwest, it just hasn't been put up on the map yet. Soon, my good bronies, soon, as long as you count Chicago as Midwest. Nope, I'm not the coordinator, I'm just a messenger. ;)
VastaKustutaAlso link/shameless plug - jooooin us!
i was in seattle a week ago!!! why?!?!?!
VastaKustutaWe need some kind of London brony meetup! D:
VastaKustutaI know I'm nit picking on a awesome idea, but why is there no Republic of Ireland cities listed on the European map? I would love to have an Dublin Brony meetup. I know that there has to be more than just me here.
VastaKustutaWhat about Chicaaaagoooooo?!
VastaKustutaDemands Toronto be added.
VastaKustutaCome on. We're Canadians.
We supply you with ALL of your lumber.
That was not an idle threat.
@Chocolate Splash
VastaKustutaMy little brony? Read my last comment, darling.
@Xain Russell
@Diamond Charm
Would anypony out there be interested in a Kansas City meetup? It's a ways away from most other cities (3 hrs to Omaha, 4 to St. Louis, 4.5 to Tulsa) but it's pretty central, and closer than a lot of the other events. It's about an hour from where I live, but I think that's close enough for me to plan something if there is interest.
VastaKustutaOh, and about 3.5 hrs from Des Moines. I've never actually been there, but that's what Google says.
VastaKustutaI'm sure one of my cousins that lives in Ranelagh prolly loves the show.
I've got a name and a RDN account now, so I'm officially in the loop. Thanks for the help/encouragement Purple Tinker, for someone with a Fluttershy type social skills, it's a bit hard to open up to the community.
VastaKustutaLA ponies: Go join up!
Added Toronto (COMING SOON), Chicago and Los Angeles (live link, no longer COMING SOON)!
VastaKustutaATLANTA GROUP IS NOW LIVE! Go to the map and click through to join your Atlanta-area pony brethren!
VastaKustutaI've been thinking of asking about creating a St. Louis group myself, but I don't have a car. :[
VastaKustutaI'd have to rely on public transportation if I want to get anyway, and I don't understand how the bus system works around here, even though I've lived in this area for close to a decade now...
>Only one Texas group
VastaKustutaTexas is fuckhuge guys. Austin to Dallas is a six hour drive. That's a long damn way just for poni.
Don't worry, everypony. St. Louis is coming right up. I already have somepony interested in starting said group; hopefully, he will respond to my last email shortly.
VastaKustutaAs for Texas, I have at least one more Texas group to add to the map tonight...
^Yeah, the person interested in starting said St. Louis was me. :D
VastaKustutaI already sent the e-mail to ya. x3 Though I'm not all that great for thinking up custom designs and logos for the group. >_>;;
@Sun Ray
The new update includes a Minnesota group c:
I'd totally go to the AZ one since it's less than a mile away, but I'm still a closet brony... :(
VastaKustutaCome out of the closet! We have cupcakes.
VastaKustutaI so wish there was a Nebraska group xD I don't have the resources to start one myself
VastaKustutaToronto group up!
VastaKustutaUs Floridian bronies are praying for a convention in Orlando!
VastaKustutayes, next week 655 n. 108th avenue
GAAAAAAH! Nothing near Nampa, Idaho....
VastaKustutaIf you could contact Purple Tinker, here is my meetup group for Nova Scotia, Canada. The meetup city (town) is Truro if maybe she could add it to the map. Here is the link to the group:
Thanks so much!
Ben Chitty
We need one in Florida. Come on everypony.